Waifu thread
Waifu thread
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Waifu is waifu.
I'm pretty sure that's Cream Team. How're your eyebrows, dude?
That it was! I woke up late. My bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wasn't even the ideal time.
Pretty sure you slept through it regardless, so what's it matter?
Heading out for a bit. Have fun chatting everyone!
I did, but it's the principal of the matter!
nice duke
If there's no difference in the outcome, and the principal was to try to annoy you, then the principle was a failure either way, so it doesn't matter, no?
Playing with waifu
whats her naem?
Nice glove
Cram it moo loo.
moo cram it loo
right here
Duke of Gloveism?
Glad she was able to save her game before falling aslep
Vidya of course
duke of dukism
Decided against trolling a little. Have a hug.
I know your waifu's history. She's too pure for the world. Lots of sadness and love. I can't seriously mess with a Chiaki poster long.
I know right?
She did not deserve it...
Thanks for your condsideration
Yea but she was the only one Junko could have used to make the entire class fall that hard so fast because everyone had love for her. I think even Junko saw why people would like her and the despair it would trigger so she had to do it. That's just how Junko is.
Yes you are right there....
So how was your day?
Tired. I stayed up so late last night. I'm one of the early posters from the start of the thread before this but don't feel like waifu posting yet. The night was rough on me.
Wow that really sounds harsh for you
I hope you are feeling better at this moment
Did you try sleeping?
I did sleep, but did not rest. I got plenty of hours but I think the fact the sun was up during a portion of the time causing the light to fill my room made it not the best. I already lost most of the day without sleeping more.
>Be me
>Feral enjoyer
>Never cared for human skin much
>Want Loli foxgirl gf
>But this one...
>She's done shitty things I will never agree with
>She's old as fuck
>Not a Loli, furry, Pokémon, foxgirl, or even a cute feral fox
>Fucking insane
>Despite all that
>All of that
>She still gets my heart pumping
Why am I like this?
Oh I see...
What makes you feel that?
I feel the same when finals are coming because those exams are almost impossible
I know the game she's from. Lewwwwwd
Mmhm. A day lost is a day you can not get back. I'd rather find a way to have fun or be protective rather then sleep it away if I can avoid it..
I love her
Ah well you are right there..
Now that I am remenber it finals are actually coming but fortunately it is just 1 exam
I think I will go for now. I'll have some coffee, a shower, and come back hopefully awake enough to chat while posting my waifu. It was nice Chiaki poster-chan
Well it was a nice to talk with you user-kun
I hope we talk again soon
That is a cute waifu
>when you take a nice nap after taking a nice nap
This calls for a nice nap.
yours is cute too :)
1. You're retarded.
2. You're a closet pedophile.
3. Kill yourself.
Nigger Faggot has joined the thread
Heyo. It's nice to see you awake. I even woke up early wondering when we'd get to hang out.
well i stayed up until 9 last night so big whoop
No u
Aha, I saw when I posted in the other waifu board about twelve? Hours ago.
guess what
Hey there Yui-chan
How was your day?
Chicken butt!
yeah, almost 12 by now
oh it's the actual one
hi there, Sono-chan
it's okay... i woke up recently and stuff could've changed to make it better
Nigger faggot, tfu.
Nigger faggot, tfu.
Ah okay(?)
Glad to hear it
Where have you been?
at home.
unless you mean the past week. i was in Vermont on vacation. i wasn't able to tell anyone ITT because i was banned on the day of departure.
Hello, how was your day?
Are you okay?
Are you relaxing right now?
Vermont sounds comfy
i gotta brb
waking up, eating, and talking
yes, but not in VT, and soon i won't
it is comfy. nice cities, great rurals. fun place
I guess...
Where are you going..?
I'm doing alright....
Why does your waifu play so much vidya?
Maybe I should go there too
I need a vacation...
Because she is the ultimate gamer!
What's in it for her?
Nice eyebrows
Louise I got a present for you
What's in it for you?
Sorry for not understanding that question, my english has been getting worse and worse by time
Your English seems fine. You're just talking to an idiot.
Mine too
What does your waifu get out of playing video games all the time? Does she get paid for it?
Thanks Shizuru-chan
Well she plays videogames for fun because that is her hobby
Maybe she just likes playing games, don't be sexist bro
ah, i see, okay...
That seems to be a popular hobby nowadays, but I still don't see how people find it fun...
There is no reward for completing the game
Girls don't really play video game, dude :/
People find it fun because it's fun to beat challenges presented by a game, or they enjoy being immersed in a constructed world, or are entertained by an interactive story... not really about the material rewards.
Girls statistically are basically 50% of the people who play games... they just don't usually play the hardcore pc and console games because those are made with a young male demographic in mind.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mhm, I see...
That makes sense...
Do some people see it as a temporary escape from reality?
Heh my sister used to play a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Gun Star Heros... then a lot of Megaman X
You just read my mind user and I could not agree more
Seibah is cute
to NYC to meet you
it's nice! we could meet up this winter, maybe!
...seriously? I have this weekend off from work, I would actually enjoy that
I get a bad vibe from you...
