Why aren't you voting Trump in 2020 Yea Forums?
Why aren't you voting Trump in 2020 Yea Forums?
Because preschoolers are more intelligent.
I am, shill.
pic related
>its you
because he spends his energy and time fighting for the wrong team
Because I want to make America great again
He will poison the ocean, land and sky for a nickel. He seeks approval from every lowlife known to man. He has no friends because he is not a trustworthy person and he doesn't care about anything but his ego and his wallet.
Other than that, he's fine and we could do worse.
because i don't live in the USA
▲ ▲
Because fuck Russia and I enjoy not breathing coal dust.
Spends too much time tweeting about ridiculous shit that has nothing to do with being president.
i lean left socially, and economically am pretty centered.
So just a conflict of values that influence policy.
Stop with these shill threads
Notice how you get barely any replies?
That's becaues noone cares
Exactly. Im not a greedy kike
coasta libtard.
I’m guessing you’re a green new deal fag who believes puppeteer Putin has his hand up trumps ass. Just read more.
Im not retarded and its suprising coming from a conservative
im not american
not american, also i dont vote because democracy doesn't exist anyway
Because, I am not an idiot or rich.
That said all the fucking dems look worse.
Will prob vote 3rd party. Just to vote on the other stuff for my state.
He hasn’t done anything other then make his wallet bigger. Shit the prices of meat is getting higher. Also what the fuck are laws if the rich and powerful can avoid them. If he wasn’t such a fucking prick I would vote for him but principals of democracy is a must
I mean this is exactly what they talk about in russian newspapers.
They basically call him Putins bitch everyday on the news over in russia.
Sorry if you are too stupid to understand the language.
Lol same guy who post trump wins threads
I am for the lulz
And at least the republican side does not outright hate my sex and race
All and all I think both choice are shit, but if I choose one I’ll at least choose the party thats ideologies arnt born from inherent weakness
I am...reluctantly. It's pretty clear to me that we're not going to get the things I was promised. Then again seeing the libs salty tears are a reward in of itself.
The real question is why aren't you voting for Trump in 2032 after the post humanism neo modernistic Marxist regime attempts another coup? We're all dead here, op, that's why...
Sick of weak liberals running the country
because I have successfully completed white male reeducation/castration camp
They have informed me that my soy rations will be severely cut if I do not vote on the right side of herstory
Stop shilling this neoliberal jew
>i dont vote because democracy doesn't exist anyway
Based AND redpilled
because he's a closet fag and anyone with any sense knows it
Debased and rawdogged.
>He seeks approval from every lowlife known to man.
He doesn't seem to want your approval though.
But I will still vote for the asshole cuz Libs are worthless fucking faggots.
-68 million Trump voters
I was excited to vote for him in 2016. Now I'm just 200% demoralized. Just another controlled opposition. I mean it's not like my vote really matters anyway.
He has a 90% approval rating from republicans.
40% for independents
25% roughly for Dems.
The left aren't an option. Trump is great. Just, ehhh, things are taking a little bit longer than I'd like to get where I'd like them to be. He was voted in for a reason, and he's got to actually get to doing that. I mean, Kennedy was based af, but he was based on the wrong team's vote. Still, I really and truly believe that Trump will come through for us.
because i am not treasonous and I hate having a russian pawn in the white house that even the pentagon doesn't trust
that was the dumbest post i have ever read
Because I have an IQ higher than my shoe size.
that isn't true at all, i don't think its 90% lmao
*trusting the pentagon* Your first mistake. But, as far as Russian pawns go, you should be thrilled Hillary isn't in the white house, then.
I wonder how much those models are paid to wear that shit.
Oh, and this too.
bump for President Trump
ROFL, that's not saying much - it's Yea Forums. However, I usually take that shit as a compliment coming from the shills that infest this hole. Thanks :D.
a) i trust the pentagon. i thought republicans liked the military and trusted the military and our armed forces...
b) every claim about hillary was either blown out of proportion or made up bullshit. she was and is very anti-russian. if you weren't a pawn you would know that based on your own research into the subject
This was gayer than 10 dudes blowing 20 clowns.
i mean, for being retarded you are the most retarded. i guess that's an achievement
Putting some roasties behind a Trump logo isn't going to make me vote for him
I'm just curious to see who'll be running against him and what kind of shit is going to go down. If this election is somehow more fuckworthy than the last, I'll be impressed
More guns in circulation means more Arabs killing each other, looting the dead, then killing each other some more. Thus, more mudslimes dead.
I fail to see the problem.
A) What part of less government don't you understand? At best, the military is a necessary evil. We respect their sacrifices, because they - truly - are sacrifices in every way. The sacrifices of soldiers do not absolve the sins of generals. I'm sorry, but a swamp beast is a swamp beast.
B) Bullshit. Fucking shill garbage. She is anti-Trump, and has some sort of fantasy in her head that if 2 strong Right wing governments join forces it means something. We aren't globalist scum like Hillary, it doesn't matter. Obama, and Hillary both made massive deals with Russia, and would do so again in the future.
ah, so a libertarian. The most retarded form of government. we don't want safety or well regulated capitalism to prevent exploitation of consumers, environment, or monopolistic behaviors
you are unbelievably retarded. i cant wait until you kill yourself.
