How do you feel about AOC likening US detainment camps for illegal immigrants to concentration camps?

How do you feel about AOC likening US detainment camps for illegal immigrants to concentration camps?

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Other urls found in this thread: concentration camps&oq=obama concentration camps&gs_l=psy-ab.3...142679.147805..147993...0.0..0.132.2848.1j24....2..0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0j0i20i263j0i131j0i70i251j0i3.tYHPWG7Fl-Y

are you surprised? it's the same tricks the kikes pulled with hitler, except they won back then

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A bit of a stretch but I appreciate aoc for taking a stand against Donny and LSC

It's just what I come to expect of the dumb cunt, spew a load of utter bullshit and watch it get lapped up by brain dead liberals who then go and quote it as fact. The interweb has got a fucking lot to answer for

it's fucking retarded, sure we need immigration reform but we're just doing what we should send them back to their shithole country that they don't want to fix themselves

Why do we still give this retard attention? Her opinion is invalid.

It's true

>A bit of a stretch

Actual definition of concentration camps which is “a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard.”

Waitman Wade, who is a holocaust and genocide studies scholar said, "Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz." “Concentration camps in general have always been designed—at the most basic level—to separate one group of people from another group. Usually, because the majority group, or the creators of the camp, deem the people they're putting in it to be dangerous or undesirable in some way." "Not every concentration camp is a death camp—in fact, their primary purpose is rarely extermination, and never in the beginning. Often, much of the death and suffering is a result of insufficient resources, overcrowding, and deteriorating conditions.

Use your brain you fucking retards.

Only 5 years ago we had libertarians and Tea Party retards buying up guns and cowering in their bunkers because they thought FEMA camps were concentration camps where Obama's death panels would execute old people LOL

Only Hope For AOC is she makes it to PORN

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t. soy brainlet

>Waitman Wade, who is a holocaust and genocide studies scholar

Lost all credibility right there. Grow up faggot.

but that's not what the public understand concentration camps to be

why is the left using this dogwhistle to compare normal US border control to the holocaust?

that's just debased. If you disagree with US border policy then debate it like an adult, don't use the deaths of 6 million jews as a political tool. We need to keep political debate civil.

So actually these camps aren't a stretch at all. By this definition, these camps are actual concentration camps. Frightening, but thank you for the update.

AOC is spot on

My benis now feels funny for some reason

Do you prefer the term "internment camp" instead? Yeah sure that went over swimmingly over the next few decades didn't it.

Like it or not you stupid fucking morons they're the definition of concentration camps, and no one is likening them to the jews except the fucking morons that give exclusive right of the term to WWII Germany.

This is why everyone's so fucking dumb, too busy caught up on semantics, fighting about what the correct word is and ignoring the fact that Yea Forums is still full of faggots who have dick/IG/FB/cuck rate threads. I never thought I'd say it but I miss queen boxxy Yea Forums

>lost credibility
>quoting PhD professor at UVA

She is a moron.

she's correct.

First reaction, I’m okay with it.

Second reaction, that makes a lot of sense. Nice to see the language reclaimed.

Her and Trump are shockingly similar. Both just say provocative shit for the sole purpose of rustling jimmies.

She is correct.
Waitman is correct. The british had them during the Boer War, and we had them during WW2 for the Japanese, though not for the German or Italian (weird how skin color MAY have played a part in that).
These are stupid people, and easily misled. They're probably unkered in their Freedum Bunker USA (that old trailer behind the barn) waiting for their Beck Bucks to rise in value. Fuck them.
Trump has a noted reputation for lying through his teeth. Where is AOC wrong?

It's true. Children are dying, but it's okay for some people because they're darker skinned

Usual over hype for her. They aren’t even called detainment camps, it’s called a detention facility. Calling them camps is the spin doctor at work.
Also, we probably should have said “camps”. Immediate deportation within 36 hours

And they pop out new ones with relative ease. The child supply gets replenished

It's a pretty fair comparison if you remember that concentration camps weren't meant for mass executions, they were meant for detainment.


Dumb fuck

I don't feel anything about her. I don't care about her. She's a freshman senator with no power.

You, otoh, are obsessed with her. Why?

She's just another outrage merchant. She's just trying to build her brand like any other politician. She's a fuckwit who hasn't accomplished anything in life outside of being elected, just like most politicians. Hopefully her communist agenda doesn't catch on though. I don't like it when millions of innocent people die.

