Based futurists unite

based futurists unite.
what are the best concepts?

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it does offer some obvious advantages being the only true modern political system. and it is well equipped for adaptation to technologically emergent societies

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how do you minimize individual independence in future, sprawling political systems? Is it worth it to do so or would independence tend to remove the individual from political decisions entirely?
seems plausible that the current ideology of 'politics' might be a stepping off point for expanding space society and easily left behind once the initial hurdles are overcome.

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humans are, however, romantic. I could see politics continuing without real consequences, almost like a 'play' political system which has no actual consequence and is done for purely traditional satisfaction.

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Crispr, 3D printing and graphene

how necessary are these techs for rapid advancement? are they only powerful because they are economically feasible versus their alternatives?

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O'neill cylinders to carry us between stars.
Just finishing up the fourth Rama book though so maybe it wouldn't work out if that's anything to go by. Then again we probably wouldn't staff a colony with half convicts.

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Also, neural-link

In the case of crispr,it's kind of like asking if a quad core is necessary when we already have a single core. It's not necessarily cheaper in all aspects, but it opens you up to new possibilities, and, in many applications is faster.

I wonder about Oumuamua.

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Excellent series. highly reccomend Revelation Space if you haven't heard of the series already.

The only issue with interstellar oneills is damage control from interstellar dust, given the cylinders' sizeable cross-section. The elegant solutions are fairly grand projects even for the most ideal future humans. Not impossible by any means, but may be a hard-sell for exploration.

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any time you have a group, you have governance. that's politics. even if it's all robots doing everything the politics/our agency/circumstances would just have to be defined and then circulated into the paradigm.

I agree. CRISPR is incidentally the bigger hurdle of the 3, ideologically/morally. I do think that once the cat's out of the bag, however, it's running free

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Perhaps, but the definition becomes dubious when you no longer rely on a centralized institution to acquire and manage resources for survival.

When you are able to expand this independence into non-essential services and resources, the level of individual independence will reach a point where current considerations of societal structure and political centralization become highly outdated and easily ignored.

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These. Will be essential

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>Revelation Space
Sweet, I've been looking for what I'm going to listen to next after Rama's finished up. Got an audiobook link by chance? Not finding much online.
Set phasers for "clean ears"

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3 of the books are on youtube but are only available in the 144p "don't sue me" quality
Audible has the series as well

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Nice, I should be able to pull the audio from it as an mp3 and listen at my leisure while I'm outdoors, thanks user.
And to your earlier point about interstellar debris, shouldn't anything of significant size be identifiable long before it gets close enough to a craft to become a danger? Provided our future descendants bother to keep an eye out where they're going, at any rate.

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Bump because fuck the rest of this board.

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The series has really mind-blowing detail and is very well-written, with good character writing as well. You'll enjoy it.

As far as active measures against debris, the physics depends a lot on speed. .03c is probably easily achieved, but .1c will probably require a large shield of ablative material no matter how good detection and prediction becomes.

Have you heard Isaac Arthur discuss his fictional interstellar colony ship and its exploits? He has some concise thoughts about this relationship between speed and interception. I think it's in the 'Interstellar Travels' ep but I'm not sure.

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I'm pretty new to Clark so no, not yet I haven't. Got another link by chance? I'd definitely be interested in hearing his thoughts, all I've seen of him was that discussion he had with Sagan and Hawking that was televised.

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Why, in my haste, I read Isaac Arthur as "Arthur C Clark", is a mystery I'll never solve.
Have this comic about Hayabusa as penance.

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nono my friend, Isaac Arthur is a futurism youtuber with no parallel. He only shares the namesake of Clarke.
Prepare yourself. :)

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penance noted, lol. your humor is retribution enough, this time. next time I will expect even more funnies

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Thanks for the link, it's going on my cue next.
One thing I notice about futurists is the unbridled optimism, I feel about 50/50 on whether we'll have WW3 in the next 50 years or start making more meaningful moves towards human occupation of space, not in any way sure one way or the other but maybe I'm just semi-pessimistic.

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No matter how old I get I will never stop laughing at Uranus jokes.

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sounds like you're a realist.
Optimism is a better avenue to plan the future with, ofc. otherwise every technology has to be relegated to weaponry as well, and that's just needlessly complicating the entire process.

