What do you think about the mass national ICE raids starting tomorrow morning?

What do you think about the mass national ICE raids starting tomorrow morning?

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doesnt affect me at all so i couldnt care less. bye

Legal immigrant here. Sometimes I think it would be nice for them to deport me to some beach resort in Mexico or Thailand. I'm nearly ready.

Good. Get them the fuck out of here and go through the proper channels instead of being a fucking nigger. My great grand parents waited months and paid all of their savings to come to America so that their children would never have to experience war in their country. They did so legally during a time money was worthless. These assholes are undermining all of the hard work it took for legal foreigners to come here by making a mockery of the system and get away with it for FREE and no waiting.

Probably hiding extra carefully now since trump gave them almost a weeks warning with his tweets lol


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


Democrats losing more voters. So sad.

Lol. Look, user has a political prediction.

I'm still waiting on Obama's fema death camps. What ever happened to martial law?

and they get free housing, free education and free health benefits

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It would be a LOT easier to just bust the businesses that employ them. Pretty much anyone that is around there can give them a list if they need it. Why wouldn't they do that?

you could easily swap a few nouns in this post and the structure and logic would defend full nationalization of the economy and full blown communism on account of the fact that those who inherit their wealth for FREE undermine the hard work of people who started poor and worked their way up.
And I'm not defending communism. I'm calling you equally foolish.

>german trains are going to raid illegal immigrants in america
just imagine that for a second

They're targeting 2,000 people that already have deportation orders or missed their court date.

It's not really a surprise, they should already know if they might be one of them or not.

Do we know when and I mean, how drastic will it be? Did they predict a certain amount? I'm concerned because from about the 100 guys I work with, about 5 are legal

I hope they don't nab my father in law. However, the guy has been here for 40 years without getting deported. Unless some dickless MAGA tard calls ICE on him he should be fine.

You know why

Yes, yes I do. It's called Late Stage Capitalism

we have concentration camps
didn't you hear?

I don't care about these raids except that they are more enforcement of failed policy. We need a route to economically motivated immigration and amnesty for those already in the us (there are far too many to detain or deport) if that happened I'd be fine with beefing up border security.

I find it more fucked up that people are actually trying to protect ILLEGAL immigrants from these guys. Fucking deport them - they're not here legally, and I don't know why anyone would try to protect them.

Those are Trump's immigration centers. Different thing.

That's way too complicated a plan for Cleetus Trumptard to understand. And using big words make you seem like either a "queer" or a "commie", so it would never fly.

The democrats are the ones that are protecting the illegals.

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>If you call it something else it becomes something else, even if it's the same thing
Oh ye of little intelligence, please fuck off to whence you came.

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Except that people who inherit money aren't breaking any laws. Huge difference.

It's about goddamn time. Let them get a suitcase each, throw the rest in the trash, haul their asses to the border and mark them as deported...take off a little finger, earlobe, etc. Come back, worse will happen. Fuck em, damn criminals.

There already happening in cali. Alot of the people i know who are illegal are here on work visas, they are scared they will get it takin away or denied in the next fiscal year.

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>be Californian
>see this

I want to leave this place so bad, but if every rational person left, the libs would run it straight into the dirt even faster.

Good. Then they need to round up the NEET's, the fat people, trannies and general bottom feeding scum bags. Toss them into the sea and expunge that chapter of history and start again.

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Way to shift those goalposts:

"Obama is declaring martial law next week"

years later trump locks up some wetbacks

"See, told you!"

"And Jacob fell into a slumber and was visited by the Lord in a Dream.
"Behold, Jacob, two peoples of the Earth!"
And Jacob beheld the two peoples, separated by a mighty river
so that none would dare cross.
"Jacob, you must build a bridge to give free transit between them!
And let none who listen to you refuse,
lest they go against me, your Lord and God.
And let them share equally all the fruits of the Earth
for they are all by children"

Eustachians 22:5-22:14

Pretty clear what we need to do here, brothers

>far too many to detain or deport

So because a problem is large, we shouldn't try? Why bother dealing with global climate change, then? Oh, because not dealing with it is worse.

We need to deport as many as humanly possible, beef up the border security, and then discuss the outcome for the illegals who remain. In the case that there weren't so goddamn many of them, I probably wouldn't have an issue with them becoming citizens. But since there are, in your words, "FAR TOO MANY", we can't give that many people voting rights when we already know how they're going to lean.

As if that's not the obvious tactic by the left.

Here it is, the super smart thread of the day....>_>

I’m so throughly convinced by your logic user. We should just let every illegal into our country now. In fact, everyone in the world that is born now should automatically be a us citizen.

