Why is this Yea Forums

why is this Yea Forums

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society has failed, megalarp with real consequences

>they show a woman
Suicide is committed vastly more by men than woman. Must be that male privelage I keep hearing about.

Trans male rates are the highest

Because whites are evil and now they are starting to realize the world is better off without them?

It correlates directly with higher internet usage per day. More specifically being a hermit

if you stopped assuming their gender maybe that would change, you fucking bigot

Hail lord satan of trips.

Maybe it's because these people have the most exposure to other people from around the world and see what garbage most of humanity is?

I would like to see the age breakdown. It feels like millennials who give up and doomers who don't want to grow up.

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Kinda. It's a combination of social isolation and depression.

nice dubs gents

trans person
>made fun of
see y?

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Yeah cutting your balls off isn't a sign of mental illness.

Because the more people you talk to without a filter, the more you can see into various human minds without the trappings of 'I better be polite in person or I'll get my ass beat.' Most humans are evil garbage.

But getting fake tits and ass is OK.

Quality of life has been sharply declining. The disparity of wealth has grown. Prices for goods needed to live are greatly increasing, pay checks have stagnated. People work in jobs they hate for an ever increasing amount of time. All work and no play. All work and no play. All work and no play.

>Suicide is committed vastly more by men

Mental health issues are taboo among men. There is the pressure of always being seen as weak and when you talk about your problems to others, there is just no sympathy. No escape from the pressure.

But trannies and sensitive women have it so hard.


He has spoken

Go outside

Oh boohoo a MAN is complaining about his privilege.

low quality bait

>Most humans are evil garbage.

They really are. A trend I have seen though is young men and woman cutting themselves off, getting stuck in a comfort zone and being so afraid of the outside because anxiety, then all they have is an echo chamber and a guided perception of the outside world. It's pretty depressing.

14 year olds killing themselves because they can't fit in on the internet. It's fucked up.

>Oh boohoo a MAN is complaining about his privilege.

You bet and I'm going to make you rug munchers and fudge pushers listen. You will listen, I'll oppress you if you don't.

I'm literally man spreading right now, fight me faggot.

Its easier to get caught for murder so now people just stage suicides

It’s complaining about a lack of privilege, you sniveling sissy fuck.

Implants can be removed. You cant stitch back on a penis. Lots of pornstars get their implants removed when they retire.

It is simple user.

Amerifatties live in a third world country thats deteroriating every single year.

Ameritards are ruining European beautiful genes and turning everything into trash.

Give it 20 years and the US will be the new Africa. These fat retards have third world level crime rates.

Its every man for themselves, everyone is an asshole/piece of shit trying to provoke anger out of each other like its some game. Parents thought they were protecting their kids by sheltering them from this truth but it only made them not ready for the real world

Europe and Canada are both seeing faster demographic change than USA. Europeans are fucking up European bloodlines faster than Americans.

Probably because trannies stole all the attention from generic faggots and now they're nigh-irrelevant.

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>Parents thought they were protecting their kids by sheltering them from this truth but it only made them not ready for the real world

Pretty much, sent into the world with a sense of unwarranted self entitlement and a sense they are natural born winners. When they don't win and don't get life bent to their way, they can't handle it. Take the easy way out. You look at the reason why kids kill themselves and it really is depressing. A lot of fuck all about nothing.

oh god, have you heard the story about the parents who protected their kid from sauce? like they'd call ahead to sleep over and play dates and be like "you know you can't have ketchup or gravy anywhere near precious child right?"

so the kid gets to college and the dorm cafeteria is like fuck off we're not going to not have spaghetti sauce and the kid couldn't handle it and had to drop out?

Women attempt suicide more. They just tend to try to use pills.

Anyway, I blame insecurity myself.
Too easy for people now to tune into the lives of others and get a massive misconception of what it means to be human and what a good life is.

I also think the rise of cost of living and failure of wages to keep up isn't helping.

And yet Western's Europe crimes are much lower.

Europe's genes are perfectly safe and we're protecting our culture.

Only ameritards managed to somehow make a shithole of a country despite having beautiful European genes.

Amerifatties fucking disgust me, roaches all of them.

How could European Genes ever produce such lowly beings is beyond me.

Pretty typical reaction of the kid. The mother literally created and enforced a phobia in him.
My best pal growing up will die if he eats nuts shellfish or eggs. You could have it at school he just had to have his epi pen and the other kids were all alerted and told to be vigilant.
That's it.

one day a detachable penis will be a thing

Women hate men. Giving women the vote was a mistake.


Muslims ruled many parts of europe for hundreds of years and it's happening again. They are literally raping you into submission.

