I need to break up with my boyfriend and idk how, please help me

I need to break up with my boyfriend and idk how, please help me

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Come suck my dick, we'll take pictures, and send them to him, job done

just fuck another dude and end it right there

Double dubs, dang boys

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it's over.
try to do it in person. texts and notes and shit is just so childish.

Tits or gtfo

Just tell him he's a loser and get away from him.

Triple dubs, i'm a wizard. Too bad there isn't a spell to break up :'(

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just tell him, and follow your heart instead of whatever you're doing now, unite with your true love.

stop being gay

How long were you together?
Why do you want to break up?

Stupid bitch tits or gtfo fucking cumdumpster know your place

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It's tits with a timestamp. Dems the rules. Then you can have your advice.

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4 years. He's too controlling.

OP are you even still here?

Learn the rules new fags. Quit being white knights she's not going to be your summer gf

Move out of town, delete him from all social media, ghost him.
Or hire a hit squad.

What rule? What in this thread has even, remotely, hinted at OP being female?

>he doesn't understand

get out, weak soy faggot.

you have a point

faggots aren't people, you're too physically weak to submit your will, so you're going to know your role like the beta bitch you are, you're gonna sit down, and we're saying its a girl and she needs to show tits.

bread on hood OP, show your globes chop chop

Honestly I'd say try to talk with him about it. How do you even manage to have a relationship that long without proper communication?

fuck his best friend

1) nobody said it was a girl and 2) the pic op posted
go fuck yourself


look, here's what you do:

bring him over his favorite movie and a tray of baked goods, then tell him you have to head out to work or some shit

he enjoys the baked goods while watching said movie

Plot twist: the movie is a burned copy, and halfway through you've spliced footage of the end of a sloppy blowjob you've given some other dude. you spit his cum into what is clearly the batter to the baked goods you made for him, then look directly into the camera and say "obviously i've found someone else, don't call me anymore"

>Hi, faggot boyfriend? We are kill, goodbye


There are no girls on Yea Forums, That's the point of the tits or gtfo rule faggot. You should lurk more before you go saying dumb shit on a website you don't even understand

she wants to break up, not get murdered
>thats how you get murdered

Pretty much nailed it

Are you stuck living with him?

are you kidding?

First of all Tits or Gtfo.

Also, you've gotta be kidding.

You're a woman. You're what's known as the heartless gender.

There's a million and one ways you can break up with a guy.

God knows I've spent the first 3 decades of my life gawking in awe at all the different ways women have dumped, dumped on, mistreated, and taken advantage of... men.

This shit should be second nature to you.

Pack your shit when he's not there. Send him a text how you have no feelings for him and leave.

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tell him you've developed a chastity fetish, and that if he doesn't lock up his cock and give you the key, it's over.

either he will do the breaking up for you, or you can turn the controlling tables on him

I stand on my question. What in this thread has even, remotely, hinted at OP being female?
OP hasn't said anything to draw attention to being female, so for all everybody here knows, OP is a faggot with a boyfriend.

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Do it face to face. If you're worried about your safety at all then you should do it somewhere public like a park or cafe (somewhere low key; nowhere fancy or expensive).

Obviously you can either be straightforward about it and tell him the truth or you can just say you feel like you've drifted apart and you don't feel a romantic attachment anymore. It's not fair for either of you to force a relationship that you no longer see working out in the long run. You don't need to be spiteful about it; it'll be easier for you if you can keep it civil regardless of how he responds (advice that applies to many things in life). People will tell you he deserves the truth, but it's also not really your problem anymore and it might all be too much too fast for him to handle well. You can always let him know at a later time if he tries asking you about it after the initial shock wears off.

Decide now if you want "being friends" in the short term to be an option, but long term that's not going to work. Eventually one or both of you will move on and the new SO will likely take issue with either of you hanging out. Being friends could give some cooling off time to let it settle in and taper off instead of just leaving which could be jarring (if you care), but it can also make things more complicated if he thinks there's a chance of you guys getting back together. If he takes the break up well then it's something to consider. Even if you decide to just do a clean split, it doesn't mean you need to ghost him unless he gives you a reason to.

this is so far from an incel, if anything, you're more of an incel than he is.


"waaah waaah wimminz are heartless, they take advantage of men, i've spent three decades gawking" it's textbook beta inceldom, all that's missing from being a full blown omega is whining about being a kissless virgin or some shit

You're autistic aren't you. I'll point it out nice and simple for you.

First OP posted a picture of a girl, most likely to illicit the attention of white knights new fags like yourself.

Second if OP is a female, there are rules here, which have been explained already.

Third you're right, OP is probably a dude. In which case this a bait thread and should be ignored and or saged. But newfag white knights like yourself are bumping this cancer trying to find the love of your life on the shithole of the internet.

Lurk more faggot

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>White knight

You keep using that term. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Now look here, cunt.

Whatever picture OP posts, doesn't fucking matter. It could easily have been of a random whore from some "shouldn't share" or "FB" thread. If OP doesn't, specifically, draw attention to gender, then it's a Schrödinger Gender.

If OP is a female (and attention clearly is drawn to this fact) then rules must be obeyed, I agree.

If OP is a dude, thread is not bait, OP is simply a faggot (although this is true in 99.9% of the times anyway), asking for relationship advice.

mmmmyeah that's sum old pasta ya got there. still fresh.

came here for the tits
>I'm out

a fellow gentleman of exquisite taste, i see. i wondered if there were any oldfags left on Yea Forums

>cum into what is clearly the batter to the baked goods you made
This reminds me of that /k/ meetup, where some madman made brownies with his cum in them.

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>Go to boyfriend
>Say, "I need to break up with you".

That wasn't real though. "Original OP" is not the actual OP, even the brownie pic has a different name. The nut in the batter doesn't even look real.

Kek Okay samefag. Just go back to lurking kiddo; maybe you'll get the hang of it by then end of summer