Um.. being in a country with a work visa is the opposite if illegal.

Unless their visa is made out of a churro wrapper.

good parrot

Says the useful idiot.

nice non-argument you got there

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I’m guessing it’s a churro wrapper.

>when the cult leader is under attack, divert attention to someone else.
professional idiot.

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more like

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Trump is controlled opposition. He is not even against another war in the Middle East, he secretly wants the US to invade Iran for his Jewish masters

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What if they use plastic straws?

>he secretly wants the US to invade Iran for his Jewish masters

So, why call off the missile strike? Was that Jew's playing 5D chess again?

Let's get going boys!

Given that there will always be people wanting to come into the US, there's really no good solutions to it in my mind.

forgot to photoshop the fat cat in the background selling flags

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Honestly ? We should give them to Canada......>_>

>hurr durr trump jr met with rushinz
>termp must be working for rushinz
>hillry paid rushinz for information
>but dems aren't rushin shills at all

>actually being this retarded

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In California? That's the gas chamber.

I live in Cali, and I have yet to encounter a paper straw. Everything is still plastic as far as I can tell.

Lol, im saying my friends are scared cuz if your work visa is revoked or denied you have to go back to yoyr country. If you deny going back then you will be deported. Their neighbors and others who are here illegaly are getting taken by ICE already

From what I know, NO ONE is illegal. It's such a pejorative. Please use "undocumented" from now on.

Can you fucking not? We already have all the fucking asians

We’ll gladly trade.

You literally said
>Alot of the people i know who are illegal are here on work visas

But still, tell them not to worry. There's no reason they'd be denied their visa at this point. Nobody wants to deport people who are here to work hard and follow the rules.

K then. I fully support deporting the undocumented illegals.


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I like the term
>Criminal alien

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Yes i see now, im a retard.


Your friends are shitskins. LOL

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Eh. Mexicans are cool. Get these inbreds their own island and they'd even hate each other.

Extra big facts tbh famalam

Good! These animals should be sent to wherever they came from.

Spic here
Who gives a shit
I'm a bleeding heart (cry when listening to bad religion's my poor friend me because I'm a pussy) but still
Who gives a shit
Univision (channel 33) is just bleeding heart x latino
Fyck it

You're right. He went to suck Russian Male cocks, not to get dirt. Just sucking all the cock.

> hurr durr but the bank didnt have money when we broke in

About time...



We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


34 actually

Don't judge him. He can have all the slavic pebis he wnats

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bout' time

adios niggers

Its going to increase labor costs dramatically. You house needs a new roof? that 10k quote just turmed into 15k. Also they need to start fining and jailing business owners that use Illegals. This is just a dog and pony show by pres faggot to show his supporters how small his dick is. Fiscally conservative my ass, look at the US debt right now, the retard has doubled it since the black man got out of office, its fucking pathetic.

provoke a conflict by flying drones in places you know they will be seen as a threat in and shot down
claim you are going to attack
don't, then claim you are a champion of peace for doing so
typical low-brow one-dimensional manipulations that tards like you are simple minded enough to fall for.

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did anyone really expect anything else?

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>Legal immigrant
>Getting deported
Fucking retard.

Hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

Do you have brain damage?

You mean that debt that has been rising at that rate for the past five presidencies? Fuck off. If you're going to pin that one on him, then you also have to give him credit for the record low unemployment, right? Or is that just a carryover from Obama?

>when you complain about immigrants and one knows your language better than you

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What about "free flight to a vacation destination" troubles you, friend?

ICE stay in hotels before they raid a target. Who do you think are the housekeepers at those hotels who tip off the targets? Morons need to change shit up.

They should be clearing out the deportation centers first. Get them out of our country asap, but we gotta clean out some rooms first.

Government officers can directly spend money or authorize it to be spent by someone else. If he wanted to buckle down, he very well could have put the pressure on congress to do so. Instead we're sending trillion dollar millitary equipment half way around the world to blow up sand niggers, slashing taxes for the rich, and pointing the blame at predecessors and opponents. Par for course.
I don't like either. You seem to like trump but not obama. I don't think you can remain logically consistent and claim you like one and not the other. It's the same shit as always, so to pick sides is just to play favorites and be a cheerleader for the side you happened to pick on basis of their personality and presentation.
tl;dr you're a fucking retard

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I'm third generation. The phrase he uses doesn't work in this situation at all as he isn't going to be deported at all.

You aren't getting one if you are legal, retard.