They're totally concentration camps. Just like the Japanese Internment camps. Just admit that you guys wish you could set up death camps to kill everyone you don't like, we all know that's what you want.

>iT's CaLlEd A dEtEnSiOn FaCiLiTY

fuck off nazi scum

>all those innocent children living in inhumane conditions, I'm totally fine with that though.

Last time I checked nobody walked for days just to get into a Nazi concentration camp...

so are prisons considered concentration camps?

Not him, and not saying it makes the camps right or wrong, but some of those people had it worse in their home countries compared to the camps.

No because prisoners aren't being "detained" they're "incarcerated". They've been found guilty in a court of law and are serving a legal term of imprisonment. These people have not been to trial, have not been formally arrested or even tried. They've been locked up illegally by a corrupt administration.

yep, she is literally correct. right wing freaks out at everything she says because they desperately don't want more dem politicians who actually stand up for things

Hysterical and inaccurate.

>You should be grateful for the roof over your head and the fact that we throw rancid water in your face once a day!

ga'fuck yeeself

Don't stick to the literal definition that would classify a fucking prison as a concentration camp .

Read up summer fag

Of course she is. Everyone who isn't a political partisan knows it. The only reason why it continues is that the Republicans have a senate majority and the whole lot of them are spineless cowards.

not foot porn though, she's got ugly, weird looking toes.

No, it wouldn't Because Prisoners aren't being "detained". They are incarcerated. Prisons would be "concentration camps" if the people inside it were picked up without even being accused of a crime and were locked up without trial.

Obama did the same thing. The only difference is that there are record numbers of people now. It's only a big deal now becuase evil Donnie is doing it.

yes, they concentrate on criminals

Be 5 years ago, claim closed walmarts are being converted into detention centers.
Get called conspiracy theorists.
Still gotta be wrong though, it wasn't for Americans it was for mexicans.
>everything worked out better than expected

I think you clicked the wrong one. I'm saying they are not concentration camps.

she's right

No he didn't. Provide your source.

>camps bad, go home to get shot and raped

We should send her there for the real treatment

The only person shooting and raping me is my hand

pretty accurate desciption

Seems legit

>Don't stick to the literal definition that would classify a fucking prison as a concentration camp .
That's the one I responded to. No, I clicked on the right one. This person is trying to lessen the impact of the term "concentration camp" by conflating it with a prison. Which is false.

This one? That has the definition and history of concentration camps. And also proves AOC is literally wrong.

Read it.

But I’m brown. And legal. And these immigrants should fuck right off

haters gonna hate

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>who cares if I beat you? Would you rather be naked in the street?
You're the kind of guy who beats his wife and kids aren't you?

I conceed on the example, but AOC is still very wrong

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Stop acting like the criminal "justice" system isn't flawed.
There are plenty of innocent peple in jail waiting for their day in court to prove their own innocence.
Yes. Proove. Their. Innocence.

Yeah AOC is a clown

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The sad part is you dont even realize how much you are being mislead. The answer is a quick Google search away but you are too afraid of the answer to go find it yourself. Obama put kids in detention centers. And the left didnt care. Get over your political delusions that the left is somehow this shining beacon of morality.

Nope, since they are there, after trial, for crimes they have been convicted of.
I saw the video of her dancing on the rooftop. I would be very happy to give her toes a nibble.
Jade Helm '15. No estimating the damage the gullible can do when they get an idea in their empty heads.
Put on some bronzer, walk up to one of the camps, and introduce yourself as "Jose". let us know how that goes.

That's not a source that shows Obama putting people in concentration camps.
>Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order.
>proves AOC wrong
>minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security

This doesn't prove her wrong it proves her RIGHT you illiterate nazi fuck. You're supposed to read books not burn them.

Just because you're brown doesn't mean you're not a Nazi.

AOC has a noted reputation for be a self-righteous, arrogant narcissist.

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I think they're adorbs!

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So if your example is wrong then why are you right?

No worries, We only have another 18 months of her. MAGA

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>self-righteous, arrogant narcissist.

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They literally are concentration camps. Why are you incel fucks so scared of her?

Jail and Prison aren't the same thing. The flawed nature of the criminal justice system isn't relevant to the illegal and unethical concentration camps. Just because our criminal justice system is shit doesn't excuse the fact that these people are in those camps.


