Faggots are normalizing pedophilia right before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it

Faggots are normalizing pedophilia right before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


New forest exploit: crazy squirrel leak!

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apparently this works

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thought it was just spam

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Lefties- love that shit
Centrists- don’t like it but don’t want to be branded a bigot
Righties- are leaving states that allow it, homeschooling their kids, and boycotting businesses that support LGBTQP (the P is for pedo)

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So business as usual.

I would say extreme leftists are the ones into that. Not all liberals are fucking weirdos.

>This 'baby drag queen' is AMAZING
I'll be the judge of that...
*unzips dick*

Why do right wingers see pedophilia in everything?

Is it because most of the time kiddy diddlers end up being right wing, religious or conservative?

Alex Jones got caught with pedo porn during Discovery and his excuse was "that's not mine I was just holding those emails".

You can say that sure but if you have a kid who uses Snapchat they're probably seeing articles like the one in the op all the time.

>inb4 you miss this

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>unopened emails
He literally was though.
The lawyers for the people he had to send them to admitted as much.

It's not pedophilia, what they're doing to these kids is grossly unattractive and looks clownish and would be off putting to any pedo. What they're doing is merely worshipping the new religion of diversity.

t. pedo and more right wing than you are

gonna need a sauce on this one, boi

All lefties that I know find this shit and trans in general as creepy as anyone else.

Nightly fap material

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Can't believe it worked

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Everyone does that's the point of drag... if he was a juggalo(christian goths) or whatever it'd be the same.

That comes down to the responsibility of the parent then. Pretty sure Snapchat has an age policy.

this, much easier to leave to a better country.
And then there's the accelerationism movement who believes let it crash faster so we can return faster to normal. I'm inclined to believe that's exactly whats happening now - we are currently where the weimar republik was before it's fall. Their increasing degeneracy is attributed in hitlers rise. One extreme empowers the other. We can already observe the rise of the right. I think shit might go down in next decade and if that happens you don't want to be there.

The UN guy who was talking about banning shit got caught as a pedo himself. In similiar manner many of the activist people followed. It's not wrong to say the loudest leftist on it are the ones getting caught. That doesn't mean rightwingers are holy men but you shouldn't apologize for ones own side criminals by pointing at the other. Go catch em all.

>this, much easier to leave to a better country.

...and then that country soon becomes a worse country because it's all of a sudden full of Americans.

That could be just dress up, but you know it will lead him to Desmond or Lactatia levels of sexual bullshit, and I say this as a dude that wants a limited form of CP legalized (arrest producers, therapy for the victim and let the victim decide whether to profit or not from the material once majority of age is reached) and the age of consent lowered so it matches Germany or Japan (since consent depends basically on executive functions/impulse control and there are adults already capable of consent that are worse than some now minors... ideally it would be based on a case by case basis and Japanese laws offer a nuanced perspective imo).

>would be off putting to any pedo.

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You realize he is getting framed and not a shred of evidence condemns him ao far.

it was trap porn. humiliating, yes. not illegal

>inb4 you miss this

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No, this is another thing. He is getting framed though. The evidence points towards that. Of course the media will misrepresent the situation tho. There have been retractions, but tiny ones and forgotten as usual. Pieces of shit.

can't believe this actually worked

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Most people won't leave. How many are willing to learn a new language? Shit look at european immigration to US. They all learn english and still only a slim faction makes it over the pond.

Secondary there's the financial issue to gain citizenship in another country. The vast majority is far too poor to fuck of at will.

It was trap porn you dingus

Americans always like to sexualize children, look at their child pageants and tv shows like Toddlers and Tiaras is a common theme with these people

They see it because gay men make up majority of pedos

what if I fondle an overdeveloped 12yo girl, with a set of nice, soft, pink, perky breasts? would I be gay too?

no that would make you based

They are more likely to be pedo, but they are not the majority of pedos

I love the modern political narratives. At this point and time all it takes is a single person on twitter to say something to be representative of literally million if not billions of people.

So Desmond Napoles talks for all LGBTQ and Left or Liberal person ever in existance retroactively including up until they were born or do we cut it off in the 1700s?

>Faggots are normalizing pedophilia

Get fucked FBI faggot.

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Chill. Sane people know it is not all leftists, but he is pointing a trend tgat exists. As a lefty, you should try to knock some reason to your fellow lefties, just like it happens in the right currently (and how it was the other way around in the past)

there are better looking faggots than him

this one for example

but isn't pedophilia a relatively new thing? romeo was a 20 year old with a 13 year old juiliet.. elvis married a 14 year old.. thousands of stories of rock stars fucking 14-16 year old groupies

As a leftie I try to knock reason into everyone. It usually only ends up with other leftis as the rights don't actually care. They just want someone to fight. It's almost impossible to change the mind if you're an outsider to people.