Na don’t kid yourself. The US is just testing the drone technology against Iran they found out what they needed to know. Funny thing is. We all already knew the world is catching up.

Ragenomics was really bad I’ll give you that.

So whos fault is it? fuck off, pres fag boy said he would have the debt to zero in his first 4 year. As for the unemployment rate, obamas last term was 4.6%, its now at 3.6%....... congradufuckulatioins..... open your eyes cuck

>you seem to like Trump but not Obama

You sure to like to make assumptions. I voted for Obama in 2008, and 2012, and Gary Johnson in 2016. Notice that Trump isn't on that list.

I'm just not going to blame Trump for a trend that he didn't set, nor am I going to credit him for growth that he didn't create. That was the entire point of my post.

Let me explain it this way so you can understand. I think it would be great if the government bought me a plane ticket to a fantastic vacation destination. That was my entire point.

I want to know how to legally take any property that they leave behind. I appreciate all the hard work, and I'd like to profit so it doesn't go for naught

>The US is just testing the drone technology against Iran
Why? So we can fight them for oil and have exactly none of the profits trickle down to those who will actually do the fighting?

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Everything illegal is now legal?

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daily reminder that white americans can be niggers, too.

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I agree. My grandmother married an American citizen, and yet still had to take citizenship tests (in English!) and take English classes to actually get naturalized. Took a couple of years and a good chuck of money.

Meanwhile these fucking spics pay a couple grand to a coyote to get smuggled across the border and get a dead man's SS card. They apply for food stamps, SSI benefits, and more with their fake SSN, while working for under the table cash and paying rent on a house shared with three other mexican families not on the lease. Then their retarded crotchfruit get free American citizenship and thus free schooling, which comes with free breakfast, lunch and in some districts dinner, and the kids are dependents for the sake of income taxes and medicare. Even through they pay virtually no property taxes and ESPECIALLY no payroll taxes or income taxes. Hell most them get multi-thousand checks back from the IRS for the earned income tax credit.

Liberals never understand this bullshit because they never grew up in a spic ghetto. Every single one of these behaviors isn't theoretical, I've seen it happen with my own eyes. Spics have absolutely 100% gamed our system and the final solution is mass deportation.

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It's a much larger issue than one person. For instance, the super wealthy being able to dodge taxes. If we were to set a flat tax rate, and close tax loopholes, we could actually see a fair amount of revenue from them.

But democrats want to increase the rates on the highest tax brackets to staggering amounts. Such that they'll go from paying $0 a year, to $0 a year, because there's NO FUCKING PLAN TO CLOSE THE LOOPHOLES.

And if they raise the rate that much and close the loopholes, they'll just drive the super wealthy into other countries. We'll lose their businesses, and any taxable income that went with it. As well as their philanthropy, and any hope for caca meme plans like the Green New Deal.

like the president that BMW is only going to work for about 4 years


What nation is it best to be an immigrant in?

Hands down.

>Rape all the locals
>Chop them up with machetes
>Get an apology from the PM for the racists who are mad at you
>allah hu ackbar


I didn’t say it was a great thing genius ! I just said that, is what they are doing. But judging by your meme you at least halfway understand.

Why the fuck would they announce the raids beforehand? What a retarded strategy.

Deport them all. I can suck it up and pick my own avacados,lettuce and strawberries until the legal pickers arrive

So only the retards get caught. The ones who are left might actually be valuable citizens.

Well and on top of that, we just can’t keep talking care of everyone else.

Oh don't get me started on the social welfare programs. Like I said, it's a much larger problem than one person. But leftists think they can just force other people to pay for their harebrained ideas.

Yep. Need to teach you how to interpret a Bible passage

The Lord is obviously saying we should open the borders. There's really no other way to read that.

You’re preaching to the choir here. Believe Me. I can’t agree more.

The remaining need to be shot. This is the only deterrent to illegally immigrating, make an example and never deviate from policy for any reason

Perfectly fine. Although I do believe that each of them should be evaluated individually to see if they benefit the US economy. Just deport the ones who don’t work and take advantage of welfare

>if we just devolve into 20th century maoists we can solve all our problems with guns

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lmao, boom, p0wn3d!

Doesn't Trump employ illegals at his golf resorts?

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Better yet, let's just nuke mexico

The load also said that governments are put here for protection. If if you can’t understand that there is bad along with good coming across the border and there needs to be some order to the chaos. Then I can’t help you. The Bible also says be wise as serpents. You should look that one up.

