Get it off your chest, user. What secrets weigh you down? Whether it’s something you’ve done, doing now, or plan to do.
*Only things you actually feel guilty about edition*
Get it off your chest, user. What secrets weigh you down? Whether it’s something you’ve done, doing now, or plan to do
I hate everything
But don’t feel guilty
i secretly laugh at andy sixx logs threads
I’ll go first. I caught my younger sister getting fucked by our dog multiple occasions when I would get off work early or call out. She thinks she’s never been caught. I’ve fapped a few times directly after catching her. I don’t have any desire to fuck her myself but a few times a year the memories flood back in and I can’t help but fap again
i masturbate daily and don't have enough will to pursue things i'm actually interested about doing.
Guess I take too long typing haha
I am disgusted by myself, i regret the shit I say and hate myself for saying it, even though it is nothing out of the ordinary. When I see a picture of myself I cringe. It is hard for me to be in big groups of people I don't know, i get anxiety and feel like garbage so i isolate myself as much as possible. Sometimes when I say some basic things i get anxiety because i feel like what I said makes no sense. My girlfriend is driving me nuts, she is clingy and doesn't understand that the clingy shit she does makes me resent her even more.
When I am walking alone my thought's always end up like "kill yourself" on repeat. Except if I am doing something I enjoy or am going to do something. Waking up is hard and I could stay in bed all day.
Depression is lovely.
I regularly dress up as a woman and try to meet attractive guys that will face fuck, humiliate and degrade me.
I am both scared shitless of the future and yet also totally apathetic.
Buuuump more stories
I exclusively masturbate to just two things:
>A fantasy which I subsequently consider to be the perfect fantasy for me in particular. I don't class it as a fetish because the details are too particular and varied to count as one; perhaps it's a combination of older women, power dynamic and emotional betrayal. I have a folder for and contribute to almost daily; it included scripted scenarios, pictures of the celebrity I like to imagine the pivotal 'character' to be, and textual sources I adapt to suit my masturbation sessions. But why should I feel guilty about this? Because it has been foremost in my mind more so than things like my current unemployment and lack of general discipline.
> My first girlfriend. But in a particular way. She was the definition of the perfect girl, and even 8 years later, with all the experiences and maturing I've been through since then, I cannot get completely get over her. That pale, short, curvaceous, intelligent, cheeky, hazel eyed woman will never leave my lusty thought processes. But as I said, I masturbate to her in a particular way: she was a nymph, and she had slept with one particularly older guy who you'd never normally imagine having the privilege to cum in the best pussy I've ever had. It is her and that dynamic, and it'll forever be the closest I can get to reliving when I felt like a god. Why the guilt? Because I believe that she knows that I do it, and it ruined the mental stability of a woman I professed to love.
ur weird.
post pics
I kind of want to see a video of a girl getting raped
Nah. I've posted segments of the green text versions of the script from the first thing to Yea Forums from the first fantasy before. Good luck finding it tho.
I dont love my partner anymore and stay together for my infant son because I couldn't be without him, feel I need to be here to raise him.
in my 5 year relationship I've been disloyal on 6 occassions, all one night stands. none in over a year.
sucks but I live a constant lie.
I made two boys kiss when I were about 7 they were like 5 and 6 brothers. then I threw a brick at one of their legs.
I've had secret drug addictions and hit it from all my ex partners. i still take acid but dont drink havent drank in 16 month.
I illegal have drived an insured car for 3years10 months of my driving, it expires in 2 months.
I've had two homosexual encounters but didnt enjoy them.
that's about the worst of it. I try and be a decent person. I try to be better.
I have a high paying job a degree and a masters but have 28k of gambling debts
Fucking this. I don't know how much of it is a secret though. But I definitely put more effort in looking like I'm trying than actually trying shit
I'm sure there are some. Does liveleak have stuff like that?
i got a girlfriend after being single for 7 years, i thought its what i wanted but its actually really annoying with the constant messaging and questions. i liked being single and free to do whatever i wanted whenever i wanted much better.
Just raping my sister
>be married
>meet girl off omegle
>she's 18
>massive tits
>be 32
>lie about age
>lie about name
>fuck her and take her virginity
>cut off contact
I regret it and don't even know why I did it.
what age did you claim?
You wear a fedora too, don't you?
mid 20s
posted her nudes so much, then she got recognized by her friends
dont worry user. I still think about my first gf as well, and that was years ago. I'm also engaged..
