Mom goes out to buy some berries

>mom goes out to buy some berries
>Couple hours pass and I text her where she is
>She says she is in town
>Even more hours pass and I try to text but no answer
>I call and it rings twice and it goes to voicemail which probably means the phone is dead idk (it does that every time)
Wtf could be going on and what should I do she went out late and none of my calls and texts are being answered she can't be out buying stuff because it was like 2am-ish when she wasn't answering my calls and texts. Am I being dramatic right now?

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Is ur mom single

Your mom is getting fucked

post creep shots of her

Don’t worry I’m with her she’ll be home soon enough. Don’t kiss her when she gets home.

Also my baby brother and little sister are at home and she borrowed $40 from me

sweet dubs number

some nigger is planting his rotten seed deep into that whore you call mother

> mom goes out to buy some berries
my mom used to "go out to buy some berries" too op. i found out later "buying berries" was code for her going to a gangbang and getting nailed by 30 guys in a motorcycle gang. good luck op.

Well I guess she came back and I can't delete this embarrassing post. Fuck

Well of course she came back retard. She’s done getting plowed. Why the fuck do you care what your mom does anyway.

Actually I was asleep all day and she could've asked my grandma to babysit for a while if she was getting "plowed" I was worried that something bad happened

Is she single though?


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Solid thread OP

I guess that's why she had to make up the "berries" story.

Oh. I guess she's just going to get her ass pounded by daddy tonight huh?

Alright I'm going to bed and forgetting this stupid shit ever happened

Post picture of mom because I saw woman today and I tell if it's her

This one

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Looks like it was a different woman...