Why are Straight White's of European descent so much beter

Why are Straight White's of European descent so much beter.

Post all the Art and poetry, music, architecture you have,lets show these brownys and blackys whats up.Make them be ashamed and do better.

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way better the you.

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so much better

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Pieta - Michelangelo Buonarroti

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte - Georges Seurat

very good, name the others by artist name.

Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I - Gustav Klimt

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Colosseum in Rome

Gustav Klimt - Kiss

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Café Terrace at Night - van Gogh

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Europe is better, cuz it was developing culture for thousands of years, while migrants brought some of it over to usa and americans ruined it in 250 years

That is tru American consumerism decimated European culture.

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Are you using image search?.

Wassily Kandinsky - Yellow red blue

The progression of whites where the result of the easy consolidation of the cold island states of Europe and the caucus which made it neccessary to move through the ages faster than the people of the vast spread out hot plains of Africa among other reasons. It would simply take too long to explain. It has nothing to do with who's better than who. Merely a role of the dice.

No bro, I graduated School of applied arts and design, I was into art 10 or so years agi, then drugs took me

Was going to say that, these skills and styles took centuries to develop. Usa is a baby compared to other country, it has the technology but not as much history

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Edward Munch - The scream

A tortured artist

Starry Night Over the Rhône - Vincent van

This one I can't remember

It's Monet or Renoir

Every American should travel to Europe at least once. Then you'll realize exactly how much of a shithole the US has become.

Europe has beauty and art everywhere. We have strip malls and concrete walls. It's depressing.

But the cold climate made the iq of the European's spike, due to be able to acount for the future, what you can see is lacking in Africans. One of the reasons Africans never made a lasting civilization.

Tempation of st. Anthony - Salvador Dali

This one is killing me, don't have a clue

Well played, it's "woman with a parasol" from monet
I'm ashamed to have to use google

My favorite pieces

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And this one

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And king of pop art

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I'm sure the commoners living in their squalid single-room homes with extended family while toiling 12+ hours/day for a pittance, looking up at the palatial avarice above, gave a single fuck about "muh white European culture"

True it may have caused a slight spike (at that time) but as for right now in our current age this difference in IQ would've platood. It's generally about the same as blacks because where no longer in medieval barbarian times. We all live together now.

Kipling, IF just amazing.


Catalan artist, Dalí.

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Jes that might be tru but, African languages stil have no word for future, so the concept of time is stil hard for Africans to grasp. African laguages are more basic and simple, some don't have the concept of good and bad in them. language makes a difference in how the brain works.

Arnold Böcklin

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European art is creme de la creme

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Ah, nice. Took this one myself

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Castell de Perelada

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Ahhh David, masterpiece, I saw him too, I was in awe

The details like the veins on his hands are ridiculous

caravaggio, king of light and shadow

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>language makes a difference in how the brain work
Yep, the linguistics/anthropology connection is interesting

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Castell de la Roca. Catalonia.

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I am actually a sculptor by degree, and this piece is one of the best ever. I switched to metal and bladesmithing many years ago, but I remember that I could never come close to this level of detail in clay or stone, it's unreal, how could a piece of stone look so soft.. it's beautiful

Can't recall the name of this cathedral, but DaVinci never completed it because the Medici's stopped paying him. Fucking Florence, man. Magical

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It's San Lorenzo Basilica, I think

Yeah it is, just checked it

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It is! I don't even know if working hard is enough to do that, I think some people are just naturally good at it. I tried clay once and I can't deal with the 3d, when it looks good from the front, the side view was totally messed up
Pic related is a recent italian artist, lots of details too if you're interested (Jago)

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Dubrovnik is also awesome.. it's in my hime country of Croatia..it's where game of thrones were filmed ( King's landing ) . It's expensive as fuck and full of tourists but it's unreal

The Third of May 1808- Francisco Goya

That piece is frightening
Wtf captcha select all statues

This is sick, I'll check him out

It's hyperrealistic, I love that kind of art


>In my junior year in high school
>take an ap art history class
>both teachers are hardcore sjws
>ones a fag and one is a feminist
>all these teachers talk about how the whole college bored lessons all full of "sick white men"
>feel kinda alone because I'm the only white male in there

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hey, i did scale that thing when playing assassin's creed 2

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Next level shit, hyperrealism

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Better than porn

what a shit

I'm from southeast europe, so sjws are minority here.. once I drew a picture called WAR for a project, with mud, my own blood and gunpowder.. got an 5 (A+ in USA I think) and professor kept the drawing for himself, he couldn't believe it was my blood for real haha

White Native European art best art frend.

