God-tier YLYL.
God-tier YLYL
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 yellowposting copypasta
you first OP
Probably one of the first good ones in here
I think Yea Forums forgot what funny is.
nothing in this thread is even remotely humorous
>p-post something funny then faggot
Acute or obtuse?
I recognize that gay blowjob.
I chuckled,not losted yet
Nearly lost
[human laughter sounds]
Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that the British Criminal Justice System got so sick of him committing crimes against children and getting lenient sentences, that they decided to publicly humiliate him by making him walk around the streets of London with his trousers and his pants pulled down to his ankles, and they made him wear a large wooden sign around his neck that said "nonce", while he was shouted at, spat at, and pelted with bricks and rotten eggs by outraged members of the public, the punishment ended with him having 1000 wasps inserted into his rectum via a metal funnel.
fucken lost, why
i don't get it
you must be really fucking stupid, think about it
Is this "down for the sickness"?
hmm still don't
pls explain
it's daisy's destruction remake made by 20th Century Fox
youre overthinking it, its just not funny
I hate you.
are you serious?
tell child: i'm going to try to clean up this puddle and you try to smack my hand.
while they are preparing to quickly smack your hand, you change the game and drag them through the puddle making it look/feel like they wet their pants.
okay thanks user,
thats not even funny tho
>ahah your pants's wet ahah
Actual fake story outbound.
>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.
At least he didnt shit himself. That man is a genius
Needs moar Xhibit.
Cleft lip doesn't make a child retarded.
So, handicap signs are for faggots?
Little pussy is wet
Dedicated to Vargs channel
Let. What is this from?
chubby chasers = mental issues.
are you autistic. have fun with skelegirl
Based Finlay
But those retarded Chinese downsy eyes sure do
whos is that woman i recognize her
funniest post by far
imagine if the genders were switched
Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.
Moot has randomly selected you to duff up the paedophile Ray Pist.
Well said user, well said.
Lmao all the women leave dudes likes whatever
Korean are the scum of the world find me one south korean without plastic surgery and 10 inche of makeup, it's impossible since they lost all form of humanity centuries ago a korean in it's natural form is a mix between a catfish and a bonobo
That table is filthy with period blood
*internal screaming*
This made me straight
I love her
fuck off Randy
But that's not funny, you retard
It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
Lmfao he dosen't get the joke, newfag pfffiihihihaHaHAHAHOhohohuhuhujijijijaJAJAlololoLOLollelekekestanickeke never lost so hard
kill yourself
can't believe you let this little mug steal your girl
Why tho?
Well I don't often type in the world child. I use different words. And I frequent "the chans". That's how I've got a folder of crap. I ALWAYS lock my pc when I walk away from it out of habit. Even my phone has a screen lock password. When people ask "Hey can I use your phone really quick?" Uuhhh no. You can't. I don't let people use my pc and I don't let people use my pc.
woman rapes child
child is born
child pays child support
search for "katherine a met art"
you just don't get it
>Cyberpunk 2077
Phone* soab. That's what I get for not proof reading.
testing WNt
It looks inbred
Actually a true story. Back in the 80s, dude got a "Bad and Invalid" error message and actually called the company and complained.
big respect to the table
Looks like dick wings
> korean
> 10
yea how about no.
you can find 10/10 around the world, of course, it's 10/10 so it's rare as hell. but I mean, you are looking for only the best.
beauty exists everywhere, at almost every race - you just have to find it.
It’s the bear that makes it authentic
fuck, you beat me to it
Not the preferred way to get your daughter wet
its anjelica, newfags.
she had a godlike body but she got some hardcore prolapse near the end of her career, and she mostly/only fucked this weird ass dude, so most videos are pretty crap...
When will throw acid in this man's face?
This is quite a rare picture of Ray Pist.
And his car tyres still remain unslashed Yea Forums, so get to work.
PC: you can use 'VeraCrypt' or 'Bitlocker' to encrypt yo shit
phone: some phones like Huawei, and I think Xiaomi has thot-protection. meaning you can use two different fingers, to get two different system load up. but I mean, regular android has a guest mode too.
▲ ▲
/ck/ in a nutshell
all 3 normie tier shit
what game?
I recognize that gay blowjob
top tier practical joke
Hey! I recognize that gay blowjob
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Diarrhea waits for nobody.
behind a tree, with in the background a bear and 3 dogs fucking. i have it somewhere, give me a minute
Cleft lip detected.
I like turtles
Punch him in the face and break his nose Yea Forums, he hurts cats.
than there where no child cause she would be to young to get pregnant ?
PETA might be upset about the poor wasps ...
and the original
Are you fucking retarded? Shes 15 and hes 12
I recognize that gay blow job.
No homo doe
I love Yea Forums
This nigger doesnt understand how minesweeper works
A new banana rises
Just checking to see if I'm still b&
was looking for story
found this
The story is Britains youngest dad you dipshit, turned out it wasnt even his
Found the jap
the law hasn't even been put in place yet retard
Fuck you with your replies
the fuckin bear has me doing that of a syrian child during a fire bombing
sound like the fucking reckoning
nice shop shithead
guy looks like m00t
this guy knows funny
all classics
not sure if troll or cancer
fuck off already
You're a tard. I'd fugg pic related.
Lost at boinecologist
Jesus christ, I thought they were cutting his nuts off
Feels like summer in here
such a shame he left the webcomic industy
I really love that image, I dunno why, it just make me cringe and laugh really hard at the same time.
Kecky Becky
fairly accurate exept i asked for gin
OK.. this needs an explanation. HOW?! did he get his nuts in that crack??!
when you sit on those cheep plastic chairs, the slats spread from the weight
when you sit naked, well
how is this a thing i need to explain
Next ylyl
Rolling for Koreans
>He's never been rich enough to never need those chairs
Peasants, I swear.
Here's the thing with this story. That lad, Alfie patten (13), was supposed to be the father of that baby. In an attempt to subvert any moral outrage the Sun (UK rag) ran a supposedly heartwarming story about how they were in love and that they were going to raise the baby (Maisie) properly
Turns out the girl was a complete whore, fucking everything that wanted some, and it tuened out he wasn't the father anyway. biggest clue was in the newspaper article, when it mention that his voice hadn't broken.
garry's mode
they are one of the youngest parents in UK afair. Kiddo is 11 and the hoe is 14 or 15.
So.... clapping grants immortality ?
LOST my composure right here.
This thread is reminding me of the old days when Yea Forums was good.
safsad fadsfda
I've bread my cats also.
Mentally Ill faggot
there a male version?
This is how I did it the first time when I was 5
What is the fucking joke in doing this? Seriously, fuck off.
Koreans are great because you can fuck someone who isn’t your girl and you’ll never tell the difference
I cant fucking believe I lost to this shit. Whats wrong with me
So many normie nigger memes this thread is shit
omg.... this shit is epic.
could use an iFunny watermark
Ching Chong asian small dong
fucking lost it
krystal boyd
Wtf, was she raped by Jimmy neutron?
Found the harelip.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
that moment he rips his pants off everyone runs
I fucking lost.
no one likes nigger you stupid fucking jew quit trying to force them on us