Your honest thoughts about incels?

your honest thoughts about incels?

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tbh they should be put in mental institutions,
It has litterally never been esier to get laid,
if you are a grown ass adult who wants to bang and cant, there is clearly something wrong with you mentally.

>It has litterally never been esier to get laid,
dare i ask how? lookism theory is real user, i see mentally stable wizards virgins in their mid 30 just because they're below average looking.

They're a product of our shallow, vain and materialistic society.
People mistreat and shit all over them, then act suprised when they finally explode.

Suprised it doesn't happen more often, tbqh.

>lookism theory is real user, i see mentally stable wizards virgins in their mid 30 just because they're below average looking.
It doesn't matter how many time this shit is debunked, the incel people will just go on pretending it never happened,
they refuse to believe that they are incel because of their own idiotic beleifs and personallities are holding them back, so much examples of ugly dudes with gf;s living normal lives, but nooo they just go on and on about how its impossible, even though examples are given over and over,
they refuse to accept responsability for their lifestyle choices,
they refuse to take self improvement advice that has been proven to work.
They would rather sit at home jacking off in their mommies basement while whining on the internet like entitled man children.

Use it while you can

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It's easier to blame other people, or a trend, or the zeitgeist for one's shortcomings when it comes to socialising with the individuals one is attracted to, than to accept that the fault may rest in oneself.
Lack of social interaction is the culprit I think - paired with bullying and a low self-esteem.

Pic unrelated

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The fact that you think getting laid has much to do with how physically attractive you are demonstrates just how little you understand about women.
This is exactly the problem for you INCELs - you need to socialize, and learn how women work. It takes several years, but once you understand it, you won't be getting laid by 8s 9s and 10s (THAT takes something extra, like being uncommonly attractive, rich or talented) but you'll be able to sleep with girls you're attracted enough to, to marry.
Girls DO NOT work like dudes (this is what most guys don't learn until their 30s -again, IF they're socializing); guys will see a girl they physically rate at 3 and will NEVER be interested in that girl romantically. When we're young, we think girls are the same way (which is why so many potatoes think girls will be falling all over them if they get ripped) but girls will overlook ALL of that shit if you're any combination of confident and: talented (not chicken dinners or catching pokemans) funny, Intelligent, ambitious, passionate about something interesting, etc.

The answer is force yourself to get out and be around women. Learn what makes them tick by socializing with them. It's hard at first, but like fucking ANYTHING in life, the more time you spend doing it, the better you get at it. Also realize it's going to take a bit longer for you than other people, but that's fucking okay.

to be fair I don't think it's the "easiest time to get laid" or that these guys should be expected to settle for empty hookups/become cucks. you can just not fuck tinder sluts without judging them and throwing a shit fit because that's all you have to choose from. it's probably the *hardest* period of time in history to find people to actually connect with and I know first hand how difficult it is to just make a friend you can trust. the fact that they rewire their brains with porn is a wholly separate issue that affects people in relationships too.
not all of them blame others for their problems but they still have to suffer for something they can't completely help
people like Elliot are worthless faggots though, he was no victim, he was a retard and a stuck up cunt

>thinks women all like the same shit regardless of whether or not they're ugly

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He's also a great example of someone who wasn't unattractive, dressed well (in the most basic of senses) and had money - all the shit dudes think will get them laid.

ex gf thank me later

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you don't have to think about them much. they've removed themselves from the equation.

the only time you see them is when the semen backs up the spine into the base of the brain, and they use daddy's credit card to buy guns and they go apeshit.

>you won't get laid by 9s and 10s

Everything you said was true except for that part. You gotta take into account that a lot of hotties are insecure and blissfully unaware of their attractiveness

I'm not particularly attractive but have fucked a few 9s

never thought it was actually legit

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he wasn't attractive enough for anyone, even rich spoiled teenagers, to overlook his amazing levels of stupidity and entitlement
his money didn't matter because all of his classmates were also wealthy
he seriously just shitposted on bodybuilding forums while not even having the mental fortitude to start working out and even if he had, he would have been a turbo gymcel for the rest of his life

sure thing buddy they weren't trailer trash CPTSD victims
also pic related, you are anonymous

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I love incels. I mean, without them, where would we get our cringe?

Seething and jelly

Yes, sperg, I'm generalizing. Of course the shallower and dumber a woman is, the more she's going to care about stupid shit.

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its depressing how many of you fags go around trying to flex to people who don't know you and don't have any stake in your sex life
people like you act like a bunch of stuck up little bitches and everyone thinks you're a faggot for going around bragging about girls who probably regret being with you


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post yellow and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. YELLOW ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


>of course the more sexual a woman is, the more she'll care about what women are attracted to!

Kind of undermined your own point

His appearance had exactly fuck-all to do with why he wasn't getting laid. This is the point.

Lol your post answers your own confusion. Why would I care what anons think you retard? You're just salty at others success

Blame train tshooh tshooh

i couldnt care less about some dorky fuckwads who cant get laid. its only their fault, no one elses, therefore, they are irrelevant to society.

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>muh dik muh dik muh dik
you're a fucking ape, man

again these girls aren't talking to you anymore
you fucked them and they fucked off and none of them are calling you back so just deal with it

I have no opinion on them.
I'm a 40 year old virgin though.
Am I an incel?
Ask me anything and I may answer.

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Someone actually take the time to write this.
Let's call it the "Idiots manifesto" - Spamming never works, posting good content does.

ur wizard

if you don't identify with the label you're just a 40 year old virgin
why you think you would know something others don't though, is the real question

What are you trying to prove? That average guys cant pull 9s, or that I personally haven't?

Anyone who's walked into a bar has seen some fine pieces of ass leaving with men you'd assume wouldn't have a quarter of a chance

>People mistreat and shit all over them
>They play vidya, collect comic books, and continue to be juveniles well into adulthood then act surprised when women don't see them as men

Are you the literal definition of incel - involuntarily celibate? Is some of it your choice, or have numerous woman denied your advances despite your honest and sincere attempts?

