did we die in 6 minutes?
i leave to do something real fast and this happens.
was mods doing clean up? thread died on page 3 with out warning
why does that banana have a face?
shit happens
You know what's cancer?
This getting posted in every fucking thread over and over.
You ARE the problem.
Never understood the nipple piercing thing. I mean, you do you and all that shit, but I've never found it sexy.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.
This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION
Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:
- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)
Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.
Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.
Could we please get some muscular females in here?
I agree with everything in Section 1 except for the last part. Remove the "Big Tits" threads from that and I will give it my full endorsement.
Nice abs on her! More like that?
Oh, yes... Got any muscular reptiles?
i like boobs and butt as much (prolly not as much) as the next guy, but the stomach, the core, is where its really at.
prolly not, i got this argonian axe chick, but thats about it
Now we're talking...
I can back this.
but please, stop spamming in the threads you say should be allowed.
traitors should be shot
microwaved warmed 2 day old homemade bacon pizza
Not every site that has a web page is a facebook.
the book of faces.
Bon appetit. I like homemade pizza. Especially when people not even trying to make common pizza and using not typical kinds of dough or something like that.
mixing in whole wheat flour to the dough is ok. i always do alot of random spices. the best part about making your own pizza is that you can put whatever you want/have on it.
i gotta go... bye,
cum at me bro
ill cut your dick off and feed it to wild animals
well at least the animals get to experience my dick in some way
Won't bump with"furry" in the title
What was posted
ill cut your dick off
they yellow bot spam
Homemade pizza is good. But I prefer homemade cream pies
Buy a female dog
what about homemade murder of animal rapists
i've got one
This swf is so good.
Then you must have a happy dick too
What about homemade criticism by homemade closet zoos about actually zoos resulting in homemade murder of closet zoos murdering animal rapists????
i am not fucking her lol
you're the bottom of the barrel degenerate scum
Worth it to get this much regular sex with perfect partners who don't empty my bank account or cheat, or do any of the other insane countless things normie women do. I'm LMAOing at you normie scum.
Lol not all female dogs are attractive.
God damn I need to fill a doberman sluts wet hole soon. Crypto is taking off WHOOOOOOO
Need to buy another pair of bitches when I'm rich
Damn, I have to admit, even I find this hot.
>God damn I need to fill a doberman sluts wet hole soon.
Two days ago you had sheps.
>Crypto is taking off WHOOOOOOO
>Need to buy another pair of bitches when I'm rich
Ya keep dreaming, the bubble popped about 2 years ago
I have four. My Shepherd is my nympho.
I want 6 but when I upgrade my house I'll add 2 more.
I'm still requesting proofs.
Don't you understand market cycles my dude? I suggest you BUY, and I'm always fudding out side of fur threads. Because normie scum don't deserve to be rich. Only us dog/horse fuckers
>Don't you understand market cycles my dude? I suggest you BUY
Sounds like you are really really new to this, like first year into it. I've know and been doing it for almost 10, back when it just started.
So a word of advice not all cryipto is sold and traded the same. Or you will end up spending all your cash to find out you got ripped off
It was 4k and now it's 10k but I didn't buy all in at 4k.
If it goes 100k ever then I am comfortable. 500k then I would be rich.
I think I'm adding a doberman and Brittany spaniel.
so you have what 1 to 2 bitcoin? Better hope One of the bitter trading sites don't get hacked and roped again then
They're in hardware wallets. I have a trezor wallet.
I'm telling you man. Now is the time to buy. So you too can afford your own harem one day. I wonder what a mini Mare would be like. If I had the land and time for one with my dogs too. Need more cash.
Females don't generally like anal sex.
Penises generally don't care.
Penis likes the warm soft tightness of a sweet puffy pussy
No shit?
Only reason I'm here is because I'm once again tapped out. I can't imagine the normie lifestyle. Putting effort into getting sex? ROFL. Who lives like that?
You know I wish yellowfags would come back if they got rid of feral poster...
I can draw furry art for you guys!
Wait for real? Man I wish it wasn't 50 dollars tho
not the artist but 50 seems fairly resalable of a price, but I not familiar with the artist style to know. but I know that a lot if Fur artist's cost a lot more
S/fur people please help me, who's the artist of this? Would love endlessly!
draw me judy hopps eating a carrot
No it's not. 30 is more reasonable for that skill level.
I spend a lot of my free time on b. The only thing that keeps me from being here all the time is a life. And sex
Don't know seems more like a sample to me to fully say if that's really the skill lvl of the art for the most part. Plus you can always to to an artist that is willing to take the 30. No one's forcing you to pay this one
>lill Doe and the bear 2 by Ectasy26
sup, guys
just dropping by before sleep.
how is everyone?
Yo. Fine, i guess.
We discuss price if ya want! I can do sketch style for cheaper!
Yeah i don't why people or just artist in general don't want to do them. furry style is cute!
like judy, freebie
Having an awesome weekend as always
The internet is slow here, but it's all we have
Shit ass North Carolina
I just moved here for work, only a two month gig, then California and Korea at some point.
When my internet or power is down I just rip my bong then have an extended sex session with my dogs. Usually fixes it. Our sex is magic