Hi I'm a female lolicon. AMA

Hi I'm a female lolicon. AMA

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Tits and timestamp faglord

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pics or it didnt happened

hey bro you forgot your pics. Perhaps your should GTFO

Do lolis prefer hard or soft pats?

Why my pee pee hard

Fake and gay confirmed.

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Join my minecraft server -_

Lolis always prefer soft pats over hard ones

They like soft, caring touches

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I would love to join your minecraft server

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got any lolis fingered while wearing panties like this?

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Send feet

nope sorry

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look at these cute feet!

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All I see is socks.

I'm a female lolicon. I like tiny anime tiddies and I have a vagina

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Look harder user

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Any backstory to that? How did it happen? How does it manifest in your life? Do you fap to that? Do you fantasize about that?

>Thinking it's a real girl

So is wickr still a thing for 2d or is that pedos only

Is there any lesbian loli hentai with 1+ episodes?

Still I'm curious what the answer will be.

I'm not really sure how it happened, I just really like lolis. I like their cuteness and their body shapes. It's almost angelic. They're just so pure. I don't know, I'm just really attracted to that.

I guess it's also worth mentioning I'm into ddlg.

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I'll accept a good enough storyteller in lieu of an actual woman.

My vagina is real the last time I checked

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Not that I know of

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I actually don't know what that is...

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How about and okay storyteller and an actual woman?

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Check again

If you want to get real freudian into this shit then I geuss there's a part of me that wants to BE the loli. Like I said I'm into ddlg and part of that involves role playing as a little girl. I don't have any past child abuse trauma or anything, I'm just really attracted to the thought of being a small innocent little girl that may or may not be defiled.

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That's ideal, honestly. What turned you on to loli, then?

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Like kik but more secure. Kik is good but no one here seems to use it anymore.

There's just something about them that so alluring that I can't describe. They just feel right. They excite me sexually, emotionally, and generally.

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Did you want to be defiled when you were a little girl?

>asking for tits in a loli thread
ignore OP's obvious lies and post loli's

I'm pretty sure that kik is just overrun with bots now

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Well not at the time I don't think, but if I could go back in time with the experience I have now, I wouldn't be completely opposed to it

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Nothing specific like getting laid as a kid? Part of my attraction comes from how easy it was for me to get other kids' clothes off when I was young. Reminds me of that fun, experimental phase.

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Seems like it, sadly.

Eponymouswrex on either platform, if anyone's bored.

I never did anything sexually until the time puberty hit. Even then it was my "boyfriend" at the time that got me expirimenting and it was nothing to write home about.

The closest thing I got to any sort of fucked up childhood was being physically abused but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with liking tiny anime tiddies

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There's some fuckin quality in this thread

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Some armchair psychologists blame any sort of nonstandard sexual interests among women on "daddy issues" but I think that's the laziest excuse for literally any issue

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also a fem lolicon and it's the same for me.

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If you had a daughter, would you? Or would you let your husband?

What, did you post all of those?
If so, damn. You've got good taste.

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I see what you did there.

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I've never had any sort of "daddy issues". Hell, even my mom was the one that beat me, not dad.

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I don't know if you're fucking with me or not

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>But CLEARLY that means your DAD didn't protect you, as a man is SUPPOSED to d-

Yeah it's all stupid bullshit. Some people just think small girls are fuckable.

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In the real world, no. I would be overwhelmed with a sense of guilt and shame. Touching kids is wrong and will always be wrong to me. I'd fuck her up worse than me. Hell, she would grow up to be some degenerate lolicon making threads on Yea Forums. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

But in my mind...I can fantasize all I want.

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Awww, thank you

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Finally someone who fucking gets it. I have to have this conversation every fucking day on Yea Forums.
I don't care if you're a real femanon, thanks for understanding the difference between actual pedo shit and loli

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>But in my mind...I can fantasize all I want.
Does it disturb you that you desire something you consider morally abhorrent? Do you feel shame or disgust at these desires?

Can you tell me about your fantasies?

Loli is actually pedo shit sweatie

Female lolicon here as well. I was perverted at a pretty young age. I would fantasize about being abducted and falling in love with my rapist. I was also attracted to the masculine, hairy men in my family.

Some of them, not all of them lol.

How young?

>I don't know if you're fucking with me or not
absolutely not that was for the tits and timestamp faggots

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I couldn't imagine getting off to kids

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2-d loli not really because the proportions 99% of the time in loli art are not realistic 3-d loli shit is borderline pedo though

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Well thinking about doing something bad and actually doing soemthing bad are two entirely different things

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Some people truly don't understand the difference between Chinese cartoons and real life.

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Most of them involve me being the loli. A sweet innocent little girl, being slowly transformed into a dick craving maniac

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ive played with and groped my 6 year old sisters ass and thighs, it was pretty hot

lOli iS cOmPleTeLy DifFeReNt

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Do you like Jazz music?