And my point is you are retarded to think that would happen.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if someone did a full audit of trumps employment of illegals? Imagine the shit that could be dug up

I prefer filthy wetback

>because Trump does the hiring at all of his businesses

Hard working legal citizens of America have to pay for their own healthcare. People who are there illegally, don't pay taxes or contribute receive free health care?

Either that's incorrect and I'm retarded for reading it wrong, or America is retarded for basically shitting all over it's own citizens whilst doing everything it can to make things easier for illegal immigrants.

Places should ALWAYS put it's people first, California is doing it backwards.

See, he's willing to make things harder for himself and his businesses for the sake of Making America Great Again.

Putting the needs of the country above his own.

No shit!

And it's true, you didn't read it wrong.

The goal of the democrats is to bring in all the illegals, make them beholden to them by giving them free shit, then making it legal for them to vote, then take over.

This isn't even conspiracy theory shit. It's already legal for some illegals in CA to vote in some local elections.

do you not know that you can leave right now? adios spicnigger

I pick all my avocados, lettuce and strawberries, and tomatoes, and peppers, oh wait. I have my own guardian and green house. Hell, I can’t even make fun of them for picking fruit in trees because I now have my own fruit trees. GOD I love growing things !

>because trump has so little grip over his own businesses that he can't prevent his hiring managers from hiring illegal immigrants
we live in a top-down organized society for everything except when it comes time to find who's to blame. Ain't that peculiar, folks?

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It hasn't been finalized yet, and it's only for people under the age of 26. It's a compromise made to keep the budget in a place where we can actually manage to pay off some debt. If the dems had their way entirely, we'd be neck deep in the shit, and giving it all away to the beanie weenies.


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They are here illegally, I will only have compassion for children who had no choice and know no life but this one.

Even then I think they should be reviewed to ensure they aren't fuck ups in life before granting citizenship.

>because Trump even realizes that they're hiring illegals

And that just further proves that he's right about deporting them. If he is employing them, he's willing to lose those low wages in order to do the right thing and uphold the law.

he did, until he got caught


Trump supporters are very low IQ fools.

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shut up, hippie

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Yeah, part of me would love to live in San Diego or something.

But then I realize how shitty the people are, the cost of living, and the politics and just think, nah, I'm good.

Tell us which words to swap around user. You had to reach extremely deep into your ass to pull that statement out
>you equally foolish
Dude centrism lmao

I like it here in Sacramento. Fair mix of conservatives and liberals. 2 hours to the beach, 2 hours to the snow, 2 hours to Reno.

The only place I'd like to move to is Apple Hill. That place is goddamn beautiful.

Surely you're being facetious. If he were willing to do the right thing he would come after the businesses that are breaking the law by hiring illegal immigrants, including his own, instead of attacking individuals for doing what is in their interests (coming to the US for a better life). Not only does that end the economic impetus for anyone to jump the border in the first place, it's revenue-generating by way of fines instead of costing money by way of writing free plane tickets for people who are only going to try to come back. An audit is so much cheaper than ICE task forces rounding up people one-by-one, it's just that it's cheaper for the US government and more expensive for Trump et al.
He's even got the button in his hand; he has a get out of jail free card in that he could purge his business of illegals, THEN bring the hammer down and make off scott free, but he doesn't. Why? Explain to me how this is virtuous of him.

you sound like a guy who hasn't traveled this country much.

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He has to go...

I live close to Apple Hill, yes it is beautiful there. It’s beautiful where I live too.

We will be ready :)

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I currently live outside of Portland, so like the people are super liberal here but also pretty much ignore you, its also incredibly white, the hidden gem about Portland is that it has an insanely high white population and a decent Asian population too.

I have a bit, but there's a lot of the US to explore.

Why, are you going to shill for your home state now?

>Acting like the owner of a company knows who the lower management is hiring
Also firing the illegals shows he’s on board with the idea, not against it.

You sound like a pussy guy

Yeah I like Oregon too. My Mom and grandparents lived in Grants Pass for a long time. I loved visiting.

Some people return fire, saves the money not to deport you. Do it illegal faggot!

Can someone fucking explain why the parties flipped and dems became filled with anti Russian hatred?

Up until recent it was opposite. In Obama's debate with Romney I was impressed by his stance against the GOPs anti Russian war mongering. Anyone remember when he said "1984 called, they want their foreign policy back"? Wtf happened

Portland is very white but the surrounding cities, especially south of Portland are very Hispanic. Lots of homeless there too. Which is odd considering the whole “help everyone” agenda of liberals, yet they skip over their own people

What do I think about how fascism has come to this country, OP? Is that what you're asking?