I don't go looking for people, but I just tend to find the most liberal people without even trying. I don't identify as a leftie, just most of my views are liberal.

I vote green party, because the planet is burning up and the debate right now is if women should be able to control their bodily functions....

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>inb4 you miss this

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can't believe it actually worked

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>Votes green party
>Complains constantly about everything, whiles being the reason that Trump is in office by wasting vote on a 3rd part
>Confirmed millenial

Life begins at inception you demented baby killer. You just want to be able to whore around without any consequences.

Vast majority of pedos are straight

Yeah but, celebrities are all pedos or worst... lol

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But they lack the political power to change the laws. Red states should up the penalty to pedophilia to 4x what it is now so that pedophiles will flee to blue state liberal enclave cities and create pro-pedophile pressure and money upon liberals only, who will cave in and allow the pedophile "scene" to become a disgusting and obvious spectacle upon which all further anti-pedophile actions can be based.

See, the problem with destroying pedophiles is they don't really have anything, so let's give them a community and then let the world burn it over and over. Doesn't even have to take place in our states, just the blue garbage dumps.

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>e the planet is burning up

Show proof. Oh wait, you can't, because man made climate change is a hoax.

Guess why faggot, you answared your own question

There's been majority popular vote for the Democrats in the US since Bush Sr. in the 80s in every election.

The votes don't matter. Welcome to the electoral college.

This is deranged fantasy.

"Liberals" and "lefties" hate pedos with as much passion as righties do. No-one sympathises with them, pretty much everyone hates them.

Life begins at birth.

This is why you're age is based on the day you're born as a human, and not inception, you demented women hater. You just want to be able to call women whores without any consequences.

And here I thought the Catholic Church cornered the market already

it was trap porn you retarded fucking sperg. God damn you liberals are to god damn busy sucking dicks, you can't read an article. Kill yourself

>As a leftard everything I ever say only makes sense to other leftards
>I'm constantly thinking and spewing leftard bullshit at all times
>Having common sense means you have to be a leftard
>I only ever talk to leftards
>All I attract are leftards

My, oh my, how could this be???

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>implying he didn't plant those e-mails there himself

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When does the protests and riots on the streets are going to start?

I can't imagine half the country being passive about the OBVIOUS 100% certain end of the world, right?

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You're a baby killing whore and your witty little retorts aren't going to change that. Deep down inside you know what you are.


Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.

Ignoring global temperature rises, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets as well as glacial retreats there is decreased snow fall and sea level rising the extreme of record high temperature events increasing, and the number of record low decreasing.

The only thing that's not proven about climate change is what is going to happen next. We've never gone through climate change before, and to predict the future of a global event is almost impossible for us.

The end result is BAD. Climate refugees will make the right blame the left for letting this happen tho, don't worry.

it literally already has, specially in europe. even china admitted we're fucking ourselves and they're trying to cut emissions

>it literally already has

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try reading my entire post

I have converted a few religious people in my life but it's never been my goal from the onset like converting people to my religion to save their immortal soul. I just live my life as I do... Usually the stubborn ones just want a fight, like I said.

I think common sense is that you have empathy. Not every has that or thinks that. I will argue with people about it, but I don't think it helps to portray yourself as aggressive to be a conductive way to teach people.

There's no way to convince someone that believes that sonic the hedgehog is the coolest guy of all times anything different. Just like someone that thinks that about Jesus.

Autism exists in everyone.

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There's no way that shit will ever be normal, and it def won't be accepted. Fucking weirdos.

Legal age is not life you absolute retard.

Why? It's full of garbage anyway. Just like any other piece of apocalyptical propaganda that was ever created over the past 100 years.

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Reason is not related to political affiliation as you seem to imply. Also climate change is real, but your retarded lefty friends keep pushing alarming bullshit without educating about the science behind the phenomenon and acknowledging its limitations. This creates a backfire effect, as your leftard pals would know if they were educated on the pertinent literature instead of using canned responses to feel superior because the cultural zeitgeist just happens to support them for now.

This whole situation is leading us to the hands of tyrants worthy of any cyberpunk dystopia. People like you disgust me.

We literally have protests for this all the time.


We're waiting on governments and business to make a change in the way that they treat the planet, and the only ones that have to worry about the consequences are the kids.


The fact you think this is doubtful is reason you need to doubt it. There's no way you can understand this without understand science. The entire reason we have life on Earth is because of our carbon cycle. Do you even know what the carbon cycle is?


fucking lame ass shit.
If they aren't eating pizza, I'm not interested

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Bullshit. Centrist here and i 100% believe in penalizing pedophiles, if not of the first strike than at the maximum of 3 strikes, with death. No plea. No bargaining. Automatic skid row. Leftists don't technically support pedophilia but they give so little of a shit that it might as well be considered support.

