whats the deal with white women and putting big black cocks on their face like pic related
Whats the deal with white women and putting big black cocks on their face like pic related
It's not a black thing it's a hung cock thing.
Unless you got one or are gay for them, You'll never understand.
nah,ive only ever seen white women do this with black cocks
now you've seen it with white cocks
Yea Forums Yea Forums
A magical place
It's better when they out them in their holes
white boi's coping with the fact black men have bigger cocks
Studies prove no real difference between white and black dick.
white boi's just mad because white women love black cock
stop larping. your either a white guy or a average black who isn't accepted in the black community enough to have naturally picked up the phrase "white boi's" and only white people and nerds spell boy boi
why you mad though? did a black man fuck your white girlfriend or something
name ?
>being baited this much
please try harder
whats the deal with all the pporn on b
Angry buttblasted incels are so far down the rabbithole of degeneracy that they need more and more fucked up deviant shit to death grip their tiny cocks to, and a combination of inertia and crippling autism prevents them from leaving this board
cant a guy just make a thread about white women who love niggers and not have idiots ruin it by thinking its porn?
Poor low intelligence unskilled abused psychologically unstable woman who'll do anything for some cash is what porn starts move.
i swear you summerfags are fucking retarded.can we make school year round because its obvious your dumber then before you went to school
Trips don't lie.
Cucks gtfo
It seems to me like you're just butthurt. Keep on crying nigger.
>keep on crying nigger
coming from the
>waaah your posting porn on here
crowd,this isnt even about porn you nigger
Not even the same user. You need to moan louder, I can't get off to this level of seething.
Proof me wrong. I am a 28 yo electrical engineer, been on b for over 12 years. Stop being delusional.