"Climate's changed before"

>"Climate's changed before"
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing.
>"It's the sun"
In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions
>"It's not bad"
Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives.
>"There is no consensus"
97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.
>"It's cooling"
The last decade 2000-2009 was the hottest on record.
>"Models are unreliable"
Models successfully reproduce temperatures since 1900 globally, by land, in the air and the ocean.
>"Temp record is unreliable"
The warming trend is the same in rural and urban areas, measured by thermometers and satellites.
>"Animals and plants can adapt"
Global warming will cause mass extinctions of species that cannot adapt on short time scales.
>"It hasn't warmed since 1998"
Every part of the Earth's climate system has continued warming since 1998, with 2015 shattering temperature records.
>"Antarctica is gaining ice"
Satellites measure Antarctica losing land ice at an accelerating rate.
>"Ice age predicted in the 70s"
The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming.
>"CO2 lags temperature"
CO2 didn't initiate warming from past ice ages but it did amplify the warming.
>"Climate sensitivity is low"
Net positive feedback is confirmed by many different lines of evidence.
>"We're heading into an ice age"
Worry about global warming impacts in the next 100 years, not an ice age in over 10,000 years.
>"Ocean acidification isn't serious"
Ocean acidification threatens entire marine food chains.

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah, okay. the pattern just happened to change when (((they))) started pushing their agenda for (((donations))) to fight back

No, it's just when (((they))) started industrializing the economy and reducing trade workers with unskilled labourers in factories to mass producer shit you don't need.

And (((fossil fuels)))

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but won't someone think of the pooor, poor shareholder's profits?

that's the real crime against humanity. And, after all, a CEO's responsibility is to increase shareholder's wealth. Really, it's their job. You can't be angry with them for just doing their job and doing as they're told, can you? What are you, some sort of monster? How would you feel if someone came to your work and started telling you how to do your job and that you're a horrible person. How would that make you feel?


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I fucking hate capitalism.

boomer reporting in, the world is fucked but i'll be dead before anything happens, fuck you all I don't give even one fuck about your future
enjoy not being able to go outside in 30 years kids

(Technically) Zoomer reporting in. I don’t give enough of a shit to care, fuck this planet and the people on it lmao.

It’s all just a bunch of selfish cucks who argue about which skin color a Pokémon character should have.

Kek and fuck you!

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What's the solution then? China, India, US, EU gonna stop running coal power plants? I'd love to see that. Were not gonna drive cars anymore? Not gonna ship goods across oceans?

>It’s all just a bunch of selfish cucks who argue about which skin color a Pokémon character should have.


>humans are now the dominant forcing.
No they aren't you pseudo intellectual parrot only 8 percent of greenhouses gases are produced by humans, tell bill nye to suck it. The climate has always changed, you just want to retard the climate at a point it is comfortable for YOU FOREVER, because you are a fucking narcissist. Plus you are so fucking stupid you think a bunch of assholes who can't do anything right are going to dial in the climate that is....just...right if you just surrender enough freedom and cash to them. Looki asshole I could kill every living thing on the planet right now and the climate will still change and there isn't a fucking thing you or anyone else can do about it. Stop being a mindless fucking tool.

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Time to build a weather machine and spray chemicals in the sky

Yeah let's go back to when famines and disease ruled the planet, because it was so much fun you fucking idiot.

just nuke China and everything will be good

testing NIp

Death of the pollinators is my main concern. Most of these retards don't understand how sensitive bugs are to temperature and hand pollinating crops is massively labor intensive.

Capitalism has nothing to do with that. You can thank scientific advancement.

is that a valid argument?
facts are the biological ecosystem will collapse and massextinctions already started taking place.
over 60% of major cities are threatened by rising sea levels 2 billion people will become refugees.

>Imagine being this retarded

Attached: image_large.png (768x582, 193K)

Yeah I watched all that dazzling technology that came out of the Soviet Union Sputnick was THE SHIT. Once you take financial incentive out of innovation it ceases to exist. Go be stupid somewhere else.

It's funny how the stupidest conspiracy theories about rich and mighty people and how they hide and mask the truth spread easily on the net. But when there's actually a conspiracy by rich and mighty oil companies to undermine serious and demonstrable scientific results going on, most conspiracy theorists believe them.

