Post Yea Forums shotas

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
Yea Forums Pass users can bypass this block.

Well, shit.

What does that mean?

Let's play a game of fuck, marry, kill.

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Gotta shitload of Ace pics just waiting to be dumped

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what's stopping you?

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I see

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Reminder that Yea Forums chubby shotas are best chubby shotas

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That’s bullshit, but >>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
So I can’t post pix of genuinely cute shotas unless I shell out for a pass. I want moot back.

gooks know what's up

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robin is the only option
wally will rip your cock off with a handjob
one clench and your cock is ripped off with with jon

You mean crushed with Jon right?

buy the pass goy

Phone poster is outside roaming data. Yea Forums usually give them a block

i meant a clench of his anus but you knew what i was getting at


Attached: Teen_Titans_-_Year_One_2.jpg (584x900, 73K)

I wanted to hate fuck this kid before I knew what sex was, I frankly blame mike judge for my problems

Fuck, marry, kill round 2.

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Fuck Superboy
Marry Tim
Kill Impulse

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No, you’ll never touch my gold, goy!

sounds like you were pretty well fucked up before you even saw the episode, user.

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>Boy with a womb tattoo


Context, I guess

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Hello, gentlemen. I am an experienced 4channer, just like you. Based, cringe, for you.
Say, you wouldn't know what all your home addresses are, would you?

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only if you are cute

I live in the Ihop I work at

>Kill Impulse

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No furfag.

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Steve Smith #1
Bart #2

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Can we have one of those threads?

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I don't see why not.

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Technically he exists in another universe and briefly appeared in Mathmagician.

(He's not a shota but I think he's cute)

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where is he from, tell me NOW

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Ballmastrz 9009

I only watched a few episodes, but it just wasn't for me.



Fuck off, Stard Versus tards. There are as many shotas in that show as are in Waiting for Godot.

Briefs with that peehole in front to poke your finger in.

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David is a kino shota. I've always liked characters with beady eyes the most.

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>no Clarence

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Flap is a good choice.

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I'm not a capefag, but Aqualad from what I've seen always gets me going like crazy. Especially with his barefeet in this draw.

Is there not a lot of canon material with that version/design? I don't read comics.

Why not, user?

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i love k.o, but i really wish we had more episodes with t.ko, they dont show him enough

Attached: k.o.png (375x644, 406K)

Pretty sure that design is based on the Teen Titans year 1 comic. And no, I don't recall seeing it used ever again

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Isabella would be into that shit

But Waiting for Godot could be cast entirely with shotas, theres nothing specifying they can't

I don't like how they made Jessie into a walking lard when the original girl was /fit/

>jelly-filled donuts

Here you go user, I should have more stored somewhere!

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ITT: A bunch of fucking pedophiles

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This boy is ONLY for abusive /ss/ at the hands of Hilda's mom

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You shut the fuck up! He is my son and I will treasure him!

And he is only for nighttime cuddles from the Marra!

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Johanna pegs him long and hard every night, and then tosses him into her closet and locks the door.

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That cute little English boy needs to be protected from scum like (You)!

I remember reading a Hentai with roughly this exact same premise

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Vladimir has age-related prostate trouble, that's why Beckett rejected attempts to produce the play with a female cast. Vladimir and Estragon have also known each other for around fifty years

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Sometimes she sits on his face and makes him eat out her ass, squeezing his little balls when he slows down

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Now you're just reminding me of the David x Johanna fanfic. Seriously, is that guy even done with it?

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This boy needs more art with Cheetara

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Eventually she breaks his legs and leaves him tied up in the basement to milk for boycum to drink

What fanfic?

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Lucky and Pozzo could be really kinky shotas

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It looks like you made a mistake in your post. You obviously meant the librarian instead of Hilda's mom, right?

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After a year she slits his throat, bathes in his blood and then cooks and eats him.

Also neat. Will have to try and find it

Nope. Librarian is a shit

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Librarian is a shit because she's not abusive enough

now this I can get behind

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someone on Yea Forums is attracting the attention of the FBI again

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Welcome to Yea Forums, newfag.

Also another reminder chubs are hot period

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I swear i want that character to get fed up with catra’s shit and ends up becoming some type of fucked up sadistic villain hell bent on fucking up all those who picked on him

But when it's cartoon lolis, nobody makes a fuss.

Thanks based mod, time to post the good stuff.

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Ah an og i see!!!
I give you 1 kek

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That didn't age well


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I share another one by the same artist!

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You get 2 kek lad!!!
That’s enough for a cold one!!!

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>we Yea Forums now
Never thought I'd step foot in here.

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Welcome to hell

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Oh but again we have more good stuff now with flapjack!

Attached: Flapjack-from-The-Marvelous-Misadventuers-1068x599.jpg (1068x599, 61K)

Attached: 2963146 - Leopold_Butters_Stotch South_Park butthole.jpg (401x400, 76K)

Eh I’d rather wendy suck him off but you do you lad

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is it bad that i can't tell the difference?

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In hell they at least give you good heating with all the flames and brimstone

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Blank space in S tier obviously

Ah ko to match with the previous post!

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I want more lucas x kumatora art
The boys had a hard life and someone needs to comfort him

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Oh so for context the artist is Elena Manetta.

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Guys can we give some love to lucas please?!?!

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What a beautiful species of snake

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Attached: 2321425 - Clarence Ryan_Sumouski VSdrawfag.png (435x568, 70K)

this and the twister one are my favorites.

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Lucas is for Ness only

that's not paint, btw.

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>calling Lucas a chubby boy

We can't ever be friends now, scum

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So, uhh, can anyone translate Frog-anese

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I mean he has the same build as ness from what I’ve seen but i can see him being a little scrawny

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Ness already has paula

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How bad is my taste?

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posting from

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1600 pennsylvania ave. see you there!

Sodabox, one of my favorite western shota artist, really good stuff. What I posted was from his pixiv though, if you don't have an account make one for some great quality work and good faps. Here is his baraag where he posts some of his art.

Attached: PowerPack_JackKatie_CaimanEdit_02c.png (1200x1680, 1.09M)

Here have some more art from him!

Attached: illust_74792567_20190518_113736.png (570x710, 112K)

Nice. Thanks.

>image limit hit
oh yeah, i forgot that the image limit's different with each board.

well here's what I would've posted next...

Well we can continue more of this if no one objects to starting another thread I don't mind doing so.

Better get started lad

Solo Valentino pics are the only V&V r34 I need. Also Victor a shit

I love this show, thank you user

Ok let me start one then.

thank u

gimme link, bro

please and thank you

Alright let's do this!