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Obama put people in some of the same camps that trump is putting people into but now the camps are considered concentration camps by Democrats.

Here's a history of American holding facilities for illegals.

And that source before literally specifies the circumstances such as waiting for a trial (which is what people seeking asylum are doing in the "camps") doesn't qualify as a concentration camp.

You are so fucking clueless.

Oh I thought it was Michelle obama. But it's the newer first lady.
I see what you did there. Admitting flaws then screaming what about trumppppp.

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Just because you’re not OP doesn’t mean you’re not a colossal faggot

You're a hypocrite. Post your name and address

You don't have any proof that I don't abuse my wife. Maybe you should send the cops to take her away.

you gotta get a top down look at em that's not blurry.

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My prison example is for the weird definition you used. Not the actual meaning of a concentration camp.

Just because a specific example is not right doesn't mean the other point is wrong. You spend too much time arguing on the internet.

1. Provide Source
2. See Number 1

Oh look. Someone is still mad there was no collusion found. Tell me again how for 2 years you idiots wailed about how Trump asked Russia to hack the election so he could win. So now its obstruction. Sure kid. You are just mad your party lost to a cheeto.

>Says the woman arguing on the internet

>The answer is a quick Google search away

You can never do that google search yourself and post it, because it would lead me and you to Brietbart. Which is the opposite of a news source.

Here I went and googled "obama concentration camps" concentration camps&oq=obama concentration camps&gs_l=psy-ab.3...142679.147805..147993...0.0..0.132.2848.1j24....2..0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0j0i20i263j0i131j0i70i251j0i3.tYHPWG7Fl-Y

These are my top results.

Breitbart, which is the opposite of credible. Then
Which is Poles mad at obama for calling something a Death Camp. Then
Which is talking about the false conspiracy theory about Obama putting people in camps.


Yeah? Where's your proof of that?

Just more proof the left can’t meme

>using homophobic meme to win imaginary points on an anonymous board
>violating core beliefs to attack the opponent
>actual liberal logic

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Probably helps if I attach the photo.
Never bothered to check the credivilify seeing as it came from the left it's gotta be right.

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How do you get the treason charge? Were we at war?

How is it like being gangstalked? Literal schizo

I guess your deep research into the Mueller report let you to that highly informed conclusion huh?

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She’s 100% correct.

She needs to leave her safe spaces and go there herself

The righty memes are created by the Russian military to troll the dumbshits into voting against their own best intereste. Again

Still caring. By the time you accept there’s nothing, it will be 2024 and you’ll be rid of him anyway

The right doesn’t vote against their best interests, they vote against your interests

I'm not going to Google it for you because any links I post you wont go to. The answer is 10 seconds away on Google if you really want answers.

Like those lawyers who went the other day and then lost their shit at the inhumane treatment kids are receiving there?

Meanwhile, you Trumptards are lapping up every wet shit he drops on your face

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Left, right who gives a shit. 90% of the world's population are borderline retarded. This includes most US citizens

You forgot a comma

I can make stuff up too

It exposed her retarded intellect, so I'm fine with it.

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Voting for a party that is openly selling the system to the highest bidder is not in the interest of ANY working class citizen.

And you are too busy arguing over nothing while the government secretly makes new laws to screw you

This whole thing is a big "I googled the definition of concentration camp" circlejerk

You are an uninformed douche, she directly equated the two in the livestream. In order for any of this to even begin to hold water you have to prove that the people claiming asylum are actually running from something rather than running full sprint towards all the fress social benefits the Democrats want to throw at these potential voters.

Here you stupid cunt. I already DID google it. And I linked my results. You can copy and paste MY evidence right into your web browser and see how right I am.

Fuck I'll even post it AGAIN. concentration camps&oq=obama concentration camps&gs_l=psy-ab.3...142679.147805..147993...0.0..0.132.2848.1j24....2..0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0j0i20i263j0i131j0i70i251j0i3.tYHPWG7Fl-Y

OBAMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Googled, and found NOTHING. You're so full of fucking shit someone must've told you it was chocolate.

Google is for brainwashed idiots

I’m far about the working class, so I am voting in my own best interests then?

Oh I know you can, because that's the only trick in your fucking playbook you pathetic scum. I don't though, here, have a source.

They are concentration camps by definition. If you say their not you're objectively wrong.


Of course you found nothing. Google is a left leaning bias search engine who thinks the truth is a lie and takes everything they don't like and makes it impossible to find. Do you even have critical thinking skills?