Attached: facepalm-che.jpg (409x322, 23K)

>Once you take financial incentive out of innovation it ceases to exist
That's probably why capitalists consider R&D to be a waste of money, right? Or why readily available technologies to improve quality of life aren't being sold? Or why so many industries have completely stagnated?

I'd tell you to go be delusional somewhere else, but Yea Forums is the perfect place for you

USSR developed a closed loop rocket during the space race, the US hasn't

Go take a course couse on geology you fucking retard. Where I'm sitting right now was under 2 kilometers of ice 12,000 years ago, a fucking blink of the eye in geological time you arrogant twit. Guess what asshole? It all fucking melted. Google that shit asshole it was called the North American Ice Sheet and when the earth reaches it's solar minimum
it will get fucking cold again. You have some nerve calling someone a retard when your post proves you merely repeat whatever confirms your bias and critical thought eludes you entirely.

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>Imagine being this retarded
Don't you know that we're entering a solar minimum and still warming faster than at any point in history? How out of touch with reality are you?

When you understand what a credible source is, the theory behind due diligence, and how to constuct a valid argument in accordance to the rules of logic you come back little boy. You opinions are meaningless.

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This is gr8 b8

It got everyone riled up.

Please, do tell...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-22 Definition of CHERRY-PICK.png (760x418, 31K)

Amen to that Yea Forumsrother


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Keep sucking that corporate dick, user. Fact is if capitalism was inherently good for scientific advancement and quality of life we would have DC supergrids, cars would be equipped with smaller engines, turbochargers, and KERS, and powerplants would clean their emissions.

All of that is off-the-shelf technology and none of it is used.

Of course people will try to make a buck out of it, it's always been like that. Doesn't mean climate change doesn't exist.

Well, just remember to hold a grudge. When the world finally comes around to realizing it is humans causing the issue, you need to get as many people as possible to argue the opposite in the harshest possible manner out of sheer spite. It will be absolutely hilarious because now that people want something done, you'll have every legal right to oppose them with junk science, bullshit statements, and charts that you can doctor up to "prove" them wrong.

testing sGO

Sure, I'm always happy to educate people who can't use Google. They "lost" the space race because they put all of their resources into the development of a closed loop rocket because their lead scientist couldn't tolerate engines with efficiencies of ~15%. They successfully developed the engine, which American rocket scientists deemed impossible, but they couldn't scale it up without another massive investment and so the leaders of the USSR decided to instead use a bunch smaller engines to save on cost. They couldn't synchronize those engines and so their rocket fell over and the whole world laughed. They're still the best rockets built to date and now American space companies are buying these 50 year old engines for exactly that reason.

Sounds like you have no argument

OH ya, it's going to happen either way, the difference is when.
That's hardly even the problem, as much as cars are. So really, the point is we're







We're definitely fucked. Only thing that could save us is a massive push towards carbon neutral technologies and active carbon sequestration, but that's not going to happen.

>"Climate scientists are in it for the money"
Climate scientists could make far more money in other careers - most notably, working for the oil industry.

>"Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions"
The natural cycle adds and removes CO2 to keep a balance; humans add extra CO2 without removing any.


This is why Elon Musk purchased russian rockets to make reusable...

That's already happening.

Honestly, telling people to 'dilate' just makes you look uneducated. Not only do you not have an argument, but you don't even know how sex changes work.







So, he thinks I am post-op trans women that has to dilate, because they're the only people to be opposed to communism.

Weird leap. /pol/ is fucking weird. They're just going off and off into their own meme world.

Dont belive the hype !

Attached: CO2_60Mio.jpg (626x281, 86K)

Yeah, but he's saying once the deniers realize their fucked and beg to be saved everyone who knew it was real should wave denier propaganda around and block any attempt to prevent societal collapse as retribution

>"It's not happening"
There are many lines of evidence indicating global warming is unequivocal.

I have no understanding of what that graph even means.

Yep. The myth stems from some thread on Yea Forums where someone claimed to have had a sex change and that they need to keep a dildo in them for several hours a day in order to keep their artificial vagina from healing up. I just take it as evidence that the person I'm arguing with is a moron who knows nothing about the world around them.

Except that's not how intelligent people work. You would assume the soonest adapters of it would be the smartest people, like Al Gore, inventor of the internet.