>We've never gone through climate change before,

What?? You realise how retarded this statement is? Climate is always changing. Medieval warm period was perhaps even warmer than temperatures today.

>Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.

That is true but the evidence that it is man made is not unequivocal. Co2 is as likely to be a result of warmer climate as it is a cause. Simply showing that co2 levels are rising does not mean that co2 generated by humans is the cause of the changes in climate.

London has the extinction rebellion, its getting kinda annoying and i reckon someone will drive a truck through them soon

Protip in case it wasn't already obvious but squirrel poster is a pedophile trying to derail the thread.

Ya, but the difference about the past 100 years and now is that we have SATELLITES AND CLOUD COMPUTING.

To think that even 100 years ago humans thought we were the only galaxy in existence. You can even debate the science in other galaxies, because you've not seen the evidence of it.

Governments are the ones driving the climate change agenda, wake up

Everything is fucked tbh.
Climate is going downhill.
Insects are going extinct thanks to modern pest&herbicides.
Our pharma pumps their waste chemicals unfiltered into sea in india.
internet is dying to increasingly more regulatory restrictions.
Economy is ripe for next crash and they are closing exists everywhere.
Meanwhile peasants are fighting over dumb shit between each other as always.

But hey at least we don't have to fight ww3 yet.

Those are weirdly good points. I would only worry about if the CP would serve as a substitute good or if it would open some pandora box. I would support it even.

Protip, climate change posters are also pedophiles trying to derail the thread. Likely the same exact people posting the squirrels.

If everyone is in tune with it, then why is it that your kind isn't accomplishing anything?

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Friendly reminder that pedos are masters of deceit and manipulation.

Insects going extinct? LOL. You realize we will eat insects in the future, right? They are easy as fuck to breed in brutal amounts.

If a boy wants to dress like a girl despite knowing other boys will want to kick his ass, then that's a real choice that boy has made.
If they boy is just experimenting (ie. mimicking his mom or sisters) and adults are encouraging him and telling him to run with it, then that is definitely on the adults around him.

I mean you're the one saying women that are not responsible enough to decide this should be able to have babies.

Every countries in the world that signed the Paris Agreement that the rise of the annual global temperature of the planet has to be controlled by human actions because that's what has caused this rise.

At the worst of it we cut down on pollution.

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bees. we need plants, plants need bees. unless you want to invent a pollination device that can cover huge swathes of land


its not that boys want to kick hiis ass, its the older boys that want to fuck his ass that are the problem


Neither is a heartbeat.

Not really. You're just knee deep into the propaganda, and you think the sky is falling. Things are going pretty good, and they are better than they have ever been in history, in fact.

Of course a leftist can't see it this way, because otherwise they wouldn't have a base for all their hysteria. Remember that the world is apparently "dying" but you're pretty relaxed with your AC, food on the fridge, and certain nobody will invade your house, kill you, and steal everything.

Keep saying the world is falling though. Maybe someday it will stick, right?

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Abortions should be allowed even later than the 1st trimester. Of all the people that should be able to understand abortion surgery the best is the medical world and yet this entire law from it's inception comes only from the place of moral absolutes of the biblical times.

Cite something better than the bible or the koran.

>blah blah blah buzzing leftist propaganda blah blah
You sound like a cultist, are you even listening to yourself? Are you programmed to give normal answers that are not soaked in propaganda?

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The only pushback that is backfiring is the corporate smear campaign to discredit the science because it's going to cost them more money than it'll save the existing business.

For the economy as a whole it will begin an entire new cycle and with it a new age of sustainable income that will not have the model like the declining car and fossil fuel industry, but HEY.


it's ok if the boi is cute

Science still isn't in if smoking is bad for you, just remember that.


It's not a medical question, it's a moral one.

No one is allowed to decide to kill babies you degenerate whore. There is no amount of responsibility that gives you the right to commit the crime of abortion. See this right here is why the left can't see a problem with pedophilia, they think it's okay to kill children, so they figure they may as well rape them too.

Ya. Who do you think funds the science community? Nike?

Stop posting this crap you fucking retard

Derail harder, pedo.

climate change is a specific thing, attributed to man.

Have had change in the climate, but 'climate change' is:
change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

It's there not only to educate people on pedophile tactics but also because i enjoy exposing the secrets of pedophilia; it pisses kid fuckers off. Here, have another.

ah, I see you voted for clinton sir

The evidence that it is man made is 95% confident to be correct. This is aggregate data from all over the entire planet, not what type of spiegati to have for dinner.

"B-b-buh you're crazy if you think pedophilia is a growing plague. Surely, if you think pedos are growing stronger and smarter in their ways, you're just a tinfoil fatso that lives in a basement."
This is called gaslighting. It's used to avoid direct confrontation.