-stays away-
hello Kase-chan!
how's the kids?
well, now you make me excited, but no, not really.
maybe another time, though. i always wanted to visit NYC again. last time i went i was 6 or something.
cant choose a waifu between samus and lucina. any help?
oh oke
hey yui!
the kids are fine! it's been a normal uneventful day!
how about yui?
Why do you let others pick your women?
got my hopes up for nothing
you're not missing much... Manhattan turned to shit because all the rich Asians are pushing the whites into the outer boroughs...
They're not taking care of the infrastructure...
They just want money
They both suck
Grow up
Eeeeee stop scaring meee
cause i cant choose, so whatever.
Well if I have enough money I could go there
Maybe Samus(?)
do both
it's also been a normal, uneventful day! how tragic
i was talking to you about meeting you
sorry Sono-chan, maybe next summer
everyone wants money, So-chan
do you need help getting money?
>made with a young male demographic in mind.
As far as i'm aware, there's not a particularly large market for more hardcore games for girls.
The "50% of gamers are girls" stat is super misleading. A huge number of those girls are just playing solitaire and bejeweled or what have you to pass a little time. They have no desire to play anything more complicated.
Do you honestly think there'd be a huge market with lots of demand that nobody is trying to fill?
Games marketed specifically for girls don't exist in large numbers because there's not a large number of girl gamers demanding them.
I'm not making any kind of feminist argument bro, just standing the facts.
So-chan is a cute name.
awh... it'll be fun, but I think I will be living with my boyfriend by that time...
He just wants to wave his big psychological cock around, don't listen
is that tragic?
oh yeah, sono and i are the same person, i forgot
Not trying to sperg out or something. That stat just bothers me. It's a deliberate (by the people doing the study, not you) distortion of definitions to mislead people.
Well maybe in July I could work to gain money but that will take a long time...
Don't tell her!!!
You obviously don't know anything about women
Work is starting, bye everyone!!!
I'll be back at 1am EST
you're welcome. i find a single syllable followed by -chan always makes a cute name, just ask Kachi
and where does he live? it's not like i have to go to NYC. i've talked about meeting people on the other side of the Prime Meridian.
it's easy to forget, i can see.
it's okay, i'll cover the costs.
we can go to a fancy ski resort.
Those are still games. Don't pull some no-true-Scotsman fallacy for what does and doesn't constitute a game.
I said I wasn't making an argument, but mean just from an anecdotal standpoint, just about every women I've known including my mom has played all sorts of games. They don't usually sit and waste 4 hours a day on them, and sometimes they get put off by how every big 'hardcore' game is about shooting people these days. That's how women are, I get that. I've directed them to more wholesome yet still complicated games and they have a good time with those.
see ya, me!
mhm, sometimes i forget about all the other personalities rattling around in here
i can be your devil or yuor devil!
i meant your angle*
but tbh that works too
I mean angel*
have fun
don't stay up too late
things weren't the same since you left Shawshank
Kas, i'm already a demon.
>hiroshima "fukushima" nagasaki just can't not fuck up the Yea Forums servers at least once a day
We back, tho.
Yay that would be a ton of fun!
nah, the typo is part of the meme*
hey there Yuu-chan!!!!
is something wrong?
woohoo! see you this winter!
hi cute
everything is so complicated and fast-paced on the outside... the prison walls have grown to be a source of comfort
heaven's not my kind of place anyway
hiya yuu! how's it going?
Take that for sure
Goodnight for all of you
Hope everyone had a great day
no, why do you ask?
im alright, tired, day is just starting and stuff.. watching some youtube for now
how're you?
sounds chill as usual!
i woke up pretty late and had some food... that was about it for my day lol
yesterday i played vr chat for a while and had some interesting interactions... i think i might've ended up on someone's stream as well lol
i don't remember their name tho
something something scrape your name into the wall and hang from a support beam
welcome to Outer Heaven, boss
sleep well! have a great night!
i don't know, i was just worried.
Tsu-chan isn't here yet, unfortunately. i guess that just leaves more time for us together
you said something last night that i think was important but i forgot it.
>kase was here
kept you surpassing metal gear, huh
you know, i used to be part of this club or something, called Dance Dance VR (DDVR). really cool people, but a bit too much partying for my taste. met some interesting folks there, though
do you know who Bananers is? the answer may surprise you
oh, goodness, i have so many fond memories of my past. i would love to go back...
yes this
kept your snake solid, huh?
>Interesting interactions
Mmm... Udon...
in vr chat? did you do any dancing?~
i hadn't heard of them i don't think, looking them up now they appear to do a lot of dancing... i assume you came across them?
it can be a pretty good time, i'd love for you to join me sometime!
>so was yui
my snake is already nanomachines, son
nah, just chatting! sorry to disappoint
hey there Purps!
hm, not really. i'd like to, but FBT is difficult for me to set up currently. maybe later when i get that new setup i told you about, though
yes, they were in an avatar world when a couple of their representatives passed by. i figured i'd join along and i got over to where i am now
let me buy you a VR
oh no...
