How do I kill myself ? Most painless way other than pills ?

How do I kill myself ? Most painless way other than pills ?

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Have sex with a plugged in toaster while in the bath tub.

Exit bag

Go to sleep

This is the best way. Just shoot it all.

snapping your neck hard and fast severes your nerves so you wont feel anything rly, but thats a little extreme, and can often end up with you breaking your neck or paralyzing yourself instead if not enough force is output.

just a question, why user?

shot gun. do it like kurt. 100% death rate

You should suicide by cop so you can be post mortem insulted by compassionate liberals no brains who will heap praise on the cop you just gave ptsd. The cop who they would at any other time openly express disdain for, but who they will now hold up as an example as a way of drawing attention to themselves by proxy.

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also to clarify, i mean snapping and breaking differently. snapping as in doing as much damage to kill, and breaking as only enough to damage your spinal column, but not your spinal cord

trust fall with a brick taped to your neck

Heroin literally is the best way to kill yourself.

Overdose on ghb. Fall asleep and stop breathing

If you have the money and are willing to break laws you can acquire a drug known as Nembutal. It's used to euthanize people in Northern European nations.

There you go, and live stream faggot

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I can imagine that would really twist the knife for the surviving family members, which is actually a funny joke.

You don’t.

How much of a bitch is evolution in a planet that sustains life? I say you won the lottery.

would walking out into freezing cold wilderness be painless or very painful?

Yeah, a large amount heroin. You will have a seizure and die from being unable to breath. You have to make sure other people can't access you though. If someone gives you Narcan you will live but wish you were dead for three hrs.

Also don't do it. Find the strength to carry on like the rest of us you punk ass bitch

Kurt Loder?

current across and through the heart would do it