>greentext shit into oblivion. doesn't make any sense anymore. mock own green text. feel smart

>if you don't identify with the label you're just a 40 year old virgin
I don't identify with the label.
>why you think you would know something others don't though, is the real question
That's the think, I don't know shit and I got no opinion on things, because who am I to have an opinion on things?
I could only contribute on how it feels to be a middle aged kissless virgin.

"More sexual" oh god, you're exactly the potato who needs to pay attention to what I'm saying.
Two exes ago, she always went on about how physical appearance was so important to her, how she could never day a guy who too [short, bald, skinny, didn't play an instrument, etc] 3 years ago she married a super smart software engineer who's 5'4 and skinnier than her.

The greentext was a good paraphrase. Women who are "shallow" are sluts in tune with their sexual nature and seek out high value mates. Biologically that translates to a good looking Male

That is what Jordan Peterson taught us

>Is some of it your choice,
No, I hate what I am, it's hard to pretend everyday that I am normal.
For example in office men younger than me talk about their wives and kids and I feel so weird about my secret.
And when a woman talks to me and she's slightly playful it's even worse because she wouldn't be if she knew I am a virgin
>or have numerous woman denied your advances despite your honest and sincere attempts?
They denied but on the other hand my approaches were so fundamentally wrong and misguided that I don't think it was her choice and I don't blame her.

Well, they might be 9s or 10s to you, but the reality is, girls that are actually 9s and 10s tend to get their pick of the litter, even if they're dense as fuck.

You're hardly proving a point. Software engineers are well off financially, and most lookism folk would insert that hes simply a betabux locked into marriage due to his wealth.

Do you honestly believe a short, bald, nonmuscular Male is capable of illiciting raw sexual lust in his partner?

I haven't really paid much attention to him. He's definitely said some shit that resonates with me though.

dude you spent 40 years not in a relationship and you didn't even go to a hooker one time
there are definitely women your age and younger who would respect that, but I am guessing there are other factors at play here too
at least you're not NEET

This speaks more to the current fucked up state of western society than to the clairvoyance of JP.
If a basic fag and a psychologist hack like JP says things that sound profound it means that there is something really wrong with society.

Fuck man sorry for your suffering. It sounds to me that you have more psychological elements to overcome more than anything, especially when you say female workers have come on to you.

Do you have any Male friends that could help you out? Read sex God method.

Again, context is important here - my original post was more talking about finding girls you want to date, rather than simply trying to fuck the hottest chicks. O course being more physically attractive is going to net you more random encounters with women that are generally more attractive. But if we're talking about INCELS here, turning yourself into a PUA who's going home with 9s and 10s on the weekend isn't really ever going to happen.

>9s and 10s get their pick of the litter
For relationships, yeah. They hook up with people they regret all the time though, just like men do

But JP is a fricking magician. Is he leftist or rightist? What are his motives? That man is a Baba fucking Yaga of current society.

>They hook up with people they regret all the time though
and this is a good thing how? dude sit in bars waiting for drunk chicks to take home like a spider just to brag about it to strangers?

People who idolize Peterson are almost as boring as his rabid detractors. *Yaaaawn

Nope. The chick feels horny and wants to kill that feel

>Do you honestly believe a short, bald, nonmuscular Male is capable of illiciting raw sexual lust in his partner?

if thats what they like then hell yes. just cause you dont like something doesnt mean someone else might feel different about it. you dense motherfucker.

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>What are his motives?
Money I guess.
He says some things that are 100% correct that they were trivial and well known 20 years ago.
The techoelite and the *rights movement have destroyed common wisdom.
I would trust JP if he wasn't a psychologist and wasn't a centrist.

Its not a good thing. I'm simply pointing out how incel theory is retarded for saying this doesnt occur

I'm not a detractor
>jp: let boys be boys and girls be girls
>followers: omg so wise, second coming of jesus
>detractors: omg I'm literally shaking, ptsd, help I'm being oppressed

I really liked the guy and followed him until I discovered his
>individualism only! Collectivism Is a no go bucko!!!
>its ok when Jews do it tho


Wait, are you being willfully obtuse or are you actually missing the point here? She's happy, we still talk and I even joked with her about 6 months ago about the list of requirements she had, and she's realized that that shit simply wasn't nearly as important as she thought, be again, his confidence and intelligence ended up having a much stronger effect on her. Sure, she wasn't at all attracted when they met, but that all changed, and pretty quickly, actually.

Frankly, collectivism is a startup for leftists

Who the fuck said it was a "good" thing?

Good luck standing up to the globalists an an individual.
Leftists and globalists fear the nationalists, that's why they give nationalism a bad rep and promote individualism
>unless jews are nationalist in which case nationalism good
>what are you, an antisemite?

Uh-oh, the Jew boogeyman!

What's wrong with being an incel?

It's bad for society

I'm saying you might be right, and your friend might be 100% sincere with her feelings about her partner that she tells you...

But many of us here have read a plethora of stories about husbands getting cucked while at work, their bedrooms being dead and their wife refusing sex. Many of us are also aware of female psychology and the very nature of the halo effect which is actually a documented and established science. Not to mention 50-70% of marriages flopping

I hope that guy who's sub par in looks can keep her happy and dick her down good, I really wish him the best. I'm just so jaded from the sheer amount of evidence I've been faced with to believe hed be the exception, not the rule.

females evil

>What's wrong with being an incel?
>purpose of life is procreation
>incels are unable to procreate because women pussies shut close and dry up with them around
Incels are failure and a product of fucked up society

How? Because they have vag? Come on now.

You're conflating collectivism as meaning economic redistribution. The west has historically been liberal democracies while simultaneously being collectivist towards western people.

Individualism is a void pit of anti meaning.

they choose social men over me (awkward introvert guy)

>purpose of life is procreation
brainlet spotted

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Society is shit for a lot of reasons, and me trying to play up and (temporarily) have kids and a millennial feminist wife would certainly worsen it in the long run

Don't be introvert

They're hypergamous which means they date above their looks match. They force Male society into the 80/20 rule where only the elite get access to pussy

yet you cannot form a sentence.