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It's CO2 concentration over time. The timescale is in millions of years which is why he posted it in German.

Trannies are some of the most ardent supporters of communism because they think the world is against them while not realising their own delusions. Luckily a good portion of them kills themselves long before climate change does.

I wasn't arguing. I was asking what the solution is. To stop refining oil, that fertilizes and pesticides all the food we eat, that constitutes all the plastic products that makes our modern lives possible? What's the solution?

No, I assume scientifically illiterate people would believe propaganda from oil companies over scientists that say "we might have to give up a modicum of comfort to avoid mass deaths"

C02 was never as high as it is today -> NO

Even if your delusions were true my point still stands. Your ignorance makes you look moronic at best

You forgot about "who gives a shit?"

Look it up, retard. Dilation is real and trannies have to do it for months to keep their flesh wound from closing up.

Ok fine it’s real but Al Gore is still an idiot.

At this point there probably isn't one. Market-based "solutions" (remember we're fucked) would be cutting fossil fuel subsidies, socializing the grid so that renewables can be more freely installed, implementing a carbon tax to penalize use, mandating power plants to clean their emissions, and massively subsidizing renewable energy, energy storage, and electric vehicles. We won't ever implement a single item on that list.

It's has not been this high throughout all of human existence

to ride bikes and ban plastic straws

We have to make a new deal with Manbearpig!

Attached: manbearpig.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Six months is how long it takes to heal from massive reconstructive surgeries. You morons like to pretend it's for life

Tell china and india to stop fucking polluting then, i drive a hybrid and recycle. Go preach where it matters you fucking dipshit

You will when you're paying $20 for an apple (best case) or watching your house be destroyed by hungry looters (worst case)

>"CO2 measurements are suspect"
CO2 levels are measured by hundreds of stations across the globe, all reporting the same trend.
>"CO2 is not increasing"
CO2 is increasing rapidly, and is reaching levels not seen on the earth for millions of years.

Hybrids are garbage. Trade it in for an electric vehicle and thank me later

>t. /po/

>CO2 is increasing rapidly
And that's a good thing.

You don't have very good reading comprehension. I never made either of those claims and my implication was user's dishonesty in posting a graph with a timescale of millions of years.

Get your shit together.

One of the first guys to warn you, and bring you online memes.

It's really not. I bet you think the plants are going to eat it all up and save us, right?

>"There's no correlation between CO2 and temperature"
There is long-term correlation between CO2 and global temperature; other effects are short-term.

Oy vey goyim, don't blame chinks and third world countries for polluting our planet. Even though your country follows the highest standards, you need to tax the hell out of your middle class to make your current lifestyle unfeasible, while niggers keep dumping plastic into the ocean. And remember goy, nuclear energy bad.

Nuclear energy is expensive. What if we used the 10 billion dollar subsidies for fossil fuels to subsidize nuclear instead?

>"CO2 emissions do not correlate with CO2 concentration"
That humans are causing the rise in atmospheric CO2 is confirmed by multiple isotopic analyses.


So youd agree then that talking about anthropomorphic climate change is a waste of time?
There seem to be so many other things that actually could be tackled instead of sitting around talking about something we have zero ability to fix

Not at all. You're still reading at a 1st grade level. Try actually reading and processing my posts instead of this kneejerk reaction to fight everyone.

It doesn't matter what else we try to fix, Crazy Eddie. We're headed towards societal collapse and possibly extinction.

Still better than putting placebo tier windmills all over the place.

This is all a load of shit. Why must you climate fags always lie to try and push your bullshit agenda.

P.s. known fact a volcano puts out more shit in one eruption then humans have done in all of history.

Are you going to ban volcanic eruptions?

Cool, then call your representatives and tell them that you don't like fossil fuel subsidies and you want nuclear power subsidized instead. Glad we could find some common ground to attempt to avoid mass starvation.

But why tho? You're the one arguing from the point of ignorance, not easy to understand or tolerate it. I didn't force you to post, shit. You came looking for a fight.

I came for the same reason.

>"Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans"
Humans emit 100 times more CO2 than volcanoes.

The earth has its own natural cycle of adding and removing carbon.

Humans only add to that cycle without removing

It's only bullshit agenda when it's false.

