If you voted for Trump and plan on doing so again, you deserve to have the holy living shit beat out of you.
If you voted for Trump and plan on doing so again, you deserve to have the holy living shit beat out of you
Other urls found in this thread:
Either bait or libtears
Trump supporters such as yourself are lucky you don't have the fuck beat out of you twice a day by the community.
What community? Yours and your limp wrist faggots? You all talk weird when your t blockers run out
If you didn't vote for him you deserve to be executed
fucking america hating bastards every last one of you
So op are you running against trump in elections? What are your campaign plans for 4 years presidential period?
I like him and will vote for him again in 2020
I didnt vote for him in 2016 but I'm voting for him in 2020 you faggot. Get mad.
All hail Trump
Again with this thread? Jesus Shareblue it's Friday go hang out with friends, have a beer.
Agreed. Only fucking retards could vote for someone who so obviously lies all the time and doesn't give a flying fuck about actual american life
new snapchat bug
>mfw voting for REPs or DEMs with or without yout yellow clown won't save you from getting bankrupt in some years
Just keep on using Trump as your scapegoat for all the problems that are related to your debt.
thought it was just spam
Ok but everyone, from the fascist left to the moral right can come together and agree how his most recent tweet is hilarious twitter.com
I voted for him solely to piss off you high-horsed fags and I’ll do it again
it's really bordering on mental illness for you people... There has to be something in your life that you can focus on instead of this ALL the time.
Say when and where. I’ll be there but you won’t see another sun rise.
You will have the holy living shit beat out of you trumpshit. The holy living shit.
You will literally have the holy living fuck beat out of you trumpshit.
Don't sass me back trumpshit
the holy living fuck
beaten out of you
and you still don't know when to shut up
please use less selfish and emotionally charged terms.
I understand you have raw hatred for half of the country, but your personal emotionally based assessment of applying violence to them is entirely unwarranted.
You will definitely have the fuck beat out of you on a daily basis, perhaps even twice a day with that attitude. That's why you're getting beat up.
Shut the fuck up trumpshit. We are the People.
And the people will beat the holy living fucking shit out of you for what you did.
No. Shut up. You voted this shit in. You need to shut your fucking mouth and take your punishment. Then we can move on.
>You voted this shit in.
A beg your pardon, you don't know anything about me, how can you arrive at such a conclusion?
If you didn't vote for Trump and not some stupid fucking 3rd party throwaway or you didn't sit out the Election, this thread isn't for you. Shut up.
Larp larp larp.
I'm voting for him just because of this thread
Pic of hands with time stamp.
Kek, OP is neither American nor white.
No they deserve to be raped to death by a pack of huge dicked aids niggers. And I'm not even racist. Just know that would be the worst way a Drumpfkin could imagine being killed.
Amen user preach!
The greatest president EVER! God bless Donald John Trump!!!!!!!!!! You pinko commie faggot liberals can fuck off
shareblue is getting worse and worse
MAGA 2020 when?
I know who Im gonna vote for in 202 again.
Good luck, pussy.
2020 will be an even BIGGER landslide. The streets will flow with sweet liberal tears once again
This is now a tribute thread to glorify the god sent saviour of the free world. Donald J Tump
Come and get me, fuccboi.
So Trump it is. Trump 2020!
Bump for trump
It's the trumpshit troll, he shows up and throws feces when his meds run out.
Poor liberals still can't accept the election results.
thanks, I'm already being myself off but I'm glad to know you'd help
beating asterdisk
really, is this what this board has come to? raging against the machine cuz it’s edgy and contrarian?
Poor (You) still can't come up with an original thought. To be expected from a brainlet cuckservative though.
Yeah solve political disagreement with violence. I bet you are sooooo tough and not 500 pounds overweight rotting in your room in a stew of stale Doritos and Mountain Dew while you envy Trump’s success.
I'll cross the border illegally and vote for him illegally because lol
Yea conservatives are the cucks. Liberals are pushed around by trannies and shitskins. You fucking libtards are total degenerate pieces of shit
Facts OP. I have taken upon myself to "thin the herd" so to speak. It's so easy here, they walk around with their hats and rebel flags just making an easy target of themselves. Already cleared 27 this year, 48 last year. It's slow work, but rewarding
I'd fucking LOVE to bump into your lying ass one day.