I want to fuck my wife's best friend(and also good friend of mine) but it won't happen, so I'm trying to find a weed dealer in my area to offer her weed in exchange for nudes or possible sex. She's currently seeing someone so the sex might be off the table.
Want to fuck my sister badly. Would give anything to get between her legs
>Want to fuck my sister badly.
That's pretty much the only way you're able to do it.
got me there
I threw as pharah earlier and a 15 year old called me out on it
i am so tired and sad. i worked at my job for 3 years and yesterday was my last day. i made my best friends there and helped them with so many things, and as i was walking out for the last time they all ignored me and didn't say goodbye. i regret not killing myself
I plan to post pics of my gf when she moves in
I'm going to end up raping one of my feel friends. The urges and desires are just too strong. I stalk random women on the street. I follow them, sometimes for long periods of time. I can't help it.
I stalked a semi-famous actress in new york for 2 months. I was almost caught so I stopped. If I hadn't been caught, I dont know what I would've done.
Ive always fantasized about raping one of my friends so i can relate abit
Being a little bitch cause Mercy wouldn't pocket heal you?
Try out new jacks jerky.
A user posted an onion link to footage of humans with unnatural abilities including pyro-kinesis, push and pull magnetism, and a man regenerating an arm in minutes.Try out new jacks jerky.
Try out new jacks jerky.The existence of these extramundane abilities in human beings is being suppressed. 4 Chan was scrubbed of the link and thread on Yea Forums,/x/, and /g/.Try out new jacks jerky. That is why 4 Chan went down. Taste the jerky.
Hopefully this post isn’t filtered away.
I cheated on my ex-girlfriend with an escort, and with an old fuck buddy/friend because she was ruining my life mentally and financially.
I girl I used to orbit is engaged, I found out where her fiance lives and plan to murder him. Already bought an unmarked gun a few cities over, now I just plan and wait for the right moment.
Why user why would you betray her trust like that?
ooh boy. I have relations every once in a while no more then a dirty snap or two with a friend of mine who models and whatnot. she's a solid 8 or 9. where my gf is at best a 6.
That's extremely fucked and I genuinely hope you get caught by the police.
I like to fart during sex. Will usually get on top during a 69, with my cock deep in my partner's mouth, then I will just let it out right in their nose.
Sometimes I even modify my diet the previous day just to make my farts smellier.
Drugged my Mom last year, ate her ass and fucked her tits. Want to do it again but a surgery fucked up her body chemistry and I'm the drugs will have more harmful effect this time around.
Every time I think of this I get anxious.. but. I've been with my fiance for 6 years, about 2 years ago my fiance's sister came over because she was having some mental issues that my fiance has also gone through and wanted advice.
That night she said she didn't want to go back home and asked if she could spend the night.
My fiance and I agreed. Normally when my fiance's sister comes up to visit and stays the night, I sleep on the couch and they share the bed so that she can be comfortable. However I was recovering from a broken ankle and my fiance insisted I keep the bed and share it with her sister, and she would just take the couch.
Fast forward to the middle of the night, I woke up to her playing with my balls. I let her do it and pretended I was still sleeping... My fiance hadn't had sex with me in quite a while at that point. Anyway after a couple minutes of her playing with my balls she woke me up and asked if she could kiss me. I said I didn't know and she said "come on" and I gave in. Things continued and we ended up fucking... Two months or so after that though she asked if we could do it again, and I told her no... but she told me she would tell my fiance and their parents if I didn't... so I gave in and did it. She's been using this against me for these past two years, for sex, help with bills, even rides places and dates with her... and I get sick every time I think of my fiance finding out... We get married in a couple months. This took a lot out of me to type..
I was a private contractor for an independent security firm based in the United States. After a stent we did in Yemen the firm was disbanded and reorganized as another, currently operational, firm.
We sold a large amount of munitions to a group that was, I believe now, paramount to establishing the Pirate threat that kicked up several years back.
While there we holed up in a shit village full of some real third world types. The kind of shit they don't show on t.v. commercials for aid or in the media because of how poor and desolate that shit is.
An old man sold my team his daughters, young ones. They were pretty fucked up before we got there but for sure ruined after we left. What we did was bad, and eventually one of the mates came out about to a UN Sergeant when we were resupplying.
Shit hit the fan and everything we were doing was wrapped the fuck up and shut down. All employees disbanded and shit too.
One of the guys works for the current group and is deployed somewhere, but we stopped talking several months ago.
The world is bad, there are people that suffer tragically daily and there are the people that abuse and use them. There are places in our current world where your soul should hurt just by viewing.