Because pedophilia has been a natural desire embedded in the minds of humans since basically the dawn of time. Now that it's becoming normalized, nobody really cares about stopping it since almost everyone who isn't a white knight faggot has had thoughts about fucking someone underage & won't oppose having the ability to legally act on such desires


Shove those crappy videos up your ass faggot. Nobody is watching your trash.

i don't know why there's such resistance to alternative fuels. if the rest of the world moved away from oil dependance, the middle east would implode on itself and that problem would be solved too.

Says the guy who supports the political party that wants to normalize pedophilia

What happens if i don't?

It's going to cause a major change in society. To be honest if this was to be proposed even 50 years ago there wouldn't even be an effective means to unite people to this idea let alone address it. I mean even the influences of the past were massive because the science and understanding of what an influenza was didn't exist.

This is all cutting edge technology and understanding taken only from the past few decades looking back at the history of the planet.

Global warming because of greenhouse emission is not a relatively new or novel idea. The full effects of it might not be understood but the consequences of it is not going to be mild.

>mfw milo, roy moore and Donald Trump normalized this fag shit circa 2019


If that were only true the same people would be opposed to war.

nothing really. the whole point of Yea Forums is to have fun acting autistic.

>implying im left
>implying im right
Try again.

>climate change is a specific thing, attributed to man.

No it isn't. From wikipedia, which by the way is a corporate shill for climate change propaganda: "Climate change occurs when changes in Earth's climate system result in new weather patterns that last for at least a few decades, and maybe for millions of years.

>The evidence that it is man made is 95% confident to be correct.

Sure, according to the climate change propagandists who peddle this crap. They always pull these garbage statistics out of thin air too "95% confident", "99% of scientists agree" it's all fabricated crap.

You ain't centrist.

Friendly reminder that pedos are pathetic and worm-like. They are ALL cowards.

>Remember that the world is apparently "dying" but you're pretty relaxed with your AC, food on the fridge, and certain nobody will invade your house, kill you, and steal everything.

im okay now means im okay forever is no form of valid logic.


I am whatever i am. Pedos are still evil. Pedos still deserve death.

Actually, by even the most conservative right it's up to the doctor if it will save the mother's life.

I like how extreme you believe in this you think that anyone that gets raped fucking deserved it. That's your fetish, don't impose that on others.

I think all religion should be banned for applying morality from a 3000 model understanding of humanity. I don't know how you use the internet without understanding it's a perversion, from a MORAL standpoint.

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>>No Goyim how dare you be a racist hompphobe by us calling children fuckable means we want to fuck children

Liberals only defense when you find them balls deep in boy ass is to go "Nah uh"

so you're a pedophile yourself then?



More irrelevant videos to further derail the thread.


Of course a 'pedo who deserves death' in America is doing something perfectly legal in plenty of other 1st world countries but that doesn't really fit in well with your faggot white knight mentality, does it?


these videos are not irrelevant


observable evidence exists.

"Stop white knighting, just let me be attracted to children."

>pedos are evil
maybe the rapey molesty ones.
others just have a fucked up sexuality.

reminder that being a fag was illegal and punishable by prison time as recently as the 1960s

I get it. You're trying to find sly ways of shutting me down via memes. Unfortunately for you, i'm not stopping. Sorry. Pedophiles are cowards that need to be exposed as such.

Okay, the climate change I am talking about is the global warming one, obviously. We're not discussing the PREVIOUS climate change that was relatively normal with 7 different ice ages the last one being the dawn of the modern climate we currently have.

I understand this graph about carbon in the air means little to nothing to you, but the climate change we NORMALLY FUCKING HAD, was like this forever, and even the reason we have life on Earth and not anywhere else.

As you can see the climate change itself has changed. But ya, climate change, in the most BROADEST and GENERAL of sense is just the changing of the weather.

but according to nasa:
Climate change refers to a broad range of global phenomena created predominantly by burning fossil fuels, which add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere. These phenomena include the increased temperature trends described by global warming, but also encompass changes such as sea level rise; ice mass loss in Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic and mountain glaciers worldwide; shifts in flower/plant blooming; and extreme weather events.

Totally, man. Being homo can totally compare and contrast with ruining a confused child's life.

>Actually, by even the most conservative right it's up to the doctor if it will save the mother's life.
Abortion is always wrong no matter the circumstances.

>That's your fetish, don't impose that on others.
Why is it that you leftists are only capable of thinking in terms of sexual perversion. Are you that far gone in your degeneracy that you cannot conceive of someone genuinely being concerned about the survival of unborn children?

Just keep pushing your leftist drivel. Don't come crying to us when your aborted fetus is being molested in front of you and you can't do anything about it for fear of being labeled a pedophobe.

The child is saying it. You tell me which jew is telling the 11 year old what to do or think?