I voted for trump as a gag. It feels awful. Nobody projected him to even stand a chance...
I wonder if this is how he won... too much love for that obnoxious hillary in the media, making people want to vote for a guy that has no business being president... but then again neither did she.
Here's what's really going on, pic related.
You're literally going to have the holy living fucking shit beat out of you for doing that.
The holy living shit.
You really do need to have the holy living fuck beat out of you trumpshit
>as a gag
no, trumpshit for real
the holy fucking shit
Ay yay yay what's this?
gold standard and inflation probably play a role too.
this. so fucking this. and we are not alone.
Trump is making you all irrelevant, no more illegal votes for you.
Ay yo ma nigga what do you think caused those problems?
would vote for him a thousand times he will win 2020 so get used to it Demofags!
So? As a business owner, this looks totally acceptable to me
federal reserve and fiat currency.
You libtard crybabys are just butthurt that our country decided that Trump is more popular than Shillary.
I just don't get it it's like the liberals want the entire fucken country should be like Chicago and Detroit.
Bretton woods agreement was beginning to collapse because they were having trouble fixing the currency exchange rate. It signalled that europe had finally "recovered" from the last 2 world wars.
Nixon essentially pulled the US out before suffering a hit from the exodus of the agreement, but failed to create a stable new international agreement. This is the point the U.S. withdrew fully from the gold standard.
At the same time the US took a major hit from oil countries basically raising prices/ restricting the importation of oil.
Somebody has a boo-boo
This will cure what ails ya
I'm glad I only come here for porn nowadays I'm glad this board didn't make me grow up to be one of you degenerate ignorant faggots. I hate all of you. But then again, Yea Forums was always a cesspool so I guess I'm just as bad.
But don't you understand? If you're woke, you are supposed to be pay MORE for LESS productivity.
>automation has nothing to do with increased productivity
They really don't seem to understand that
This is beyond discussion. They didn't want to discuss shit. Now they need to take their punishment so we can get on with life.
You defend racism and trashing the Constitution. You deserve to have the fuck beaten out of you for jeopardizing this country's future.
this is literally the inverse of inflation. ffs did anyone here take any math. if you think this graph is fucking mindblowing please take your math classes seriously, otherwise you're as smart as you'll ever be. most adults are easily manipulated by this stupid shit.
If you had the holy shit beat out of your fucking lying self righteous mickey mouse rights leftist asswipe beliefs and still can't see that you're wrong in every way you deserve to be murdered, faggot.
Can you fucktards provide some examples of this supposed racism or constitution trashing. From here it looks like trump is doing more for minority communities and defending the constitution than the others (left and right) have done for 60 years
If anyone is trashing our constitution, it's the left. Trump won the election, and since last I checked, the U.S. is a DEMOCRACY, he deserves to be the president because THAT'S WHAT THE CONSTITUTION SAYS!
The U.S. made the mistake of having more dollars in circulation than gold, since the accumulation of gold reserves grows slowly keeping inflation in check. The flip side is that deflation is more likely.
The gold standard also makes a country susceptible to losing all of its gold reserves if people/countries all at once request payment in gold. (What happened to Spain when they fell from world power circa the explorers)
There were a few other economic changes of note such as exchange rates becoming increasingly important, andmonetary policy.
You're clearly the stable, well adjusted one
Yo stick it to me straight ma blood, you think your business is still gonna be relevant when the dollar is so inflated no one can afford your products anymore?
Dis nigga right here gets it.
You be readin dat mad woke shit nigga, now here dat real shit: Nixon just finished the job that Johnson started- though "started" may be a poor choice of wording since it implies that Johnson initiated the conspiracy. It was LBJ who signed the Immigration and Nationality Act, created the welfare state we know today and buffed the war in Vietnam to keep the public distracted. Nixon was the one who sealed the deal, handing over the reigns to the Fed and ensuring Johnson's work couldn't be undone.
>leftist asswipe beliefs
user if you voted for this fucking shitstain you deserve to have the holy living fuck beaten out of you, all right? No more fucking backass out of you
>you deserve to be murdered
you're not in control here
we are
and you're going to have the holy living fuck beaten out of you for what you did and what you plan to do.
I like Donald Trump cuz he funny and he is not SJW. OP is def shitposting.
>Can you fucktards provide some examples of this supposed racism or constitution trashing.