A kids future totally fucked over because the caf had sauce. Total dead ender because of spaghetti sauce... I work in forestry, we hired 3 lads, 18 to 20. So we had them put up fences to start out with, well two of em, one couldn't handle the rain. The other two had to be shown how to hammer nails into fence post.

They never played out as kids, only wanted the apprenticeship because the job looked cool on TV. They didn't make it.

the era of the white man is OVER - this is why they kill themselves, because they know its true - the future is very dark for them

I have a theory about this that ties in a lot of stuff. If yall wanna hear it

It's all the Yea Forums users telling people to kys

Women voted pretty much the same as men for like 60 years until reagan proposed blocking a bill that would declare women have all the same rights as men.
There has been a voter gap between men and women since... I think that if there was a mistake, that would have been it ya mook.

>the era of the white man is OVER
Correct. Because women could vote and entered the workforce. Now they need to do long shifts so they can afford the welfare state they voted for which can then take care of the migrants they voted to take in so those migrants can replace they children they're not having.

None of this would've happened if women didn't get the unearned right to vote, just stayed home and pumped out 5 or 6 children.

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how much as the US pop increase since that time OP.

I see you fucking ameritard, if that were to be true (its not, you dumbfuck), why are rape rates much higher in the US compared to western Europe ?

Whats your answer to that Ameritard ?

Are you literally shaking Amerifattie ?

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>Women voted the same way as men until they didn't
Yeah, so the solution is still to not have women vote. And even IF women would've kept voting the exact same way as men, how the hell would that even be justified? Women don't sign up for the draft and aren't net taxpayers as a group. Allowing women to vote basically allows them to vote the wealth of men into their pockets. This is why women have ruined the social contr... fucking hell, this is Yea Forums. Why do I even bother?

>suicide rate

American education

All that plus health insurance not paying for mental health care until you hit s crazy high deductible.

Life in the 90's was good and easy. It sucks now.

"Life is absolutely terrible for everyone now. Literally no one is happy anymore because a thing I didn't like happened."
Says the dumb incel from behind his computer in with his insane amount of freedom in one of the most awesome times to be alive in the entirety of human history.

There there kid.

Wtf? How fucking dense are you? Lmao

>Declares he doesn't want half his legal voter base to have rights
>Causes a shift in how half that voter base votes
>Well fuck, clearly this is the fault of the voters. Let's take more rights away

You are such a delusional fucking tool it's hilarious lmao.

>aren't net taxpayers as a group
neither are neets. maybe it would be fair if they did away with voting for everybody who doesn't pay taxes, own property or have developmental disabilities like incels.

Lets just sterilize the planet

Look how these brain dead millennials are growing up thinking the world is one way, only to see that they are wrong, mommy/daddy/etc aren’t always going to be there to tell them they are the most precious thing ever. They grow up expecting to get everything they want, when they want it, otherwise it’s completely unfair. They can’t see that the lies told to them all their lives aren’t true. They get into the real world and see nobody care who the fuck they are and results are expected without being rewarded for everything regardless of how minor it is. They get depressed and want to kill themselves seeing that the world outside the bubble is harsh and unforgiving.

>Look how these brain dead millennials
Stopped reading there.

>maybe it would be fair if they did away with voting for everybody who doesn't pay taxes
This is the first intelligent thing I've seen this thread.

>Women attempt suicide more. They just tend to try to use pills.
Much like with orgasms, faking it doesn't count.

>mid 90's , my home town
>houses 30-40k
>unemployment nonexistant, most people make 30k plus
fast forward
>cheapest house in crime ghetto $330,000
>probably half of town is on welfare
>census data showed median income of $15,700
can't imagine why people are killing themselves smh
irony is I have an extremely good job for my area, make over 90k, but a nobody pumping gas in the 90's would have a better chance of buying a fucking home than me

How does it feel to be red pilled? Newfag

"Credible News Sources"
"ZOMG! We are suffering from overpopulation and we don't have enough resources for the amount of people and mah pollution!"

Also, "Credible News Sources"

"ZOMG! People are dying! We need to stop this!"

Seriously, let the genetically weak thin themselves out.

>millennials dumb, I smart

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Same here. I make about 80 and I'm barely getting by. It's all fucked.

New forest exploit: crazy squirrel leak!

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Aww cute, you prolly used all 3 of your brain cells not focused on your cell phone to think of that.

apparently this works

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>"Credible News Sources"
>"ZOMG! We are suffering from overpopulation
Intelligent people stop reading there. Overpopulation is a meme. Poverty has been dropping, if overpopulation really was such a worry it should be rising. It also doesn't explain how we can be at the same time overpopulated AND have a lack of population growth that conveniently needs to be solved by mass migration.

thought it was just spam

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That was kind of my point user. Besides, there's still a VERY large amount of land that is not being utilized, even here in the United States. It's just nothingness.