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gotta agree

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I can't even comprehend how can a person draw this with brush.. it's so unreal ( or hyperreal :'))

>6 years ago
>optional art class in high school
>only student in the scientific field, others are in literature
>don't care, still get good grades and the teacher support me
>We all have to paint something for the small local museum
>wow it's getting real
>do it
>"sorry we can't accept your painting because you're not a real artist since you study math"

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Should've brought up DaVinci

You know what you must do now

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I have the eye for beautiful and I jizz my pants when I see some pieces or paintings, but I'm from slums of eastern Europe and grew up in during the war 91-95, and all my friend are thugs and criminals. Sometimes I miss company of someone who appreciates the art like I do .. like I do bladesmithing and tattoos and all street rats think it's cool and all, but I also love classic shit and no one around me could ever apriciate that.. it's just of old art bullshit for them

I really dont care much about the tribes of Africa I'm talking more about English speaking African men and women. As far as Africa right now. Give it some time China is helping Africa become a global power right now. As far as the linguistic stuff off the subject. I notice in the Spanish language theres a strong emphasis on feminine and masculines. I've always wondered as to whether or not that affects the Spanish in a way that there more family oriented. The Chinese using honorifics may account for there cultural phenomenon of high contrast. And finally the English language. Stripped down to communicate what is bieng said not how its said bieng the language of money.

Dennis did a good IF.

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And what works of art have you produced? Nothing?

Jes language is important ,Germany beeing precise as the german language. But talking about African Americans there still beeing a one standard abbreviation difference in iq is worrying, even tho there 25 procent European on average. And the higher count of testostorone and other biological effects. I don't
see the problem getting better in the future to be honest, for 70 years there poring money in the black community.Not to speak of the world poured in the African continent, whit litle to no effect.

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Why no mona?.

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Why do propaganda eating shitcunts always act like Europe represents them.

this artist is great

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Pride in one's ancestors is a normal thing, it creates a bond, a common goal and way to behave.

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Francis bacon's dog

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Pride is one thing, claiming superiority on behalf of something your ancestors have done is another. Show me your master work of art

>act like Europe represents them
Maybe because we're European?

You do agree White Native Europeans are superior.

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Darrell Bush is his name

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"European" did not mean the same thing before. You are talking about a continent that was at war for so long. There was no European unity until recently. There sure as hell is no such thing as "white" Europeans in the eyes of actual Europeans as well. Tell me, are the Italians white? French? Greek? Portugeuse?

Jes there all White people of European decent, you will not devide us.

I went to visit it and the visits are pathetic

I'd be ready to pay 100+ for a proper fucking visit but this is just a fucking joke

pic related (not mine, same castle)

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They are their own country, each with their own seperate culture and history. They are more united now and that is great, but to call them all white is to ignore everything they have done.

portuguese, greeks and italians have lots of both maghrebi and turkish blood which isn't the case of the french (not as much at least, yet)

>There sure as hell is no such thing as "white" Europeans in the eyes of actual Europeans as well
It is changing, sure, but jokes aside there are still a lot of whites. I'm only talking for france, but the migrants are only in Paris. My old country side is as white as before.
The fact that we're proud of European culture proves that we are European at heart

What was wrong?

>but the migrants are only in Paris
everything under a straight line that goes from bordeaux to grenoble is entirely negrified, notwithstanding alsace and other regions under occupation

the questions being, are the white frenchmen white (protip : yes, north of the Loire)

you speedrun like 15% of the castle in the dark in crowded groups with security guards in every room to ensure no one takes photos

all the interesting parts are locked and it lasts like 20mn tops

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What makes you French people white though? You are not white you are French.
So you can conveniently pick what counts as white? Why not just say Germany and France

>20 min for such a big castle

>So you can conveniently pick what counts as white?
you can do it through history and genetics (study of haplotypes)

portuguese reconquista didn't go as you may think, the portuguese are highly racemixed with north africans and it shows in their haplotypes

you also mentioned the greeks and italians, which are heavily mixed with turks for the greeks and maghrebi for south italians

southern french (narbonnoïdes) are highly negrified too (read Celine on the subject)

white is anything from R1b and whiter

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Ivan. You need to take more english classes. With spelling, grammar and syntax like that, you're not fooling anyone.