Alright guys,i got it

alright guys,i got it

the first women president should be a muslim.can you imagine the outrage as trump supporters have to deal with not only a women as president,but a muslim to

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anything to ruin the white boys club.

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trump supporters dont work though,they are the ones you see in trailer parks who do meth and fuck their sisters

Your statement is indicative of the ignorance of the left. Nobody cares about race, religion, sexual orientation and gender except leftists and democrats.


According to leftists/democrats, the only reason I didn’t like Obama was because he was part black or the only reason I didn’t like Hillary was because she was a woman. Why didn’t I like Bill Clinton or Bush?


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Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

What a great idea. Let's literally destroy the country just to piss people you don't like off. Are you old enough for this site?

i dont know what the fuck your talking about it faggot,and ill disrespect whoever i want you double nigger

Says the nigger collecting welfare

u sound dumb

>lets literally destroy the country

to late for that kid

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im not collecting welfare though,go back to watching your mother get raped by a nigger

If you can assume so can I. You don't like Trump, you must be a liberal collecting welfare thinking he's owed everthing in life. Your life must suck.

How is that dumb? Muslims hate this country and want to destroy it

user, you can't reason with letters trash. Ignore this dumbass.

for the amount i hear trump supporters throwing around the word liberal like its suppose to be an guys still havent figured out you act the same way liberals do,keep cryin about obama and hillary snowflake.4 years later and you still get them off your mind

is that what trump's twitter account told you?

also,if anything.trump and his supporters are destroying this country more then the muslims you whine about

Who says mia khalifa is a muslim?

Not sure how that would happen.

Number of women presidents so far: 0

Number of non Protestant presidents so far: 1

They shot the one non Protestant guy in his first term. Need to elect a few more Catholics and Jewish guys first. Maybe an Orthodox Christian to wish everyone Merry Christmas in January

The first woman president will also be the last president