Let them out!
Let them out!
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of where? Let them out of where? Tell them to get the fuck out (of the country)
Kek. Little shit should be caged. He was born from animals.
We're talking about children here, are they expected to walk back to their country?
Let them die in captivity
Calling human beings "animals" is no basis for public policy. You are not a part of this discussion.
Yes. same way they got here. Get the fuck out.
They walked here didn't they? They can walk back.
Imagine being so threatened by young children that you'd rather see them die in the custody of your own government than give them adequate care.
We can call the potential democrats if you like?
Bye bye squatamalians. Kick rocks.
Nearly all of them have been separated from their parents. You want them to walk back alone?
No, we can call them human beings, deserving of the same rights as any other person on American soil. Read the Constitution.
The only thing I want them to do is get the fuck out. Don't really care how.
smart move postign that here. I can totally imagine trump lurking /b in between his tweet-rants on the shitter.
If only they had knocked on the metaphorical door instead of breaking and entering with their criminal parents. I have less than zero sympathy
That's not how the Constitution works.
If they’re not citizens then you’re wrong
Yes it is. Read the Equal Protection Clause. Everyone on American soil gets equal protection under the law. It doesn't matter if they're citizens or if they're in this country legally or not.
>Nearly all of them have been separated from people who say they are their parents, but since they are illegal and have no paperwork we do not know.
Do you think you're fighting some social justice battle here? If you weren't such a moralfag you would realize this whole thread is pure edge.
Imagine being so fucking stupid you still accept photos as undeniable evidence instead of video in a world where even welfare monkeys get phones for free that can film.
I honestly do not care if they drop the alone on the shore of Antarctica as long as they're gone from here
>Nearly all of them have been separated from their parents. You want them to walk back alone?
The fact that they were all kidnapped and brought across the border to be sold into human trafficking is not the US's responsibility. If anything, the ameritards are doing those kids a favor by sparing them from being sex slaves.
Fine, give them a court hearing and if they're found to be in violation of the law, the they'll be repatriated in a way that respects their rights and ensures their safety. Only problem is that immigration courts are currently inundated with cases like these because the current "zero-tolerance" immigration policy means that everyone border patrol catches is automatically detained pending trial. We're talking hundreds of thousands of people. So in the meantime, these kids need to get adequate housing, care, and education as is befitting guests of the world's wealthiest country.
My sense of morality informs my public policy opinions, just like everyone else here. If you think you're not the same way, then you're fucking delusional.
And yes, I think the people who would rather watch children languish and die in overcrowded concentration camps are completely sincere in their beliefs. I don't think there's anything "edgy" about it.
If they're on our soil, then yes, they are our responsibility.
>They are guests.
Being a guest means you were invited and I can't recall anyone inviting them.
Jesus would gas the fuckers
This is the wrong place to be a moralfag. Fuck off back to plebbit.
They're here whether you like it or not, which means they're entitled to certain rights and protections.
In particular, all children in the United States, citizen or not, are required to attend school during the days where it is in session. These kids are not being educated, which means the agency detaining them is in violation of the law.
>Kick them out!
>concentration camps
So we're getting gas and ovens?
No. I'm going stay here and keep being a moralfag just to piss you off.
You can continue being a massive faggot. Lot's of them here.
From the American Heritage Dictionary:
1. A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as dangerous or undesirable.
So let's see:
A camp: Check
Persons confined: Check
Without hearings: Check
Harsh conditions: Check
Identified by gov't as undesirable: Check
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
fake news
picture is from a protest... the cage was open and THEY let the kid in for a photo shoot
The fewer of my tax dollars diverted for the care and education of those little shitskins the better. I have zero sympathy for their plight thus i cannot be made to feel guilty. I would at this point support euthanasia to save money
Don't give a fuck...Mr Webster!
If you want to save money, then you should support a US-Canada-Mexico free trade/common passport zone. It's a lot cheaper than detaining hundreds of thousands of people.
these pictures are fake and were taken to fuel liberal outrage. If I went into someone's yard because it looked better than mine and I knew that when I went in there was a dog that would bite me but I went in there anyway, who would be to blame? me for thinking I have the right to walk on someone else's property or the dog who was doing his job and protecting his domain? if anyone had half a brain would know how stupid it is for someone to think they're going to be lodged in first class accommodations. this is America not Europe
>I don't give a fuck if it fits the literal definition, don't call them concentration camps!
>those pictures are fake
How about respecting sovereign national borders and law? I have less than zero sympathy. They can walk the plank in the middle of the Pacific for all I care. I want two fucking walls with a moat and automatic sentry gun to blast the infants that can climb and swim
I'll meet you half way and call them internment camps. Still don't care though. Euthanasia is the final solution.
You want to respect the law? We don't execute children and we don't punish without due process. That's the law.
Then you don't care about the rule of law.
>I'm brave enough to say this shit on Yea Forums and nowhere else
Only because you're pathetic, user.
The law? You mean the thing that these shit skins are breaking? You need to leave now too.
I'm brave enough to say it in public too, brownie.
Still zero sympathy whether they're 99 or 9 weeks.
I'm not talking about their actions. I'm talking about our response to them. The state must follow the laws it enforces, even if criminals do not.
I unironically say this shit in public too because.....zero fucks
Uh-huh. Post your views on facebook, then link to your profile here.
Get out. Seriously. Go live with your beloved animals in their country.
Lol. I don't do things on command like a little lefty.
What's wrong? You don't think the state should follow the law?
Who uses facebook? Please get off the internet, boomer.
Who the fuck uses Facebook ? Sympathetic faggots like you?
Some shareblue jewishness going on in here.
I guess if it's true that meme is fitting.
>I'm fucking brave, motherfucker! Zero fucks given!
Share your views in a way that's not anonymous.
>well i mean i could but i just don't want to right now
Never said I don't want to right now. I just said that I'd never do something at the command of a lefty fruitcake.
Ah the Jew meme's, they only make sense if you've lived your entire life in social isolation.
>Iran, the last untouch place, no Jew's there
>Jew's apparently have 100% control over the USA
>USA was going to start war on Iran
>Trump backed out at the last minute
>So much for the Jew puppet conspiracy
/pol/tards need to take their meds.
Oh Mr. Fag but do say this shit in public because my community is still relatively untouched by your type of faggotry .
Uh-huh. But you won't say your name or the name of your community, and you won't share your views on social media if it can be tied back to you, and that's because for all your boasting, you're afraid to face any sort of public backlash and so you keep your mouth shut and your views to yourself. Fags march in the street proudly and don't give a fuck, while homophobes and racists hide here on Yea Forums and have these little circle jerks where they pretend to be fearless. You're all pussies and you know it.
Keep trying Shlomo. I see a bright future ahead for you.
kill it with fire