I had a very loving cat and today I had released it into the woods. Goodbye Moby

I had a very loving cat and today I had released it into the woods. Goodbye Moby

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So Moby will either be Coyote food or starve to death?

Why the fuck did you not just adopt him out?

You are a bad person

who cares

Moby back yet?

Why though?


I do or I would not have asked.

You should of heard his poor meows

OP is a faggot for releasing a domesticated cat out into the wild. should've just given it away or to a cat shelter.
until it adapts properly, it's going to be prey and won't even really know it until it's too late.
good news is that cats adjust relatively quick (two-four weeks) when released into the wild.
compared to dogs (two or more months)
or horses (years)
I'd say moby will be okay. but nature will run its course either way. OP is still a faggot, however.

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I often do rescue work for animals.
I would have offered you up to $500 for transportation. My condolences to your cat.

RIP Moby

It was a park, im sure he will find his way to a house or something

moby will seek out another human to adopt as their cat parent.
I live in the country and a lot of people drive out just to abandon their pets. usually cats.
I have about a dozen domesticated cats calling my property home and frequently come up to me.
there's even a feral cat that's beginning to gain my trust. feral cats almost never have anything to do with a human. generally if kittens or young cats have no contact with a human, they will completely aovid them. but this one was so hungry and so desperate she waited by my door for food. doesn't know what petting is. doesn't meow.

kind of sucks what OP did but w/e

If it's a park he's probably looking for another human caregiver rather than assimilating into the wild.
More likely to get killed by a car having no car sense, though.

thank me later

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What if a sociopath finds it

You're a cunt in case no one's ever told you.

Sociopaths hate other humans.
Cats are OK.

-a sociopath

It's probably a sociopath who released it.

Op already did
>takes domesticated animal
>feels nothing about releasing it into the wild
>confused by criticism

not confused, I understand

>had a loving cat
>will Moby become coyote food now?!
>eh, who cares
good thread

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Okay I meant someone who abuses animals then Mr. Sociopath

As I said before.
I care.
So Op is out a couple hundred dollars.

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if everyone in my house died, all 3 of our cats would survive for a long time, they spend more time outside than inside.
Cats are not pack animals like dogs and are good at hunting even if domesticated.


Dont worry, he has both front and back claws

Yes, The cat was loving. You? Not so much.

You resigned that cat to certain doom. You are a totally and complete faggot.

how would you know the cat was loving?

No but while on the topic you should make a new email made for receiving spam, download the PETA Points app, spend 1-2 hours signing every petition available, then when you have enough points you can get shit like shirts and accessories for free. I have a cute shirt I love now and I am not even vegan.