Is another recession happening in the 2020s? What are your thoughts, Yea Forums?
Is another recession happening in the 2020s? What are your thoughts, Yea Forums?
what a shame,i would of hoped it would of happened while trump was president.although,his supporters are already poor so its not like anything would change
Absolutely. Jobs are hard as fuck to come by. Ask the lower-middle class, they'll tell you. We're in a strange times period. Something is coming but don't believe me. I'm merely a retard.
But I thought his supporters where the big and bad rich business folk who support capitalism. Make up your mind.
If not this year.
We're in an absurdly long period without one. The only reason we haven't has been because they keep the fed rate way too low (which will make the recession even harder to get out of, becauae you won't be able to lower it further), and because the tax cut gave an adrenaline shot to the heart of the economy.
It'll happen before 2021.
If libs have their way, it's possible
i never said they were idiot,business folk arent going to support a president with a business history like trump's
Why? What would that accomplish?
>he thinks libs are gonna cause a recession when trump cant run an economy worth a shit
because trump isnt getting re elected and i want this country to crash and burn because they thought that idiot would make a good republican president
As a Canadian, I really don't want America to crash and burn because that would mean our ass too.
Are you really this stupid? Did i say you, user, said this, no dont think I did. Capitalist support Trump you dumbfuck. Therefor his supporters can't all be trailer park dwellers. Try getting out of dads basement and see the real world.
>as a canadian
fuck off you syrup nigger,you have the biggest cuck in the world leading your country
Maybe you should read more. The U.S. economy is the strongest it's been in a while. Libs destroy economies, just look at Obama's presidency.
funny a trump defender talking about the real world.its time to crawl out from your trailer park and see who exactly voted for trump.because it wasnt the successful and was the stupid and poor
>libs destroy economies
oh right,he actually believes donald trump is a republican
also,you shouldnt believe everything you read.trump supporters are as intelligent as a rock
but maybe thats why they like trump so much,because he's as stupid as they are
Dont need to defend. Look at the numbers dipshit
You're clearly a fucking retard
Trump's supporters are the rich and the uneducated. The latter are largely poor and lower-middle class. It's not complicated.
>look at the numbers
>that are probably false,because i trust that everything my goverment gives me is 100 percent true
this is why trump won,because of morons like you
They're inherent to the capitalist system. So yes.
good god these people are delusional. must be nice to have the confidence of a mediocre white dude
>the rich
i dont get it,the whole "republicans are rich"meme falls apart when you actually look at who the majority of people who vote republican actually are
You two are clearly mental rejects that don't understand economics and just have a hard on for Trump.
>rich and uneducated
Nope. Trump won college educated whites and non college educated whites. Race is the key factor, not education.
Sure thing buddy. If it pissed off twats you then I'm happy to vote for him again.
starting out and finishing with ad hominem attacks with no substance in the middle makes you the fucking retard
Where you read that? You seem like the guy that believes every pic and article on Facebook.
Better then a nigger like you
Im not overly worried if i did lose everything i always have a back up. Theres a place where i fish/hunt in the summer. You have to drive up the mountain, theres lakes for miles upon miles. Quite a hike in up top of you cross a certain lake by boat, walk 20 minutes further. You're at my cabin, its quite nice. I spend a couple weeks at a time there. Nobody even comes remotely close to me.
angry white men are obsolete. you aint shit. its much better to be a nigger than to be a relic from the past that the entire world laughs at.
German here, lead by the biggest fuck-up(s) in international politics.
Seeing the economic climate over here, it's no matter if the economy will crash, but when. It feels like it has been declining since the crisis in 2008 and never fully recovered.
I remember when I was 17, posting about the economy and republicans vs democrats despite not really knowing anything about economics, jobs or really anything other than the ideas I had that were reinforced by biased media sources.
I'd just like to say to you guys that fit this bill (about 60% of you here), it does get better. You'll have enough exposure to alternate points of view eventually that you'll change your opinion and realise how stupid you were. You'll get your shit together and won't be so pathetic.
But maybe you won't honestly, because I see some people who are in their late 20's and still think Bernie Sanders is even halfway ok.
Great argument. You guys always dismiss facts, so what's the point.
Funny because last I checked it's the cuckboys of the Democratic party being laughed at. Keep crying.
>Trumps supporters come from all social classes
ftfy faggot
not that i give a shit, not even american, kys cunt
Watching as this thread turns into a political left vs right, white vs black shitshow. You guys need to grow up. I blame greed. Companies now seem to do any greasy thing to turn a huge profit, even if that means taking away basic human rights.
>you two
hey dumbass,the 2 people you think you were responding to were actually me.sounds like your the only mental reject here
also,people who understand economics wernt the ones voting for a guy who couldnt even run a casino without bankrupting it
>college educated whites
nope,they wanted bernie sanders.not trump,sorry redneck.but trump won the redneck morons,all of the educated voters stayed home or voted for somebody else because trump's a fuckin moron
Hey. Shut the fuck up.
Hey. You shut the fuck up as well.
you shut the fuck up retard
So do you always post to yourself as a secondary reply? You have now hit the dipshit of dipshit staus.
I think it will be more localized
My thoughts are that you need to take this mess to .
What do you mean?
/pol/ will turn it into a retarded left vs right thing. I want this thread to talk about HOW this shit is gonna happen and what your plans are for this shit, not who's to blame.
This is a progressive democrats wishful thinking.
>>Of course the recession will hit before we take office an implement policy changes that'll take the blame for the recession.
I wouldn't count on it. The tax breaks don't expire until 2025 and if Trump's trade war rhetoric was enough to kick off the recession it would have happened already. I think it's far more likely that the growth we've seen under these massive tax cuts will continue at least until the end of Trump's first term. I wouldn't be surprised if the growth stagnated some time after that, but I don't think that's going to happen.
I fully expect the democrats to sweep in 2020. Democrats are incredibly agitated and a lot of republicans held their noses and voted for Trump because they despised Hillary Clinton. The Bernie bros and socialists will turn out even if a mainstream candidate takes the democratic nomination and the moderate democrats will vote for a socialist to get Trump out of office. The presidential race tends to heavily influence the congressional and state elections. We're going to see more of the 2018 elections in 2020.
I'd be shocked if Democrats turn out to be anything other than thrilled with that result, but I'm not sure they should be. Chances are, the democrats will undo Trumps tax changes. They'll make sure poor people don't see a tax hike, but the wealthy and corporations will see their taxes go up. Even the middle class might see tax hikes, especially if they're justified with increased spending on the social safety net. I doubt Democrats in office will have the nerve to balance their new spending with new revenue especially considering how easy it is to blame republicans and the defense budget for the deficit, so we're looking at increased deficit spending Essentially, what we're looking at is tax hikes on corporations applying downward pressure on the economy combined with increased deficit spending increasing inflation. Cont
The only thing happening in 2020 in Trump being re-elected, rage on libtards.