"she is anti-trump"
as is every anti-russian candidate
i have typhus
>you're retarded
>why? because i said so
holy fuck you went scorched earth on him, user. calm the fuck down bro
But I am.
>I am for the lulz
Good goyim. The jews in Israel will love you for submitting your nation as a slave to Israel
His hometown, New York City, has had a Republican mayor for 20 of the last 25 years. But they gave Mein Trumpf 18% of the vote across the five boroughs (10% in Manhattan). Because they've already been subjected to 45 years of his endless self-aggrandizing bullshit, and know he is a lifelong criminal, a pathological liar, a personality disorder riddled mental patient, and a traitor. With tiny hands and bizarre hair.
It actually is. It's even higher for republican women subset. At 95-97%.
Gotta understand though there is few actual women republicans but the one that do exist fucking love him. I think its because of The Apprentice.
what horseshit poll did you find to get that number
I just found a number saying a 79% approval for republicans
LMAO i just realized you were using Trump's own made up bullshit numbers
Ahhh, yep. Libertarian. I'm, of course, for breaking up Monopolies. Anything that could be construed as too powerful or too big a form of government (and large corporations do qualify) should be broken up. People are smart, and if they have the ability to group and speak freely, they don't need protection from exploitation or anything like that. It's pretty natural. The environment is fine. Moronic shit. Lefty thinking. Everyone needs a Mommy to protect them from the big scary world. It's whiny bullshit.
All statistics are made up bullshit numbers. Your response here makes no sense at all.
a libertarian for breaking monopolies.... so WHO is going to be breaking the monopolies??? the government??? do you even know what libertarian beliefs are in regards to laissez faire economics? lmao
WSJ / NBC joint poll.
Gallup also has number supporting my assertion.
The environment is fine? What?
well no, none are entirely accurate but he literally just made that number up off the top of his head. He has a history of lying to look good
uhhh no, no they aren't since i literally googled those and found they didn't support those numbers hahahaha
The people.
Are you gonna cite YOUR numbers then? And how you gonna tell me bro I read the WSJ everyday. I know the numbers.
Yep, the environment is fine. You just happen to have been mislead into believing it's not, which is absolutely retarded.
i did dumbass
we can’t have more conservatives on the supreme court or else we’re gonna lose even more education funding while healthcare laws will go backwards. It’s not good for a country to lean entirely one direction, I don't want the constitution changed without solid debate first
that... are you genuinely retarded? do you even understand how economics works? the people who are powerless to the monopoly (the definition of a monopoly lmao) are going to break it. how?
You overestimate the accuracy of similar numbers. His are as good as any. Which is the joke. And, I wouldn't doubt that more than 90% of true republicans are all in with Trump. Makes sense.
i literally cited every statistic about approval, even the republican-biased one's. none are that high. He is full of shit
By breaking it. How do you break anything? The people aren't nearly as powerless as you think they are, and far far less powerless without the State constraining them.
"by breaking it" so you can't elaborate???
I have a degree in economics. how exactly are they going to break the monopoly, be very very specific
And none of the statistics you cited are anywhere near accurate. Again, you and your sources - even 'biased' ones (Protip, they're all biased) - are also full of shit.
What kind of bubble do you live in?
wait are you telling me that the cited sources from
aren't accurate. that those citations they have are made up?
i said even the republican biased one's retard, obviously all are biased. In theory you find the average between the republican biased and democrat biased to find the real numbers
It’s not even him politically for me, I’m just tired of people bitching and complaining that Hillary was supposed to win. I didn’t even vote for him in the last election. I don’t mind him at all, I’m just tired of all this god damn divisiveness. I don’t even use social media as much anymore because of this kind of shit.
How do you break a monopoly? Well, if enough people don't like it, they stop buying from them. If that's not an option, then they try to negotiate through peaceful means. It escalates, the more unhappy the people get, until the entire board and upper management are suddenly and inexplicably blown to little bitty pieces.
I would but I live in a blue state so my vote doesn't matter.
No bubble, and I'm not wasting time refuting garbage like that.
" they stop buying from them" ah so you don't understand the concept of a monopoly. google "inelastic demand". If you are a cancer patient and the sole supplier of chemo is a monopoly, you have 0 power genius
Because you can’t. You are delusional.
Oh, gawd, Politifact. Yeas, I'm telling you that every single poll out there is biased one way or another, incomplete, and inaccurate. Yawn. You're getting boring. You're supposed to keep this interesting so your shit thread gets more bumps and stays ever present in the catalog of Yea Forums where 3 incels and an angry feminazi can fume over it.
Kennedy fucking sucked at everything except being popular. Incidentally thats all that seems to matter to most people.
>because canadian
No, not even those averages work anymore, because even the 'Republican' biased ones are biased towards Democrats. Just less so.
There won't be any maganiggers alive to vote for him in 2020.