*Found the muzzy INCEL

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So what? Not all of them are like describing

I'm not attacking Jews. I'm calling JP a hypocrite


Don't worry, muslims and blacks will replace you while "intelligent" whites and feminists will die out
>the idiots were those that didn't spend their youth procreating and instead had careers and planning shit
>aka the individualists == idiots
Learn etymology faggots what "idiot" (hint: it's a Greek work meaning individualist) means

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Eastern Europe and Asia have women who arent hypergamous, sure. North America and western Europe is completely fucked though

Yep, relationships fail, all the time.
Often enough it's the fault of both parties.
And on the male side it's often the lack of effort put into the relationship after marriage.

I'm not saying that is the sole reason the relationship fails but it often contributes heavily.

That is right. Get yourself hot cocoa and be glad that no female is ruining your life. Live for yourself, not for others

many niggers and muslims are way more intelligent than whites. cope

So they're supposed fuck you out of pity? Your massive sense of entitlement is what's currently fucking you.
If you want to fuck women, you need to have something worth fucking about you - simply existing and being male isn't a a good enough reason, school-shooter.

Piss off imposter

"He collects comics and plays video games, what a fucking loser."
"He collects comics and plays video games, he's so quirky and nerdy, it's adorable."

Can you not tell the difference, it's pretty simple?

>i can't fuck 9's therefore no else in the entire history of the universe ever has

Therefore individualism

What are some men characteristics that attract women for the purpose of sex?

Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodgers couldn't get laid and he was decent looking and rich. If you're decent looking and rich and you can't get laid then you must have a complete shit stain for a personality.

Basically incels are people with completely repugnant personalities and no social skills and they have no desire to improve either or those and expect women to lower their standards instead.

>the idiots were those that didn't spend their youth procreating and instead had careers and planning shit
so some junkie who has a bunch of kids addicted to opiates as soon as they come out of the womb are smart?

explain me why in muslim communities no incels exist? only islam can save the west

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So you think I'm gonna partake in a game where I vie for roasties alongside negros and sandjigaboos? They can keep the white women for all I care

Smarter than some childless educated individualist

Impostere, fuck off

I fucked a 10 and actually stayed with them for 12 years and going now
I guess I should count my blessings

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Women are forced to have a strong sense of modesty, so randomly mating with alphachads lowers their social and biological worth

Based tbh.

look like this:

it's actually that simple. i was actually in a college course sitting behind some chick and she had received a pic like this, but the guy had a nicer set of abs and it didn't even include a fucking head. this shit just owns them.

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of course they are, you shameless shill
we need more people on WIC and the foster care system

10 for you, 6 for others...

Because they don't allow feminism and throw fags off the roofs.
You know, just like Europeans used to do 50-60 years ago.

unlike the beta bugmen I don't really have anything to prove, but I can't even keep people of the same sex off of them

They froze in middle age

Nice strawman, are you a roastie or a faggot for being incapable of addressing an argument?

I didn't say they're "supposed" to do anything. I'm pointing out that perfectly average and sane men are often left with barren dating options, despite literally nothing being wrong with them. You're the retard for inserting that 80% of men have shortcomings with women because of "entitlement". The reality is they cant get women of similar value because women are the entitled ones that constantly "date up", you fuck.

Also 80/20 rule ruins it for both genders. There simply arent enough Chad's for every entitled woman to lock down, and once they've been pumped by an alpha, they'll NEVER be content with a lower ranking Male.

It’s just life. It’s how shit goes. If you were born ugly and disgusting then too bad, life drew you the short end of the stick. It’s nobody’s fault. Learn to deal with it or don’t but it’s NO ONE’S fault.

Not the poster, but I kinda want to take that risk

>middle age

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Are you a Chad?

Confidence (SOMEtimes this can mean ego or cockiness, but not too often); Intelligence; being funny; being charismatic; being skilled at something (not video games or Magic, but rather like musical instruments, etc); being passionate about something (it doesn't have to be something she specifically likes, but it can't be cringey shit).

chances are you'll regret it, I wouldn't advise this for anyone right now
the behavioral sink is in effect
ignore globohomo breedfags who want "white" babies to live like slaves

Bro i tried e dating, real dating and even arranged marriage by churches. all females refused me because i'm fucking short 165cm manlet. stop defending females they suck

no. I'm poor as fuck

Getting women maybe easier if you have top looks. But incels are incels for other reasons than just looks. Lack of confidence, social skills and intelligence come to mind.

I don't want to socialize with a guy who's only hobby seems to be to complain online that they can't get their dick wet (wich they totaly, 100% deserve you guyz) because women are hollow sluts. Why would women want to socialize with guys like that?

>being skilled at something (not video games or magic)

This alone would cure roughly 95% of inceldom. I leave 5%, as I do believe theres a very tiny amount of "truecels" with extremely rare medical abominations that prevent their success

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How did you get the 10. Help a brother out

First they deny that incels are right.
Then after seeing irrefutable evidence, they switch to a "too bad that's life" stance.
All progress and change in human history had to push past the idiots saying "too bad, that's life"


Women have requirements, men have preferences.
Women choose, men compete. There are solid evolutionary reasons for this.
Women are evolutionarily conditioned to heavily discriminate. Men are not.
Women are attracted to a narrow set of characteristics that are entirely genetically determined.
Men are attracted to a wide set of characteristics that can be largely environmentally influenced (this fact alongside fact #4 partially explain female power in the sexual marketplace.)
The 80/20 rule is true. Women always have options. Below average men do not.

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Women who say "tehe girls like all men" invariably have a) a large number of past romantic partners and b) most of their partners are tall and ripped with square jaws, robust skulls and narrow hunter eyes.
The women who have inflicted inceldom upon you, who have bullied you and rejected you your whole life, who have put you in the position you're in now - they will let you pay for a house and their bastard children when they're in mid-late 30s and ready to "settle down" because they can no longer attract Chad. You are expected to be grateful for this opportunity.
Women who say "you've gotta work hard to get a good woman!" do not work hard to get good men. They are born with good genes and lie on their backs while top tier men compete to validate them.
Women who say "tehe you've just gotta trade down below your own SMV" do not trade down themselves. In fact, like all women, they trade up massively. If they are with a male who is uglier than they are (but not objectively ugly), he will be very rich or very high status of account for this.
If you do not have key formative experiences in your adolescent years, you will never, ever be able to catch up, and the window of opportunity for some of life's most wondrous and pure experiences is closed forever. Women expect you to not be bothered at all by this despite having all this experience themselves.
Women are incapable of even contemplating what life is like as an ugly man. They play life on God mode. Doubt this? Open a female profile on a dating app and see how you get treated. It is endless compliments and people being nice to you. Ugly men get nothing. Life is a barren wasteland for us, like being trapped in Death Valley, an endless salt plain.

