Told some fat bitch if she sent me nudes and gave me a cam show i would donate her money on her Gofundme page...

Told some fat bitch if she sent me nudes and gave me a cam show i would donate her money on her Gofundme page, she was nervous but gave in out of desperation. She didnt get a penny.

Attached: Screenshot_20190620-211735_Video Player.jpg (720x1280, 488K)

Got anymore

Post more

kek got any more?

Attached: Screenshot_20190620-211830_Video Player.jpg (720x1280, 401K)

Very nice OP!

Kerri Holland?

Attached: 1561039764003.jpg (480x640, 29K)

>2 edgy 5 me
you made an utter edgelord asshole of yourself
to get some shitty noods of a fat desperate woman
You Sure Showed The World user!
Wt a Cule Gi U R!!!
>enjoy your permavirgin crywank over the dumb bitch

Attached: edgebaby.jpg (259x313, 103K)

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Kek, i love watching people use the term Edgelord in situations where it does not even mildly apply

I'll contribute to this, similar story, wayyy uglier girl

Attached: Snapchat-1380448549.jpg (1536x2048, 181K)

Here's her nasty ass

Attached: Snapchat-1324477275.jpg (1536x2048, 95K)

Keep posting lol

Can see some hair in her ass crack

Attached: Snapchat-1167664812.jpg (2048x1536, 117K)

Her tits look cross-eyed

Attached: Snapchat-1984556702.jpg (1536x2048, 104K)

Whats her social media

Attached: vg7fd.jpg (435x260, 25K)

Post social media of her

>Things a BTFO'd edgelord would say for 10 please, Bob.

Attached: edgebaby2.jpg (259x313, 104K)

Holy fuck, you’re a cringey try-hard if I ever saw one. Literally your first day online

It was done for the laugh mate not because i needed a 500 pound girls nudes, Settle down Esmerelda.

>Still using the term cringe

>y so mad tho?

Attached: edgefag.jpg (917x720, 238K)

Attached: 41TJU81U8ML.jpg (800x795, 217K)

Fat people are interesting to look at

>Current year
>Complaining about edgy people on Yea Forums
*thinking emoji

Trisha Paytas' nipples are always looking up, these ones are crossed eyed

Trips of shit confirm. You are a fail troll