Life fucking sucks

Life fucking sucks.
Would a fleshlight/fleshjack alleviate my stress?

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Yeah it helps

It did for me. Way better than regular fapping depending on which one you get.

Nope. It sucks. Is not even close to the real thing. Just get on pof and sweet talk some ham beast.

Yeah I would totally get one that one looks like the exact same one that I have it's the anus model

Might help. The one I got came with a wall mount which was nice. Make sure you get tons of lube if you decide to buy one though

Yeah, the ass fleshjack is the one I’m thinking of getting.
People irl are way too annoying, all I want is to fuck a good hole at the end of a stressful day.

Probly somewhat. I like to put mine in between my matresses and fuck it. Kinda simulates sex in a way

A bitch to clean, not as good as a warm wet hole. Rent a prost or fuck a slut, or just jerk off. Flashlights are more trouble than they’re worth.

Do it after a long day that one really grips good around your cock

no, try joining a cult or something

This guy obviously doesn't get it.
Obviously it's nothing like real pussy, it's made out of lifeless silicone without a body attached to it that speaks, moans, breaths, etc.
That's the whole point behind it!
If your just interested in fapping, a Fleshlight is a great recommendation IMO, without having to be bothered with buying it an overly expensive breakfast the next day...
It's like comparing playing in the Superbowl next to playing NFL Blitz on your couch.

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>not listening to HFO audios and coming hands free after a week of NoFap™

Dumped her memories

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until you have to clean it


you dont

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It helps yeah, but you'll miss out the initial struggle, crying and begs to stop.... On the other hand you don't need to disassemble it to dispose of it after it's served it's purpose.

I have a 50lb ass and I use my hands most the time feels better tbh, ig years of beating my dick but the answer is no, browse /fit/ and make gains and you will feel 100x more better than the feeling of nutting and looking at yourself with a fleshlight.

Yeah I dont really care bout cleaning mine tbh

this hit me in the feels

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Same poster as here.
Honestly wtf, all you have to do is run some warm water through it to clean out the nut inside. It's like a 10 second job ffs. And it's not like the Fleshlight bursts into flames or starts molding it's own shroomfarm inside if you don't clean it withing a minute after use or anything.
You're fine OP, my advice is to invest the lousy 60 bucks in one of these things and form your own opinion about it.

Assuming you dont cum as fast as you can, it legit helped me be amazing at sex to the point where my girlfriend cums more than I do
Have fun bro,I suggest a tenga

Perfect, that’s how I’d like it. Hopefully clean won’t be too much of a bitch.

This guy gets it.

Yeah, I’ll just buy one next month and see for myself.
Worst case scenario I won’t like it.

Do you enjoy yours, if you have one?

It's worth it, definitely. But it's also fairly easy to build one yourself. Just 10 minutes ago I successfully stole the neighbor girls shoe and fucked it using two sponges and a latex glove :)

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They're fun for like 4-5 times then it becomes more annoying to use than its worth. I haven't used mine in a year.

Is it the clean up that puts you off?

Very much so. Again, sex and masturbation are two different things.
But if you're looking for a good masturbation tool, this is the way to go IMO.
Much better than just your hand, and also much better than thosee makeshift fleshlights made out of sponges and latex gloves like Like you said yourself; worst case scenario is you lose 60 bucks on something you don't like.

as a person that owns 4 fleshlight and 3 onaholes
save your money and just buy some lotion or oils

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Pretty much described every girlfriend I ever had, what's your point?

Now would you rather put up with a girl or a sex toy?

Yeah. It's not bad but it's just an inconvenience. It feels the best when you warm it in water but that just adds another step to it. Then after cleaning it you have to make sure its completely dry.

I don't have to put up with a sex toy, it's an inanimate object ya dingus!

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Nice dubs, but toal nonsense though.

A sponge fleshlight is only bad if you don't possess any basic skills at crafting

someone start posting dudes using fleshlights

For a moment.


Fair enough.

Anyone else here dislike Fleshlights due to quality and price and prefer a japanese onahole? Cause that is what I would recommend.

It's great till you have to clean it

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Onahole? I’m listening...

/fit/ dude rock climbing steroid user here. I get super turned on by watching myself use the fleshlight in the mirror. More jacked i get the better it feels.

>also not gay

Nice, the faggots arrived

tfw cactus is my bf

That’s our secret, user, we’ve been here all along.

Have you tried Tenga eggs? Easy to clean, cheap -- they are probably not super durable, but the one I got is still going strong a month later.


How many times have you used it in the past month?

I disagree, i think the material allows for bacteria to grow under the surface in my experience. Even with thorough cleaning with warm water and soap before and after every use, it still accumulated infection

That’s a scary thought.
Have there been reports of used fleshlight that cause infections?

then throw some detol in there, warm water rinse it out a few seconds

soap won't do shiet

no. only killing yourself would end your suffering.

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it certainly certainly can, to the point where you dont need studies, we just know they can. Thats why you're told to thoroughly wash them. That doesn't mean they're necessarily dangerous, a raw steak will accumulate infection too but its safe to fuck. But infectability is always a concern for engineers when designing these materials, and nothing has really solved the problem yet

yes.. and drugs. take drugs and masturbate.

millennial starter pack

I've had mine for over 5 years. It still looks and feels like on the day I got it and I only rinse it with warm water. My dick hasn't fallen off yet nor caused any STD's.