Hmmm probably started around 6 or so. I also pretended to be 18+ online since I was like 9 or so.

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Whatever floats your boat sweaty uwu

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I wish I had a body as cute as lolis

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Masculine men will do that to you

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What a cutie

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OP are you perhaps an 18+ legal age loli?
I know an Asian girl at my work who imported loli doujinshi into the US and when I was at her apt playing on her Switch with her and her roommate, she said "umm.. they look like me.."

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>Real life

They're basically the same

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How do you think she'll feel about that in 10 years?

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I do enjoy jazz from time to time

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I know that feel

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are people like you why ugly bastard is a thing?

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she loves me, so im guessing she doesn't remember or she never noticed or recognized what I was doing

I do happen to be 18+ and Asian but I don't think I've ever imported doujinshi of any kind...

Also nice trips

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Damn that pic is hot

50/50 chance she will look back on it favorably to be honest. Depends on if the family is hyper religious or not, and they instill shame culture into her.

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Hmmm maybe kinda
I am attracted to mediocre, older men sometimes
And I had sex with one when I was 15
He was around 40+

Whatever you say man...

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All asians are legally required to import domains. We're putting you away for a long time.

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god, I know a irl asian girl in that is into lolis (real and 2d ) she is in her mid 20s

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Lucky girl. How was it?

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Hahaha whoops

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>I know a irl asian girl in that is into lolis (real and 2d )
How do you know that? Which one of you was talking openly about being a pedophile?

I like you, OP. I hope you have a wonderful day.

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This is what I meant by "is wickr for pedos only"
Everyone that's messaged me is tryna fuck real kids.

>in her mid 20s

Yeah, that ain't me chief

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she got defensive af when I found it. apparently her roommates didn't give a fuck and I had to reassure her like 6 times that I didn't judge her negatively for it. she kept it in a Mandarake box in her closet.
I also found that she likes to be choked when fucked, which wasn't depicted in any of them.
Chinks are weird.

I wanna petite chinky wife to fug and love and have her cook chinky food for dinner. I'd rather a 6/10 Japanese/Chinese/Vietnamese girl than a 10/10 white girl.

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>I'd rather a 6/10 Japanese/Chinese/Vietnamese girl than a 10/10 white girl.

Awwee that made my night

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First of all, who's the artist?
Second, is that the full pic?

Hahah I would imagine she'd get defensive. I also like choking
I'm not sure if you'd count a filipino as a chink, but I can confirm that chinks are weird.

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is yellow fever really a bad thing?

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>calling some one a weeb in an anime lolicon thread

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It was decent actually. He fingered me and loosened me up some more with a dildo before he defiled me. I remember having fun pushing back against his cock while I was against the wall, doggy style.

Not sure. I got it from one of the loli threads that was going on tonight. I love it so much because I love cute things and cute lolis uwu

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What's your favorite race of loli?

That sounds lovely

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Ngl this reads a lot more like average fantasy loli than real life shit

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I don't want to sound racist or anything, but my favorite flavor of loli is the white kind. They're just so pure and angelic.

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Funny thing is it actually happened lmao I kinda regret it tbh
I was a very shy girl so I didn't have luck with the boys my age

i find this highly spankable

>filipino woman on white girl
that sounds hot

Spanking is good.

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Wait are you saying she's sexually attracted to loli? I thought she said she wants to be one of them

Fair, and don't we all?

I almost lost my virginity at 15 to a half-Malaysian girl, and they count I guess...? So sure, I guess Philippians count..

Where I live, we have a pretty big ethnic scene. We have Asian community with their restaurants, massage parlors, nail salons, drycleaners, and smelly import supermarkets, and right next to that is the Hispanic community with their Mexican establishments and farmers markets. But somewhere in between the two is the Philippino community, and they're nearly identical to the Mexicans in how they look, speak, act and dress. So I guess you're a spic too? no offense.

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Well, its a bit of both really. I find it hard to explain why I like lolis but I am attracted to them sexually.

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Well, not really no. I'm not any part mexican nor do I speak spanish. I think there's some Spain spanish somewhere in my family tree, but it's not too big of an influence to be worth anything

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> racial slurs
> no offense
Why not just... not use the slur

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i request your finest ahegao

Ahh I just wish I was one

I actually don't have much ahegao to choose from, so it's not that good.

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>white devils
I'm a white man, and I find most kinds of white women annoying. Although to be fair, my reasons for not liking them could technically be applied to any girl, including Asians. Maybe it's because I'm a dirty uncultured American.

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do you have any experience irl?
when yes, tell us your stories

ddlg = double doggy lesbian gagging

What I'd do for real

Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have any stories

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