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>otherwise every technology has to be relegated to weaponry as well
Isn't that more or less what axed Orion way back when?
>hey so we're pretty sure this concept works and could take humans to the gas giants in a feasible timeframe, we just need to fund it!
>"cool, cool, hey what if it was an orbital battleship dropping nukes on commies instead? Let's tell JFK he's gonna love this"

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Oh god I can’t stand his voice

He sounds like he has a bit of a speech impediment or something, i had a cousin who sounded the same way when he was a kid, got some sort of speech therapy to break him of it.
Subject matter seems cool though.

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>Kennedy reels in horror, suffers many sleepless nights for what he has aided and abetted

Admittedly, they showed him the weaponized version of the design which they had no business doing. It's safe to blame the overzealous designers for representing its entire payload as military weaponry.
A shame really.

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It's an impediment and it's much better in later videos. He suggests using CC if it really bothers you, but if you are into futurism it really shouldn't matter too much. the content is top notch and no one else can touch him for the depth of the content

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Oh look, a jew.

oh look, someone who doesn't belong here.

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Like how those idiot ballisters in Britain wear ill-fitting wigs even though that trend died out before the turn of the century

Oh yeah don’t get me wrong I got it saved for later but someone I know has the same kind of impediment and he’s incredibly infuriating. I just gotta ignore that fact and get through it

ah, oui. exactement!

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As sad as it is that we never saw exploratory Orion come to fruition, I can't help also mourn the lost possibilities in lording our orbital nuclear might over the rest of the globe like a giant swinging dick in the night sky.
Speaking of canceled projects, a Mars drone would have been pretty cool, I think they even did a drop test on a scale model.

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>2036, tick tock

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bitcoin lol

Orion's R&D is done. It will always be an option for us if we absolutely have to do some serious shit. It may be a dead program now, but necessity is one helluva mother

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A lofting drone is still much needed. Not much is understood about variations on Mars' surface, so you can be sure it will be a part of future planning. I could be dead wrong of course, considering the suicide programmes being organized in the name of the red planet...

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If they just boosted the ship in two parts using conventional rocketry and assembled in orbit, they'd get around that nasty problem of detonating dozens of nukes in the atmosphere for launch. It could still be done.

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the fallout is honestly a non-concern. Just use fusion devices with a 99.3% fusion yield and all dangerous radiation is directional radiation of the xray and gamma spectrum. Then you just launch over oceans or non-populated areas with virtually zero repercussions.

Freeman Dyson famously calculated the deaths per launch of a fission-driven device as 1-4 people per launch from cancer, and that's weapons-grade bomblets. Clean fusion bomblets would be used today and so the dangers are much, MUCH less than a chemical launch. Chemical launches are in fact more dangerous to health factors than a modern Orion would be.
It's a bit of an unexpected reality, but it is true.

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Hopefully the surface gets more detailed maps prior to any human visits. I wish we'd skip buying a few F-35s this year and use the money to send a fleet of Curiosities instead.

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wow fag type much??

Fuck off nigger.

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>skip buying a few F-35s
you can thank congress' inability to cessate dick-sucking of the military industrial complex for that.
>get your F-35s here! 1% off if you buy them with congressional appropriations! what a bargain!

The F-35 program in its entirety could have paid for long term automated bases on Europa, Ceres, Titan and your pick of another Jovian moon combined...

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>flips shit about 3 sentence post

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lmao what a fucking joke. you guys are basically just going to empower women which will have less and less kids and later in life till all thats left right before extinction is a final generation of downie goblin babies

have fun you stupid dick brained cucks

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>$90mil per unit
Bottom left

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>goes absolutely fucking apeshit bananas about a 4 word post
Fucking calm down, guy

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future =/= futurism
>just going to empower women
someone hasn't gotten laid all year.

also, speak for your own future.

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Be happy Trump called out their money laundering scheme and is selling the plane to other countries to pay for it.

the normies are filtering in...

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Diaspora - Greg Egan
Accelerando - Charles Stross

I'll be happy when the Space Force includes orbital battleships for glassing chinamen.

That's not possible. The USAF *trains* other nations in using the F-35 (see Turkey's training program) but the sale is absolutely prohibited. Selling F-35s would devalue their super-secret-technology and make the platform meaningless.

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>Can't even service our own space station
>Space Force

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>someone hasn't gotten laid all year.

>lets talk about futurism
yet your brain is still primitive enough to self validate through sex.
holy shit its like talking to a monkey

SLS any year now!
Does Orbital Science still exist? They were making that Cygnus thing for unmanned station resupplies a few years back by got sort of overshadowed by Dragon.

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You obvs don't understand self-validation.
You brought up a sexualization of the premise, you set yourself up for perforation of your chauvinistic misandry.
0/10 low effort

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What is that comic from?