My buddy says Oregon is an awesome place to explore. I plan on heading up there when I get time someday.

I kinda skipped over Oregon and went up to Washington for a bit. Found a good hole in the wall pizza place, but not much else.

why does he have that goofy fucking haircut? He doesn't even look bad; he looks like a normal fucking person for once. I'd have sworn there were a tumor or a little alien sticking out of his head with the effort he's gone to to make people think he's got a full head of hair.

>What do you think about the mass national ICE raids starting tomorrow morning?
I think it's time to stop acting like this is something new or unusual. The only thing new is the democrats running then into the country to turn them into illegal votes for themselves.

[citation needed]

Literally anything they associate with Trump is a no-go. That's pretty much it. Obama opposed the invasion of Ukraine, so the whole Trump was preempted a little bit. But it's mostly Trump.


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In Bremerton?

It is the over-reaching federal government that the conservatives have always dreamed about in their nightmares.

But they will do nothing, I guarantee it.

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You're probably a Mexican yourself. There is nothing cool about having food taken out of your mouth by someone that doesn't even belong here. Grow the fuck up kid, learn to defend your own. Eat shit and die faggot mestizo.

And if a Democrat did this, they'd call him "lawless."

does that mean you're a fat boomer with a prolapsing asshole?

About damn time


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>return fire
Can't return fire when you step on my homemade pipebomb mines

So they got the Aryan Brotherhood. Good for them. They will get MS-13 next time.

Because eliminating only the ones who are currently providing value is as ass backwards as plans go.

>some illegals are working for American companies for insanely low wages, lowering costs, increasing profits, generating GDP
>some are sitting around running their own illegal businesses, paying no taxes, providing no value, often criminals
>let's ONLY get rid of the first ones

You're obviously a brainless nigger who doesn't want to pay men a livable wage and would rather have their economy destroyed, work wages reduced to ash and have a non-white future

>homemade pipebomb mines
enjoy getting v& trumpshit

Yeah asshole it's called precedent you pseudo intellectual fucktard.

Ms 18 has more weapons then that. Nice try faggot

Guarantee having your shit pushed in.

Latino living in CA here.
About damn time I say.

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Trump knew. TrumpOrg recruited illegals from Ecuador.

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Considering I'm white and was born here, I really don't care.

It actually might have been. It was near Seattle. I can't remember the name for the life of me. But this place was a literal hole in the wall. It's in a tiny shopping center, and it's just a small counter that you can order at. No signs, no chairs, just a small menu board and a cash register. The only thing that drew me in was the smell.

The idea is to put enough fear into them that some of them self-deport and save us the money of doing it ourselves.

why don't you deport yourself?

>I helped Trump get elected

who are you even talking to? You think the mexican defending himself from federal agents is a trumpy?

You're delusional and very obviously in favor of NIGGBAMA. 2/10. Guy was blowing up Arab civilizations to secure oil pipeline construction for private oil sector but nobody seems to remember this or even care? You're obviously just infatuated with nigger dick and cum, you useless fucking bird.

Try again faggot, I didn't even vote. Politics are fucking retarded

We understand just fine. You want to legalize people who entered our country illegally. We don't owe these people shit. Why should I obey ANY law when these bastards come here illegally and get BENEFITS? You're either a dumbass, a Communist, or both.

the first category destroys the job market for actual natural born americans and legal immigrants who don't want to be exploited and work for shit pay.
the second category creates jobs for law enforcement and tax auditors.
It's this simple: the current regime benefits the people with loads of money and allows them to continue sucking it up from the rest of us by handing out pittances to people with nothing to lose instead of fostering a healthy american people.

congrats on submitting to identity politics and your complete lack of reading comprehension.You're not even wrong, you're just so far off base that you couldn't be right either.

I guessing both. He can’t really be one without the other.

>creates jobs for law enforcement and tax auditors

Well that's an interesting justification for breaking the law. lol I'll try that one out if I ever get caught up for something

But seriously, that's why I say get them all out. You're right, the first category is driving down wages for Americans. Doesn't mean the second category is actually providing a net positive value.

There are quite a few places like that. Mine was literally a greasy spoon across the water.

I thought it was some white blowhard. Hard to keep up sometimes.

I live in Humboldt County, CA. I'm sick of the tweakers and homeless here, but ballSac is a complete shithole.

Kek how fucking shit must you be that illegals are directly affecting you and taking food out of your mouth.kys

Then you have zero right to complain about how we want to stop fascism in this country. Butt out if you have no dog in this fight.