True. The world is only "overpopulated" in the sense that there aren't enough resources to ensure everyone lives with the same quality of life as the average American. Though that may become a reality in the future, as we move away from fossil fuels to more sustainable (and hopefully cheaper) sources of energy.

>people don't like the post-90s society
the brave new world we currently live in is plagued by weird political movements, the gamification of society, the lack of spiritual nutrition & the rampantly escalating culture of violence.


The internet got more advanced, and we learn we are horrible alongside other people who we thought were heroes are terrible.

> Women attempt suicide more.

That's not true, it's a trick of statistics.

Suppose you have five men who attempt suicide and it works the first time. That's five attempts and five successes. Now suppose you have two women who each attempt five times and one of them succeeds on the fifth. This is how you get women attempting more than men. But most suicides are men.

When someone reads the headline, "Women are twice as likely to initiate a suicide attempt but Men a four times more likely to succeed." they walk away from it thinking more women are attempting suicide than men and that the few men who do attempt it accomplish it better. The reality is that a smaller number of women are attempting over and over while a huge number of men are trying it once and succeeding.

Furthermore: The methods men use, whether they succeed or fail, are less likely to be recorded as suicide or suicide attempts. Men primarily use guns. If a gun goes off in a guys room and someone bursts through the door to find out what happened the story is that it was a misfire during cleaning. This doesn't get recorded as an attempt. Men are less likely to admit to mental health problems and less likely to seek help, and less likely to receive help if they do ask for it. If a man has never asked for help, or never been recorded receiving mental health services related to suicide his behavior is less likely to be recorded as an attempt. For instance if a woman is regularly seeing a therapist and she attempts but nobody finds out about it the therapist will record it. A man in the same situation not receiving help will not have his attempt recorded. The second most common form for men is suicide by car accident, which also doesn't get recorded as an attempt/suicide.

Women on the other hand prefer cutting and pills, both of which are blatant suicide attempts, and they take longer which means someone is more likely to find them and get them to a hospital where it actually gets recorded.

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Y'know, Gen Z will be coming soon right? Glad we're giving a positive influence.

Because we've started to enter the dystopic future and most people in our gen frankly don't want to live in it; some actively choose to bail.

the browning of america

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Of all the BS people say atheism could cause this is probably one of the more correct ones. So ya I'd say atheism probably caused this to some degree.

>millennial means anyone from ages 23 to 38
So just the working class in general?

When you're attached to your phones, you get constant positive reinforcement (chat, upvotes, pings, etc.)

When you're away from your phone, you get constant negative reinforcement (work, responsibilities, relationship obligations, etc.)

What used to be rewarding (accomplishment, recognition, socializing) is now difficult in relation to the Skinner Box you all carry around in your pockets.

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Came here to say this.

Suicides are overwhelmingly male, but "Let's show a woman, 'cause no one gives a flying shit about men!"

And they're not wrong,

Jack becomes a dull boy.

because life sucks

what the fuck is up with the central column of this image?

and a war vet's suicide rate is even higher. whats your point?

Social media. Nothing has contributed more to human misery than the internet. When you can directly compare your life with everyone on the planet pretty much everyone's life is going to suck in comparison.

I'd say "social media" is the villain here.

This guy gets it.

cuase life fukin sucks
>also nice trips

He does.

There is no way to stop it, though. If we went back in time to kill Zuckerberg, little would change.

It had to happen.

People are spoiled and indifferent to things that used to be enough to makes us happy plus all our dopamine receptors are burnt out

For me, becoming suicidal again and again is linked to childhood trauma of openly getting rejected and abused by my own family and therefore becoming unable to trust others and/or socialize. I guess it's the opposite of children today, neglect instead of those helicopter parents.

Feminists hate men, and wish to accrue to themselves privileges at their expense.

Not women.

Most women -- like men -- are not bad people.

Spot on
Women also 'attempt' suicide as a call for attention where as men just kill themselves

No money causes stress
Vote Bernie, Goddamnit!

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Men, with actual, life-destroying problems: *Actually kills self successfully, 'cause we ain't kidding when we do it."

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Trannies became a thing

based and redpilled

It's called a great depression. It happens every hundred years or so...
Progress takes us to a comfortable life style, then everyone realizes comfort is painfully depressing.

Kill yourself nigger/niggerlover.

Any time you ask yourself, "Why does X group do Y?" It's the jews, everytime.

Nice trips.
Also, have you SEEN the national debt?
I don't want to live in a world where other people can spend me into bottomless debt.

The sun will do that in about 4 billion years.