"H... hey user. Umm I seem to have let myself go a little bit... do you think you can help me lose some weight? Please...

"H... hey user. Umm I seem to have let myself go a little bit... do you think you can help me lose some weight? Please...?"

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no, i think you're perfect this way


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just stop eating you fat cow

Huh. So that's where all my tendies went

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Maybe just a little. I like my girls chubby

"I mean... i have to eat something though...
And im not a cow!!!"

"Well... I appreciate the honesty anyway... how much is a little?"

"Well, thats what you get for buying the tasty ones and not hiding them better!!!"

oh user pwease let me wose weight pwease give attention oh pwease

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"Haha... i mean perfect is a pretty strong word, user. You are too sweet"

Maybe 10 or 15 pounds. I want to be able to fall asleep on your soft pudgy tummy

"I mean, 10 or so pounds isn't too bad i guess... I've never had to lose weight before though, I hope it isn't too hard"

not as sweet as that 3rd slice of cake apparently.

It's going to be difficult but I know you can do it. Just imagine being in shape with a nice bubble butt

"Sooooorry! Ugh, you know I have a weakness for cheesecake. You really should just take it away, user"

What I wouldn't give to rest my head in your soft squishy lap

"Oh dont tell me its going to be hard!!! ...Maybe I should start next week?"

i'll give you something to EAT!

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C'mon girl you came to me because you wanted to loose the weight. Yesterday you said tmrw

"...Maybe if I lift up my stomach, there will be enough room for your head on my lap?"

Ok you are right you are right! I will start today, I promise user! Just, you know... you will help... right?"

Of course! I'm here for you.

"...is it tasty, user?"

"Oh you are so good to me user! How can I repay you?"

I'm sure that won't be necessary. I'd love it if the tip of your tummy gently rests on my head. I bet cuddling with you feels like sleeping on a soft squishy cloud

I want to nap on your tummy and I want to have sex with you.

"Oh... i am not sure... hopefully it isn't TOO soft a cloud..."

its calorie free and tastes sweet and saltie

Heh heh heh " Oh come on we just woke up, and I haven't even had breakfast yet..."

"Ugh, I hate artificial sweeteners, they make me want to chop off my own tongue. No thank you!"

You're so shy, trust me the softer the better.

Well I'm a patient man. Don't be so shy you know you're sexy even with some extra pounds

"Well im sure glad you think so, user. I guess your opinion is the one that really matters after all anyway..."

Ha haha "Oh, only SOME extra pounds? Jk jk"

Mhmmm now I don't want to hear anymore nonsense on how you're fat. If you want to loose weight that's your choise but all I see is a sexy beautiful woman with gargantuan tits

Well we're going to work on that aren't we?

Haha "Well if my tits were the only parts thatbwere gargantuan, then I wouldnt be complaining..."

"Or I could just... do this?"
*sucks in my belly*
"There! How is that?"

Ah ah ah what did we say? You're not fat. Who even put that idea into your head? By the way what is your cup size?

Anonette you asked for help loosing weight. That's not how you loose weight.

"That woman over there"
*points to the mirror*
"Oh come on, you should know I'm a D by now..."

Well guess what? That woman's opinion doesn't matter. Now come on, let me cuddle in that soft lap

"You are right, you are right...
What should I do then, user?"

Nonsense, you don't need to lose a single ounce.

"You are going to just fall back asleep again aren't you?"

Haha... "If you say so user... I think you might be the only one saying that though..."

I can't help it! You're so soft and warm and I feel so peaceful as I slowly sink into your squishy warm thighs and feel...

Well first things first we're going to have to change your diet


"Feel.... what?"

Hell no. Bend over and spread that ham sandwich.

Zzzzz *nuzzles up against your soft plump tummy* zzzzzzz

The weight looks good on you. Besides trying to lose it means giving up your favorite foods and snacks. You dont want to do that, do you?

"Well, i guess that was inevitable... i still get to have a little cheesecake though right? I don't have to give it up completely? Oh I don't know what I am even talking about..."

poop in a measuring cup, until full and then freeze it. wait a couple hours until its froze then take it out and break the poopsicle apart. stick the bits of poop inside your nipples and cunt. wait a few more hours until it gets soft and runny. squeeze your tits and you've got some shit-shitting nipples. repeat every day for weight loss

*strokes the hair on the back of your head* "goodnight user... try not to drool on my lap like you do on your pillows... ok?"