Launch vehicles are at a crisis point.
Private development is now ready to fulfill its long-anticipated promises, but there are no vehicles available to accommodate them. It's petty much a disaster of expectation.

SpaceX is the best thing happening, and that's sad.

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It's a bande dessine known in english as the Nikopol Trilogy by Enki Bilal. recommended.

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>You brought up a sexualization of the premise

by pointing out reproduction? the thing we need to get to the future?

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Fascism is no way to the future. Try again once you're able to navigate reality without condensing economics, race, politics, identity and sex into a single rigid structure (fascism.) It's the easiest possible ideology to understand and inherently the dumbest.
It was devised by dudes who lined up in fancy clothes to fight battles.

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>*explodes 20 seconds into launch*

>SpaceX is the best thing happening, and that's sad.
Hey I'll take it, beats waiting indefinitely for things that never develop.
>Hey we're retiring the shuttle
>oh okay, how do we get to ISS then?
>lol just pay Russia for now, we'll let this get sorted out in another decade

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sights like this give me hope. reminds me of what the ancients could have only dreamed of.

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literally fucking what?

what does me talking about reproduction have to do with facism?

>brings up JWST
ohh, my feels. Just like seeing old pics of the ex.

I'll take it too, but Blue Origin makes me actually sad. It's like a parallel development of the SLS which will actually bear fruit, and for all the wrong reasons...

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are you reading posts that no one else can see, my dude?

>you guys are basically just going to empower women which will have less and less kids and later in life till all thats left right before extinction is a final generation of downie goblin babies

That's fascist subscription ideology. You're really fucken dense, bro.

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good to know i was arguing with a braindead chimpanzee. hope you never get to see the future

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Suggesting all factors hinge on enabling sexual rights is condensing all areas of societal progress into a single concern. That is the definition of fascism.

Your ad hominem is expected and meaningless. You're unbelievably stupid if you believe your retorts.

anyway, care to actually participate in the thread or is all you do:
>we can't have it my way, so there's no future for the human race!

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>Ven zee rockets go up, who cares vhere zey come down? Dat's not my department, says Wernher Von Braun!
2021 in only a couple years away, so long as she doesn't blow up on the launchpad or get orbital astigmatism like Hubble she'll do fine.
What's wrong with Blue Origin? I'm of the "more the merrier" school of thought when it comes to opening up more avenues to LEO.

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>i wuz
>I am

My issue with Blue Origin is its attitude towards innovation. Its CEO is approaching the endeavor with no inspiration and an outwardly "because I can" attitude.

Objectively, it's good that it exists. But it lacks a motive to innovate, whereas our friend Von Braun was the epitome of innovation and that's what made his visions so grand. Grand enough to inspire all ages and nations.
SpaceX has too much innovation, if anything lol

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Ty user

good recommendations!

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anyone got any good movies/tv shows?

That's fair, though I care less about the inspiration than the end result, and if the end result is another way to orbit so be it. I get what you mean about having a driving force behind your program though, without a clear goal/mission you just spend 50 years floundering around without direction.

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You ever see Moon? I liked it.

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I miss Shuttle

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I liked that movie, enjoyable ride. Have you seen Mute? For some reason unbeknownst to me it’s labeled as ‘Moon II’ imo its a better movie

that's tough. good scifi is hard to come by.

Solaris (both versions, but prefer the og)
Memories (3 animated, unrelated stories)
Ex Machina
Space:1999 (retro and a zany premise, but high quality designs)
Planetes (anime)

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shuttle was epic. If only they resolved its now-apparent flaws and fielded an updated design, perhaps with RU cooperation.

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Thanks man I’ve only seen Solaris and Ex Machina I’ll definitely check out the others

I haven't, but I'll throw it on my cue.
>perhaps with RU cooperation.
They could always conduct an archeological dig to extract the fossilized remains of Buran from its tomb.

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>Planetes (anime)
My nigga

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>If only they resolved its now-apparent flaws
Many of the flaws came straight from pork barrel bullshit and were in direct conflict with what the engineering analysis told them at the time.

A lot of space problems have bigger political problems than they do engineering problems.

I really like The Expanse, which is basically people being horrible to each other in space.
It's like Star Trek if you took out the aliens, the technobabble, the goodwill, the philosophical life lessons, and asked, 'What wouldn't people do out of greed and desire for power?' while knowing the answer is nothing, and trying to keep the physics somewhat decent in the process.

>>A lot of space problems have bigger political problems than they do engineering problems.
What, you don't like constructing components in 50+ locations to give every state a role, even though that's clearly a terrible fucking idea?