Gonna fight those fascists in Portland, OR.

Attached: antifa.jpg (678x354, 69K)

Grant's pass is nice when it's not surrounded by fire.
Also a shit ton of tweakers and general low lives...
The river is nice though.

You can't get benefits from the US without a social security card and a form of iD .

>What do you think about the mass national ICE raids starting tomorrow morning?

I think that as you work through the playbook "Things That Hitler Did", you better remember it ends badly.

Nah, it's pretty nice here.

I'm a big fan of your fog tho

It's not fascist if the left does it though, right?

What's a good city in CA?

Don't they all smoke killer buds there??

NY is giving drivers licenses to illegals soon

Except this isn't true at all.


The left does not engage in fascism, trumpshit.

>targeting citizens of a particular nationality to put them in forced labor camps that later became death camps

>targeting criminals who invaded the country illegally to peacefully remove them from the country

Yeah, totally the same thing.

Sorry, put nationality. Meant ethnicity.

I've spent a lot of time in sac...its just too hot and crowded.
Might move the family down to santa cruz soon...not sure


Only germany has had border security? Literally every 1st world country on earth does. Although europe is currently showing they don't give a fuck anymore.

It is the exact thing Jesus would have wanted

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>mommy mooslims bother me
>let's go full military like everyone else

We do. I work for a big breeder here. $25/hr to play around in small indoor garden.

Its not fascism when we do it... Commilibshit

The fact you think I'm automatically a Trump supporter tells me all I need to know. Bill Clinton wanted the wall. Obama deported tons of illegals. He killed thousands of civilians. Antifa is fascist.

People who want to kill you because you don't follow their religion should worry you, weak pussy. Don't worry, either they will kill you or sensible americans will. Either way people like you are fodder.

If you don't support jail time for employers of illegals you're not interested in a solution.

Fair enough. That actually pays off in the winter though. That's when I can take my telescope out at midnight and not freeze my nuts off.

Never been to Santa Cruz. I figured it was just a myth.

Humboldt is a great place to visit. The redwoods and the ocean here are fucking nuts. Just beautiful.

my point isn't to justify criminal activity, it's that you have to realize that criminals will never not exist and the only intelligent thing to do from there is to make the best of the situation. I'm not telling you to cover your eyes and give them a dindu nuffin pass, I'm telling you not to over react and spend billions trying to round up a bunch of shitheads who don't matter and who'll likely end up offing each other anyway.

I'd be okay with fines. Jailing the employers is just going to make more of a mess. For instance, who precisely do you put in jail? The executives? HR? Everyone? If you fine them, it's a punishment, and a deterrent, and it generates revenue. Win Win Win.

underrated post

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We tried just taking the kids, you cunts lost your fucking minds over it.

Ok lets say this is true.whats the end game for democrats

Deport all them tan skinned subhuman niggers

The majority of employers of illegals are small businesses owners. And those are the ones you put in jail. There are already laws in place for this. They are getting a pass now and it needs to stop.

Niggas out here snitchin blood

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If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.

Kek they just get forwarded to vote but will get denied because lack of documentation....fake news

Same thing, cheeto

Well other people in the thread certainly were saying they should get a dindu pass.

For instance Amnesty is a much worse solution than mass deportation. I'm not saying we have to get every last one, but let's get what we can without totally busting the bank, then bolster our border defense, and invite any immigrant who wants to work hard and provide real value. As well as providing asylum, because I'm not a monster.

But honestly, we should just go destroy the cartels. Then they'd have less to run away from. Seriously can't blame anyone for not wanting to live with those savages.

We do not engage in fascism, trumpshit. All you right wing nuts jobs do is lie.

Nobody is doing that, user. You are a sick paranoid person.

So do they tweak because it keeps you awake while you trim weed?


But see, if we just fined them instead, they'd be able to provide those jobs to real American citizens. They don't get a pass, we get rid of the wage depressors, and the middle class small business owner doesn't get destroyed in the process. Win Win Win

No American citizen fucking wants to work those jobs you fucking indoctrinated fuck.

Destroy cartels , end drug addiction in the states ,and legalize weed

You must be one of those entitled millennials I hear so much about. kek

Nope. Just smarter than you stupid fucking right wing nut jobs, which isn't hard.

>nut job


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I would work those jobs, you fucking knuckle dragging nigger

Nope. Just smarter and frankly better. I don't goosestep to fascism like you do.