Abortion is not something anyone takes lightly. Not a doctor, not a mother, not anyone, except you. It's just wrong across the board.

Let the whore die.


shut up, pedo

And you think you aren't attracted to children either, subliminally speaking? Ever fapped to a 'barely 18' vid? Ever been attracted to a woman with smaller breast? A woman under 5 4"? A woman a couple years younger than yourself? Congratulations, you're a pedo as well, my dude



Look at these cowards. See how small and fragile they are? This is them when they aren't shielded by a computer screen.

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>Don't come crying to us when your aborted fetus is being molested in front of you.

Why would I come to the dumbest most intolerant people I know when I am in trouble. You're the entire reason the world is so full of problems. You're not trying to get the answers, you're just upset that people think differently.

You demand obedience to your morality, not me.

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Why? Is it starting to make sense how retarded you sound?

hence the rapey molesty thing. you don't have to fuck kids to be a pedo.
some can go their whole lives without touching a kid, they are just sexually attracted to them.
Similarly, You might find your friend or coworlker hot (straight, gay, whatever), doesn't mean you are going to go and rape them.

Never. Full stop. Been into milf porn since the beginning.
Bumping with more pedo snuff.

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The votes matter, just not in deep color states. Conservatives in Cali are fucked the same way that Dems in Texas are.

Vast majority of pedos are only interested in children, regardless of gender.

>I've never jerked off until I was an adult for fear of being a pedophile

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Ya, but Texas is revolutionizing the entire world and how we think and that one guy in Texas is going to colonize another planet soon because they're so fucking advance in Texas.

Fuck California ever do beyond some tv shows?

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You're on the wrong board if you think you can gross out pedophiles with gore.

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>everyone is a pedophile if you say it enough

>Knows he's lost so all he can do is post beat pics
>Being this pathetic

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you ever bathed your kid? saw them naked?

that's a beating.

The earth has been warming and the ice caps have been slowly melting for 300 years. Its just more noticable now

pedo detected

thats not shit its dried blood. the other inmates raped him a new asshole. the meds stitched him up, the inmates reopened his new asshole again with multiple benis

The fact he has a series of pedophiles being beaten is kind of disturbing on it's own. Like society as a whole has accepted the abuse and molestation of children.

Not like back in my day when a kid acted up he had to pull his pants and underwear down bend of the principles knee and be paddled until his ass was red. NOTHING WRONG HERE

No its the liberals and J left.
I am sure the soviets and Communist countries today dont tolerate this limd of Degeneracy.

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Pedophilia has existed before your god was even conceived and will continue to flourish well after your religion dies. It is embedded in the very essence of humanity to be attracted to those younger than us since youth is indicative of fertility. How does that make you feel, white knight fag?

You guys sure do love implying. I'm only doing it to show how pathetic they are behind the screen. In real life, they can't fight, they can't defend themselves, they always get DESTROYED once they're exposed. They are cowards.

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All of humanity is made up of pedos. Even you've fantasized about fucking girls in your class when you were in middle school & high school. They're everywhere. Even inside you, my dude

>inb4 you miss this
Go to the forest thank me later

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can't believe it actually worked

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>your god
Don't have one
>white knight
Trying to downplay kidfucking. Friendly reminder that all kidfuckers are literally manipulating simple minds for the sake of their own pleasure. Nothing more. Oh, no. But it's totally okay, amirite? Least, till your caught. Pic related.

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In all fairness, no one stands a chance when they're outnumbered.

thought it was just spam

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shut up pedo

It takes a lot to understand the problem

1. It's more extreme now then it has ever been in the recorded history of this planet. That's why it's more pronounced. But to understand the previous data in itself is a something that is not information we've stumbled upon in our day to day lives.

2. The carbon cycle of the planet is a real thing that is probably the only reason why Earth has life. This is something they look for in exoplanet studies

3.We were not put here by a magical force. We're made of the planet, because of it's balance from the sun, and the carbon in the air to help retain the heat instead of it just disappointing from the atmosphere.
THIS STEP ALONE WOULD ELIMINATE MOST AMERICANS FROM EVEN ACCEPTING LET ALONE UNDERSTANDING THE CONSEQUENCES OF GLOBAL WARMING. It's either going to be protected by magical forces, or we deserve this. Like Noah's Ark. Only the sinners die (everyone)

4. On a yearly average it's increase beyond anything we've seen before.

At worst, we cut down pollution? Are you against cutting down pollution??

>Autistically posting video links that literally no-one is going to watch

Keep up the good work you mentally ill retard. Sad that this is the only thing that gives your pathetic life a sense of value.

In all fairness, no one stands a chance when a sexual predator is twice your age and you're a minor.

