Been chatting with this girl and things got a little flirty. She tells me shes been drinking and then sends me this suggestive pic
wat do anons
Been chatting with this girl and things got a little flirty. She tells me shes been drinking and then sends me this suggestive pic
wat do anons
ask her to send vagina pic now
Ask her send va JJ pix lawl
i wont do that but ill ask for more
Post moar pics...lying fuck!
you should send your pussy pic then if you wont ask for one.
ask her for another pic with a winky face
Why are you lying on the internet?
nice one faggot never heard that one before
Since OP is clearly a lying faggot, anyone happen to know who this is?
sense you’re being a pussy, give us her number so we can take it over from here.
>mfw op isn't lying but he's being obviously catfished and is so lonely and stupid he's falling for it
Turn off phone
that actually was pretty solid you butthurt faggot
oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit IT'S WORKING WHAT SHOULD I SAY NEXT
That's possible too. Either way I'd like to know the sauce.
if you haven’t already, go over to her place NOW
thank you user.
yeah fuck you dawggg
post the actually text messages with the date or your a lair along with beng a beta fag
>only posting the pics she's sending
>not posting the screenshots of the texts
Come on OP, if you're going to try to fool people at least make it believable
You sound underage as fuck
Op is officially a faggot
send her the same pic, ensuing in a game of photo chicken.
OP, this is obviously you. Show your dick already or GTFO.
send her this pic and say it's your face
Go fuck her you fucking pussy??????
I didnt find anything on Yandex reverse search but without timestamps or something I'm still skeptical that this is bait
Do the same but not cringey and write "I do what you do". Have fun
Feet! Soles!
Considering how OP basically abandoned the thread I would say bait as well
we're chatting through bumble, what do i download to take pictures of the chat? i'll do it if it doesnt take too long, im still waiting for her to respond to my last mssage
Do a barrel roll
she got bored of your pussyfooting and is currently sending her nudes to Chad. better luck next time
OP doesn't sound like he's lying (maybe) but man he comes off like a 12 year old. If you're being honest then just show a little enthusiasm with her and take the reins. Whoever this chick is she sure looks like she wants to be dominated badly
You think that weird oval shaped head is worth texting?
keep feeding into her
she'll keep sending pics as long as you show you're interested
also this
But sex her
If you send her a picture with a dildo in you she's likely to return the favor
Tell her you’re touchling yourself
Can’t beat a little touchle
Yes, but say you're tickling yourself, you know, playful like
yeah say you're tickling your butthole.
Tickling my bunghole, touchling mine testicles
Then ask if she'd like some lube to do the same, do you have any Crisco? This'll be a solid win, you'll be scrubbing a slight shit smell off your dick in the morning
yeah op, ask her if she's touching her butthole.
Aren’t we all?
It goes without saying
Reverse search turned up nothing. This is real but OP is still a fag for not providing any cooch or feet pics. Lame
>Reverse search turned up nothing. This is real
You’re a fucking moron
>implying it must be real because it's not on reverse image search
You must be new here. Welcome to Yea Forums! Why don't you try lurking moar before you embarrass yourself with another even more retarded post that reveals your complete and utter lack of understanding of how things work on this fucking website.
Op you should send her a pic of u a sexy one NOT A DICK PICK to turn her on.
Also u are a fagg
Give her the old lickeroo
next time start with a dick pic.
chicks love unwarranted close up dick pics with no context.
Is one of my fav porn actress.
fap it hard, OP
OP is either getting his dick sucked right now or this was all a ruse and he is off fapping