I was down at the border and i was shocked how they kicked small mexican girls around with army boots. There also was a small group of jewish guys because they had their traditional outfit on and thing on their head. I watched them interacting with borderpatrol and then i saw how some hundred black african were allowed to cross the border into the states. They were all blacks and non of them mexican. So whats going on?

No you wouldn't you fat fuck. McDonald's pays better and you'd do less.

We do not engage in fascism, libcuck. All you nutless leftwingers do is lie to your selves...

>durr i can weepeet other posts

sure thing faggot

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Political stunt.

You do engage in fascism. ICE is fascism.
You support it.

What Part of Illegal Don't You Bleeding Heart Liberals Understand?

>mommy i keep weepeating

Shut up mutt. You're not even white.

Funny how you always send jackboots to round up brown people, but you NEVER go after the rich white people who hire them.

>mommy hold my cock
>bwown peeple ebbrywhar

Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Enforces Customs and Immigration

Not seeing the fascism here.

Fuck you're mad trumpshit lol

Of course you don't. You welcome it.

I have a babydick

Loved the river


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trump has gone overboard with caring about immigration.glad there's an election next year,murica will remind cadet bone spurs and his retarded supporters what really is important to americans(and it isnt fear mongering america into thinking mexicans are illegals and gang members)

it will,considering the president's immigration bullshit is not accepted by most americans.they do not want a wall and they do not care about your presidents fear mongering

We already reminded him in 2018 when he lost the House screaming about "Invaders."
There's no way he's going to learn his lesson.

>Welcoming enforcing our immigration and custom laws
Still struggling to see the problem here.

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I think it’s morally wrong considering that most came here as children and grew up American.

We should be deporting all of the niggers since they contribute nothing to our society.

>putting kids in cages is ok
>so is mobilizing jackbooted thugs
just say it and get it over with

And who do you think is going to win? I'm not even a Trump supporter. Didn't vote for him, won't be voting for him the next time, and I dislike a number of his policies.

But I seriously doubt we'll only have four years of him. We haven't had a one term president in ages. If the dems keep pushing the impeachment, it'll just solidify his base when it inevitably fails.

Yes, everyone is a fascist who doesn’t want all the illegals here. Your argument is just so convincing.....>_>

The fact you don't go after the rich white Republicans who hire undocumented workers shows you're just a racist xenophobic dipshit, like your President.

so... you want to go to war?

He said the exact same shit when the next day after going into office.


Listen, I want the beanie weenies gone too, but don't use emoticons you unbridled faggot

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Yeah there are a lot of homeless, cause for all the grandstanding of the liberals about how they need to "help the unfortunate" they dont actually want to.

The religious groups try to help, but as you can imagine they are far more concerned with LBGTQIA+-^ZKWV issues here cause thats the white middle class thing to do.

The few black people here in the city proper are super chill though, probably because they realize they are a super minority.

Fuck Trump and fuck racist people. America isn't gonna get any whiter you Nazi incels

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You welcome ICE's fascism, user. I don't see you criticizing it, I don't see you calling for us to abolish it.

Good fuck spics
low IQ

This. By 2040, Latinos will be the majority in this country, not White Europeans.

MFW you prefer Niggers to Spics that actually work

About fucking time. Fuckers shouldn't be here in the first place, so now we piss away all kinds of money on raids. These raids will probably be less than productive, as the illegals have had a huge heads-up from the media.

Unfortunately, it's probably just a one-off publicity stunt, meant to satiate the Trump base.

You, are the emotional baby pal. Everyone you don’t like is a fascist. Don’t put your non convincing argument on anyone else.

When you trumpshits are using ICE to raid people who hire undocumented workers, and with the same zeal you're applying it to brown people, get back to us.

Because you're utterly full of shit.

Good democrat. Never go after the actual problem. The Jews taught you well. I have a masters degree in business and own a business. You know how much time was spent in class teaching me how to verify citizenship or legal ability to work in the US. 0.0 seconds. If wasn't even fucking mentioned. Now I'm supposed to be an expert.

Wrong post?

yeah,but i mean.what have democrats actually accomplished since then? shouting orange man bad really isnt doing anything against donald trump,his views on gun rights and dragging us into a war with iran will effect his 2020 chances more then a handful of liberals who are shouting at the sky

The actual problem is Republicans, user. And we are going after them. We're voting you out. :)

>durr the jooz durr
you're literally a fucking dipshit
stop posting

>orange man bad
if you still believe he isn't
then you are the problem

you are the enabler

>he went to get dirt
Okay? Why the fuck shouldnt he? Like name the pro russian policies that trump supporters are known to support to back up the picture you posted

His fucking clothes are made in Mexico and China when he's against outsourcing jobs


That’s because ICE is a Law Enforcement agency and not a fascist dictatorship you brainwashed Antifa worshiping moron. People can’t and should not be living here illegally.