There is more third world suffering than anything else and no one gives a fuck what happens to them. Legit lives, real children clueless as to what freedom and being cared for is.
I struggle with going about my typical American lifestyle every day.
You should've told her to stop instead of giving into the momentary sexual frustration. Tell your fiancee soon. If it's going to ruin the relationship, do it now before you're married or have children and you tear apart your own family.
Eh, what the hell.
I knew a guy who was going through a rough divorce, my marraige was going pretty bad too, but not quite at the divorce stage.
We were just commiserating when he brought up the whole "kill the bitch" thing. I MAY have suggested he kill the kids instead and pin it on the bitch.
Long story short, he's serving 3 consecutive life sentences for killing his kids, and I wound up marrying his ex.
Damn dude that's super fucked up I hope it works out, terrible position to be in what a fucking cunt
Funny thing is, a year ago I would of agreed with you. But I don't seem to care anymore. That bastard will die before the year is out and she'll be non the wiser
I know, I beat myself up for being so weak willed whenever the situation comes to mind. I really want to tell my fiance but I feel like everything will come crashing down and her sister can easily turn it on me.
Thank you, I hope so too. yeah she is a cunt and I wish I knew how crooked she was before this incident.
I guess the biggest regret I have is not talking as much to others. The main reason I regret this is because in the 7th grade, a girl i knew committed suicide. I blamed myself for it even though I knew it wasn’t my fault, but I had so many chances to talk to her and possibly do something about it. But fuck it, I’m a lot more happier now and I’m able to talk to others more openly and better, so it ain’t a bad ending.
When I was about 15 I was at a small party with some of my drugy friends when some random wiger fag showed up and for no reason other than he was an annoying wannabe gangster we hog tied him beat him and repeatedly stabbed him with fists full of throwing darts in his arms and legs so it wouldn't kill him we just wanted to torture him
in 2010 i suffered from a psychotic fugue in which i blacked out and told my sister, who had been sexually assaulted, that it was her fault for walking around in the wrong part of town.
it caused a schism in my family that lasted for 8 years. we just started speaking again last Christmas.
I wish I remembered enough to regret, but I'm not sure what set it off. I cant remember my childhood either.
Story time
> be me
> 10 years ago
> 22 yrs old living it up
> still in college at the time in Richmond, VA
> knew this chick since 9th grade
> she’s had the same bf for years
> he’s an army bro
> He and I never held a conversation longer than 20 seconds
> ships out again
> chick hits me up every time she gets lonely
> we fuck sometimes, notbad.jpeg
> get drunk as fuck and go at the slampig
> she tells me to blow it in her
> sweating bullets whatdo.png
> fuck it and blow my mighty load
> swears she’s on bc
> her bf comes back from war shit
> saw combat, lost friends
> feelsbadman.jpg
> says I can’t talk to her anymore
> she marries dude and blocks me on social
> 4 years later see her
> see her and a kid
> says it’s mine
> the little bastard looks a lot like me when I was that age
> says she won’t out me because she married the dude and the ol’ bastard died overseas from chicken pox or something stupid
> she gets a fuckload of money for her AND the kid she claims is his
> mfw this nigga raised my bastard, and went back to fight for the bonus so he could pay for a family that wasn’t really his
Addicted to masturbating to ntr weeb shit.
In highschool I used to sneak-fart next to the fat new kid all the time, he had just moved in from Oregon or something.
I did this so much they would even blame him fir basically any bad smell all the time. All because he was fat.
At some point even a teacher talked to him about "that gas problem".
By the end of school year everyone would call him Farty Marty (yes, his name was Martin).
yikes, what happened after you let him go /his escape?
I feel guilty about how often I still think/dream about my first girlfriend. We dated for my senior year of high school and that summer, tried long distance when we went to separate colleges, couldn't make it work (she kissed another guy at a party and I couldn't trust her anymore), and I haven't felt anything close to what I felt when I was with her since then. I'm about to start my senior year of college now and I've had to block all of her social media accounts because I can't help but checking in on her and every time it just makes me hurt. She's been dating someone for at least a year now as far as I could gather from her instagram and talking with old mutual friends, but every girl I've been with has paled in comparison to her. I feel guilty that I still think about her when she probably doesn't even remember my favorite days we spent together. I dream of bumping into her every time I go out when we're both home for the summer like now, but in reality I know it would just be awkward and probably humiliating. I just want to go back
Just like everyone else on this board
I'm a full blown racist. Despite years of denial and trying to mental gymnastic my way around it, I have failed to convince myself that black people are equal to every other race. I'm not a white supremacist... I'm a black inferiorist. Every race is capable of living up to (or surpassing) white-tier excellence... except blacks. They just have too much animal instinct in them to function on a higher level.
