Indonesian Chinese classmate I found on Yea Forums

Indonesian Chinese classmate I found on Yea Forums

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She’s the girl from Melbourne right?


You like her user?

I would not hesitate to get her pregnant.

What else would you do to her?

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Give her the white picket fence, 2.8 kids, and happy family life...oh you mean sexually? I'd do her in every position I could think of.

She has a boyfriend, but always wanted to be with her.

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Then he's one lucky guy

It’s seams she didn’t dump him after finding out he exposed her

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Yeah well Chad can get away with anything.

Is that her bf name??

No it's a meme. 'Chad' is the tall, muscular, dude-bro guy that women cream their pants over.

summer detected

Oh yes haha I’m dumb


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Such a shame. There are men out there who would bend over backwards for her, feed her, house her, give her babies, and all the things she'd ever want but she'd rather be with Chad.

I feel you. She was not even interested into dating when I was at uni with her

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Meh they don't deserve us user.

She deserve my cock tho. She’s a little whore to me.

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