Cats are disgusting.
Why do people even get them?
All they do is eat, shit, piss, spread toxoplasmosis and tape worms.
Cats are disgusting.
Cats are disgusting
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They're disgusting creatures.. I've been praying for a cat holocaust for years now. Dont even get me started on they're fucking subhuman owners. You would have to be a real cunt to have a cat.
You're disgusting.
You don't see me making a thread to complain about it, because I'm not a little bitch.
Cats paw around in their piss and shit then walk all over your house. Its fucking disgusting. I wish there were more rekt cats threads on here.
If a cat shit in my food I would kill it
I ruin every goddamned thread I touch with this bullshit I'm not sorry for what I've done but I'm sorry I thought this was a good idea, let the cat hate continue don't do the abuse part (not like anyone was gonna) please carry on with your hatred and don't get pruned
But what about birds?
It's the people who keep them to ensure enjoyment of everything you mentioned, but it's the cat that's disgusting. Great job, user. Don't ever think too hard.
Mine is purring on my chest, and has been an amazing friend since the moment he was rescued from dying in a parking lot.
My previous cat, obtained from a pet store, was a raging bitch who seemed to hate me.
Cats are like people: some are average, some are shit, and some are awesome.
Cats can be dope.
Everything's gross. It's a simple pro vs con situation.
Dogs do frisbee cats can’t
Look at this hardcore cunt
Abuse it while you can
>cat is shitting on pot
>"quick grab the camera"
she deserves it
Here's a good cat. He wants only affection and pets. In the winter, he demands to be a living teddy-bear, cuddled up against my cheek. He's the best cat in the world, I think.
I know, I've been living with my GF for 7 years and she's had this fucking cat the whole time. Pisses, pukes and leaves its damn fur all over. I have seriously considered strangling it but have been "too nice". Its day may be coming soon, though.
that's a handsome tabby, user.
I would rather have bird shit on me 24/7, than having litter box, which makes your house stink worse, than india.
Thanks, Yea Forumsro.
He's been my companion for more than ten years now.
You'd rather have an animal literally shit on you, rather than one which poops in a particular place and then buries it?
Cats are probably the cleanest pets one can have.
>cat even looks like a bro
He doesn't look very old. I had a couple outdoor ones that lived to be over 20.
>You'd rather have an animal literally shit on you, rather than one which poops in a particular place and then buries it?
Yup. In case of bird you expect this, while cats... Just google stories of them shitting and pissing all over the place and never in the box.
>Cats are probably the cleanest pets one can have.
Nope. Not having a single bath for 5-20 year is kinda disgusting.
did you know that cat litter is radioactive?!
So cat folk enjoy toxiplasmosis while bird folk prefer salmonella. This is interesting.
das noice
>while bird folk prefer salmonella.
You are not supposed to lick cloaca or their shit, but I don't judge...
Causes schizophrenia, with little to no signs.
Causes explosive poo-poo, with obvious signs.
I try to think of him as the tiny kitten we rescued ten years ago. The idea of him not being here really hurts.
As opposed to dogs? They eat their own shit, and can't be bothered to even lick thenselves clean.
Indoor cats are easily the cleanest pets you can habe.
Dogs literally run around in, roll around in, and eat shit. If you clean the litter box daily like you're supposed to it's never an issue. Also cats clean themselves on the reg and that includes genital and anus pass-overs. If you keep your cat outside you are probably poor trash human. I'm not a dog hater but don't try to bullshit when cats are objectively better.
>Indoor cats are easily the cleanest pets you can habe.
Pet rock>Spider>Birds and herps>else.
>As opposed to dogs? They eat their own shit, and can't be bothered to even lick thenselves clean.
Nope. Just gross
You get another tiny one and raise it the same way for Best Cat 2.0. Preferably right after this cool fella kicks it. The care little ones require helps a lot, in my experience.
I already have a pet-plant,
Spiders are gross, snakes are mostly boring, except when they try to eat your eyes.
Cats? You can cuddle, you can play with them, and if you get the right one, they actually like you and show affection.
Yes, but fluffy
I'll probably do exactly that, although I can't really think about this guy not being here right now.