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>ywn be spaghettified by a ravenous garbage disposal in space

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Flying cars

Goddamn you user. I feel like shit now.

Been around for decades, they used to make conversion kits so you could strap a prop and large wing to a small car. You still need a pilot's license to operate it in the air though, because ultimately flying cars were always a retarded idea with humans as the pilots. As automated vehicles become more commonplace the idea may finally be revisited.

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She was a good girl, and all dogs go to heaven, just usually not so directly.

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Very much enjoyed

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Was expecting some kind of dog with machine guns for legs by now what the hell is this humorless thread doing on Yea Forums?


I'm sorry, you can get back to shitty porn threads as soon as this one's gone.

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cloud chambers are cool. great project for a kid, building one of those and a dna sequencer is such an awesomely accessible experiment.

DNA sequencing? I've heard you can separate out DNA from something like a banana in your kitchen but that's as far as the experiment goes to my knowledge.

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>only true modern ideology
You could say the same thing for nearly any ideology
Would you quiver if i told you fascism is well equipped for the modern world?
Theres probably a reality where that has happened.
Its just a matter of perspective really

No, unless you think all history is homogeneous oatmeal.

Marxism was incepted in the 19th century for the first time by easily tracked pioneering events.

Fascism was developed throughout the 14th-17th centuries by devolving monarchies facing empirical challenges.
Do you even politic?

His voice reminds me of the bad guy in Perfect Hair Forever.

organic memory has been a concept for some time. it opens up the possibility of a sort of "mind partner" device. it might be very dangerous but still, a plausible concept. it's probably actually already been done.

some sort of thinking biological "thing" you can "jack in" to that allows you to have virtual time, lucid dream states for whatever perversions you can imagine, but also, to have the equivalent of hundreds of hours of time to do things like perform calculations and come back in 10 minutes with an answer.

it IS possible. when i say it might already have been done, it's possible that there are secret mind reading/mind control networks that use such bio-technology already.

I saw the LEGO anniversary Apollo Program sets. The Saturn V one is pretty neat.

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Check out the recent Apollo 11 movie/documentary, lots of great footage restored beautifully.

What artist is this? I have a different wallpaper and the style matches exactly

Josan Gonzalez!
he's done stuff for heavy metal mag

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I like Neo Tokyo (aka Manie Manie) much better than Memories personally, but the first segment isn't really sci-fi, it's more like some Ray Bradbury fantasy shit, but it's my kind of trip, and frankly it's fantastic. The second segment is visually pleasing but very dystopian gladiator concept that's been done to death and rather repetitive and boring unless you can really appreciate the beautifully-drawn nightmare (so smoke some weed or eat acid or something beforehand I guess).
I really like the third segment but I could see how many would find it boring. It's basically a Kafkaesque Heart of Darkness that you futurists might find too pessimistic about exploration and the future of human development.

Neo Tokyo is geat as well.
The shorts put out by Oats Studios are pretty interesting, but vary widely in concept quality.

There's a German film called "Welt am Draht" (World on the/a Wire) that is made by one of their greats, R.W. Fassbinder. It was produced for television on a budget that probably was a bit too small (especially considering it's fucking 4 hours long) but the camera work, direction, and certain set pieces are fucking amazing.
Unfortunately, much of the costume and set design is mired heavily in the early 70s and doesn't appear as timeless as that in 2001:aSO or Solaris. Think tulip chairs, lots of browns, yellows, oranges, sequins... But the control rooms and stuff like that look like a vapor/retro/synthwave/dreampunk's wet dream. Lots of metallic surfaces, pink and blue lights, and little television screens.
It's fairly well known for preempting the Matrix in certain concepts (even though Welt am Draht is itself an adaptation of a book) but you'll see certain visual stylings that may remind you of the Matrix, the Terminator, even Sim City.
Finally, it's major weakness is some rather forced character intrigue (justified by a sort of neo-Noir narrative) and ridiculous length, most likely a problem created by the demands that if he wanted that budget he had to produce a two-part miniseries, leading to a lot of unnecessary scenes of conversation, drinking, smoking, shouting, and other mundane activities like sleeping.
Afaik, it's pretty readily found on Amazon because Fassbinder's generally considered a legend in German cinema. But I torrented it a few years back, so...
All in all, you probably won't like it, but there are certain scenes and sets from that movie that really stick in my mind.

We could do this right now, but won't.

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The military is more important, user. Didn't you know?

Good thread anons. see you in the next one

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