Should I cheat or leave my girlfriend...

Should I cheat or leave my girlfriend? I am in a on and off relationship (mostly on) with my girlfriend for over a year now. I started this summer community college class and this one girl seems really interested in me and I’m actually really interested in her that I get nervous talking to her and I have been looking forward to class just to see her. She offered me a ride yesterday and I told her maybe on Monday since that is when our next class is. I was planning on inviting her to a coffee or something to eat after our class. My girlfriend is a very jealous type and I will probably tell her I’m at the library reading my textbook. Should I invite my classmate to a coffee or something like that?

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Hell yeah keep it going, it's your life just choose who you like better if you have the option

Do what nature intended cheat on her you can do what ever you want it is not her business

The thing is I have a over a year of memories with her and she really loves me a lot. I was thinking if we have a fight I will make really big to make it an excuse of breaking up with her.

The thing is I have a over a year of memories with her and she really loves me a lot. I was thinking if we have a fight I will make really big to make it an excuse of breaking up with her.

Imagine being such a pussy that you can't just break up with your gf and have to go through a bunch of shit with her to get there. Grow a pair OP.

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I second this. Break up with her and continue on to fucking them both. Fuck bitches op

Trust me if it was that easy I would have done it a long time ago. I have tried breaking up with her before but I hate seeing her sad. I know that sounds beta af but it’s true. I also know she would probably do some dumb shit after and I still care about her

>I care about my gf I don't want her sad
>btw should I cheat on her with my classmate and just lie the rest of the relationship?
You don't care about her well being, you care about feeling bad yourself. That's why you want to do all this shit in secret instead of just breaking up with her and dating the new girl.

>i don't want to see her sad
>if we were to break up, she might do something bad
>so maybe i should just cheat on her and hope she doesn't find out, that'll solve my problem
yea, foolproof plan OP.

>I don't want to make my gf sad so instead of breaking up with her so i can pursue another girl i really like i'm just gonna cheat on her that's the better option right?

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You are absolutely right. I honestly just feel like our relationship has done all it can do and I have gotten bored with it and I want something new in my life. It doesn’t mean I still don’t care about her.

My girls going through depression, distant as fuck. No sex ect, I'm not thinking of cheating or breaking up because some other chick is showing interest.

If you can see the relationship working for a long time, surviving kids ect then stay, the grass isn't always greener, but once you make a choice you can't go back.

Then fucking break up with her. She clearly has a lot of love for you but one sided relationships never work because you will start to resent her more and more as time goes on and just become a miserable mess.

You'll always still care about her OP but your only options here are break up or don't cheat

I do want to break up with her but I still want to wait for the next fight we have to I can do it without telling her the truth of why I’m doing it. I know if she knew the truth why she would because depressed.

The problem with this is I have tried to do this and told myself the next fight I’m going to break up with her but I end up staying

>waiting till the next fight to break up with her
God you're pathetic. You are such a fucking scumbag your gf deserves so much better than a snake like you.

On Monday I’ll get some coffee or some food with my classmate and if I feel a connection or I really do like her I’ll tell my girlfriend that I can no longer be with her. I don’t know what excuse to say to her without breaking her heart to much.

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