You are flat out wrong. Due some research

>without removing
The earth removes it naturally

It is false

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>We ignored it long enough, and thus there will be serious consequences. So let's ignore it further on and let's not try to at least reduce those consequences. Oh fuck it, why shouldn't we just ignore it completely and let those consequences become even more serious.
You seem to be a clever guy...

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This. Proving any green involved is not evidence for or against climate change. It proves there's capitalists.
And it would be impossible to orchestrate a hoax of this magnitude on such a large scale.

No, you moron. Let me make this simple for you. I know that climate change exists, is caused by humans, and that CO2 is the most significant greenhouse gas because of it's longevity in the atmosphere. I was explaining that very real graph to someone who didn't understand what they were looking at and pointed out that the timescale is irrelevant to human life which is why he probably posted it in German.

You really need to work on your reading comprehension

Not to split hairs but I'll correct one thing
>97% of experts agree
No, 97% of research and studies point to the same result. Also that's an old ass number. Could have changed by now. Maybe even higher.

>Imagine being this retarded
Not only do humans emit more CO2 than volcanos, there are also natural sinks for volcanic carbon


Russian engineers were absolutely genius and accomplished what US scientists thought was impossiible in terms of rocketry. We've incorporated a lot of their technology since learning of it.
There's a really cool documentary about it, wish I could remember it...

You were the one who wanted to use the USSR as a case study for technological advancement in capitalist countries vs non-capitalist countries and you were the one who referenced the space race.

Sucks that the point you were trying to make was flawed

>ignored it long enough
You cant stop the cycle. It heats up then cools down. It's the way the earth works

>Keep sucking that corporate dick, user. Fact is if capitalism was inherently good for scientific advancement and quality of life we would have DC supergrids, cars would be equipped with smaller engines, turbochargers, and KERS, and powerplants would clean their emissions.
>All of that is off-the-shelf technology and none of it is used.
Eat shit you must be one of those assholes that thinks socialism is the solution to everything. Look at the projects fuckface there's your socialism. And you freeloading douchebags aren't taking from me. I can't fucking stand you lazy narcissistic pieces of shit who think
>We're the Paragons of Virtue who will avoid the moral hazards posed by stealing and redistributing other peoples shit
because you are too stupid or lazy to do for yourself. Sounds legit. So you want to legalize theft and then attempt to justify it through some duplicitous victimhood you are correcting. Fucking faggots should be curbstomped.

Attached: socialismlol1.png (1200x1114, 514K)

Around 97% of climate experts agree that humans are causing global warming. Climate scientists could make far more money in other careers most notably, working for the oil industry.

I got a movie idea for you:
The entire world body of experts craft a conspiracy so Americans have to pay more taxes only to be exposed by a plucky band of oil executives and republicans.

Are you daft? Exxon literally was sued and lost because their own research proved about human driven climate change in the 80s which would have a future effect on shares in oil, which they hid from shareholders. That's illegal.

>pointed out that the timescale is irrelevant to human life
So how can you measure something when human weren't even around? Hell recorded history of humans is a blink of an eye compared to the earths time line

I still don't speak deutsche

Don't blame me for your butthurt. If it were profitable to advance science or raise quality of life then capitalism would be doing it. Capitalism is great at selecting the cheapest option and terrible at selecting the best option.

jews have successfully made me a hardworking employee but basement dwelling loser.
>what the fuck do i care

That's why I translated for you

Only retard here is you. It's a proven fact that you can't seem to understand. All you have is opinions and theories.

With science that you wouldn't be able to understand even with an expert holding your hand.

Of course it's growing but the amount of climate scientists don't really change that much because it's pretty much unanimous amongst the legit scientists. It's not talking about research and studies, but the actual people. It says more about credibility in the science field.

Oil company still pay people for results, which seems like 500 scientists that make up 3%

Alright, then surely you can back up your claim with a study

What you're pushing is a conspiracy. welcome to the club

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world's volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide.


Now you post your source

It heats up and cools down chiefly because atmospheric gasses do not exist in balance and fluctuate over long periods of time.
What we have done in the last 100 years is pump co2, a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere at an alarming rate accelerating global warming by unprecedented levels.

>Can't do anything about

We most certainly can affect the gas content in the atmosphere. The entire point of all of this is that that's exactly what we're doing.
Many ways have been proposed to stop it.
There are working patents even that draw co2 out of the air and turn it into a useable fuel. We can make greener more efficient cars, we can impose financial incentives on the companies most responsible for emissions.