>The answer is 10 seconds away on Google
>googled, no answers
>Google is for brainwashed idiots anyway
The absolute state of you fucking apes.

I'm a libertarian you frothy mouthed maniac

So are prisons, so we shouldn’t put people there either?

You need to do some research kid

You can avoid Detainment camps at the southern border by walking the other direction.

Imagine being against capitalism but pro beaner/mass migration. Absolute fucking retards.

OH BOY, I already responded to this. lemme link it real quick. See how easy it is to link things in Yea Forums? A fucking Caveman could do it. What's your excuse for being unable to post even a SINGLE piece of evidence to back up your claims? Just one. Any one even. I'll throw you a fucking bone and let you pick Breitbart or Stormfront.

No, You're scum.

You need to chew on a fucking landmine.

She is not correct. These are facilities are for detaining subhuman criminals who knowingly broke the law to come into the US. So unless you want to stretch concentration camp to mean a place that holds worthless criminals, incorrect.

The people arent refugees, they are foreign invaders that have no respect for sovereignty. Why are there Africans showing up at the southern border? Why are people coming through so many countries to get here? Because they know that if they make it through they get taken care of by the citizens psuedo-stolen tax dollars. $160 billion spent every year on illegal immigration. Shoot them at the fucking border.

Nobody give a shit about your lunacy. You're getting triggered on a Korean basket weaving back page image board. You're literally psychotic

How about the beaners dont cross the border if they dont want to be punished
>but u cant punish the shit skins because they have kids so its okay for them to cross illegally

>can't be accused of crimes against humanity if you change the definition of humanity

To the Guillotine with him!

No u

Nothing the guy said has anything to do with socialism. Fuck off you dumb shit.

Here's an article from Newsweek faggot. Obama used the same camp. It's Fort Sill. It just wasn't reported in a sensationalized way when he did it.

>not refugees
>literally coming here to claim refugee status
Fuck off Francisco Franco.

>news week
How old are you?

Of course. A retarded nigger tier retort. Commies get the wall.

Sorry I'm on my phone or I would throw up a link for you. When all those photos came out last year of kids in cages they were from 2014. Even Philip DeFranco talked about it. Should be an easy thing to look up

They literally are in concentration camps only so far as the facilities exist to concentrate a group of people who would otherwise be dispersed. There is literally nothing wrong with that. But the only reason the democrats insist on calling them that is to invoke nazi propaganda, and you're falling for it.

Recent DNA testing has determined that as LEAST 50% of all the children being brought across the border are being trafficked by people who are not their parents. That's what the family separation is for, making sure that these kids are really with their parents and not with human traffickers. Why would you want to stop something that save children from human and sex traffickers? Do you like children being exploited, pimped out and raped and they're used over and over again?

In addition, the reason they stay there so long is because NGO's tell people to cross over without their mexican documentation purposefully so that ICE won't be able to quickly verify their identities with mexican authorities (including criminal records, parental status, gang affiliations, etc...) before their detention time limit runs out as per the Flores Settlement. Migrants moving into Europe in droves literally did the same thing to avoid deportation because of stupid German laws. These aren't people running for their lives and haphazardly wandering into the US desperate, alone and just seeking relief. NGO's help them plan the trip, they put them in contact with human traffickers, they pay these traffickers THOUSANDS of dollars to cross and that includes rental fees (literally the fee to rent a child to pretend to be yours so you can't be held beyond 20 days as per the Flores Settlement). This is all a well concocted and well thought out scheme to bypass immigration law, not a humanitarian crisis, and you're falling for it. So, my question to you is, do you support the Trump Administration policy to DNA test everyone or so you support traffickers?

>You're just crazy man
OHOHO Crazy am I? Oh yeah it MUST be crazy to argue with facts, logic and cited sources. All the sane people just nod their heads and agree with whatever you say right? Go stick your dick in an ant's nest.

There’s a system for refugees to follow

how dare you

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You are so dumb it's actually difficult to insult you, you're doing a fine job of it yourself


Or how about we dont take in these worthless refugees? They dont benefit our society at all. Literal filth.


You don't benefit our society either you waste of space.

The democrats want exactly what is happening so they can't fuck kids

Can *

>I know you are but what am I

I kinda does though as Nazis are racial identitarians. Or are you charging the definition of Nazi now?

