If you were president would you order the military to attack Iran?

If you were president would you order the military to attack Iran?

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No, I'd go back to a peaceful agreement regarding their nuclear development.

What does my owner, Putin, tell me to do?

No, I'd back up the growing opposition instead.

What he said

"Trump didn’t realize UNTIL TEN MINUTES BEFOREHAND that a planned airstrike would kill over a hundred people and would therefore be grossly disproportionate to the loss of a UAV?

To say this is amateur hour would defame amateurs.

Resign. If you didn’t know this until it was almost too late, you’re even more of an idiot than people think you are. Do the country and the world a favor. Go back to real estate, where the worst you can do is kill banks.
-George Conway

EX made me cum twice

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Let the fucking kikes fight their own wars.

No, it's just a fuckin drone. We all know it's rich with oil, so we probably sent it over there with the hope they'd shoot it down so we'd have a reason to start a war so we can fuck them for their oil like we did with the other areas.

Yes. Then when they are finished, march on to Israel and turn Jerusalem to rubble.

No, I’d realize operating drones in hostile airspace is inherently risky and that Iran was well within their right defending said air space.

This is a chance to take out their nuclear bomb development. Jews will be pleased.

they have done much more to us than shoot down one of our expensive toys.

Kill all sand niggers

The Iran hostage crisis was 30 years ago, let it go.

No, it's obviously kike bullshit.

>Kill all sand niggers

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I guess we should just let all the state-sponsored terror attacks on us and our allies too

He is trying so hard to get Kellyanne fired.

>state sponsored terror attacks
Kek, now Iran is where they’re all from...I thought it was Iraq, no wait Afghanistan...Syria?

I guess they’ll figure it out one of these days.

Military officials and many congressman approved the attack. Trump's inner circle approved the attack,

Trump had the courage to stand alone.

Fuck you george.

Only if I had a big nose

it's all of the above dipshit. There is not a single muslim-dominated country that the US can count as a real ally. Especially the fucking saudis, but Iran is close to as bad.

So just because they’re not an ally that makes them an enemy? How mature.

they work actively against our interests and would destroy the entirety of western democracy if they had the chance. Better to get rid of the threat before they get said chance.

Would you really feel safe with a nuclear-armed iran, saudi arabia, or syria? It's bad enough with those fucking jews having them thanks to the cuck snakes that have been occupying america's government for decades.


I don’t feel safe now, and as far as them “destroying western civilization” call me when they land on our shores.

you sure will feel stupid for your lack of vigilance when you are turned into ash when the first bombs drop

>implying every middle eastern country isn’t surrounded by murican air defences

Bolton wants war, he'll get his war

OP thinks we don't know he is a jew trying to make the US attack their enemies.. Again..

Wew lad

Hell no.

First off it stinks of false flag. Even if it wasn't, we don't belong there anyway.

I'd get rid of dual citizenship and depose all the politicians who held that status. I'd pull all our fucking troops out of foreign countries, don't give a fuck who takes over the middle East shithole puppet governments.

Then I'd end our alliance with Israel. They have infiltrated our government and subverted our nation. Israel purposefully attacked and killed our troops, and everyone just swept it under the rug. They are one of our enemies and they want us to start another war.

Sure, let's jump headfirst into another conflict in the Middle East. Look at the wonderful results in Afghanistan and Iraq. What could possibly go wrong?

Old meme is old

Absolutely correct. Too bad we'll never have a politician with the balls to say this much less act on it.

Why? I say abandon the middle east. Fuck Jews, fuck Saudis, Fuck the middle east.
It's too expensive, with no real purpose. If the jews and saudis want to start paying for protection, then we can talk.

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Kill all sand niggers and kikes too

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Hell no. Always do the opposite of what jews want.



Nah, I’d just go straight ahead and nuke Israel myself and save everyone all the fucking around in between.

Yes, but then I'd cancel 10 minutes before the launch just to fuck with the military industrial complex.

personally i wanna simulation of ww3 to see what ufos and nukes will fly over earth , but dont wanna it happen in real too much suffering n shit

Goldstein bot in with the snappy comeback.

Based and fagpilled

Just remember you have to take out the subs with the nuclear missiles first.

Absolutely not. I wouldn't have a drone there to be shot to begin with. I would leave the Middle East the fuck alone and stop playing world police.

They need to nuke the US though, so the country can get a fresh start later. Gotta rip off that band-aid user. Just nuke it.

Why would I take out my own subs, that I was going to use to do said nuking? It don’t make no sense man!

Yessss nuke it!

>US Attacks Iran
>Iran attacks Israel, their only leverage
>which triggers Operation Sampson, launching Israel’s missiles at every major city from Munich to Cincinnati.
>orthodox prophecy fulfilled

That’s what you get when you play geopolitics with religious-nationalism fanatics.

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>nukes can’t do any real damage to USA

True, nukes are repelled by our national awesomeness. They approach, but cannot deny our superiority and just turn around and fly home, every time.

build a wall around Iran and get Iran to pay for it

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Invade Canada for lebensraum

If I were a narcissist and knew it was they only way I had a shot of getting a second term.