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There are ways to compensate for short height and get a 10/10 tall woman.
It's not easy, but it can be done.

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it's a unique situation, I can't help you, it just happens
plus I didn't go out looking for them, we just met and they happened to live nearby and we just clicked
we've had our fair share of problems but managed to work it out
sorry I don't have any advice. I would never join the dating scene now if I didn't have them. everything is fucked


Women and normies don't care what is true. They're just bothered about having their very narrow subjective experiences confirmed by equally myopic idiots around them.
Women are happy to share men. Men are not happy to share women. This explains why 20% of men can monopolise 80% of women.
PS: female lurkers: I dare you to make a profile on a dating or social media app using low SMV male pictures. See how you get on. Larp as a low SMV male until you get a date. Try it. See life from our perspective. I dare you.

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Ehh, I think I can spot out the shitty people from the others. I just want to date either for a relationship or to have a reason to get out of the house

This. Incels just want society to accept that women look at looks as a sexual selector like men do. Men are honest and admit this, women just protect their ego and lie about "it's all confidence!"

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>I think I can spot out the shitty people from the others
good luck ...


what “irrefutable evidence”? Give me some evidence please Humans are still animals, we’re apart of nature just like any other animal. The fact that some humans are incredibly ugly and awkward is because they’re the ones who shouldn’t reproduce while the decent(and above) looking & socially acceptable ones are having sex and mating. By natural selection, incels shouldn’t reproduce AT ALL. Why pollute the human gene pool with less desirable genes? Sounds like you’re an incel by the way you’re so offended lmao. Do the world a favor and kill yourself please.


Th....thanks anyways

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He looks like the same person to me, if he wash up, comb hair and let beard he will be handsome

Oh Jesus Christ, AGAIN why the fuck does your self-entitled ass think "average and sane" merits someone wanting to fuck you? Like how fucking dense can you possibly be?

If that's true then stop being below average. I've got lots of ugly assed friends with girlfriends because they have confidence and talent and ambition.

If your 80/20 rule is true then stop being in the undesirable category. Fix yourself.

the problem with people like you is not that you're so far from understanding women that it would be difficult to help and adjust you, but that you're so confused about women that you don't know what you even want.

you want a live human female body you can speak to and fuck but you have no idea what's actually there. again, even though your perception of them is completely twisted and almost completely wrong, it just doesn't seem like you SHOULD be helped to finally realize what it is you think you want.

you don't understand what's at the end of the rainbow and all you can do is whine about how it's impossible to achieve.

So the same cannot be said for ugly women?

Thank an incel today!

They've removed themselves from the gene pool. Really it's pretty sad

Yeah I'll need that, some people are really good at masking their shit personality and you really have to know them to tell.

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Real talk here.
Incels advising other incels or roleplaying as chads gets us nowhere.
Where to ask real advice?

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>gene pool
most of your "good genes" are gonna get wiped out during Yellowstone eruption

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What if i'm a mentalcel, is it over for me?
I'm somewhat decent looking, but can't capitalize on it because i'm a spastic autist.

I just said being average merits nothing as a male. Can you read, retarded fucking roastie?

are you smarter than this guy?

Gain some self confidence and quit being a fucking beta. Blaming women for your issues will never get you laid. Grow up.

You said nothing of value in all that text

Just garbage Jordan Peterson "I'm smart and you dont deserve help!" Rhetoric

Yeah, I bet you must be pretty familiar with that.

It's not "too bad that's life" it's like you can't sit around in your fucking bedroom playing vidya thinking girls are going to come looking for you to fuck. You have to actually do shit to make yourself fuckable.
This is EXACTLY the problem with you INCEL fucks: you think that merely existing is a good enough reason for someone to want to fuck you. You don't have to be a rich, ripped Chad for girls to want to fuck you - the world is fucking full of examples of dudes who aren't hot or rich who are fucking and dating attractive women.
I was in a band with a fucking ugly, poor as dirt (we all were) drummer and he was finding girls to stay with EVERY fucking stop on tour because he knew how to interact with women. He was also a killer drummer, and women seeing that would always have some sort of effect on them.

lmao salty incel talking about the end of the world because they can’t get laid. It’s basic male biology for us to get pussy. You can’t get pussy so you resort to “hurr durr the world will end so who cares” mentality. At least some of us will die non-virgins while you will never have experienced it without rape kek

Save for the fact that he's dead-on.

there is no "real advice" beyond what you have already read and, assuming you aren't a total misogynist, know deep down to be true.

deeply understand that women don't owe you sex, approach women for the same reasons you would approach some guy you think is cool, and learn some basic social skills (i.e. how to talk to someone for more than 5 minutes without bringing up WWII factoids) beyond that, unless you are disfigured or disabled, being an incel is a prison you are building for yourself.

>spastic autist
Do you have real autism?

ITT: fake lower-shelf millennial ch*ds circlejerk while trashtalking incels with the baseless delusional and unlikely belief they're going to:
-be less unhappy than the average inc*l
-raise a family with a pretty woman who will not cuck them to shit
-reach the ultimate fulfilment in life by breeding the zoomers of the future
-die less alone than the average inc*l

I'm the user in the relationship and trust me, even a relationship won't save you
I hope you are on top of the shit when it happens meeting the person you want to be with for the rest of your life, and all of a sudden boom gone

proud volcel here. feel free to ask me anything. we sympathize with incel brothers kind of because they're half woke, they understand the evil nature of females tho they're desperate.
p.s. i'm 8/10 chad looking.

They should just hire an escort. It's a money before pleasure exchange at ground level, but the best sex workers will go the extra mile and help a guy work out whatever funk he's in.

One of the typical questions a lady of the night may ask a new "suitor" is why he sought her out or decided to see an escort. In this situation, I imagine the best thing an incel could do is answer honestly: "I'm can't get laid and I don't know what I'm doing wrong".

If she's an A+ provider, she'll suck/fuck the soul out of you and then give you some tips on how to improve your game between rounds.

No, you're bitter and boring as fuck - this is why women don't want you.

you aren't asking for "help." you want there to be some kind of magical reason that chads get girls. your problem is that you only see women as an opportunity for sex, and any "good guy" routine you pull is just a smokescreen for your shallow personality that just wants to use people for sexual gratification. stop trying to figure out how to trick women into sleeping with you and everything else falls into place.

You must've missed the story about my ex marrying a dude who was 5'4 (your height). She's 5'7. He's an introverted software engineer who wasn't particularly rich.

Bull shit. Yes, looks might help to get a foot in the door, it might even get you a one night stand.

Look at that picture, this guy doen't just display his body, he fucking RADIATES confidence.
And confidence is a trait that get's you girls. Real, honest to god confidence. Not your "fake it till you make it" cringey kind.
Drive, passion, being interesting all that shit get's you girls.

Having your shit together, genuine care for yourself and socializing for the sake of meeting interesting people and good friends.

Improve yourself, improve your life.
Nobody want's to hang with a shlopp with a life that's not worth living.

Same, what do you usually do? Do you go out for fun (Not expecting sex)?

But how gain confidence?
Anything I do, I don't gain confidence.
Instead I slip more.
I'm not even a NEET anymore, got good paying job, I'm educated, I can talk for more than 5 minutes.
Still virgin though.
I want some real tips and tricks damnit.
I don't know if I can hold for much longer before I kill myself.
I did all the standard advice, I even lost weight and I'm in normal BMI and still a virgin.

Clearly there is a deeper issue here.

>roastie giving dating advice
Fucking cringe.
Real talk, take advice from men who are good at getting women, not women. "The natural lifestyles" is a really solid YouTube channel that teaches natural confidence and not spammy pua shit. If you want a bit more of a sociopath trail to to down, RSD Julien is a true machiavellian, but can absolutely fucking slay some hotties

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You prove points I've been making in here - being attractive and rich can only get you so far with women. You don't have any of the characteristics that women actually like.

yep basically. /SIG/ gang. self improvement stuff (gym-books) and practicing hobbies. what about you user?

Im pretty ugly and have had my fair share of rejection, but i still have a count of 6 now, and im 18 (lost v at 13). You guys who consider yourselves incels are most likely both talking to the wrong girls, not trying hard enough or in the right way, and must be unable to talk to women without sperging out about some incel shit. Seriously though i am a faggot with a big jew nose and baby cheeks, skinny with no muscles, long blonde hair, degenerate + drug using, Im shy and quiet as fuck, and i have still have managed to get pussy.

tl;dr retarded benzo/alcohol rambling

i feel sorry for them but then again it's natural selection at work, if you're ugly it's going to be harder getting a woman to fuck you and have babies with you...

Who said anything about a relationship? Who the fuck cares about a relationship? As long as you can get pussy, that’s all that matters. You at least made it that far while other lesser “males” (incels) can’t even do that much.

>Real talk, take advice from men who are good at getting women, not women.
I learnt this the hard way.
Talking advice from women is the worst thing ever.
They may be well meaning but all the advice they give is guaranteed to make you worse.
>"The natural lifestyles" is a really solid YouTube channel that teaches natural confidence and not spammy pua shit. If you want a bit more of a sociopath trail to to down, RSD Julien is a true machiavellian, but can absolutely fucking slay some hotties
Solid post man, thanks for the real advice.

I've already said in here that attractive dudes can get laid by other attractive women, but you can't find any women worth dating because none of those chicks would actually want to date you'd get a date or two out of them and they'd pass - which is what I'm willing to bet has landed you in here, whining about women.

Me? I'm beginning to make exercising a habit for me, I would either play vidya or try to work on hobbies when I have the chance.

Other than that, when I do leave the house I try to go with somebody because being alone is boring.

I have a gf. I just despise frauds who signal their virtue, then tell others "they dont deserve help" in a thinly veiled egotistical statement. You dont care for your fellow man. Sincerely go fuck yourself, charlatan

I am a 28 year old incel. Never kissed a girl. Never went on date. Never had a job for more than 4 months. Never finished college. Currently a neet living off an allowance at my parents house, but that's ending when I'm 30 they say. I need to get my act together. Problem is, I weigh over 275 pounds and am ugly as fuck. No one will ever hire me and I don't see the point of working anyway because I can't have sex. I guess I'll be homeless after next year and probably an hero at that point. I have absolutely no friends and this is all because I was bullied in high school. The bullies made me the way I am today, an anxious shut in virgin. Even my steam backlog doesn't entertain me anymore, so all I do is browse Yea Forums and r/braincels all day. Such is life. Fuck foids.

>i see mentally stable wizards virgins in their mid 30

based m8. exercising increases your slef confidence keep at it!
it really is funny to see many brainwashed normals falling apart because they can't control themselves.
btw. when did you decide to go a volcel? for me, it was year ago after a devastating e-relationship made me reconsider all my shits

>Why don't women want to have sex with me?

Stop speaking in baby talk would be a good place to start.

Shut the fuck up, it's supposed to be ironic

what the fuck is that???

this is the kind of person who is worse than incels and give people genital herpes and HPV

chad alien. how can incels cope even??

The only thing holding you back is your weight man. Also thinking about incel shit puts you in a mindset that lowers your chances of having a sexual encounter quite considerably.
Just my thoughts though berate me if you please

Yeah when you act like a retard "ironically" or genuinely are a retard it doesn't really matter. The end result is everyone thinks you're a retard.

Globalists breeding aliens to create new generation of shape shifting space lizards governing elite.

After many rejections I broke down and I needed to ask myself: Why do I want to be in a relationship? Am I the problem? What do I have to offer in the relationship? What do I actually want?

Other than that I prefer losing my virginity with a virgin.