No trumpshit
your fucking head is so far up your fucking ass you've ignored account after account of this Presidency's abuses.
This is why you're just going to have the fucking shit beat out of you until you STFU.
libtears so salty.
Shut the fuck up trumpshit. You will have the holy living fucking crap beaten out of you for your fucking thickheaded denial of the damage you've caused. Shut the fuck up now and maybe they'll go easy on you.
But I doubt it. Shut up.
oh boy, with a resume like that he is almost qualified to be a comedian..
that does it y'all retarded california liberals. i dont see why y'all want an economy crash so bad. dems have always been crooked, like in the 1860s when y'all were racist to my fellow n-ers. the only productive thing y'all've done is get us to the moon. also, thanks to states right's y'all cant enforce "pLaNnEd PaReNtHoOd" in places like Texas. also "planned parenthood" sounds like a pamphlet you'd get to learn about being a parent before getting pregnant. also, y'all are stupid enough not to use condoms or birth control pills, along with calling a mental illness a "gender". over all, there is nothing wrong with Trump, and i will vote for Trump, and y'all bigots can try and beat me up for helping my country, but im still telling Ben Shapiro. See y'all never
I would actually take it further back.
FDR is the one who confiscated gold and made it illegal to own bullion. Also many of his actions set the stage for pretty much all of modern political issues today.
>obviously lies all the time and doesn't give a flying fuck about actual american life
so every president ever?
Typical lefty, can't actually debate and has to use threats of violence in order to distract from the fact that you have no good arguments.
Unfortunately WWII interrupted FDR's attempts at social reform. I suppose it was inevitable. The Red Scare killed off democratic socialism until heh, now.
Hey guys, liberal here. I like Donald Trump because he is just completely against conforming to a stupid movement such as social justice, black lives matter, and LGBTQ community. I support all of that shit, it's cool and awesome whatever.
But what pisses people off is when people are forced to conform to those things. Nobody wants to be called a racist for something they didn't even do. Getting offended over something is retarded.
That is why in 2016, I quietly voted for Donald Trump. Since then, I regret it and I wish I could have voted for someone else (not Hillary)
I stopped reading after 1860. You realize it’s 2019. Also you sound like an fucking idiot with the y’all.
Quads disabled in Yea Forums.
Must use wheelchairs.
god damn i hope this is b8
You millennial gimmedats really think you are going to do that? When will you emotionally mature beyond 12?
>I quietly voted for Donald Trump.
You deserve to have the holy living fucking crap beaten out of you user. The holy fucking shit.
And yet the left keeps saying the right are the violent nazis...
More people have jobs now, LEGAL immigration is fine, I can now keep my insurance, He only respects those who deserve it, most transparent president ever, Stormy gives good head, and he doesn't steal. That's why we support Trump.
Why? Because I give a shit about the stability of our country? Because I give a shit about the stability of my life? Am I not allowed to have a opinion?
Why do fags like you spit on our Democratic party?
You know he's so fat he can't wipe his own ass, right? So who does that for him?
I'm guessing Graham and Nunes take turns.
and you're wishing someone would do it for you, aren't you, little man
FLOTUS was a wetback.
Barron is an anchor baby.
The family practices chain migration.
>have a beer.
I don't think his kind drinks beer. They quaff fruity malted beverages out of each other's anus.
You'll never know, til it's too late.
>but muh guns
Do nothing when you don't have time to react
The time for discussion is long past, as you replied with the same bullshit then.
You literally need to be kicked, stomped and beaten until you STFU trumpshit
Ameritards childish in every threads alike.
>Voting matters
You're going to die off anyway boomer
what do you care?
This is the "tolerent left", folks, advocating violence against others for their political views. Just remember that when they say that we're the violent ones.
>OP implies they have the mental foreshadowing to run the nation.
10 minutes with this tard in office and our government will break
I'm sure YOU'LL do it, right faggot?
Leftist "tolerance" strikes again.
I agree with OP 150%
I'm actually going to vote for him now because of people like you lol.
I've never voted before I'm normally not involved.
this guy gets it.
you vote doesn't mean shit, the elites in washington will do what they want, regardless of the smoke they blow up you ass trying to get your vote.
Shut the fuck up. You had your chance to speak out against the coming tide of fascism and instead you fucking voted for it.
