How do I control my temper?

How do I control my temper?

I get pissed so easily and I don't like it

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Just don't get angry bro its easy

You've already recognized the problem
You're asking to figure how to solve
Basic things like identify triggers
Go against yourself
Keep on searching
That's the only thing I could say
Maybe transmute that anger into something productive
(Gym, music, god, etc.)

Dont pop a blood vessel you little penis

Those quick to anger are weak and foster weakness

>something productive
Pick one.

Take a step back, take a deep breath, calm down.

>>identify triggers

You need to leave

All you need to not get angry about things is know that getting angry in most situations is going to just be pointless as fuck and just think about it for a second or 2 so just don't be a retard and if you have anger issues try to blow off steam on things that don't matter so when your realy pissed off you dont have built up rage

why change? God made you that way be happy.

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Imagine being so fucking brainwashed that u think anger is bad

i had this problem for a few years in the past, stress made me a different person, i'm so much better now.


No dude, thought is creation. Everything in the world started with a thought.

And when I think about my old boss that fired me unjustly. I wish that his children would die in front of him from something he knew he could have prevented. I wish cancer on people's loved ones. I almost quit my new job when it's busy and the boss gets mouthy.

This is extremely toxic and can only get worse

Are you a retard or something that shit is normal as long as you are not fucking going to go kill the guy how does you thinking about shit mean anything get over it

Punch yourself every time you get angry

something that doesn't exist can't be productive.

>imaginary numbers

Get pissed off at someone in real life like that. They’ll assist you with adjusting your temper attitude issue. Don’t just act big on the internet

Most religions say our purpose as humans is to serve. If we're serving other people in the name of God to make life better for other people then how is that unproductive

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Humble yourself, faggot. You're just not ALL that.

Asking for help is acting big? That seems like a reach

>If we're serving other people in the name of God to make life better for other people then how is that unproductive
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

There's a difference between serving God, and evil in his name.

It sounds like you think God is some wrathful bearded man in the clouds hating fags.

Most Christians do not know God. Sounds like you're letting other people define who you think God is.

The term 'imaginary" for imaginary numbers is just an ill-conceived term that was used when they were first discovered. It doesn't mean they don't exist, since they have a real provable use in real life.

but I will agree with you. If your idea of "God" is the American Christian God then yeah, that nigga dont exist.

The "serving other people" part is the part that's productive. The "in the name of God" part is completely unproductive. You can do the first part just as well without the second part.

They're abstract concepts. It literally means they don't exist.

>but that's not real socialism!
Argument sounds very familiar, user.

I know who God is he's the guy in your head telling you be a good boy or your going to have a hot poker up your butt when you die how anyone falls for this shit is beyond me and I went to a Christian school where they drilled this shit in to me and even as a 5 year old I knew it was bullshit


They are a direct representation of things happening in real life.

This is not true for a God.

THAT God does not exist.

Oh ok what God do you think is real then bro coz they are all make believe

THAT God does not exist. And it's okay to no believe in that wrathful God. But that doesn't mean you should let those people define who you think God is because you were sold a false evil God

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then following your logic man created god, not the other way around, therefore man/consciousness is actually god

It's okay to not believe in any god at all unless someone can actually demonstrate that one exists.
Until that time, believe in the god should be withheld.

Why would I care if God is evil if a evil God created us it would make no difference at all to a good God because God would deside what the rules of reality are u dumass

God ain't external. God is the love and the light that connects all living creatures

It's a new age and you wont find God in ancient text. God is the light inside you.

God is consciousness yes. You get it

so why call it "God"

We also decide the rules of reality. God ain't evil. Evil wears a God mask and makes people hurt other people

It's the same argument used by socialists to justify trying the failed system again and again

No, they're mathematical concepts. They're not a direct representation of anything.

I know God is a trigger word and it paints a picture for most people of a false GOD. What else would you call it? Love? Light? The golden thread that connects all life? I don't know. I'd like to use a better word

Man did create god Why would you think otherwise?

Are u high mate how do we deside how the rules of reality are we can't change them we can't be like oh wait I don't like the universe I'll just pop one out my ass now

Call Him the Great Fap

Consciousness is a process produced by a brain. It's not an existing thing in and of itself.

Therefore God does not exist


Consciousness does not happen in the brain.

Dude, shut the fuck up

I've actually done this, punched myself in the head out of anger for a period of time, didn't really work out

Try punching yourself in the balls instead

actually, the wave functions in quantum mechanics (aka, the actual fundamentals of the universe) are directly expressed in complex numbers.

Expressed, not is
Though that gets to be a meaningless distinction at the quantum level, where nothing really is, and everything is just probability

>The "serving other people" part is the part that's productive. The "in the name of God" part is completely unproductive. You can do the first part just as well without the second part.

YES! I agree with you man! You can leave the God word out of it and still serve your duty as a human!

But just to take a small step back into the argument I will indeed concede that imaginary and complex numbers are indeed not productive.

It's the people using them that are productive.

Prove it.

Alright, then I'll just decide right now to change the rules of reality so that you and god both don't exist. Let's see how that works out.

That's a chicken/egg argument
Is the tool productive, the tool user, the chemical driving the reaction, the person telling them to do something, the cultural context that caused that kind of work to be valuable, the fundamental constants that allow the universe to exist in a form where work as a concept even makes sense...

I have the power to be a doctor and perform brain surgery. Let me just think about real hard behind a computer and hope it happens.

Become a pothead.

oh fuck man...i wish i could tell you but i have to go to counseling myself.

This. Anger is the impetus of justice, people who don't feel or respect anger are inherently unjust. Violence is always an attempt to turn shame into self-esteem, it's not going to leave the world until the false shame we thrust upon each other is gone, nobody is going to control violence and the people who believe they are controlling violence with violence are an absolutely useless distraction from providing the improvements to people's lives that actually lower the amount of violence.

This is also why female feminazi bullshit leadership is going to suck ass and backfire sociologically, they'll attempt to shame people out of being violent and, in their shame, those people will lash out even more violently. Morality and the reality of emotions aren't based on the convenience of those trying to organize society, they're based on biology that's not going to change and would be totally unethical to change even if we could.

To put this in nerd terms think of Khorne, everything in the warp including it's gods are a reflection of the minds of everything living in realspace. Khorne is rage, but also justice and the reason he is Lord of Rage instead of Lord of Justice is because the 40k universe is full of injustice, brutality and general depraved degenerate bullshit that is totally humanity's fault. Justice is the coin of anger turned back to it's proper face.

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when i was 15 my dad put me in boxing for the same reason... Still have a temper but now I know how to fuck people up... Do this....

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I like that idea

Thanks for your imput guys. Good thread.

Fuck you religious faggots on my board. I wish Yea Forums could go back to the old way *le sigh*

Stop forcing your believes on other people faggot

Newfags be like...