What are some jobs that start off at $15 an hour?

What are some jobs that start off at $15 an hour?

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night shift package handler at fed ex starts at 14

Car detailer at autobody shops.

How hard is that job?

I'd prefer something that doesn't need anything past a HS diploma

a car detailer doesn't require past a HS diploma, you're litterally detailing cars, I did it for 3 years from 2012-2015.


If there are country clubs in your area see if they're looking for bartenders. A lot of them will give you a flat hourly wage and tell you not to take tips (obviously still do this).

Yep. I started right out of highschool at an autobody shop. Eventually became a polisher, and now I'm a journeyman autobody tech making $26 per hour flatrate

also if you don't know how to don't get suckered into one of those bullshit classes. Just buy a Mr. Boston and read it backwards and forwards. Learn the classics and a couple specialties. Have some good funny and/or raunchy jokes ready to go. It's ridiculously easy.

i bartend at my my buddy's bar thursday through saturday from 8 to 2 and make about 400 a weekend

just leaked my ex gf

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amazon warehouse minimum is $15 per hour...plus you can pee in all the bottles you want

Apparently this works

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Nice Yea Forumsro sounds like it worked out very well for you. I worked at a used car lot that got their cars from the auctions and I would just detail them before they put them up for sale. I lied to get the job, wasn't hard to figure out what to do.
Over all I enjoyed it, laid back wasn't any pressure.
I'm currently getting my CDL to drive big rigs, wanting to start making some good money and investing in real estate.

thank me later

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do not do this

also agree with this fag on lying to get the job if you have to. If it's an out of hs gig there's no shame in faking it until you make it.

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It's not a bad temp job. I did it for 5 months but had to leave because of their strike rules. If you do it don't mess up your back carrying heavy packages. Once they start pressuring you to pick up the pace that's when you know it's time to ditch.

try warehousing, caterpillar is hiring all over the world and 15/hr

>do not do this
Why not?

do you think there's any truth to that shit about how they're gonna automate it? Like did you notice anything that might lead to that?

correct, the worse thing they can do is fire you for lying, most of the time if you show work ethic they don't mind showing you the ropes, if you're a lazy shit that doesn't ask questions and just waits to be told to do something you can kiss your ass goodbye.

The military

mm i love how this whore sells her body and flaunts her shit for guys to cum

go work at ikea, you'll get 17.50 an hour

it's a trash job with no real opportunities for advancement directly or laterally

I majored in CS I was working there cause I couldn't get a job at the time and thought I might work my way up. That's not happening. But yes they can automate it easily. There's even videos of little robots doing it I think in Chinese warehouses. All we did was sort boxes into rows by letter and then stack them in pallets based on number. It can be automated.

You don't know dick about shit moron.

ah gotcha.

How'd the CS degree work out if you don't mind me asking?

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I know that your dumbass would be fired on your 89th day.

lol nice get

OP here, I should've mentioned that I'm only looking to work for the summer only. That's why I want to make as much as possible. Don't really care about getting promoted so Amazon is for sure an option.

Try and do garbage for your town. One of the best decisions I made. I started off at 22 a hour 40 hour work week 3 days off and after a couple years I got a raise to 25 a hour.



Okay I'm gonna need some more information if you don't mind me asking.

Are you in HS? College?
Are you smart?
Are you fit?

I wouldn't recommend a labor job unless you're desperate. You can make more money and enjoy your summer more working a tip-wage job. More importantly if you're young, working as a host, server, or bartender is a great way to develop your social skills. That pays off in the future - seriously.

If you're smart and in school, have you thought about tutoring? Flexible hours and absolutely lucrative pay if you market yourself right.

It pays off. Don't let the guys here discourage you from getting a degree. I've had decent jobs and done some freelance. It's just I'm dealing with personal issues which is why I'm stuck here. It's also about working on your own projects and having something to showcase your skills. Good luck man.

Oh no I got my degree last year, I was just curious how CS was because I minored in it. Mine was in Physics and lately I've been a little disappointed with the job market. It just seems like lately the STEM market has been saturated with lots of new graduates. Not to say I'm doing awful for myself, but it's just been pretty much average for kids my age.

Also I'm sorry about your personal stuff user I hope it works out. Stay strong bud.

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I am in college, yes. Regrettably I didn't apply for internships(CS major) because I thought my summer classes were gonna be hard. Turns out they were incredibly easy. Bartending doesn't seem like a bad option but I'm not really a people person.

blowjobs sometimes?

Ah okay. Well good news is I wouldn't worry too much about the internship thing.

If you don't want to consider bartending, there's always hosting or serving. Like earlier it's worth it to find something that'll let you practice social skills.

But besides that, what about freelance work? One of my friends at uni worked with the local fire department while he was in school to update their website. Easy money. Again, you've gotta be able to market yourself well. But now he makes a six-figure in Cali, so go figure.

If you live anywhere close to a Carmax apply. Extreme room for advancement. Work hard move up fast with pay increases all the way

OP again, how is the freelance market? My plan is to graduate, try as hard as possible to land a job or two with a fortune 500 company, then after 2-3 years work on contract for clients directly. Is this a good plan or am I delusional? Not planning to get rich but I do want to clear around 200-300K per year as a freelance.

I would love to freelance but I don't have anywhere near the ability to do that. I know web design is easy but it bores me to tears anytime I try to learn it. I also really do not want to live in California. I'm in NJ and I've heard it's like this state on steroids.

cashier at cosco

Question for anyone in the field. mid-career... Should I make a linked-in? has anyone had sucess with mid-career. i.e. after 10+ yrs experience workign in the field 100k+ jobs?

im starting to look and am considering making one.

Gotcha. Well I gotta get to bed so all I'll leave you with is try to think long picture with whatever you do this summer. If you're studying for CS then it'll be good to pick something that you'll be able to angle off of in the future when you're applying for entry-levels - whether that's tech-related, working on a team, etc. Good luck user, I believe in you.

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Thanks man. Good luck to you also.

Yes. Add absolutely everyone you can until you get up to 500 connections, after that it doesn't matter. Make it look good and then forget about it. HR departments will literally make-or-break based on whether you show up on an online search, I'm not joking.

Why work freelance?

Thats kind of embarassing. I would never have expected that though, appreciate it.

I don't know this for sure, but I'm assuming because you can work and finish much faster compared to a regular job, where you have to have weekly meetings and work in an open office with distractions and constant noise. I just figure as a freelancer I can get paid a flat rate and finish the job with the motivation of getting paid with the next contract.

>learn to code in down time
>find startup willing to take you
>30k/yr to 125k/yr in 5 years

How many hours do you usually flag per week? How long did it take you to go from apprentice to journeyman?

> he thinks its only weekly meetings
oh you sweet summer child

You're making a good choice though. Depending on the scope you're looking at it might be good to read about some basic project management and ensuring deliverables.

Amazon bro. They hire literally anyone and all you do is either scan shit, wrap shit, stack shit, or sort shit. The machines do 80% of the work for you.

15 bucks an hour. Zero xp required, just pass a drug test and start.

Is it really daily meetings? If so do these people not understand how counter productive that is, or do they not care and just want everyone to do busy work?

welcome to scrum/agile/waterfall/whatever the fucking buzzword of the week project management my dude.

it's trash and hopefully people will realize that soon

they're already automating it...amazon has lot's of robots on the warehouse floor...the trick is learning to work with them

you had to leave because of strikes? what did you do to get the strikes?

if you can suck a cock every 4 minutes its a good start


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