Kill myself or jerk off and goto bed

kill myself or jerk off and goto bed.
trips decide.

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go to bed you silly bitch

Jerk off

jerk off. kill self in bed.

Jerk off and go to bed. Then dont jerk off for 30 days and see if you feel better.



Don't jerk off for the rest of the year

Jerk off and have a peaceful night's rest afterwards

Wank Wank Wank

jerk off


Just Beat it

I jerk off and go to bed everyday. Actually, jerking off at the end of it is what gets me through the fuckin day.


The grass is greener

Cum with your ass


Sharpie in your asshole

Don't fap, don't sleep, join Yellow.

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Jerk off but record and post it

kys and post livestream

#2 kys and stream it

#3 kys and stream it

same fag, with an almost perfect posting system.


lol. you don't count. you're cheating the system.

Get out of bed and key the n word on your car

Jerk off and go to sleep

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blow a load on a pic of your mom


i agree with the other guy kys n livestream

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Roll for 2 weeks of nofap and then a nice vacation

Prove you're not a brainlet

Vote Yang 2020

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solidify a bar of shit and stab yourself in the neck and livestream it

An hero

An hero!

jerk off and go to bed


that dudes dick goes almost down to his knees wtf

honestly, i dont need a dick that big in my life.