This has happened to me 3 times in 5 months, how fucked am I Yea Forums?
This has happened to me 3 times in 5 months, how fucked am I Yea Forums?
stop eating hot cheetos nigga
Stop eating so much shitty foods and try some fruits and vegetables with some nuts and fish
I've been bleeding out of my asshole for about 4 years now. I'm too sturbborn and too scared to go to the doctor. I probably have colon cancer. Don't be a dumbfuck like me, go in to get checked out.
Shit I
Same homie I deadass can't be bothered
Definitely wouldnt be alive if you had colon cancer for 4 years. Probably worms eating at your intestines. :D
I never ate them in my whole life
Go to the doctor asap. If your kidneys are damaged and it isn't treated properly you can get lasting damages
Go to a doctor. Anal bleeding is usually just fissures or hemorrhoids...
But this is quite a bit of blood, which points to something way worse.
fucking hemorrhoids man, you're popping them wen you take fat shits. stop sitting on the toilet for like 30 minutes
Blood is too red means it's your arsehole that bleeds, not the intestines.
You've got hemorrhoids at worst and people don't die from that.
I've had this a couple times. First time was a polyp that needed to be removed. No big deal there.
Second have been due to what I assume are fissures (tiny tears) from having too dry/hard dumps.
Go to the doctor and get it cleared up. Change your diet to include more water and fiber. I also find drinking more coffee really helps.
>can't be bothered
>bothered enough to post on Yea Forums about it
>not bothered
haha swag *dabs*
Stop letting dudes bugger you in the ass
Thanks y'all but i noticed there's 3 f a t cuts in my ass prolly due to the hard turd so I don't think there's much to worry about, more imput will be fine tho
Does it hurt like Satan is shoving his spiny fire-cock up your ass? If so, it could be an anal fissure.
Yeah, i guess you're right
Take a stool softener twice a day and spread hydrocortisone cream on the effected area after every bowel movement. It should heal in 4-8 weeks of following that regimen.
Are you retarded?
had this after drinking to much red wine and having fissures too. Cheers