Why are swedish kids so much better then american kids...

why are swedish kids so much better then american kids? i like sweden's future generation much better then america's future generation

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One word: (EDUCATION)

I live in Sweden and we are so fucked!

while i agree americans are retarded,i doubt the education system in swedistan is any better

is ok be gay class

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>A nation of cucks
Blanda Upp

ex gf thank me later

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>a nation of cucks

im talking about sweden here,not canada

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>inb4 you miss this

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how does this even work wtf

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American here, I'd much rather be here or from here than being raped and beheaded in Sweden. All my Swedish friends moved to other European countries.

yeah,well once the "open borders and gun control"supporting democrats take the country over.you to shall be raped and beheaded by muslims just like the swedish!

how that's for a future huh,assuming your intelligent enough to realize how badly orange man has ruined the republican party

Any kid that isn't a nigger is better than an ameritard kid

also,your swedish friends dont realize that the muslims are all over europe.just look at that sand nigger they made mayor of london

yeah i was in sweden fir a bit when i went to europe last summer. they sure have a lot of muslims. so did germany

Swedish people used to be cool why did you stop being vikings and become cucks?

While Trudeau is a raging multicultural faggot, he pales in comparison to Scandinavian countries. At least his popularity is tanking. Meanwhile Muslim refugees carry out grenade attack’s in Sweden and get more social welfare in response to it.

How do you reward these people for bombing, murdering, and raping non-stop?

Well they won't be around in 20 years

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Swedish kids = Future cucks.

your right,but the problem with canada is.they'll just elect another liberal retard just like trudeau

there's nothing cucked about greta,your just mad because american kids are dieing in school shootings at an alarming rate and all they can do is push their liberal bullshit on a country to lazy and stupid to do anything about it

I mean they can try, good luck taking guns when police and the military are overwhelmingly right wing. Even then, we have more citizens than guns, even if they did try - 700,000 cops and ~2m troops isn’t enough to seize the guns of ~150m people.

This is assuming they don’t just go right ahead and start a coup.


i mean,trump pretty much already has taken them.so he's proven that morons like you only care when the evil librulz like obama and hillary want to take them anyway

plus,you retards go straight for the retarded examples like taking the guns away directly from the citizens.which isnt going to happen realistically.but i would say that all the educated people in america(meaning,not trump and his supporters)have already realized that you retards do not support our gun rights

Uh, are you retarded or something? I don’t like any politicians period - it’s a civic duty not a profession.

But if you want to go ahead and show me Trump ordering the confiscation of firearms or passing a new Assault Weapons Ban I’d be interested.

My guess is you’re just too brain damaged to actually articulate the point you just made. It’s hard to get oxygen to your brain with a Somali dick jammed down your throat, sorry Sven.

>assault weapons ban

>even though your to stupid to read the bump stock and silencer threats as an example

go figure when trying to argue with people who shout fake news at everything that makes their president look bad.sorry cleetus

Cleetus builds your roads and cooks your food. Haul your fuel and fixes everything you own. Cletus guards you while you sleep.

People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf

Do not fuck with him

>you retards go straight for the retarded examples like taking the guns away directly from the citizens
That’s because you can’t effect gun control with ~400m guns in civilian possession you silly fuck.

But let’s assume that they use some other route, what are they going to do, ban CNC lathes? Yeah that’ll sure be easy to do. You must really be stupid to think that the government could realistically bar any citizen from producing a gun should they pass ANY form of legislation.

Suppressors have been regulated by the NFA since 1934. A bump stock technically falls under the same law.

I don’t see why you keep saying I support Trump when I clarified for you I don’t like any politicians. But I guess you’re too stupid to actually read that since your a foaming at the mouth Marxist or something?

really,your arguing with the wrong person in terms of gun control.the only gun law we need is the 2nd ammendment,everything else is a violation of it,my problem with republicans today is the fact they support trump's liberal bullshit instead of the constitution.especially after fighting obama tooth and nail for 8 years whenever he even mentioned gun control

Politicians are about self interest, nearly all of them anyways, they’re paid out the ass to legislate - which is stupid. Most people don’t care about this because the 2 party system makes it easy to forget that this is more than a “my team against your team” type of adversarial system.

As for your argument, I’m not disagreeing with you, but that issue goes right to the heart of our system of governance. Basically if it’s legislated, signed off by the President, and not found unconstitutional by SCOTUS, it’s legitimate regardless of what anyone else says.

The AWB was obviously done under color of law, but the legislature, executive, and courts all affirmed its passage.

Blame the Founders.

Sweden? Tiny little country importing a shit ton of Muslims?

What exactly has that little country contributed to Western society or the world for that matter? Education? Kinda hard pressed to name any famous Swedish entrepreneurs or inventions from that place.

This girl has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It is linked with lower IQ.

well burger idiot,there kids arent dieing every week in school shootings like murica

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>picking Greta
She is just a propaganda mouth piece for her parents. She herself isn't the one behind this. Her parents are the driving force, Everything she said was her parents opinion. Once she voiced her own opinion on how nuclear energy could be an alternative, everyone on her side went full on damage control: "Just a joke. You misunderstood her and so on". Also the donation fund for her campaign is just as sketchy as Trump's. If your ideal generation of kids is one that only reflects the opinion and ideas of their parents, then you're truly lost.

wtf is fetal alcohol syndrome you shill, shes an amazing girl whos smart

Yeah they’re just getting raped and murdered everywhere else lol

>she herself isnt the one behind this

your right,we know who is really behind it

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shes a stupid cunt who probably saw these retard teenage political activist in america and thought to herself "if they can do it,so can i!"

Sweden is beyond repair,the liberals and muslims have destroyed the country.just like they will destroy america

Fuck off with the jew shit.

>sjw: the white man is the problem
>pol: the jew is the problem.

You're both retarded.

Totally, there's never any terrorism or shootings in America.

>whiter than you, Muhammads!

Sweden has a lower murder rate than all US 50 states.
You're more likely to be killed by a white man in Vermont.

Here comes the part where you get triggered and say fake news.

are jew mad?

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sweden is still a feminist shit pile.id rather live in vermont then anywhere in that entire country

Why is /pol/ wrong?



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Whatever you need to tell yourself, angry little Incel.

They are happier and healthier than Americans on average too.
It's really not a shithole at all, it's actually America that is a shithole.

cry more swedecuck,at least we bomb the muslims when they attack us.instead of bending over for them like you cucks

a dumb cute 12 y/o,,,can we do the palitical shit throwing without her?

yeah,im sure all the muslim violence and feminazi rage is really making sweden such a happy country

>You're more likely to be killed by a white man in Vermont.
If you’re a Somali refugee breaking into his house.

i thought the somalis were in minnesota


Well first of all, they learn science and MATHS (and real science) and go to school until they're 21. They almost aren't tasked to waste their time with pointless busywork, which is MOST of what American schoolchildren do.

american here. so once this place is a dumpster fire where do we go? america is the last true beacon of anything that resembles free humanity. gonna ride this shit into the sunset bitch. have fun elsewhere.

Imagine the government taxing you 61% to pay for refugees that bomb, murder, and rape. Oh, that and all the multicultural and gender programs too.

Lmao, your government is robbing you blind and you love them for it.

/pol/ loves to push their conspiracy theories.

>the jews did it
>Hitler's party was actually left-wing
>holocaust never happened

Nice non-response.

They almost are never*

Yes, we all know that Sweden is a scientific juggernaut, they’ve definitely contributed more to the field than America.

>implying america isnt a dumpster fire already

>implying that it is

>implying that it isnt

thats because america isnt a country of faggot liberals who think science is important,unlike sweden