>they may be well meaning
They tell you what they think they want in a man because they dont want to be shallow. Terrible fucking advice. But np bro. Look up their series on approach anxiety and inner game, its fucking life changing. Build an inner core of mental strength and you can take the world

They don't know how lucky they are.

It’s not that hard, man. Just quit eating trash. Quit eating fast food, junk food. Start eating healthy shit like fruits, veggies, REAL chicken, turky, or beef (none of that fried shit either). Eat less calories than your body burns and stary exercising. Whether thats walking a few miles a day or HIIT exercises or even weight lifting, really ANY type of exercise is beneficial. If you do it right, eventually you’ll lose fat and become more attractive at least. At that point, it’s not the end of the world. Join the military whether it’s army or marines or air force or navy or coast guard. Any branch will do. Then you’ll be set if you keep that lifestyle up. They’re is always a way user.

Forgive me, but Isnt that just straight up incel if you're consistently getting rejected?

I'm 28 and people 10 years younger than me are having sex. It is truly over. Trust me, it's not just my weight. I'm balding and have an absolutely horrendous face, with a permanent scowl due to all the abuse I've taken from my peers and my parents telling me to get a job and girlfriend. It's truly over for me, but good try, I appreciate the words.

It's not retarded and it's not like I act like that in real life. It stays on the internet.

See It's already over for me. I am still a virgin at 28 god damn years old.

feels bad tbh. sadly we never see virgins in this cucked society

Diagnosed schizoid and OCD, but family seems to think i'm on the spectrum and i agree.
Recluse, always rearranging objects, wash hands excessively to the point of sores developing on hands and can't stand loud noises or people touching me.

I could of been Chad, 6'0 and have a wide frame, but it's wasted on me.

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No, incels will never know what a pussy feels like. You’re yelling out “well what about STDs and diseases” kek what would you know user, you never even penetrated a girl in the first place. I never had an STD and i’ve fucked quite a bit of pussy. Let’s hear some more sad shit lmao

It is retarded and if you keep acting like a retard online you're going to be acting like a retard offline too. You need to cultivate yourself and that means improving how you carry yourself everywhere.

You got 2 years still man.
After 30 most women either have children or can't have children and it gets worse.
40 year old virgin here.

Okay, here's the deal: Sex is nice, it really is.
What it isn't is the holy grail incels and horny teenages make it ut to bee.
And chasing after it is the absolute foolproof way to DON'T get it.

No woman in their right mind want's to get it on with a guy who's only quality is "he want's to bang". The thing about Chad Thundercock you don't want to acknowledge? He puts effort into himself. You really think those sixpack abs came from nowhere?

Hell you don't need any tips, tricks or secrets.
Just be sincere with yourself: Would you want do be friends, hang out or even just be in an elevator for more than two minutes with a guy like yourself? No? THAN CHANGE THAT.

>No, incels will never know what a pussy feels like.
that doesn't make them bad people on it's own
you're so much worse, even more so than the pissed off frogposters it's absurd
fuck off you animal

It is, but it is because of the way I approached women (Plus this was during high school and I was asked out once)

That's rough bro.
Do you have big meltdowns in public or you control it?

I know virgins who are 40 and they’re still good people. It’s not over at all, user. Trust me, there are humans who have it waaaay worse that all of us here. There WILL be a female who will love and fuck you. Do not give up just yet, promise me that.

And how do I even do that?
That doesn't give me any hope. Almost every girl here has a child already or is married like you say.

I thought about going to the Philippines or Thailand for some easy women. What do you all think? A fat balding white guy will do well there? Or is it truly over?

Well I have a pocket pussy so I know exactly how it feels, however, not attached to a real person unfortunately

get mad all you want, the truth hurts. Incels are not bad people but life is not fair. If you can’t have sex with a female at all then you were not destined for this life. Simple as that. Cry about it some more maybe that will help you.

At what age do you consider to be a failure at life if someone is still a virgin? 18? 20? 22? 25? 30?

I'm sure an inanimate object can't replicate the feeling of a warm, moist, pulsating pussy.
But I'm a virgin so I don't know.
Can a non virgin confirm?

Around late 20's early 30's

There isn't a strong cutoff date but I would say if you are 23 and still a virgin and kissless things are bleak.

Losers who dont want to change themself but want women to love a loser

A pocket pussy is not the same as fucking a real women, what the fuck? You’re fucking a plastic pussy, not a real wet women. That’s honestly the saddest shit i’ve heard today.

Here we have the problem...
If you really waste your time sitting there and try to imagine what the difference in feeling is, you are a hopeless idiot.

I say if you haven’t fucked a women by the age of 30, then it’s more than likely too late for you as most males get uglier by the age. However if you manage to have sex with any women at any age then you’re at least golden. Never give up, just work on yourself as the most ideal male you can be.

Nobody is suggesting that incels are not losers.
But what the causes?
And what are the solutions?
How do you escape inceldom?
Is it even possible?

I was a virgin until i met my wife at 27 (she had been with just 5 guys before) and we fucked like every day for years. Now I'm 30 and we have 2 kids and moved in together, married etc. Its possible

how can an incel change himself retard? it's a natural selection and genes inferiority game.

Its not blaming other people, you see some peoples actions can have an effect on you, either positive or negative

>she had been with just 5 guys before
do you consider yourself a cuck?

It's molded after a real pussy though, that's the thing. If you squirt some lube down there, it's definitely accurate to how a real pussy feels. It's not that special. The only thing special is that it's attached to a real breathing person instead.

Yo I'm a fat with stretch marks, 28 year old, shit job having, still living at my parents house, loser, and I still get laid. And I don't even have to pull the asshole routine.

Yeah looks do play a part, I'll admit that, but most of it is just personality. If you're just a creep, or weird, or just come off as pretentious or patronizing then that's like 80% of your problem.

He shouldn't be, if he's the one doing it

No, but would I rather be a virgin than be with a girl that's slept with only 5 guys? She's 23 so that's not a lot

you realize women are not just objects for your satisfaction. That’s the problem with you incels, is that you want a women who is untouched and “perfect” for you yet you are unsatisfactory by ALL MEANS. You get what you have so be lucky that you even bagged a women at all rather than be a lonely, sexless, pathetic excuse for a man.