Take your fucking punishment.
See that's your problem, you think it will get to that with most of us carrying guns unlike your libtard ass.
This is your President
closet faggot
just like most of his staff
Melania is Slovene. And came here LEGALLY you moron.
OP is massive troll
OP is a massive fucking faggot grasping at straws with no arguments.
Classic liberal.
You've got nothing if your life depended on it
> t. gender studies
Fuck you. We tolerated your shit for too long. Now, since you won't take responsibility for your actions, they're going to take care of it for you. And with any luck you'll only beaten up once a day. I can't help but think you're going to mouth off instead of taking your punishment, so twice a day.
This is your President
Actually she was working without a work visa. That’s grounds for deportation. This means she was illegal.
She overstayed her tourist visa.
She worked without visa and without permission.
She worked in an unlawful profession.
again, here we see a leftard, who is incapable of making a rational argument and has to resort to trying to silence others through threats of violence. This is why they always lose debates against Ben Shapiro by the way, who they also accuse of being a nazi because he's... jewish??? It doesn't have to make sense in liberal logic.
rent free
You talking about responsibility. Fucking hilarious from a leftist
That is Trump won.
Thank you. They really don't get it. They think we're going to give trumpshits a pass for what they did and pretend it didn't happen.
I replied to every post you made and some of your friends so it was re-iterated throughout the whole thread, that I spoke these words with the utmost integrity and honesty.
I've never met a Marxist I couldn't kill.
Both of you deserve to have the holy fucking shit beat out of you.
I vote GOP as long as they keep sending troops to the islands where I live
I'm on your side but who is that faggy character?
> t. dilating discord tranny
pretty sure it's mike teevee from that awful animated version of charlie & the chocolate factory
I'm glad you brought that up.
The first you will notice is your gun being kicked out of your hand and used then to pistol whip you, trump bitch.
Thanks user much respect
You can't even open your Soylent container Thadd.
I'll break your arm bones by squeezing
We've given up trying to make "rational arguments" with irrationalists like you.
You literally need to be beaten the fuck out of as punishment for supporting Trump, and then you need to shut up as we elect the government we want, not you.
>t. soon to be murder victim
No u
You fucking coward. You can't even fucking take responsibility for the shit stain you elected.
This is why you're going to get beat up.
fake news
>everything I don't like is fake news
This is autism.
Trump is going to be impeached this year.
Check em
Your rational arguments are falsified evidence. Where the fuck have you been for two and a half years?
And yet it's Trump who's destroying the constitution? Do you listen to yourself?
But don't kid yourself; you have a tough time beating an egg.
Post your hand.
Could you take me on you tranny faggot
Dilate more.
I'd've double voted, if I could've, in 16 ya dusty assed shame of an American. Fuck you
Look it up. If you know how to use Google.
Shut the fuck up gun nut. You're going to have to apply for permit after permit to shoot a gun after you undergo a mental health screening which I know you won't pass.
I plan on doing it for the first time just in spite of all the whiny faggots poluting the interwebs crying
Like it or not, Trump won fair and square, and since our country is a democracy, he gets to be president.
You'll have to apply your lips to my dick so I don't smash your head in
Are you allowed to cite google as a source when your writing a paper? No?? I didn't think so.
OP will say something about the college being broke guarentee it liberals am I right?
I said shut the fuck up. You deserve to be punched in the face.
Holy fuck trumpshit STFU
beating your fucking ass doesn't violate the Constitution
>no he didn't
>no it is not anymore, and hasn't been since 2000
>no he doesn't
Google isn't a source. It's a search engine you fucking retard leftist.
Say that to my face, faggot.
Your mom is a nursery. For zoo animals like you.
Voting for him again you faggot cuck. Haven't been fucked with once in the last 3 1/2 years because, we drag faggots like you from the back of vehicles around the city in these parts. Get rekt punk bitch.
Show us yourself then you big fat faggot.
Let's see who's gonna beat my ass
Let's see your punk ass
The gun will be kicked out of your hand trumpshit
we're sick of your fucking shit
Alright, then, ask your mom to help you.
Why? Would it somehow not be true? trumpshit? You voted in the worst fucking President in history. STFU and bend over you need objects rammed up your ass too.
Who's this "we"? You and your 6-year-old brother?
We all know you're a fucking soy bitch from commiefornia.