Nazis haven't existed since the late 40s

How about you stop defending these piles of shit who illegally cross the border? They know theyre committing crimes, they come in, demand we serve them, dont assimilate. Theyre worthless criminal scum. These are nothing but prisons for these pieces of shit
But i guess according to you we cant do that because think of the children

Do you not understand why they claim refugee status? They cant just be turned away when they claim asylum. The fact that most of the migrants arent even Mexican at this point should show you fully that they arent being chased or persecuted by anything they already made it out of whatever situation they were running from. They come to the us to leach off the already overburdened immigration system. Free housing, free healthcare, free education, free food and welfare. You need to pull your head out of your ass. These people are scamming their way into the country to suck up social benefits and never pay back into the the system. The Democrats want this to lock down future voters. This is clear as glass.

Boomer detected


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Trump litterally called off the raids for tomorrow but you faggots are still here arguing Orange Man Bad

It's the UN globalists trying to fuck with us

Incorrect. I have a degree in computer science, i work as a software developer, i pay taxes, donate to charity, and dont commit crime. Im infinitely more useful than the filth that are these refugees.

Don't respond to garbage kid

Nazi - National Socialist
Derived from the former National Socialist Workers Party.
Your ignorance is showing, fuck off Buzzword Billy.

Wow what a nuanced and well constructed argument

Yeah. You know you're kinda right.

>Absolute fucking retards.

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>implying that whole thing wasn't just a huge publicity stunt.

this scares the rightards

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The shitposters are in full trigger.

That’s a lot of rednecks. Are you changing the definition of redneck?

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Ends justify the means sometimes

Lmao these boomer pictures have to be shills

that's a lot of empty space and farmland. the blue areas are where the people are

she used the actual definition of concentration camps to describe what we have at the border. WTF is the problem?

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That's the key aspect of their beliefs. Everyone that doesn't agree and follow the rules they make is a redneck, white supremacist, sexist, nazi, you name it-phobic, its all bullshit.

wrong side. the shills all work for putin/trump

but you already knew that, didn't you?

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>boomer tier picture
>degree in pseudoscience
>relying on highschool project for credentials
Surely this justifies letting niggers and beaners in! Righttards pwned.

>still this buthurt that states elect presidents

>never ending supply of boomer memes
>uhh you already knew that didnt you
Shill confirmed

Because the people trying to illegally enter our country are not being forced to come or stay. Shes fabricating outrage about something that is nothing like what shes comparing. Classic liberal feelings based reasoning.

Oh shit Nazis aren't racial identitarians? Oh okay I guess that wholesale slaughter of blacks, Jews, and gypsies was unrelated. So what's your issue with Nazis if there just a socialist party?

Theyre not concentration camps. Everyone stored in there knowingly committed a crime.

Yeah. Cause Hawaii is population central?

They are in the same shit boat as communists and dictators. The whole lot should be eradicated from existence. You ignorantly equating a person who doesn't want illegal immigration in their country is just that, ignorant. You need to see that.

>Shill confirmed

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compared to moose neck montana, yes it is

We don't need a fence. We need sniper towers armed with missile turrets. Just kill anyone who illegally crosses the border.

I feel like it is a great topic for

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>break law
>punitive punishment
Shocking. As much as I support a wall, we also need to get accountability for rogues in the INS, ATF, DEA, FBI, etc. who are doing under the table shit with the Cartels in terms of contraband and funding. That'd simultaneously help stabilize Mexico, bring (relative) peace, limit high scale bloodshed, topple syndicates, create opportunity for Mexico and therefore remove the incentive to rush the US border with open palms. The two hand in hand would benefit everyone except the unjust.

They’re pretty fucking equal moron. A difference of 500k isn’t that much

niggers tongue my anus

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It says something rather unpleasant about America that we're debating what constitutes a "concentration camp."

Human beings are being crammed into cramped, filthy living conditions, and we're playing word games.

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>We don't need a fence. We need sniper towers armed with missile turrets. Just kill anyone who illegally crosses the border.

America is pro-life, retard.

Then dont come to America. Better yet. How about Democrats dont fund caravans of people from Honduras to California, all so a show down on the border can happen which makes trump look bad.

I am so sick of this shit, if the motherfuckers come over here the right way, they won't end up in a camp. Keep bring your asses over here the wrong way and get locked the fuck up. Maybe if we keep this up, they'll finally get the picture.