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fuck off you fucking pedo

OK. It's not like anyone is on their side. I don't understand what you're trying to say. That pedophilia is wrong? It's still a crime. Some 11 year old boy is expressing his sexuality, is not much different than girls at that age that. I don't know about you but that's when I kissed my first girl, french kissing at the back of the playground.

Kids have sexuality too, this doesn't mean they're pedophiles if you know about it.

WRONG. Most pedos have a gender preference, and the vast majority are heterosexuals who like girls.

t. I'm a pedo

Except this doesn't apply to me because i typically avoid politics altogether. I only claim centrism because i'm neither left or right leaning.

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checked quads

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said the pedo

Maybe that's why you hate pedos so much? Deep down inside you know you want younger girls and you utterly despise yourself for it, so you project your self loathing onto others to deal with the rage you have at yourself. Don't worry, bud. It's perfectly natural to have those desires I know you're angry at yourself for

Cutting down polution is a good thing. Probly should do that. Whos gonna step up and have a talk with china though

JESUS FUCK, EVEN OUNCES IS ENOUGH. You want to give a 3 strikes to pedophiles and you say the left support them.

you're fucking sick. leftist are parents too you dumb shit.

kill yourself you fucking pedo

In all fairness, they are predatory scum that exploit children. Still that doesn't correlate to "they can't defend themselves"

It's like okay James Bond let's see you take on a lynch mob.


I know, how silly of me. I've wised up and jusy starting posting results of being a pedo.

Once again, trying to downplay pedophilia.

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We wouldnt want to hurt feelings and lose our job now would we.

Who said I was downplaying it? It's existed for centuries, it's a part of human culture that's been around longer than you or I? Why deny yourself or others a part of human existence itself?

You're someone who literally gets a kick out of watching people getting savagely beaten and tortured, and you think you are better than someone for simply being attracted to kids. You're a mentally ill, low IQ savage.


You're honestly one of the most unintelligent people I've come across online, well done.

shut the fuck up you disgusting pedophile

This is true and the future of the globalist idiocracy. After people are completely dumbed down and war is impossible because of a one world government that allows complete control this will be the way it is. All eyes will be attached to screens and people will be so stupid that eventually they will just do what they are told to.

>ive got nothing to say so ill post a strawman

Plenty of right wingers have also been exposed as pedophilic in nature. Source: catholic priests.

You were arguing the fairness of a fight, i was arguing the fairness a fight.

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kill yourself pedo

No, friend. Don't kill yourself. It's okay for you to be a pedophile. It's OK to have these natural desires. You don't need to reject them so violently anymore; soon enough they'll be perfectly acceptable once again in our society

the day of the rope is coming for pedos

Don't care.

I get a kick out of pedos getting beaten, not people. Pedos are cowards. Animals. Worthless. They deserve every bit of the pain. Go ahead, imply more whilst downplaying pedophilia.

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Because no one gives a fuck. Let the world rot and it's inhabitants die. Nobody cares

die pedo die

Not Trump. He thinks China made up the concept of pollution for ... manufacturing reasons? I don't know if that means literally or metaphorically because this is about as deep into the understanding of the President of the US we have about what he thinks global warming is and what problems it poses.

He think everyone is laughing at him for believing in it??? I dunno. I always feel like global warming and flat earth could be interchangeable the way people argue it.

The people buying from China have the leverage, they can ask whatever they want.


It would be like if you were playing a video game and 1 month into grinding for whatever hero you thought was cool you find out it's the worst in the game and you're asked to change. No one would casually throw out all of that hard work on a failed plan. Most people would ride that horse till they died.

It's kind of impossible, and we're probably going to see some real radicals come because of this.

I am not for green peace or ecoterrorism, but at this point the evidence has come a long ways since the early 90s till now. It's indisputable.

Captain Planet was right. Pollution is wrong, the power is yours

Mirroring is also a manipulative tactic of deceit.

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But it will never come. The desire exists in the minds of every human being since the dawn of time. You and others taboo it socially, but deep in your minds its only because of the shame you feel that you have the same desires as everyone who's ever wanted to fuck someone younger.

kill yourself pedo

you know when I was a kid I was just like that, and the reason was that I was an outcast.
people hated me because I talked different and looked different and so the only friend I could make were pedophiles, and they treated me well and kept me out of trouble, which I got into a LOT.
that being said, I just had a bad life in general, I have no proper memories because of drugs/hypnotherapy/my own stupidity, and I really got nowhere in life, but it was basically that or I became a serial killer/school shooter.
in the future when you all have kids, imagine that your kid is the one bullying this little guy, would you want him to kill your kid or hang around with pedos, your choice.

You try to justify your taste for savagery and violence with a pretence of righteousness. In reality you're an angry, frustrated and unintelligent savage who indulges in power fantasy.

Honest men can only hope.