Nor should you. Unless you feed him dry food ofc.
catfag detected. seriously though, cats are absolutley fucking disgusting and I hope they all die.
He only *likes* dry food!
I try to feed him wet food, but he has little interest.
since it's obviously solely the disgusting you want to eradicate, do yourself a favor and start with your household. i myself despise the ignorant, so you'd be helping us both out significantly.
Humans are disgusting all they do is eat shit piss loiter spread disease etc...
>Humans are disgusting all they do is eat shit piss loiter spread disease etc...
>forgets that India and most of Asia exists.
I know of this problem, user, but it's really not worth it when they stop being able to piss. In any way. His suffering and then the ~$4,000 vet bill to have however much of his dick removed... I've witnessed it in more than three males (never to females). Put my latest lil dude on cans of Nature's Instinct. Got him at around 3 weeks old. He's 7 now, and it's been years since he's had any problems.
explain yourself
Here's a better cat
Better cat is dead
I and many other 'humans', do not affiliate with those that at which reproduce at an exponential rate. Nor do we associate overselves with people incapable of using the loo. Its quite the assery to group humans into one category.
Animals are for those who can't have sex
I'll make an effort to feed him more wet food.
Thanks, user.
Actually, you can train birds to shit in specific place with much higher success rate, than car
What a difference this invisible group of people makes. Do you lot simply never leave the house to avoid associating with the repulsive masses who simply don't give a shit? It's the majority, and, unless meteors come along to help, it always will be.
Good thinking. My pleasure, user.
>Why do people even get them?
>All they do is spread toxoplasmosis
You answered your own question
Anyone that isn't from that hemisphere is in a much better position, Quite literally. It also doesn't take much to stop such a people, but people in general are too focused on convenience and short term solutions. Rather than dealing with the bulk of the shit.
Never ever had a dog or knew someone who had a dog who did anything more than sniffing shit.
Not saying that no dogs do but I'm pretty fucking sure it's quite rare and actually I'd often a medical symptom.
I mean, when a minor cat bite is considered grounds for the emergency room a minor dog bite calls for soap, water, and a paw-print band-aid
My dog grooms himself daily.
He also stays clear of shit.
Speaking of shit, you're full of it.
My sweet sweet little baby fur baby is my entire world
It doesn't matter if the box is clean or not, the moment the fucking retard shits in the box, it bats at its shit until its buried then climbs onto your counter, or couch. Fuck cats, they're stupid and gay and extra fucking disgusting
Those are different pots characterized by a different shape around the control area. One is square-ish the other perfectly rounded.
Tell me that dogs smell better than cats.
Tell me that.
Seriously, dogs hunt in packs, so smell and grooming are less important, since they simply run down their prey.
Cats are solitary hunters, and thus need to be as odour-neutral as possible.
I bet the faggot keeps the shit tray in the kitchen too, like the vast majority of catfags I have ever known do
I hate dogs all should be in a concentration camp.
You seem to be deliberately ignoring the fact that dogs
This is like saying that one roommate is a total gross bastard because he hangs the toilet paper the wrong way, while ignoring that your other roommate routinely SHITS ON THE FUCKING COUCH.
One is a bit worse than the other, y'know?
Well true, the dog itself is going to smell more than a cat.
Now when it comes to the home the pet resides, the cat house smell is much worse.
What? Who does that? I keep the cat box as far from our usual living areas as possible. I would keep it in the actual toilet-room, but it's too small.
T. Brainlet
We're not here to talk about dogs you fucking plebian. Jesus christ I hate dogs too, but fuck, your opinion about dogs doesn't change how fucking gross and stupid cats are. Fuck you
Maybe you're only accustommed to schizophrenic, "cat-lady" types.
I will admit that since cats are relatively low-maintenance when compared to dogs, they tend to attract crazy people who can't even care for themselves, let alone a pet.
I bet that's because cars don't shit.
Okay... So, what pets do you approve of, then?
they are disgusting creatures?
No pets. Why have a pet? Why waste money for no reason?
You can smell the cat stink from the curb when it comes to a cat lady's house.
Cats stink up their living area too, and even an attentive owner can't stop it.
cats are superior BECAUSE they are cunts.