Heck, hydrogen fuel cells are pretty nifty and coming along way and their waste byproduct is water instead of co2. Switching en masse to that could lower emissions, and slow warming.

It's talking about the research. That's what consensus is. What all the reports say.

Your numbers are b.s. just like your point. Also those who claim this b.s. are just looking for free money in grants.

testing nJB

The burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use results in the emission into the atmosphere of approximately 34 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year worldwide, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The fossil fuels emissions numbers are about 100 times bigger than even the maximum estimated volcanic CO2 fluxes. Our understanding of volcanic discharges would have to be shown to be very mistaken before volcanic CO2 discharges could be considered anything but a bit player in contributing to the recent changes observed in the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere.

Counter claims that volcanoes, especially submarine volcanoes, produce vastly greater amounts of CO2 than these estimates are not supported by any papers published by the scientists who study the subject.

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Yeah I saw that picture of a volcano with words on it on Facebook too. I'm not an idiot so I actually looked into it with credible sources before duct taping it to my shitty opinions, but you, it confirmed what you think you know so you adopted it straight away dint ya?

>entire world body of experts
Where do you get your info from? Many speak out against your global warming, I mean, climate change that is man made.

It's the way the earth works naturally. But we're adding a significant artificial parameter to that equation and therefore, we can't simply expact it won't influence that natural cycle.

We are bringing about a paradise! What happens when you raise the temperature of a planet that is 70% water? Moderate temperatures worldwide, regular rain in formerly arid regions, less harmful UV rays passing through the atmosphere due to water vapor aka clouds. Why are we fighting this?

>legit scientists
What, only those that agree with you?

testing ysO

Yes, different scientists from all over the planet in every country are just a part of the exact same conspiracy in every language and every government and every culture and every other demographic

because of money.

Oil company and car companies on the other hand are reliable trustworthy pillars of society and truth and justice fighting for the average man.

Just point out what point I am wrong on and I'll gladly help you understand why you're pathetic brainlet that is angry that he's retarded on the side of the big business working for them for free.


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Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives.

In science the legit ones are the reputable ones and that usually operates on reliability of evidence scrutinized by peer revue.

It's not getting the right answer that's important in science, but being able to reproduce the results.

>no u

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You can say that, but the truth is nobody knows what will happen to the ecosystem when the temperatures are more homogeneous and the rain is more regular. It sounds wonderful to me though

So ya, the scientist that agree with each other that this is a fact. Ya.


all you had to do is read down a couple on your last google search

Oh boy another lefty propaganda thread

But it's only showing more extreme weather, the complete opposite of moderate weather. The optimal model for the earth would be cloudless during the day, and cloudy at night to hold in heat. But cloudy all the time just holds in heat day and night and that would cause the entire planets ecosystem to be destroyed.

Even in the deserts, as they would just grow all over the planet until even the oceans boil off and we end up like Venus.

It's not that things will ever go back to normal.

The conditions on Earth as so fucking rare that life itself came forth because of this carbon balance.

It's so fucking rare, that it's how rare it will be to even find another planet with life on it, but all indications is that's the factor for life.

No way to confirm this yet, but this isn't the theory from conspiracy theories, but the search for exoplanets, a relatively new field.

Most exoplanets have been discovered by the Kepler Space Telescope, an observatory that began work in 2009 and is expected to finish its mission in 2018, once it runs out of fuel. As of mid-March 2018, Kepler has discovered 2,342 confirmed exoplanets and revealed the existence of perhaps 2,245 others.

you forgot to throw in the upcoming magnetic pole shift, possibly leaving the earth without a magnetosphere for 200 or so years...


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You mean past all the ones contradicting you?


My argument is simple. The climate has always changed, the climate will always change and there isn't a fucking thing you and the charlatans feeding you your thoughts can do about it. Period. The end.

I hate Yea Forums because you have a couple faggots samefagging a thread to build a false consensus. Take this argument to /pol/ where there are ID's and you can't play your sockpuppet bullshit.