"negotiate through peaceful means" HAHA negotiate with a monopoly.
>hi sir, here to negotia
>*slams door in face
>*laughs while walking away
"every single poll out there is biased"
no shit, i agreed with you you fucking retard
learn to read
Did you read my whole comment, fucktard? You're too stupid for this.
because the frontrunner dems are all shit-tier Repub-lites like Hillary was
Literally the only way I wouldn't vote for him in 2020 is if Roe v Wade was overturned (which isn't going to happen)
Oh I will be. Hell, I don’t even need too - dude has get this shit in the fucking bag. But I will anyway just so I can trigger libcucks.
that is not the truth
Too easily refuted, and has been refuted over and over. Meh. You're stupid.
yes, the old kill-the-owners concept. now how do you do that with a defense monopoly... sayyyy in tanks...
Very much is, and was proven beyond any doubt in 2016. Fuck off, you suck, get a new life, you fail at this one.
its not, they just couldn't go out to butt-fuck nowhereville to poll uneducated retards. simple mistake. they thought dumbasses would vote with randomness but trump really really appealed to them
Ahhh, military industrial complex - built by big government to protect us from other big governments. Give it up, you fail. This is just getting pathetic.
I’m just going to mark you down as all talk and full of shit, then move on.
???? what, so you tell me to give up when you fail to give me an answer....
Stupid is as stupid does. SMH. I'm sorry, but Trump's message was better than your 'be our happy slaves' narrative. You suck, your life sucks, and your politics suck. Get over it. Learn to code. Be a decent human. Stop sucking, you'll be a happier person.
Meh, mark what you want. You're stupid, I'm smart. The world is happy, you suck. And the environment is just fine :D.
I feel like you overlooked the simple fact that a monopoly has power over even the government, there is no way on earth you would just kill the board of executives and get away with it anddd it wouldn't lead to any change other than negative response to the people not the company
well i mean yeah, trump's message was better... for people like you. the uneducated and the stupid. anyone else didn't believe his bullshit. lucky for him though there are so many uneducated and motivated retards out willing to vote
Please provide examples of such rhetoric. I’d love to see them
i unironically want to be a arms contractor
Because im not a cuck and dont vote for major parties anymore.
Theres no point in voting for insanity (D) or lack of backbone (R).
Also being in a deep blue state, my 1 vote wont fucking matter anyway, itll go for whichever insane candidate the dems put up.
I'll vote for lack of confidence in the broken system, and vote libertarian, just like i have done the last 2 elections.
i mean, even the pentagon kept trump in the dark about the cyber attack on the russian electrical grid. The military believes he is a foreign asset not to be trusted with national security....
It makes me wonder who really called off the strike on Iran.
we all know it was putin
He did release a statement today saying war with Iran would be catastrophic.
hahaha, yep Putin's not-so-subtle instructions to trump
McCarthy must be rolling over and over in his grave. Republicans, the party of willful ignorance and hypocrisy.
Because I don't like how boots taste
He was pretty good at being an absolute chad
Here is how weak trump is, and how little regard even the Defense Department has for his leadership. trump orders a strike on Iran by 7pm EST. It doesn’t happen for whatever reason, that is still unclear. Within 2.5 hours it is already leaked from the highest levels to the New York Times. The guy is a fucking clown.
He's right
because he hasnt done shit while in office.
presidents arent kings, its not president's job to make law, thats the legislature.
Yeah, Jesus and the Easter Bunny are coming to your birthday party to. And your father actually loves you.
Funny how they had a majority for 2 years and only passed a tax cut for the ultra wealthy by a cunt hair.
You voted for big oil instead of big banks. Quit trying to pretend you're a Maverick
presidents are still in control of interpreting and enforcing the laws.
also they have executive orders for when they dont want to wait for congress.
besides the tax bill, which trump was just a rubber stamp for, he's done nothing. basically useless
They had a majority for 2 years but Trump Paul and McConnell still couldn't figure out how to repeal Obamacare.
I've never seen such an incompetent party.
its because republicans really dont want power, they waste their time while they have it and are glad to turn it back over to democrats.
they will never say it, but their actions reinforce that view time and again.
its because congress it useless, the houses are split control and even when republicans had control, they squandered it, and did nothing.
It’s a real clown car.
Trump is the de facto leader of the party, he had two years with his party in power.
He's such a terrible leader, he never formed a concrete direction for the party and wasted two years.
It’s hard to lead when you are on the golf course 25% of the time.
Locked her up? No
Built the wall? No
Drained the swamp? No
Why would I vote for him?
Because I'm intelligent and have a conscience.
republicans have always been like herding cats.. they are so factionalized.
the dems have the advantages in cohesiveness.. they have 1 message and they all support it... you pretty much pointed out a major difference between the 2 parties without even knowing it.
a large group of congressional republicans dislike trump because he isnt of washington, and trump cant force them to vote on his shit.. if he could, whats the point in even having a vote?
so republicans cant govern effectively at all
yup, squabbling destroys their ability to effectively govern.
theres no point in voting for a party that does that.
because yanggang, nigga