No one is arguging for pro-pedophila, but your strawman. Everyone is against it.


pedos deserve a bullet to their heads

If you don't care about natural human desires, why are you acting so aggressively outspoken towards them?
>Hint: The only people this verbally outspoken against pedophiles are pedophiles themselves

die lefty pedo

Lust for beauty is normal. If both can enjoy it nothing else matters.

Right wingers with supresses sexual appetities are more likely to be pedophiles.

They are only normalizing gay pedophilia... Where is the normalizing of stuff with little girls? Equality!

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this is you:
pedos : I like hurting people before this age
you : I like hurting people after this age
you're the same person as them, you just follow the law.

Being a centrist is just recognizing that neither side is correct, not wanting to side with either, and understanding that left or right extremes are called extremes for a reason.
Purely by grouping people as left or right you're removing all nuance form a situation and trying to fit people into a stereotype so you don't have to try to engage your brain when trying to argue with them.

That cop knows

Actually, pedophilia is more of a conservative trait really. It's advocating for less governmental regulation of sexual intercourse, ie opting for the government to take a less active role in citizen's day to day lives. Learn the principals of political ideologies, you dumb faggot

That is not true. It seems true because you put a wig on a male child and looks close enough to a girl.


Who's probably fighting his own impulses for kids since he's been sexually deprived his entire life. I think most normal humans grow up attracted to kids when you're a kid, and then to adults when you get older.

I find pedophiles ugly pathetics autistics fucks that never matured out of the first phase because they never had a life as a kid because of abuse or they had no social life until they were an adult and missing the earl experience of childhood.

Like Michael Jackson's neverland ranch fulfilling his missing childhood.

This doesn't justify it, but to the moralfags this is aplogisying and excusing peodphilia as a mental disorder to normalize it and accept it, and not understand how pervasive it is in people.

Typical moralfag is to think of it at all is hershey, like they're The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition

shut up pedophile scum

More irrelevant to derail the subject at hand. Either a troll or you're starting to get a little shaky.


Don't care. Not about me.


More derailing


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Okay, you're just breaking down to ironic trolling.

It is true though. The universe adds up to zero. You are already in a game you cannot win. Adapt and conquer according to reason and reality.

Okay now this is just straight up child rape apologetics. I'm outta here.

Welcome to Yea Forums nigger.

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Come on bud, you can do better than that. Use your big boy words now. Or do you enjoy roleplaying on the internet as a small child who only knows how to babble a small handful of words? Because that sounds pretty pedophilic to me...

pedophile detected

If any of you are actually bold enough to act out on your lust for children, i would hope you're being careful about it. Some of us don't take kindly to kidfuckers. Pic related.

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Because being attracted to cute things is perfectly normal. Rape is not. Pedophiles are not necessarily rapists. Most everyone is a potential pedophile.

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Don't forget to look in the mirror before you leave, it'll help you better understand what a pedophile looks like

"cute things"

bullshit. I love puppies but I've never wanted to fuck one.


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>arrest producers, therapy for the victim and let the victim decide whether to profit or not from the material once majority of age is reached

This makes perfect sense, unless you are a triggered moralfag that cannot understand how to make a miracle out of a tragedy.

>is a pedophile
>calls other people pedophiles

The P is for Yea Forums and anonymous "pussy's" creating another raid style meme.

LGBTQ does not support pedophilia.

But you've seen a cute girl and wanted to fuck her, no?

>everything wrong in the world is because of you, and all the good in the world is in me, please accept my delusions

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>pedo logic

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YES. That is what we've been explaining you've been doing all this time. Now you understand your true sexual nature. Fantastic ground we've broken here

>unzips dick
I would unzip my pants.

Does your ass fall off if you unscrew your belly button?

measuring atmospheric carbon levels from 800,000 yr old ice rods sounds legit.

newfag is new

He's not the one denying a practice that's been around since humanity existed... so it sounds more like you're talking about yourself

You guys do realize i haven't posted since right? I was getting more pics and making a strong drink.

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I always love how people talk shit about China
>China is doing stuff for the environment
Fuck no they aren't. The nepotism is so fucking bad over there. Every rich person or business owner is a relative of a high ranking party member.
When I lived near Chong Chun the government was talking about the giant all natural air filter they built. It was bullshit. hey recently banned coal burning for poor people but the factories continue to pump garbage into the land, water, and air. And they aren't going to stop. Fucking most polluted country on the planet. It's always smoggy, the water poison, and the food is all full of heavy metals. You want to know
the first thing you need to know about China? Everything the party says is a lie.

Any reasonable person would think the method used to collect this data is faulty, but since this supports the leftist hysteria, nobody batches an eye, and take it as absolute truth.

Imagine buying into cult hysteria in the current year?

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confirmed. i was watching through his windows.