You're nothing , even if you tried
We the PEOPLE trumpshit
Haha, you called it with that!
Well, I see you're butthurt that our country decided that Trump was more popular than the crook Hillary.
We know that if you voted for Trump or if you plan to in 2020, you deserve to have the holy living fucking shit beaten out of you.
The holy living fucking shit.
Fucking Republicans traitors, acting like Russia has been cool all along, and that their ties with the president mean nothing.
You are selling out your own country to these fucking Adidas niggers.
marxist nigger
Post a picture of yourself then you fat fucking excuse
Incorrect. I voted for the best choice at the time while you cried like a bitch.
Lemme be clear to all the boi pussy ass eating Trump haters, my double vote meant one vote for 16, then another for 20.
I would love to give you a thousand oppurtunies to fight me so I could hurt you even worse each time.
You're fucking pathetic
everyone voted for trump where I live, so I'm curious about who's going to do the beating here?
And the left always accuses the right of election fraud. Seems like they can't help projecting.
you did your part to elect trump
that makes you a trumpshit and you deserve to have a mob kick and beat you, user. There is no turning back.
This isn't a "fight." It's a beatdown. And you will answer for what you did.
Oh, then tell me, what's your solution, retard? Answer me.
You're a faggot.
You have no chance of doing anything to anyone or making anyone do anything at all.
You're a laughing stock and are only causing more people to vote for him.
You're fucking stupid and weak. I'd love to fight you. Post a picture already you saw my hand.
Are you scared of me? A trumptard?
HAHAHAHAHA libcuck SJW's are too big of pussys to fight anyone
You keep thinking this is going to be a "fight."
It's not. It's Judgment Day, trumpshit.
Judgment Day.
Trump is a dumbass.
Hillary is evil.
Tough talk for someone so weak-minded.
You lay a fucking finger on anyone in the real world and you are in for a big fucking a lesson.
Once you get your fucking teeth kicked in you'll shut up.
You'll learn and you'll be sorry you didn't shut your bitch ass up earlier.
Get fucking ready
Trump is much smarter than you
> he can't provide viable solution
Typical liberal
shame on you OP, it's not nice to beat up retards
Shut up trumpshit
you elected shit
and you deserve to have the holy living fuck beaten out of you for being this fucking stupid.
projecting much?
Alex Jones would beat your ass
Itt: liberals acting like fascists
God dam how cringy do people get. A fucking wojak and a trump pepe?
>This entire fucking thread
OP is a coward faggot.
What a maximum tier autistic loser.
Abandon fucking ship.
Neck yourself you fat blimp coward. I said I'd fight you myself.
You're too fucking scared of one person.
Jesus fucking christ trumpshit you keep fucking talking
shut the fuck up
you will have blow after blow delivered after every fucking smartass fucking reply like that.
Every fucking smartass reply.
Judgment Day, Trumpshit.
Judgment Day.
That's because secretly they are facists, they just call us nazis in order to project.
So liberals acting like conservatives?
Плaчь бoльшe, cyкa
It's not a fight trumpshit
it's the People serving justice
Seething with so much butthurt. Neck yourself you massive queef.
Suck my dick faggot
I will fucking knock out every tooth you have and jam my cock in your throat
you are jewish and just mad cause Trump is president now you cant kill all white people like you wanted to
Conservatives stopped being conservative some time ago. Fiscal responsibility? Hah! States' rights? Fuggedaboudit.
So your solution is to kill people in defiance of the constitution?
Fascist much, liberal?
Funny how you took the time to reply to each quote. As if you're offended you fucking snowflake.
Beaten. Down. You trumpshits will be given daily beatings by the People.
fuck off /pol/tard
mommy needs her laptop back
Я cдeлaю тaк, чтoбы oн выигpaл
I can't wait to vote Trump again and watch you pussies have an even bigger meltdown.
/b should love trump, he trolls people constantly.
Jesus fucking christ STFU trumpshit
Judgment Day. Judgment will be served.
Unlike you I don't speak traitor
This attitude is exactly why you trumpshits should have to receive daily beatings, one two and in your case 3 times a day for your fucking insolence.
Bitch, I'd fit you for a head canoe before you put your skinny fucking arms up. Just imagine going through life being a whiny faggot such as yourself. I bet your parents killed themselves when they found out their kid was not only gay, but a retard.
