Dubs decides my sulcata tortoise's name. Also, any tips on care?

Dubs decides my sulcata tortoise's name. Also, any tips on care?

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big dick boris

meat, vegetables and water

Also his name is Hard Hat Harry

I have one. His name is Alexander Cummings.

Name yours Pappa Galapa...

Feed home lots of vegetables and lettuce. never let him run out of water and make sure he has a sandbox...

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Name his busty borris

Name him Dio. No idea on care but good luck.


Tortoises need water dumbass
That’d better be a turtle
If it doesn’t die and you know what you’re doing then it should be called ugway


Doctor Doc

Fuck shit

His name is big bad baka

Meta cuck

Change his water several times a week. They need clean water or they get infections. Also, his name is bert.



Beans and shit


Oh shit winrar

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And he shall forever be known as bert.
