Do you honestly play video games on a flight?

>Do you honestly play video games on a flight?

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Seems like a weird thing to be suprised by.

>Of course. Are you saying you don't?

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>>Do you honestly play video games on a flight?
dude you are going to ruin your grannys socks

why are you guys outside shirtless in your pajammies?

Of course, only people of sizable mass do what they like

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Is this the new season of Workaholics?

>being intimidated by (probably literal) faggots
What do you want brah, wrestle and grope my balls on the way to LA?

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you know gay stuff lmao

FYI, they are gay IRL

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I dont leave the house at all

Why are you greentexting it?

no, i fly the plane, im muslim.

Marry long-haired one
Fuck guy on the right
Kill fag with his tongue out

those Adonis Belts, unf

do i need roids to look like this, or can i get there in 5 years?

Easily, as long as you exercise regularly and eat right.

Patrician Taste. My adonis belt can be visible if my fat is that low.

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Are you boys lost?

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Lol, those are completely normal (for guys that lift) muscle levels. The thing that sets them apart is low body fat. You can get there in less than a year of lifting, then an additional few months of dieting to get down to around 8% body fat.

Marry the one on the left
Fuck the granny
Kill the other two

Wtf why are you in my bathroom

perfection in male form

>be american
>wear shoes inside the house
>don't wear shoes outside
>get shot

Isn't that unhealthy to be that low?

>at least I looked good with a bullet in my chest

8% is pushing it, but should still be fine for a man. Ask /fit/ for better advice

It's unealthy when your skin made of muscle tissue and veins popping off retard.

Too perfect for femoids to touch.

no, and be careful.. not to hit anything so sharp. you will tear it easily.

me in the middle

How do I get thin correctly without jumping through hoops like the gym? No I'm not talking about AESTHETICS. I'm talking about the right amount for my health. Eating less is taking too long for me.

a bare minimum of exercise, go running each or every other day and eating less.

>How do I get thin correctly without jumping through hoops like the gym
>Eating less is taking too long for me
You really are out of options, if there was a magical way to get fit easy and fast then no one would be fat

Eat 500-700 calories less than you expend each day. You'll lose 2kg per month.
>Eating less is taking too long for me.
Should have started earlier then, bitch

literally water fast until you're a skeletor
you don't have the willpower required though

btw this is how you destroy your body
half of that weight will be muscle, you'll feel like shit, look like shit and give up after a few weeks

Why are homos so beautiful lads? No homo myself ofc

Get a job that doesn't leave you sedentary all day

being beautiful is so gay, so they are gay after all.

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I wonder what their pits smell like lol I bet it reeks if I cuddle and hug around their chest haha

>tfw 27 and started working out
Its too late for me. Ill never be able to look like this will I? God why the fuck did i wait so long.

Honestly though if you are fat its better to lose alot of the fat before you try to build up muscle. Which means you should do what that other user suggested

when's your birthday user

no, you will have a good chance if you are 100% committed.

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>going to be 28

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Femcels seethe.

That image has alot of homoenergy in it.

You mean the fasting or cutting -500cal.

low test, don't bother, i'm serious

Why not just date an chubby incel, who would love you despite your horrific appearance?

Lol. Not that user but of course he can make it if he cheats

Of course you'll look good, what the are you saying.

elaborate, please

Really? How would I know i am low test? I actually dont really feel low test (not tired still have good sex drive etc)

Is there anything worse than having wide hips as a man

fasting won't destroy muscle, long term low(er) calorie dieting will (it also destroys you mentally, as you'll be hungry all the fucking time, especially if your diet isn't lower carb; long term keto is also a meme)
fasting also rebalances you hormonally
you have to do some moderate exercise though (walk ~30 minutes every day at the very least)

this is what you do
>eliminate all carbs completely (max 20g/day, might as well don't eat any)
>eat keto at maintenance / slightly above maintenance
>wait until the hunger pangs/ketu flu are gone (can take up to a month)
>when your hunger is managable/gone you start water fasting (fast 2-3 days straight, refeed) until you're 8% bodyfat
gotta take salts if you're a pussy, google it

That guy on the left is make me think things bros. . .

unless you were born on the 5th, 8th or 23th of sept, don't bother

>Is there anything worse than having wide hips as a man
No. Unless you are gay, you should be blessed to have it. Otherwise, just deal with it and reduce cream intake

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what is that meme? tell me more

27 is absolutely not too late, maybe 37.

>eating keto at maintenance
How is this going to make you lose weight at all? I always thought the biggest reason keto worked is because cutting out carbs is essentially cutting out a huge source of calories

Yeah, the one where I argue with my flight attendant and complain about everything

I thought that anyone can lift and get into a good shape at any age.

you only need keto to get fat adapted
basically if you have any carbs in you, the body will use that instead of fat as a source of energy
you have to force the motherfucker to use fat -> keto (high fat, moderate protein, low carb)

once you're in ketosis (the body actually uses fat as fuel) AND you burn more than consime you'll start losing FAT (not just weight)
a keto diet also has the neat side effect of dampening your hunger

fat adaptation takes about (at worst) 2-3 weeks for the first time
after this you can start fasting

patrician choice

You are mistaken

Your bones also don't grow back that quickly when you're past your 20s

I love guys with wide hips

Getting into shape compared to your peers and looking like a gay stripper are two different things

I love /fit/ so fucking much
It's just beyond surreal sometimes

>Your bones also don't grow back that quickly when you're past your 20s
I didn't know that. What condition?

>your peers
You mean this?

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I'm born in august and have low test. explain?

>Dad bod
Wide bideltoid and biacromial
Women have X-ray vision theory

is it just meme?

Bideltoid length alone indicates fucking nothing about the bone, biacromial on the other hand...

What if I have wide enough, should I be worried about it?

Depends on your genetics. Much lower than that and most people run into problems though.

based and jihadpilled

Biacromial length is the distance betwen the end of both clavicles, so if you are wide enough, congrats you have good genetics and probably will look aesthetic. If not you better start looking for miracles or a clavicle surgery.
Meanwhile bideltoid is the distance between deltoids, if you are skinny and start to lift you can widen that distance up to a certain point because of the constraints of your frame.

> Yea Forums Jannies getting triggered by male semi-nudity

Mods are so fucking cringe

I've tried many time throughout my life but I never stayed more than 5 minutes playing. I don't know why.

Yeah I do.
22 hours to Easter Island and 3 connecting flights.

Played Mario Kart 64, and Super Metroid.
Guy behind me was playing pokemon on his phone and so jealous.

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Come within range of my legs and ask that again, twiggy.

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Thicc muscled guys with big slabs of pecs are the absolute best

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Rest in peace

He was a wonderful man

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Imagine sniffing their hairless buttholes.

The Queen herself. I'd eat a log of her protein enriched shit just to get a taste of that.

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