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Okay at this point i think this faggot just want to be rape by a pedo. lol

Well, you would know that i haven't even cracked my new bottle, yet. Why haven't you called me on my shit, yet?

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What a gigantic waste of quads.
China is going through dustbowls in certain regions and in other regions most of population wear masks during long exposures outside of home. Part of the Paris Accord agreement was for US to reduce carbon to the point it crippled our industry so that China could produce more. L2research.


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I believe in that more than any anecdotal proof the opposition has.

I had to run. Boy scout meeting.

>libtards believe it
>it must be wrong

It's like buying into the cult hysteria that bacteria are harming people. There was a long time that people refused to believe in microscopic organisms.

The fact is this is the first time we've discovered a scientific fact that affects the entire planet, and has a time limit.


What a new development !!!

Fuck off retarded faggot

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until one icerod has a certain level and then the icerod pulled out next to it has a wildly different level, and so on. The problem is using results of a test that itself hasnt been confirmed to be accurate or relevant to claim zomg muh doomsdayz.

Non-issue. Despite the magnitude of our impact, the time limit is also a function of our technology. Tyrants want to make it all about policy, but in reality what we should be doing is using the most efficient tech for energy: nuclear (fission and in the future fusion and then who knows). Not only that, but we could even change ourselves with genetic editing, implant and whatnot. Climate change just means, in the great scheme of things, a slight change for a set of equilibria in a really complex system.

Do not let your simpleton mind be fooled by alarmist propaganda.

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Dont get me wrong...
I admire his work.
But pretending to be a 15 years old when he looks like this and walk into the wood with a potential child rapist?
I think that shit turns him on! lol

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And what ARE your credentials as a climatologist?

Just saying,
I could listen to trained professionals beholden to peer review....or some faggot user on the shit filled asshole if the internet - Yea Forums.

Choose wisely.

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Hah global warming

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You’ve never been to China.

It's literally an indoctrination tactic used for targeting little kids by Illuminati think tanks... Jews. The new world order and their political goons trying to create the luciferian surveillance state. The NSA, CIA, FBI are the ones primarily responsible. For covering up pedo rings, gun trafficking, human trafficking, and murder cartels. They have been behind the Las Vegas shooting and Sandy Hook.

9/11 was an inside Job

Peer review in a politically charged issue without inspecting methodology and whatnot? LOL

Just look at the Sokal hoax or the grievance studies hoax. I am not saying climate change is not real nor that we have no impact, I am saying that one must address this issues DIRECTLY when even experts become unreliable.

>catholics are right wing

Ehhh...I dunno actually. Have you seen the new pope, Francis? Also isn't it suspicious how short Benedict's time as pope was? Meanwhile Francis is loud and left wing, before popes barely if ever said anything political. Sorry but it looks like you guys are gonna get stuck with the Catholics, they're maneuvering that now, that's Francis's job.

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He even pretend to be a 14 years old girl at a potential child molesters house!
How can he not want to be rape by pedos at this point? lol


>n-no u!

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>one must address this issues DIRECTLY

Industry accounts for more than 90% of emissions.
The actions of individuals to reduce emissions would be the equivalent of deleting text files while ignoring the GB of child porn on your hard drive - ie; utterly negligible.

Communism is the only thing that can save us

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>catholic’s are right wing
>Ehhh...I dunno actually
This is the level of retardation that moderates have to deal with.

You can lead a retard to facts, but you can’t understand it for them

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>Why do right wingers see pedophilia in everything?

Dude come on your have to be blind not to see it, especially after that weird Desmond is amazing. LGBT is literally the devil and stupid as hell


Like communism it is doomed to fail because that's what it's based on

The pedo is even blind! lol

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Actually??? Goddamn millenials

I see it.
Republitards are obsessed with pedophilia.

If you monitor their blood flow while looking at these stories they get more blood flow to their penis that leftists,

Republitards are simply good at self denial

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>Pedophilia has existed before dipshit's oldest ancestor was even a sperm
>Dipshit: hurr durr pedophilia bad it not natural

Why don't you argue taking a shit is unnatural too, faggot?

>communism it is doomed to fail
There are more examples of failed democratic capitalist countries than failed communist countries.

Shame when the fairy land in your head differs from objective reality huh?

Cope harder faggot

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No. Emissions are the result of specific tech. Change the tech, change the emissions. Also those that produce greater emissions are not majority private investor owned and communism is not any more inherently green than any other system (unless you are a retarded anprim). Take your commie propaganda out of here.

That meme was created by the right wing to discredit ‘leftism’

Republitards have sick diseased minds where these poisonous fantasies stem from

>go nuclear - solve all our problems

Nuclear reactions frequently cause huge multinational disasters , of which the environmental and clean up costs are not factored in when judging their ‘efficiency’

Their primary purpose is to enrich uranium for weapon production

cry more pedofag

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