>It's really not. I bet you think the plants are going to eat it all up and save us, right?
Let's see your thesis on the subject. I bet you don't have one either. You are repeating IPCC propaganda and nobody is buying the bullshit anymore. The climate change industry is a cash cow driven by iognorant suckers
>here take my money and freedom and promise to save me
fucking pathetic.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-22 Arctic Ice Cap Grows Same Year Al Gore Predicted It Would Disappear, Networks (775x418, 51K)

>What if we used the 10 billion dollar subsidies for fossil fuels to subsidize nuclear instead?
You have all kinds of ideas on how to spend other peoples money. You are no better than the people you claim to be opposed to. The same thing on the opposite side.

There was two dipshit. So because your see two that agree you just dismiss 3,4 and 5. Okay great argument

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Based schizoposter

>confirmed by multiple isotopic analyses.
Here we go with the buzzword thoughts and soundbyte science. We are now entering full blowhard mode. Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle, kids, there are ignorant opinions being thrown around at the speed of light...

>Imagine being this retarded
For one thing plants are carbon neutral. They simply store carbon, they don't make it go away. For another climate change is bad for all plants because it makes some areas too dry and others too wet. That's why we're experiencing reduced crop yields in almost every country.

Don't let me spoil your fantasy though

Capitalisswm has dome more to advance technology and pulled more people out of poverty than any other economic system in the history of the world. Why would you being an ignorant fucking retard cause me butthurt? You are simply dead fucking wrong. A typical pompous asshole with an inabilty for self reflection or critical thought.

>Better give it to CEOs instead
You have to be 18+ to post here

You are arguing with someone who doesn't give a fuck about facts they just want to convince themselves they are right. Total asshole.

You linked a Forbes article, not a study, and you were refuted by two sources. If you want to play this game then let's see four more sources supporting your position and I'll find eight refuting it

>I'm not wrong, you're wrong!
Wew, lad. One of us certainly doesn't grasp the concept of financial incentive for progress (or lack thereof)

>The fossil fuels emissions numbers are about 100 times bigger than even the maximum estimated volcanic CO2 fluxes
You are a fucking fraud. You are just googling and copying and pasting. Fuck off you waste of sperm.


You're argument is invalid. The climate has never changed at the rate it is currently

You know what trend analysis is? They use it at stock exchanges, too.

Attached: https _blogs-images.forbes.com_trevornace_files_2018_12_Screen-Shot-2018-12-10-at-9.15.08-AM-1200x73 (960x591, 47K)

Just admit it you have to be right to save face and that's all there is, user. We get it. We can post back and forth all day long and it will change nothing. You have your proof and we have ours. Your thread is now pointless.

Lol that's what I get for not reading the autofill

>You have your proof and we have ours
That's not how proof works, moron. You're linking bullshit articles and being refuted by real science. There was even a nice picture posted for the slow kids like yourself

>real science
Because it goes along with my point.

Fucking idiot the article is a reference to the other side of things and you can't accept it. There's plenty of scientific research pointing against your claim. Stop being shortminded and read.

>implying CO2 is the only gas that matters

here's a fucking nugget, volcanoes emit much more potent greenhouse gases than CO2 and in much higher quantities.

Appeal to consensus. Logical fallacy...

Attached: od.jpg (680x680, 81K)

Prove it's not true.

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Makes perfect sense, I know it's way too hot to go outside on cloudy days

>For one thing plants are carbon neutral. Carbon neutrality
Having net zero carbon emissions

Carbon neutrality, or having a net zero carbon footprint, refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference. It is used in the context of carbon dioxide releasing processes associated with transportation, energy production, and industrial processes such as production of carbon neutral fuel.

The carbon neutrality concept may be extended to include other greenhouse gases (GHG) measured in terms of their carbon dioxide equivalence (CO2e) —the impact a GHG has on the atmosphere expressed in the equivalent amount of CO2.

that doesn't even make sense.
>plants are carbom neutral
who taught you to say that one douchebag?

I am and I own my own home and business and your worthless ass is getting none of it you fucking freeloader. There are more jobs than people in our economy, go get one you fucking bum.

What happened to the hole in the ozone layer ?

