Being attracted to a girl's intelligence is not a fetish.
I shouldn't be treated like a braindead idiot because I prefer my girlfriend know about the exact protein nutrition of semen.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Who said you should be treated like an idiot for finding a girl’s intelligence appealing. Also, POST YOURS
was this made by gutsybird?
you should be treated like a braindead idiot because you are one
dis is tto l*wd
hold da h*cky on
Hate to break it to you, dipshit, but if intelligent people treat you like a brain dead idiot then it’s because that’s exactly what you are.
I don't have any bingo.
Some of these are not fetishes at all.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
the annoying part is he is smarter than 3/4'th of us but he's so fucking crazy he's hardly ever lucid enough to understand
You make the funny joke at the bar, you get uproarious applause and everyone shakes your hand. You feel inadequate because you said something you actually meant. You seek an agency to blame so you lash out at the same person whom you'd just victimized. You squander your popularity on petty emotion.
I go home and drink myself to sleep.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
insect fetishes are not a fetishes
just because he posts esoteric garbage that doesn't actually make him intelligent
wait really?
Insects are inanimate.. oh wait no, you're right. Insects are alive and sentient, they're not a fetish either.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>Your comeback: Very Bad Attempt
>Your IQ: Very Low
>Your net worth: Absolutely nothing
Why haven’t you killed yourself yet?
btfo lmao
my mom stopped buying bleach and harmful chemicals
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
nick land btfo
i envy thouse with """esoteric""" intellect, it's all relevant to me, but i'm not that smart, so i guess it's really not that hard to impress me... but tbh saucy seems to knows a lot about a wide range of subjects just off the top of his head, he's also HIGHLY eloquent, no matter the case he's definitely more intelligent than me and half the people i interact with on a daily basis
It's all for show, just superficial knowledge that allows him to fool plebs into thinking he's smart when he's actually a big old dumbo. Anyone with half a brain can see this.
like i said im pretty dumb so yea i would.fall for that, thank God i'm cute or i wouldn't have a leg to stand on
yeah you are pretty cute, what's say you and me blow this popsicle stand
come get me, i'm really nice untill you run out of money
Beamerkitten on Snapchat best ass you will ever see
dubs! wooh!
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger