

Attached: 177.png (426x601, 191K)


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are those just accessories?

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Sit on my face already!

hey fren

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hey akari
just passing the time?

I wish time was slower. then i could not be tired and do fun things

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i mean you could be doing fun things right now?
or do the things you have in mind require much more time than you have spare of?

i need to be more rested to do the things i want
but if i rest i have no time

Attached: 402.png (724x1024, 757K)

well what are the things you want to do that require your batteries to be full?


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i want to make things but my brain doesnt work right now

Attached: 144.png (724x712, 648K)

Weeb fags

make things? what kind of things do you make/have made?

join us fren

i need to make the game engine

Attached: 429.png (749x1000, 522K)

oh so you make thinky stuff not crafty stuff. what have you made?

not much

Attached: 234.png (300x300, 90K)

okay but what have you made specifically?
sometimes when i have something i want to make but dont have the energy to do a whole thing i just do a tiny little bit of it.
that way i dont have to exert so much energy but theres still progress being made.
have you talked to tsugu more about a comfy game?

ive just started on the basic engine of drawing to the screen
we havent really talked

Attached: 254.gif (480x270, 301K)

>6+1 =7
Got em

Attached: Seven.jpg (711x989, 123K)

>look at her go
well there you go!
thats progess fren
what do you do to recharge?

cutest of cutes

i dont know i guess play runescape

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Hello friend, did you see me win a couple games as okuu?

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that was you?
are you all better now?
i havent played that in ages T.T

comfy game

Attached: 278.gif (360x360, 605K)

it was but i havent been able to get back into it though i tried

its hard when you dont have alot of time

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its not that it just didntt strike me with the same energy it did than when i was a kid
but maybe it was that there was no one to play with :(

How is you?
Smoll got a break after getting first rounded a bunch of times.
I'm actually getting worse, but I have been resting.
How have you been?

Attached: 74950235_p0.jpg (900x1200, 231K)

I'll play with you
Tired how are you?

Attached: 7.jpg (480x480, 32K)

glad to hear that youre resting
as for me im still working through the thing but im okay smUl
what do you play? because i heard the old school version died off but i havent checked but
i also hear theres a mobile version i havent tried

Old school version has I think 3 times more players then rs3
I play osrs

Attached: SentimentalSilkyEyelashpitviper-size_restricted.gif (417x250, 1.46M)

whats different in the now version than the one i played maybe 8 years ago?

Overslept and am still tired. I need a vacation.
There anything I can do to help you?
3 times 0 is still 0 :^)

Attached: 65170227_p0.png (1920x1440, 1.26M)

Do you mean rs3?
If so alot it's more like a traditional mmo and a little pay to win
But osrs is the same as what you played but with just more content

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it just takes time and its a regular thing so theres nothing to worry about but thanks for the concern
have you tried the mobile version? i heard it was like old school

It's the same as oldschool they are the same game

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i think ill give it a try then and let you know if its a game id like to keep playing
also i wish you had a keyword in your op because you dont pop up in search with just "."

I think I want to keep it that way.. I have a few ideas to make it easier to find me. Maybe I'll work on something tomorrow

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its just something i thought about but you dont need to really. what i found i can do is get the filename of the pic in the op and that does pop up in search :D

I usually try and name it 7

Attached: 7.jpg (511x551, 56K)

No sad
Okay friend, I hope things get better for you soon. Are you currently playing anything at the moment?

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still playing gta 5. the online i mean
had a pretty good story i think
ill try to remember that
have to leave now but you two have a comfy thread okay?
goodnight you two
t. thehgfriend

Good nightzzz fren
Sleep well

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not gonna lie, this thread is cute and wholesome

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My YouTube account go suspended today

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did they say why?

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Ye Google isnt nice

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to nice people


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Green tea ?

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just water for now

Sakurako is cool, i hope in season 3 she is more nice and considerate

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>error posting our systems think this post is spam

Attached: Istillwantabowsergamewhereyoucanrun_21f6faf63491f26529ec447c24381777.jpg (325x305, 14K)

You will have to watch and see!
Are you comfy?

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yes, i am

woah, she just doesn't stop

Attached: Sakurako 3.jpg (596x563, 61K)

She is fit
I'm sleepy

Attached: awfk.gif (340x340, 148K)

what are you waiting for, comfy fren?

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I wanted to talk to you

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hold on, instead of sleeping which is nice you decided not to sleep which is not nice and talk to me which is super not nice
please, reconsider

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You have it backwards you are super nice

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i'm not okay with you forcing yourself to stay awake

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Maybe you should come earlier then

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i definitely should
and you shouldn't really care
just go to sleep if sleepy

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fun things are fun

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comfy dreams

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