Hey! I see you ignoring me.
You're actually fucking scared aren't you? Post your fucking picture or at least your hand. You saw mine. I would absolutely rip you to shreds you pathetic weakling of a human
Oн пoбeдит, и мы пoзaбoтимcя oб этoм
You have no arguments.
You throw a tantrum like a fucking child leftist. What a fucking shame that you're of adult age and still a fucking retard
fuck off jewish subhuman. i wish Hitler would have killed you all in the Holocaust
Judgment Day, trumpshit
Judgment Day.
shit tier baitpost. try again
We're way past that trumpshit. We tried to be "reasonable." You're literally going to have the holy living fuck beat out of you.
I suggest you go to a country that might accept you, like North Korea.
mommy says hitler time is over on the internet for now
I hope in 2020 after Trump wins again he rounds up the liberals and puts them in concentration camps
On that day.
You will die.
You haven't a single chance so don't show up.
You're fucking pathetic you fat loser faggot. Hiding behind a screen.
In the real world you would be bleeding and quiet by now.
Just you wait until you come across a real man
269 replies is fucking good actually
Probably a trump supporter since we are about to invade iran for glorious israel.
You're so fucking scared even online you ignore me.
Fucking weakling.
Eat my cock , or I'll force you on judgment day in front of everyone
This isn't a "fight" trumpshit.
You will be Judged by the People of the United States. Not the Gun-Humping Trump-Cock Sucking fucking Goober America, the Real Fucking America. Our America. Will Judge You. With a kick to your fucking crotch trumpshit.
My 8 year old son could stomp your shit so hard you'd have footprints in your turds for weeks. Fuckin limp wristed cum farting faggot
>Eat my cock
faggot detected
I think it's a lesson you need to learn but today we tolerate it when cucks speak.
>Trump supporters such as yourself are lucky you don't have the fuck beat out of you twice a day by the community.
In my community, any worthless Antifa scum who tried any such thing would have their heads blown off their shoulders, and the shooter would get a medal from the police chief. Can't wait until it's open season on communists everywhere.
Judgement Day, trumpshit.
Judgment Day.
Bы яcнo нe знaeтe тo, пpoтив чeгo Bы являeтecь.
Shut the fuck up trumpshit
the first thing you would notice is that your gun got kicked out your hand and a boot just fucking kicked your face.
If you desire a judgment day you just might get one.
It'll be fucking glorious to put the leftists on their place by FORCE. because you couldn't act like adults and made this happen.
You'll be beaten to a fucking pulp. And you caused it.
Catch me there recognise my hand
so you are a gay faggot?
Trumpsters are really smart. A bit closeted, though.
I'll make you gay , you're just masturbation for my cock
Or would you prefer to be unconscious?
>It'll be fucking glorious to put the leftists on their place by FORCE.
gay and autistic
user,he said antifa.meaning,he lives in some worthless poverty ridden liberal shit pile.because thats the only places in america you find antifa
Leftist babies with no arguments. Screaming into the void hoping to feel better.
He will win again , and it's because of people like you doing stuff like this.
Goodbye faggot. I hope I can show you these hands some day
your gun
kicked just out of reach
the boot
kicked right into your face
Oн пoбeдит, и мы пoзaбoтимcя o тoм, чтoбы oн пpoдoлжaл пoбeждaть
>no arguments
You won't do shit you pathetic fuck. No go scream for your mommy to bring you some more tendies down to the basement.
Bы, aнтифaшиcты, бyдeтe пepвыми
The gun
kicked out of your hand
and BANNED while you recover in traction
ERROR: undefined string reference to 'us_english-partisan_discord_creation-dialog39'
Press Blyat to continue
Like the other user siad, you're a scared bitch. You won't do jack shit but sit your fat ass in front of your computer and jerk off to trap threads.
Шицкин язык
Cмeйcя пoкa мoжeшь.
Your gun would be broken and destroyed in front of you and you'd be forced to EAT the pieces.
Cмeйcя пoкa мoжeшь.
The left wants judgement day?
Lets see how well it works out when they bring dildos to a gun fight.
Don't be so sure about that. Your head is soft like a melon, and you'll never see where the shot came from. I can promise you one thing; your family won't have an open casket funeral. Now post a picture of your rainbow loving self like the other user has been asking.