Take acid

take acid

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Took it twice. First time was amazing. Second time, after the friend that had to take care of me did some research, I had gone through an "ego death." Worst night of my fucking life.

jfc burn that motherfucker out

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i thought ego deaths usually felt ambivalent or something similar, why did it suck?

been there, not good...psychological damage was palpable.

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i felt lost & broken.

but i was already broken. i just wasn't prepared 4 acid. no coping mechanisms in place.

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Acid has never fucked me user but mushrooms DEFINITELY fucked my head up. Extreme ego death, kept thinking I might be dead and my consciousness was just catching up to my death because drugs. I was in my own home with friends and even that didn't help.
End of trip was amnesia and me not able to remember who I was for another few hours. Fuckin scary. Totally my fault though too big of a dose.

But lsd? Never ever a bad time

funny, reverse for me. shrooms were so pleasant and sexy and amazing and peaceful etc..but acid wash harsh and scary and painful

Acid made laugh til my sides died. Then I ate my girlfriend's pussy out for 6 hours.

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In my experience with people it's usually like that, one or the other. Rare to find someone who enjoys both.

After the shitshow, we found out that the 2 tabs I took were more like 8 or 10 because the other tabs on the sheet didn't work at all for any of my other friends the next night. We figured the dealer was lazy and I got the whole thing.

I am not usually a deep thinker, but a really good high started to go south at an EDM show (first one. Don't even listen to EDM). 3 people dressed in all red came up to me while having a smoke and the girl in the group kept staring at me and asking me if I was on anything. She told me I was fun and wouldn't leave my side the whole show. I began to think the three people in red were cops and their presence initiated the sharp downhill turn. I would find out the next day that they were just concert goers and genuinely thought I was fun. They eventually left me because they could tell I was freaking out. Eventually, I began to think everyone was out to get me. Every passerby was only there to judge me. I would look at the crowd in front of me and I saw a thousand phones and all of the sudden they were on me recording me (they weren't) Somehow I began to think I was dead and in hell. I experienced what I thought was different levels of punishment when in reality, my friend was just trying to keep me safe (I thought he was a demon in disguise). I would look at my phone and 2 minutes passed by, but it felt like a thousand years. I began to try to throw my possessions away and told my friend I was dead, in hell, and I didn't need my stuff anymore. I would rationalize various events as me being punished for things I did in my life and made crazy connections to fit the thought. I got so exhausted from 'dying' over and over again that I eventually gave in to it and just let the world go by. 2 days later, I was finally back to normal.

i would love to get my hands on a ten strip and prepare for some good trips.
but right now isnt a good time in my life to take acid. need to get my shit together a bit first.

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not a good time. its hard to express with words the darkness, the depths of depravity

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that sounds scary as hell. ive never tried acid or psychedelics but ive heard often that trying to keep control is both futile and extremely dangerous.

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I can't believe acid is still around. What a shit drug.

How does this image make you feel?

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a 12 year old,

we gotta do this?

for fuk sake i cant believe alcohol is still around, such a shit drug.

scared, cant look too long, wtf?

Some insanw things I did while in this state

-told the 3 in red I needed EMS services.
-tried to tell a bartender and several concert goers that I needed help but couldn't tell them why (my speech was absolutely FUCKED)
- sat down in the middle of a busy hallway and refused to get up for, what I thought, was a long time because I was dead and the change was too much to handle
-called my mom and told her that I took acid and died and to tell my first love (that I haven't talked to in years) that I loved her
-successfully threw my phone, wallet, and other important items in the garbage, but my friend recovered them when I wasn't looking
-picked up a water bottle next to me and chugged it and finding out my friend had to give someone 5 bucks for it because I stole it
- ran infront of traffic
- shoved an open palm into a venue employees face when he wouldn't give me a cigarette which my friend had to once again save my ass from
- once I got to the apartment we were crashing in, I somehow got out and the guys had to find me and bring me back

Luckily, I had a lot of good karma built up because I am usually the DD or responsible one so I have saved their asses 1000 times over. I made it out of that feeling like a tool, but only mentally damaged and not in a jail cell.

>> How does this image make you feel?
Like someone ran a median filter on a photograph.

huh, this pic really makes me want to take acid...

I'm trying, but my connect is being flaky God dammit

The first time was exactly what I wanted it to be. Everything was great and my trip sitter didn't have to do anything but maybe talk for me when I was at the peak and lost the ability to form proper words. I loved it. The second time was enough to never want to do it again.

Without a trip sitter, it's dangerous. My buddy was an experienced acid taker, but he also took it so he had a difficult time takingcare of me because once I went downhill, I was bringing him down. Luckily he was functioning just enough to save my ass.

i love acid, never had a bad time really.

but i just moved to dallas area last month and dont really know anyone. found plenty of pot dealers by asking around but nobody with an lsd connect. i found someone who 'maybe' can get me shrooms but idk :/

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I'd fuck Greta in the butt, no lube


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i like both but i dont take huge amounts of either.
i like shrooms because the trip is relatively short and it's more organic, wild and natural feeling.
i like LSD because you're tripping for 10-12 hours but it's a clean, straight-forward, predictable trip... well at least compared to shrooms.

wtf is this horrific image anyway? am i missing something?

well the last time i took acid something interesting happened
i was watching a movie
suddenly the dialogue started to slow down
and then it slowed down so much they were talking backwards
my vision began to warp
my living room began tearing apart
between the cracks was nothing just darkness
it warped so much my living room began to take the shape of a very skinny lanky person
the creature was literally everything as there was nothing outside of it even the sound from the tv was coming from it
the only thing i can describe it as is god
my vision and hearing was only like this for what felt like 10 min so it was probably more like 2 min

anyways i was just on acid so i dont really take these things seriously
its called a trip for a reason
small vacation from reality

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It really made me feel like pic related

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This looks like the best ylyl thread

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