And that's bad because......?
Well now I have another thing to confess. I lost hard to that story.
He thought we were going to kill him so most of the night he was begging for his life so we took his driver's license from him and told him that if the cops were to arrest or even question one of us word would get out and we would come kill him and sadly at that point in my life with how strong out and fucked in the head I was I probably would have and I know for sure my buddy daren would have
Because I live in a city that's 50% black and 50% hard left liberal whites who worship the ground blacks walk on. I have a whole city-to-one majority against me, so I have to be pretty goddamn cocky to believe that I'm right...
>be me
>Friend invites me to some office party
>ok whatever
>arrive at his boss' party
>holy horder
>holy horderX2 I think there is a real chance that this building will collapse given the amount of shit in it.
I get bored and look around. I am not an antique expert but I do know what an "IBM Enhanced Keyboard" is. I break away from whatever they are doin.
Nice dubs
What do you come from so that you convince people to kill their kids?
I have a girlfriend, but I secretly want to go behind her back, sissify myself, and whore out to whoever will take me. I’ve got a feminine figure, and when I try (waxing, makeup), I make for an attractive slut. I’d like to try cruising, since I live in a location rich with truckers, just don’t know what I’d do in defense if attacked. In my perfect world, I’d be the mindless slave princess to some BBCs
Go on
>find closet with Model Ms
>Some in boxes
>try to maintain composure
>Just so happens I knew a guy with a dumptruck at the time
>dumptruck pulls up
>Model ms liberated from the party
>sold them for $75-100 per piece
Pic related - the one I kept
How many did you take? How did you get them out of the party unnoticed? Why are you a faggot?
Damn man, youre doing better now i hope?
The fact i'm an autistic faggot, and that i'll probably end up being a jobless NEET instead of actually getting a good job for my aforementioned autism. Also, a lot of stressful shit is going on in my life, and I constantly want to shoot myself.
Meant to tag but for some reason it didn't Another thing I feel shitty for is the summer after 4th grade there were these two brothers down the road from me that were nasty wight trash and they had stolen some of my pokemon cards so a couple days later I noticed the door leading into there carport was open so I sneaked over to peak in and see if I could somehow get them back but they were in there livingroom watching tv and I wouldn't be able to sneak past but as I was sneaking back out I saw some lighter fluid so I grabbed that and a frisbee that was in there carport doused the frisbee with the lighter fluid lit it on fire and threw it into there house hopping to burn there house down and took off later found out that it only started a small fire and they were able to put it out
Just under 300. The party was in a crazy unused office complex and I don't have a good answer to that other than it wasn't the kind of place that was looking for dorky white guys making off with keyboards. Are YOU a faggot?
Explain the stressful shit faggot
So in the summer between 8th grade and freshman year, I had this friend who was very slutty, always sent nudes, had Skype sex ect, so I was going over to her house and the plan was to just play with some titties as I was but a lonely beta and just wanted to know the touch of a woman, what actually happened I will most certainly never forget, I get there and we head to the basement and as soon as we get to the couch her tits are already out, I just start going ham on them, sucking on them and fondling them, after about an hour of just play xbox and fondling titties I decided to test the waters, me being rock hard for about 45 minutes I take my dick out and I just slowly guide her hand to my cock as she keeps watching YouTube and I just guided her hand up and down my shaft, she was hesitant but willing to keep going and after about 15 minutes I came so hard I'm almost certain I hit her ceiling. We drifted apart after that and she became a huge liberal thot, I'm almost certain not a single soul knews about this until right now.
Anything else happen?
The whole "hair dye" nine yards or what?
Ever hit it again?
I'm in the army and was on a trip out of state for some training. It was multi branch so very relaxed compared to our normal standards. Last night there we hit the town which happens to be a college town. Get pretty plastered and go home with a chick, dick her raw, and mid fuck realize what I'm doing (at this point I'd been doing touch and goes with consciousness). She went to the bathroom for a minute and I grabbed my shit and booked it. Spent the next hour drunkenly navigating my way back to our hotel since I'd apparently taken an Uber to her apartment. Throughout the walk everything weighed pretty heavily on me and I couldn't believe what I'd done. It's been almost a year since then and the worst part is that I feel nothing towards the whole situation. It doesn't bother me at all and I don't know why.
"Can I have your autograph?"