And that they make people like you shit there pants is yet another reason to praise them.
you probably have a thing against girlfriends too...
Being this easy to troll
No one shit their pants you fucking retard. Cats are stupid and you are beta af
That is pretty rare and most often indicates a medical condition or even a deficiency when could be fixed by sometime as simple as changing their food.
They're little friends, who don't judge, and love just as you are.
They can be little bastards, yeah, but so can family. But you actually get to choose your pets.
I have never once seen a cat eat its own shit, while I've known six dogs, and half regularly did that, and they were very well cared-for and fed.
Just couldn't get enough of their own shit, though.
I chose my wife, and we've chosen to have children. They alone bring more joy and love then a cat, dog, bird, fish, hamster, or any other animal ever could.
whatever faggot
no one gives a shit if you don't like pets
And I dont give a fuck either you God damn retard
>I've known six dogs, and half regularly did that, and they were very well cared-for and fed.
>they were very well cared-for and fed.
Very obviously not.
Probably deficiency from low quality mass market food. You have no idea how often the shit eating is caused by cheap food even if there plenty available
I chose my wife too.
The thing here is that children will often grow up to disappoint you. They'll steal from you, and maybe even kill you.
A cat will not do that. He just hangs out, gets pets, purrs, and is generally cool.
The second They're.
right. nevermind then.
This is only anecdotal, but the dogs I knew best were those of the people from whom I rented a room twenty years ago.
Those dogs were their kids, man, they got check-ups at the vet every four months. Hell, they made their own dog food, mostly good cuts of meat.
Those dogs still ate their own shit. It's some kind of evolutionary thing.
>Those dogs still ate their own shit. It's some kind of evolutionary thing.
Yes, most often a deficiency thing.
>not getting enough of something in thw diet vital enough to drive the animal to recycle it's own feces.
Now I don't like cats at all, but that's just cruel.
I however don't think they should be imprisoned over the life of an animal unless it was near extinction.
Just got a kitty
Op on some real shit, fuck pets.
What a cutie
This. Wanna really good pet - get a parrot
Hi kitty!
>Cat thread not containing the BEST cats.
Worst reality ever.
That's not a catsnake.
we should create a branch of municipal authorities and send them out to gather stray cats and gas them.
Or better, burn. That would be zero-emission (net) fuel.
Preference. I have two cats and a dog, and I love them all equally. I see the turn-off towards cats for sure. Mine just happen to be better than most. Always piss and shit in the box, eat only where I put their food, and don’t destroy my belongings.
Birds won't hang with bad man.
Based birds.
You just answered your own question
great. more of those faggots.
In the future, tell them to put pineapple in the dog's food. Apparently it deters them from finding their own shit enticing in aroma.
You clearly have never had a cat.
Awesome fuzzy ink spill. Name?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post yellow and to abolish the cancerous threads.
Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:
- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)
Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.
Section 3. YELLOW ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.
Fuck traps. Furries are gay, unless they are avian.
you're really making a difference with this sad attempt to "police" a scandinavian jukebox image board
That’s a cake.
Birds are good
Laughed my ass off when he launched the cat. Also stroking my cock while watching cats get abused lulz.
>that meow just before it hits the wall
Cats are paranormal creatures. They can teleport at will. This is why the Egyptians worshipped them. I had a few cats myself in my past.
Enjoy your t.gondii and worms. Oh and if it scratches you theres chance of infection too.
Is this true?
Based cat will also go out and kill birds, snakes, rats and squirrels to bring back to u
It’s a cake lol
Nice. I'd order one for catfague.
>lives in cheeto dust cloud
>empty mountain dew bottles strewn about his mother's basement
>empty pizza boxes stacked three feet high
>Mice and bugs everywhere
>I can't understand why someone might want a cat.
>>lives in cheeto dust cloud
Cheetos are disgusting
>>empty mountain dew bottles strewn about his mother's basement
They are in the trash
>>empty pizza boxes stacked three feet high
They are in the trash too
>>Mice and bugs everywhere
Ants were killed, since previous owner was a fucking pig you're trying to describe. Mice are not here thanks to asbestos insulation.