How do i make a living if people stop digging holes in Australia

Why should i give a fuck when preceding genetations only cared about land grabbing

In 100 years no one will know nor will they care who i was

Back to the primative is the only soloution

Yeah I remember how people fled from the oppressive western capitalist economies during the twentieth century to get to the workers utopia that was the USSR. Those Warsaw Pact nations were the envy of the world while the western countries economies and technologies stagnated...

debunked and phoney stats....go do some actual research

What fantasy utopia do you live in where there are more jobs than people
Its not 1960s anymore grandad and your airdropping and bitcoin enterprise hardly constitutes a business

Yeah okay next you are going to tell me about core ice samples that make you an expert on the neo through paleolithic epochs in earths history.

You are the epitome of narcissistic idiot.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-15 The U S has 1 million more job openings than unemployed workers.png (1014x772, 71K)

Alright, and in exchange take your meds

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-170501.png (1440x2560, 484K)

You have the debate skills of a retarded Ethiopian.

>Imagine being this retarded
What do you think happens to that carbon when the plant dies?

Go back to highschool

Attached: carbon_cycle.jpg (741x513, 44K)

Phillipines digital reality bites

Epic source there you filthy 475 chink pimp

Then either you should pay more in taxes and quit your bitching or find a better accountant

It is recycled into other plants you fucking idiot. You keep posting other peoples research as if that has any meaning. The IPCC has been proven fraudulent. Ever hear of climateaudit.org/2011/03/29/keiths-science-trick-mikes-nature-trick-and-phils-combo/ you fucking charlatan?

I remember people protesting the Russian government because they wanted Stalin back. Aren't memberberries fun?

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. You think it's not real you have google right retard? Are you too stupid to use it?

Right, which is why their carbon neutral. Now combine that knowledge with the fact that the changing climate will support less plant life regardless of how much CO2 is in the air. What do you think will happen?

Fuck you I guarantee you don't pay taxes you are most likely claimed as a dependent on your mommy or daddy's tax return you fucking scumbag who do you think your kidding and if not then you are one of those assholes that files for a return in January because you are a fucking freeloader.

Attached: taxes.png (672x504, 258K)

Sure you do buddy, sure you do...

Do you know how much CO@ the oceans put out annually? How you going to stop that? Oh that's right you fucking can't. Asshole. Selling people sunshine so you can fleece them of their freedom and money climate change is the song of the modern snake oil sales man.

This. The chinks won't stop burning fossil fuels.

My beloved disciple.
Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you. But you, as well as I, know capitalists aren't good because they call themselves capitalists, they're good if they follow the moral code, I, in my infinite kindness, gave to them. Otherwise, they are just thiefs and scammers which falsely call themselves "capitalists".
If you lie about the consequences of your acts, you're a lier. If you suppress, distort or manipulate objective, scientific facts, you're not acting like a rational being, you're acting like a brute. If you use those lies to make money, you're not a capitalist, you're a fraud and a leech.
That's not something, I, the greatest human being ever, approve.
Thanks for listening my beloved disciple.
Yours sincerely

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I've got to be honest, I don't fucking care the world is a fucked place full of fucked people including me so it can burn for all I care

The planet has been a lot warmer historically. Climate change is normal.

Attached: global temp.jpg (1700x638, 167K)

> Oceans and Co2.
Whatever dude.

Did you know Japanese satellite data from the satellite they launched to measure things like Co2 shows U.S.A. and some other first world countries are net Co2 absorbers?

Of course not. Once it was published, it was disappeared and ignored.

I dont get why everyone is fighting. A new ice age will happen. It has happened before it will happen again. People keep arguing about the cause, people keep arguing about "stopping" it. There is no stopping climate change. Why are we not instead preparing for the inevitable? If memory serves I believe only 10% of human population survived the last one. Yet nope let's not think of a way to survive let's argue about who's to blame. Let the retard have his moment if he would rather parrot idiotic ideals while forcing reality into the wind.

We're currently in an Ice Age........

Attached: sadpepe.jpg (640x424, 28K)

Project harder. That'll really make me sympathetic to your lower tax rate

did you read about that prehistoric wolf they recover from siberia? fucking prehistoric niggers and their climate change

It's old news (literally). You can look it up if you like

>Loses argument
>Falls back to "we can't do anything so we should do nothing"

The only problems I have with the climate change issue is the people who are arguing it's a big deal and the inability to solve it. If all the end-climate-change groups weren't full of faggots then I'd truly give a shit but as it stands it seems like we're fucked anyway, might as well go out with a bang. We can't make any of the rich shithole countries change how much they affect the climate. World War 3: Climate Change edition?