Different user but if she's loyal from now on he isn't a cuck.
Although the fact he knows exact numbers of previous sexual partners is worrying to say the least.

this guy knows what's up

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My family recently had a get together, a bit too much liquor was involved, things got heated and chaotic.
I couldn't stand the shouting, freaked out and grabbed a shovel and threatened them with it.
I was bluffing though, i'm not a violent person.

Keep telling that to yourself. Its the easy way out.

i can't say because i don't know what they're influenced by. they should be happy to just want bitches and have all the free porn they could ever want. it's like... 25 years ago, there was nothing to jerk off to aside from reruns of "charles in charge" or "married with children", on the five channels most people got. porno magazines were the shit, and while i was cool enough to be using usenet at age 16, it was a 2400 baud modem (300 bits per second) and well, it WAS the equivalent of a porno magazine with 60 pages after a four hour download. really.

sure i wanted bitches, but i didn't want to DIE for them. in fact, they wanted it as much or more, and were far more classless about expressing it. guys like this must be getting terrible influence from culture that i'm entirely not familiar with because i haven't watched average television in 20 years, really, and they might be acting like goons trying to get chicks, get shot down and then lose their minds on stupid message boards.

you’re fucking plastic, user. it’s not a real human lmao. That’s like fucking a dead person. I’d rather fuck a living women who has emotion than MAN-MADE PLASTIC. “molded after a real pussy” what kind of sad excuse is that? You’re telling me you’d rather stick your dick in plastic, fake pussy than some real, moist female pussy who can actually express and say what she’s feeling? You might as well fuck a blow-up doll.

If I get with someone and I'm a virgin, I expect that they are a virgin too. Plus a woman more experienced than a man is obviously a huge turnoff, and possibly making them considered a cuck, even if they are not currently a cuck

No? I never said I'd prefer a pocket pussy. But it's a close alternative to something I may never get. My point is, I know almost exactly how a pussy feels, thanks to these awesome pocket pussies. I have a few of them already from different brands.

evolution is a series of mutations. some of us are good defects. some people are simply better then others. morality is a fiction. Have a tremendous appreciation for human suffering. people are nothing without a purpose.

our brains are pattern matching machines and this kid put the puzzle pieces together knew he was genetic fuckup and then realized there's some brutality in him then acted upon it.

like the woody allen flick crimes and misdeamanors. when your mind matures you'll see the world for how it is. every advantage and disadvantage a person has is mostly genetic/evolution.

don't fuck with nature or natural selection.

most people figure out where they belong in society and grow accustomed to it.

people are alot hedonistic then they makes themselves out to be. we evolved to be social. when you have meaninful interaction with a person your brain literally releases happy chemicals.

We're meant to love and pass along gift of life.

can't believe I typed this much.

also I like that bruce willis quote at beginning of alpha dog. "it's not about guns.drugs/disinfectate youth. it's about parenting"

like if your kid picked up a deadly weapon and killed innocent people then you failed as a parent.

oops, i meant 2400 baud was 300 BYTES per second. as if you can comprehend how slow that was. it's just... that was a simpler time, in 1993, and it was a dial up connection to a university and you'd use a unix shell account to download usenet posts in chunks and then download the chunk and decode it. i wasn't a "nerd". i just wanted porn and had hardware and an account through my mother who worked there. it was just a thing to do, not being a computer nerd. i didn't avoid girls, and i didn't pine for them either.

i don't know what the modern era has done to kids. it seems pretty bad and i say that honestly.

Im a beta asian manlet, if I can get laid consistently then anyone can

escorts doesn't count. you know..

genetics is basically the software we run on.

remember reading it was beneficial long ago to have a psycho in the family that way if someone tried to kill the family the psycho would be able to kill an intruder without any remorse etc

What this has to do with incels? lmao user

legalize prostitution

also remember reading that men are put on earth to spread their seed and kill each other and that's it. contributing to society is just a meme to promote fairness and freedom

>our brains are pattern matching machines and this kid put the puzzle pieces together knew he was genetic fuckup and then realized there's some brutality in him then acted upon it.
>also I like that bruce willis quote at beginning of alpha dog. "it's not about guns.drugs/disinfectate youth. it's about parenting"
>like if your kid picked up a deadly weapon and killed innocent people then you failed as a parent.
this part was about the Op pic
this part

they are.. used the same system to get laid since i was 21. every girl falls for you if you understand women.

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Legalize prostitution.
Ban pornography.
Hang porn producers and distributors.
Penalty for production distribution promotion of porn is death.

Then you better find a women who actually is a virgin. You know how you find that, user? By finding a foreign bitch because most American bitches are not virgins. That’s just the sad truth. Most makes shouldn’t be virgins in their late lives. If you are then you better make do with what you have. You’re aren’t getting the best if you’re not the best, that’s just how life goes. It’s unfair but it’s no one’s fault. Deal with that shit however you can, oh well tough shit.

A plastic pussy is not “exactly how a pussy feels” lmfao. Keep trying user, maybe you’ll find real pussy one day, probably not though.

Can you explain please? Please. I'm begging you

The term is misleading. Or rather it's used incorrectly.

People who are truly involuntarily celibate rarely call themselves incels. I'm talking about people who are truly incapable of sex due to some sort or disease, accident, or injury to their sexual organs.

Most of the people who call themselves incels have only themselves to blame for their inability to have sex. They'll never admit this though, because it's much easier to blame others than to admit your own failings and improve yourself.

It is, it's literally molded after a pussy. Like i said, all you need is lube and it's pretty damn accurate. It's not even plastic, it's rubber to simulate a pussy. Fucking dumbass troll

Try going for below average girls. Incels aim for the perfect 10s then cry when they get rejected because they believe they deserve it. The truth is that they tend to be 4s at the most, so they need to look for girls who are 4 or below

No, that’s just incels making excuses for their poor pathetic genes. It’s not anybody’s fault that you can’t find a female to fuck your disgusting self. Either kill yourself or find a way to make yourself the most attractive you can. Humans didn’t evolve all these millions of years so you can bitch about how unattractive you are.