He said to the
Fat blonde actress
I am now luckily but for a long time I did some really shitty and shady things to support my drug habit then friends started dying or going to prison I ended up getting stabbed and shot a few times then I started hanging out with this hot hippie chick and I started doing shrooms and they made me a much happier person and I started to reflect on my life and got out before I ended up dead
what the fuck does this even mean
Correction shot at not shot I was shot at a couple of times but luckily never hit they had bad aim and I was a fast runner
How the fuck did you even do this
40 year old kissless hugless dateless fucking conversationless virgin autist who still lives with his parents here. I can relate. But, I have managed to hold down a job the past 18 years. It's a shitty min-wage kid's job that's pretty embarrassing to have at my age, but it beats being a food stamp leech playing minecraft 7 hours a day. Just get whatever job you can manage even if it's lame... makes you feel better about yourself, and having some money to buy yourself some toys is always nice.
...and also don't buy a gun, because there were several times in the past where I totally would have killed myself if it only took a trigger pull. By the time I got off my lazy depressed ass and rigged up a half-assed noose, I had enough time to contemplate just how bad it would suck to strangle to death with a broken neck, and pussied out on it. Would have been way too easy with a gun. Wouldn't have to get out of bed, wouldn't have to suffer or think about it... just grab the gun and BAM.
Buy an analog synthesizer instead. Costs less and the fascinating sounds will make you not want to die anymore.
quit being a faggot and enjoy the high life
imagine being thirty-two years old and writing this online
i relate very strongly to this and i dont know what to do about it
I mean, does it help that I feel only slightly guilty?
white "men" be like
no, the main emphasis was supposed to be on you being thirty-two years old and still going on Yea Forums and writing this shit
Niggers be like
40 year old Yea Forumstard confirmed.
>An old man sold my team his daughters, young ones. They were pretty fucked up before we got there but for sure ruined after we left.
Story time?
Right, I mean I get that, but also don’t care. Nice try, nigger.
Probably bullshit especially as when it comes to Prison sentences the killer often snitches in order to try to get out of it or cut down their sentence (so your ass would be in Prison with him and you would be getting your ass whooped for encouraging the murder of Children).
So prove it faggot
Yes go on
Any sex slave action?
I've spent a significant amount of money buying nudes from girls online, even though I'm happily married and get laid pretty much whenever I want.
One girl I found on the bigboobproblems subreddit, (seriously - they're real, they're huge, and they're spectacular) she sold me snaps but never let me save anything. I saved everything she ever sent me, including a ~8 minute long video of her blowing a guy that ended in a facial
I also bought nudes from a girl that I originally found on Tumblr, and I've been trying to reconnect with her because I'm pretty sure she broke up with her boyfriend.
I had another girl on Tumblr who was this sort of hot alternative Asian girl but she is kind of gross now so I don't really care about her.
Finally, a girl I know through a friend had nudes leak (including a video of her getting fucked in the ass by her now husband), and I ended up buying nudes from her little sister, who thinks I'm just a rando... gotta say having nudes from sisters is pretty great.
Ultimately, every girl has a price, even if she plays coy. I think it's kind of fucked up how I view some of my female friends, because I know they'd likely whore themselves out for the right amount of money too
It's up to you to go round, say goodbye, give your contact details to who you want to keep in touch with.
Stop gazing at the ground and look people in the eye. Especially women. Don't look at their tits, look in the eyes.
So how much money for each girl and total overall?
Whats the approach, like how do u word it?
Overall? Probably like $500-600? I usually just ask if they'd ever consider selling nudes, and am pretty chill about if they say no. Just ask that if they reconsider they let me know...and then usually within a few days they'll say ok well how much are we talking, etc.
I haven't done it for a while because I am afraid of getting caught by my wife. However, a friend of ours' niece just turned 18 and broke up with her boyfriend and she is incredibly hot with this amazing body and I've thought about reaching out to her, but not sure if it's worth the risk
At one point I was obsessed with showing off my exes huge tits to guys that I knew had a crush on her. She was really bitchy and a little big but had a pretty face and I loved showing her tits off like I was proud of them. We were already broken up when I started doing it but she would still let me take pictures and I showed them to some of her guy friends when I was drunk. She just had these huge tits and small nips and it became like a parasite to me. I talked to her about exhibition stuff before and she seemed into it but what I did was without her knowledge. I think she secretly gets off to the idea but acts like such a prude.
I'll hit her up and if its a go then you're in
I'll just be like "ohhhhhh my other account" type bs
And you're in