Bella Thornes phone got hacked. Who has the videos?

Bella Thornes phone got hacked. Who has the videos?

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Attached: Bella-Thorne-nude-leak-1-700x1004.jpg (700x1004, 38K)

a decent body, but her mental illness radiates out of her every word and gesture

bump but pretty sure the two above are blown-up versions of the ones posted on her twitter. (she posted them, go check it out)

Adam Sandler syndrome in full action

pretty sure it was faked for publicity.

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More like Lindsay Lohan syndrome

Who the fuck even is she?

Some dude in r/Bellathorne claims to have the entire set with videos

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Amanda Bynes

We all know whoever hacked the phone probably also frequents Yea Forums. So if you're reading this, just post the fucking vids

No shit. Enough already. I want to see that nasty 70's bush. Can you imagine? All wet and sticky with grool with a clump of toilet paper stuck in the hair. Like that crazy waitress bitch from "waiting"

She posted the pictures herself.. Not a leak. But only because someone hacked her.

Attached: Bella-Thorne-nude-leak-5-700x748.jpg (700x748, 37K)

Probably she's just trying to generate some publicity

incredible body

Attached: Bella-Thorne-xxx-ZRHGTU.jpg (1240x1983, 124K)

Attached: Bella-Thorne-sex-pic-F0U9ER.jpg (650x576, 59K)

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Hacked like her ass.

She did it for the popularity points because she is turning irrelevant. This off course implies she already isn't.

I really have no idea who this is or why anyone knows her name. This is not a joke.

This. Only a retarded child would think the was actually hacked and that this isn't a PR move.

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Yeah, I agree. I'm also calling bullshit on this little slut. Also, her book just came out. BAM increase book sales.

fat cunt

so 3 pics?

There's supposedly videos and more pics if you want to believe her story about being hacked.

There are 3 more small ones here. Very perky titties.

Attached: Bella-Thorne-nude-leak-2-675x1200.jpg (675x1200, 74K)

>mk ultra