I can help you with!
I got a great cardio exercise, all you'll need to do is jump up and down and it will feel great.
Are you up for it?

Only a little. We're going to have to also start exercising

"I mean... i don't want to no, but I also don't want to turn into a blimp either..."

>inside your nipples

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"Well fuck... thats what i was dreading the most... I haven't done that in years..."

*cooes slightly as the stresses of the day melt away in the wake of my plump squishy girl*

"Jumping? ...oh man, I can feel myself starting to sweat just thinking about that..."

It's ok we'll start slow! You can do this

You aren't anywhere near that size and even if you did get that big, who cares? It just means more of you to love and more food for you to eat. Here let me get you a slice of cheesecake to help you take your mind off this silly diet idea.

that would be so badass if you turned into a blimp, you'd be able to see whole cities and shit

"Slow? Ok... i like that!*

Jeezus fucking Christ the levels of autism are incredibly high here, go outside and get some air for like 10 mins

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"I feel like whole cities can already see me though..."

We'll just take a walk through your favorite park every day to start ok?

"user, thats not fair... you know I have a hard time saying no to cheesecake!!!"

"Ok, yeah! That really doesnt sound so bad... and only until i lose like 5 pounds, right?"

I know which is why I made you one. I like to see you happy and you look happiest when you are eating.

We'll start there yes, but I think we should shoot for 10 or 15

You'll be sweating for sure, but it'll feel great, and we'll take turns when you're out of breath

Here hold onto this, I'll be busy for a bit. Have a bit if you want :)

Ooos forgot the cake

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"Yeah, but im the least happiest in front of the mirror..."

*wraps my arms around you*
How about now?

"Oh yeah... that's right... wishful thinking I guess... Thank you for being so honest and supportive user... i feel like most people would have just dumped me, or have just not said anything at all... and well... you know"


"...somewhere in the between " hahaha

Dump you? Nonsense you're an amazing gf even with your extra weight! We're going to stay together and you're going t look amazing

Heh heh "well... we will be taking turns very frequently..."

Oh goodness look at you! Here hold onto this cake and let's just forget about this silly loosing weight thing. You know you just want to eat more swe

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Well how about with a slice of cake then? Like I said, don't worry about and just enjoy yourself. Besides your belly is totally cute and feels so good to hold.
*my hands gently rub your belly to emphasize my words*

"Going to?" Haha "ok I see your game user. But don't worry, I want to look my best for you! It's the least I could do for being so darn sweet!"

Ughhhh " no..." *hic* "no more! Please..."

Good good! I'm not that sweet, otherwise you might eat me jk jk I love you gf.

"Heyyyy that tickles" * i giggle and try to squirm out of your grasp*

Give in...just one more bite...you know you want to grow not shrink look at you you're not even chubby

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"Mmmmmm don't tempt me!" ;D
Haha but no... i don't think that would be very good for my diet...
*i pat my stomach*

*your giggling only encourages me to continue*
That is the smile and and happy voice I love to see and hear. Now let's get you another slice while I cuddle up with you

*i pout and shake my head*

"Mmmmmm alright... but just one slice, ok?"

*I pat your tummy affectionately*
We're going to trim this down but you're never going to loose your softness ok? You're still going to be my big squishy gf. Just a little less big and more in shape ok?

That's ok, we'll start slowly and eventually you'll build up endurance to work it all by yourself

Oops looks like I have another cheese cake lying around. You wouldn't happen to want a piece...would you?

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That is up to you honey. One or the whole cake, what matters is your happiness. Just let me rub your belly as you eat. You know how much I love holding it while we cuddle.

"Hahaha I am fine with that, user. Im just sorry it got out of hand in the first place...
*i kiss your cheek*

*I kiss you affectionatly back*
It's ok sweetie we're going to get through this together ok. I'm here for you and in a couple of hours we're just going to take a walk through the park.

*i groan*
"You are trying to make me fat intentionally... aren't you, user?"

Maybe. It's hard not to when every pound has made you sexier then the last and all the hugging and cuddling feels better then ever.

lol probably