Hi I labeled all the erogenous zones on the astolfo for your consideration

Hi I labeled all the erogenous zones on the astolfo for your consideration.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: 1564188439772.jpg (848x2024, 314K)

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doesnt she have a penis

They are color coded, but what does it mean?

I am going to touch her hair

Red is where you put your dick
Yellow is for tickle
Green Is where you can do something to turn them on

Ok thx bb.

why put your penis on her penis

how are his nipples a green zone fuck off OP

Rotate 160 degrees and you have the bussy

something to do innit

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

well, almost

What kind of zone should that be?

why wouldnt they be

at least yellow
give me 5 minutes alone with you and i'll show you

going by you dont tickle nipples
idk what your idea of 5 mins alone would be if thats the case

has a girl never licked your nipples before? i'm being serious .. it is a highly erogenous zone...even with no training the neck should be yellow as well as the inner thigh this chart is highly flawed, as inexperienced as you sound 5 mins would be plenty

yellow means TICKLE you dummy
>also uniornic "have sex you motherfucking incel

devil trips because rude reply and in being nice asshole jesus you faggots are sensitive

my thrid triples of the day


Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 57K)

ok but thats not tickling its licking
¥as inexperienced as you sound
yeah call me a loser too while your at it

Attached: EF7DE6C4-5608-4B97-9E0A-8DC5D251C31B.jpg (556x606, 79K)

sex is for perverts -___-

perv is for sexerts _---_

OH MY GOD IM SORRY IM SERIOUSLY TRYING TO BE NICE THIS IS JUST HOW I TALK very few people in reality enjoy being tickled its horrible

Just going to put this out there yellow may not mean tickle just guessed what they meant

seriously can we just cuddle -__-

nicest dubs
cuddling with no pressure or expectations is so.much better than pretty much anything else in the world

God im so fucking sad & lonley, bunch a retard bullies go to HELL AND HAVE A BAD TRIP ON THE WAY THERE

you missed the back of the knee you absolute BAKA

oh I thought you were op, he probably meant a middle tier zone
nvm im wrong

Astolfo's cuddle zones.

Attached: 2astolfo.jpg (1168x2048, 324K)


ok im killing this name ffs...you happy nowe?

Now let me pass the mic over to ray-cist m0-ar

reference: youtube.com/watch?v=BRSXdXHFNmI&list=PLgAG0Ep5Hk9IpIWc04slKO2R_WlpyUVxr&index=11

i geeked, lol

armpits should be red to

astolfo stomping zones

Attached: astolfo stomp.jpg (1168x2048, 724K)


I like the way you think user.

I'd rather he step on my dick.

Attached: sample_86ee84e04e9861b75f0e0f36733c514d[1].jpg (850x1133, 145K)