I don't even want sex, I'm just after the feeling of being loved and wanted

>Can you explain please? Please. I'm begging you

approach, talk about ANYTHING, share common interests, tease her, ask her # and set a date, sex.

>years ago, there was nothing to jerk off to aside from reruns of "charles in charge" or "married with children"

You must add an electrical resistance inside working at 220V so you simulate the warmth of a pussy

Then turn yourself into someone that is loveable

>projection: the post

ugly girls are rude and messed in the head badly. attractive women are way more sexually open minded, and adventurous.

What about you is lovable?

What if you get rejected by sub 5s all the time? What if even indian girls reject you as a white guy?

you’re literally fucking plastic, user. That’s not a living, breathing female kek. I’m dying laughing right now, how can any sane male think that’s the same at all lmao. “i’m sticking my pathetic penis in a piece of rubber so I know what pussy feels like”. Please go have sex with a REAL human female vagina and tell me if it’s the same because it’s definitely not lmfao

Thing is, I don't know what people think of me

But what does it mean to understand women

That's why the "lower your standards, go for ugly girls" advice about is worst advice ever.
Usually promoted by ugly girls.
It may seem unintuitive but pretty girls are easier and nicer to be around.
Ugly and educated women is the worst combination.

well if you don’t meet that criteria then you won’t get it, plan and simple.

It literally is the same aside from the fact that it's warmer and attached to a person. That's literally it. Wow oh so different.

Is that because you've never asked them or because you just don't interact with other people enough to find out?

You can't ask "what do you think about me?"!

I'm usually there to help others and I want to see the best for them. I try to make their day by either asking about their day or trying to make them laugh

However a little part of me thinks that I am the problem

that's pretty cringe

I never asked because I feel like I sound desperate asking. Plus I was told not to care what others think of me

>However a little part of me thinks that I am the problem
Yeah man, you are putting other people above you and your needs and wants.
No wonder women are not turned on by this.
They want bad boys, aka confident men that get what they want.

incel/beta criterion of what women want and what women actually want are very different things.

I'm guessing you were 22 when you had your first kiss and lost your virginity

exactly, it’s attached to an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING, not some piece of plastic. What the actual fuck, you’re better off fucking an animal, user. How low in life do you have to be to accept that a piece of fake plastic is the “same” as human flesh? That’s gross and sad as fuck.

You probably are the problem.

Women are obsolete, we have artificial wombs now.

Just take the doll pill already.

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I'm 40 year old virgin.
At 23 I thought I had good chances with a girl and ended up being cucked for the next 2 years.

I try not to, but I tend to do both

So it was due to your own negative experience you choose that number? I'm so sorry dude, that's fucked up

What do you suggest i do instead then, moron? I have no way of fucking a real pussy, now, or probably in the future.

His jaw and the look in his eyes is a dead giveaway he is severely mentally ill.

I am also severely mentally ill for being a qt handsome blue eyed twink ONLY going for beta virgins incels. Why? They deserve some love too and they are STD free

tf is wrong with you would you make fun of a woman like this for using a dildo?

no incel/beta ever approaches a girl instead he chooses to construct false models in his head about women and then worships them as truth.
like.. i am a 4.5, she is a 6.2 so its hopeless... etc

This triggeres the foid

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i have an idea. incel dating app where all the incels can fuck each other in the ass. problem solved.

>what is

I bought her a desktop PC, 2 external hard drives and I was her computer technician for free for 2 years.
Every weekend she had headache and promised always the next weekend but she had headache again.
Turns out she was fucking other dudes and I was just a fool.

Work on yourself. Improve yourself. Unless you’re so mentally retarded you can’t do shit for yourself, you can fix yourself. Build an aesthetically pleasing body, learn to become less socially awkward, get the fuck off Yea Forums and Yea Forums for that matter, eat better, get more sleep, and pursue a career you want or is acceptable for you and you’ll be just find.

That's gay though

if that bitch never had a chance of fucking a real dick then yes but since most ugly and socially awkward cucks are attracted to any breathing women, it doesn’t really matter.


so what? they are getting laid, also no woman will sleep with incels according to their own preconceived mental barriers.

Ok and why are you on Yea Forums?are you some amazing sex god here to dunk on all of us incels? This is an incel board.


would you slesp a legit 160cm brown bald man? whore u wouldn't

a lot of women would if the man knew what he was doing

I’m here to give you the real advice you can get.

>what he was doing
what does this even mean? also you avoid the question. you WOULDN'T

probably when you start to gauge your success in life by the fact that you had sex a single time by some arbitrary age limit

i'm not a woman.

>what he was doing
conversation, hook, tease, date, sex

I am so sexually frustrated. I'm 25 and never had sex. I tried nofap and now it's even worse. I have a boner like 25% of the time, and rage at the idea that i have no one to have sex with. How the fuck do i get this off my mind. Nofap just made me horny and angry

ascend to an incel saint then go an hero

my roommate... 22 goes to a junior college. sleeps with so many girls that i have no idea. slept with the girl that i had a crush on for 6 MONTHS within 2hrs of meeting her. Made her giggle and took her to his room in no time.

i awkwardly asked for her number one time and thats it, she just laughed

what did you say? be more subtle. like you should have been like... 'would be cool to text you back and forth, we probably would have a good back and forth

she probably knew exactly what you were thinking and was a step ahead.

well this was a while ago, and yes i understand but i am trying to demonstrate how easy it is for some guys... literally fucked that girl within 2hrs of chatting up with her on the other hand you have me i was probably gonna ask her for a date that would have lead to the friendzone.

surely there's a girl you can get first try. you just aren't seeing it natural selection is precise.

has there ever been a girl that irked you?

Hurts to know that. Similar for me. Not an incel, with an amazing gf, but I got friend zoned by dozens of girls before meeting her. Feels real shitty to know if I were single again, it would probably be for a couple years yet again

i even failed at getting my ROOMATES NUMBER( lived with her for 1.5 yrs) while some random guy meets her and fucks her in no time roflol

Probably Becuase you're roommates and she doesn't want to fuck the guy she lives with