I remember hearing similar sentiments in 2016

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my fellow calirepublican

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>What do you think about the mass national ICE raids starting tomorrow morning?

They'll be called off 10 minutes before start.

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Base on the demographic change in America, democrats knows they will always win in the future as America turn brown.

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Oh then you must be the correct everyone faggot then. Kill yourself.


Conservative, but technically not republican. I registered independent years ago, and I just never bothered to change it. I should though.

if you still believe the president has that much power to matter,then YOU are the problem.learn how the american goverment works.retard

if anything,you retards took the house majority and still have accomplished nothing in terms of stopping trump,i remember you retards crying about impeachment since day he got elected.here we are almost 4 years later and your still all talk and no action

They won't even happen. Trump has been pussing out of everything lately.

and they'll only be in retarded backwords republican states.because every other place hates trump and will refuse to follow his orders



I was asking if you replied to the wrong post.



lol,even worse then a republican.how's your commie cuck bernie doing?

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yeah,but he has yet to back down on his anti immigrant stance in america.he wants america to be white and stupid,and he will get it

>Holy shit I could like change half the words in this post to make it something completely different
What is downs syndrome like?

2018 was a Blue Wave, and Trump's fat ass wasn't even on the ballot

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Not even close. I was just retarded and thought independent meant I wasn't obligated to vote for anyone. I actually voted libertarian my first time out. lol

What the fuck is he wearing?!

Chicago wont help ice so I'm a bit peeved. Democrats want the illegal votes

Tehy only care about the parts that tell them who not to like.

>hurr durr blue wave

meanwhile,you retards have chanted about impeaching trump since day 1.well cuck,you aint seemed to get the job done,so maybe here's some advice.get the fuck out of the way and let the competant party handle america now

chicago is full of niggers anyway,carpet bomb the southside and the entire country will improve alot

Funny how you'll send jackboots after brown people working here, but you NEVER go after the rich fat white Republicans who hire them.

Do you stick your dick right through that pic user lol


simmer down Cletus

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I know what he's not wearing: military medals


Daily reminder: white people aren't going to chimp out on you

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once the jobs are gone,so will your welfare checks.so have fun getting rid of the working class.would you rather they shoot you to death when you try to steal their shit instead? because thats why the welfare system was made,something you socialist libtards arent thinking about


daily reminder: yes,they actually will.just because you dont see them in the news often doesnt mean that white people arent out there chimping out to

Damn. I always trying to make new LA friends.

Your idea of a Final Solution and the actual Final Solution are universes apart, but I like how you're coming along

Damn, must be rough down there. Other than SF, that's as blue as it gets

Keep deflecting trumpshit.
Keep justifying fascism against people because they're non-white

Interpretation is subject to perception.

I've gotten lucky. We have some republican monthly meetups I go to that help me just geteverything out of my system. I have a liberal friend who has taken the red pill, a gay republican friend, and an actor I met who is republican as well, we all went to see the ben shapiro talk on thursday. Even met an actress who, after a a year, I found out was republican.

keep using your buzzwords libtard,dont worry.im sure violence and buzzwords are gonna make america great again.since thats all the left has to offer america in the age of trump

also,i dont care what race you are.so keep believing that im a trumpshit and i dont like immigrants,you want to know why trump won? because we gave you failures 8 years and you make america a shittier country then it was back in 2008

I didn't say guns but how 20th century of you to assume. Shoot them with a virus that they take back to the hive and spreads to the rest. Then, simply rake up the dead and burn the piles accordingly as an example of what can happen when rules aren't followed

>gay republican

man,i cant wait until trump loses 2020 and we get to kick all these retards out.the republican party is not the party for faggots

You mean truth words. Your entire "objection" is based on the fact these people aren't white.

That's cool, glad to hear it's not 100% libs.

>Ben Shapiro
I'd love to see him live, but I've seen so many videos, I feel like I've heard it all. Maybe I could cook up a good question for him.

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As long as your main focus isn't going after the people who hire undocumented workers, you are full of shit.

Full of fucking shit.

Don't be stupid it's entirely too close to 4 large military facilities. Best to annihilate everything 500 miles from the southern border manually, THEN nuke the rest and snipe what crawls north out of the fallout

Lol yeah Trump doesn't directly hire anyone, his various hr offices do. That gives him plausible deniability. You're new at this I can tell