Kaz, kept you a demon, huh?
Hello! Yeah, I am. I'm eating udon soup.
yes it's pretty nice
sounds like a good day
oh sounds neat, hope that was fun
vr chat seems kind of spooky though, too many people..
thank you. but yea i'm alright right now
y-yea, don't go asking any weird questions though..
uhh, maybe? i'm not sure, it was probably nothing
hi how're you?
Ahahaha everything is a sex joke with you around. Be honest with yourself.
im bored, you respond really slow :P
>you respond really slow
Literally everyone responds slow in this thread, except for a few dedicated NEETs whose only source of communication are, in fact, these threads.
oh, that sounds tasty! i love udon!
i hope you enjoy it a lot!
up to anything else?
ah, alright. i'm glad you're alright.
okay, okay, i won't...
yeah, probably. i hope so.
>except for a few dedicated NEETs whose only source of communication are, in fact, these threads.
Heh, so you call yourself a NEET? You have decent response time.
Yes. Awoo!
It is, and I did. Also, I do plan on downloading and managing some things on my computer. I'll probably start doing that now.
seems complicated in general! ah, that would be cool... i'm curious what kinda moves yui can do!
nice! i wonder if you ended up on one of their videos
over to where you are now?
let you? well you are free to do what you want
it's oke, red lives!
i can be your angle or yuor devil huh
sounds yum!
it's a normal day at least lol
yeah it was neat! vr chat can be a little overwhelming at times, sometimes it's good to go to a world with a smaller number of players and just kinda hang out with those people!
i can get shy and nervous and not end up talking to anyone sometimes, it depends on how confident i'm feeling i suppose... tho i'd love to join you and help you feel more comfortable if you ever want to play it!
i-i've said a few suggestive things but usually i'm quite wholesome in the waifu threads!! pls no mean
doubt anybody only communicates via thread, most people have discord these days
awoo are shit, nyans are better
You and...
We gotta have awoooos and nyans! May the most adorable win!
Hehe.. pls no mean. That's just great. Nothing wrong with being a little suggestive. Everyone's got a naughty side..
It is! Or... Was... Thanks!
Oh... Rude...
Thank you, but I don't really want to win...
yes, well, when i'm not busy or playing vidya, this is usually my main attention
but i should probably stop because i have better things to do
ah, alright! enjoy managing things
... Chemo enjoyed managing things on his computer, too
i always had an interested for C walking, despite not exactly enjoying hip hop. i always thought it could be paired with other genres, and i think i have to agree
probably not, honestly
being a boring, old, crusty boomer slowly dying in these threads
okay i'm buying it
and so does Andy and they go over to... somewhere, Mexico to make a hotel or something!
nanomachines, huh?
hey there, Mai-chan.
feeling alright tonight?
Its already bothering me because things aren't working how I want them to and I need to fix try and fix it or find a way around it... Heheh... Also, who is that?
sometimes the truth hurts
y-yea i'm kind of bad with replies and stuff..
i played some terraria yesterday, there's too much stuff to do... i dont know if i really want to continue
why do i not believe you for some reason..
it's okay
what're you up to?
yea, seems like something that'd overwhelm me easily..
maybe i'd try it out again at some point though, idk.. i did try it out a bit a year ago or so but quit pretty quickly
yeah. ricing can be difficult! it sucks, but at the end, you get a super nice computer skills or something!
just somebody...
you're welcome
probably for the same reason i don't believe you
i hope so.
nothing. chatting. being boring. i wanted to watch YouTube videos or play a VR game, but i'm always distracted. there's too many people in my life. i understand why Kei-chan left, now
I have the house to myself so I'm listening to the Mirror Man sessions on my speakers and I'm going to improv over it with my keyboard and kazoo
oh, that sounds fun! i hope you enjoy it a lot!
having the house to myself allows me to do fun stuff with noise, too... but i often don't because... i'm scared
theres not too much to do, how far in are you?
ah, i guess so... do you think i should just embrace it and be lewd kase?~
i'm glad you had some tasty food!
ah, that's a neat little type of dance! i've never really done much dancing so i don't know any styles... when i do get drunk enough to do it, i just end up swinging my hips or something lol
aw, that's a shame
did joining them turn you into a boomer or something??
kept you huh
i imagine it would... that's something that would overwhelm me irl but for me games and online stuff is kinda different for some reason
glad to hear you might be slightly interested! i'd make sure it was as fun and comfy as possible! maybe even on a world with no one else!
Mmm yeeep your awooo would be suuuuper adorable. You are confident of your victory!
Ahaha, she thinks the nyaah has nothing on her.
Hah it would be funny to see. It's up to you. Do what you think is fun Kase.
Long time no chat
I guess if you aren't here I'll bother you lots on discord then!
Post prostate massager before I molest Yui
Post awoo
Whatever you say...
Eh... I guess so. I'm not doing anything on my linux computer though. Just normie windows. Heheh... Also, I think I told you before, but I don't really know anyone...
I am too! Food is good... I like food...
Oh... Okay then. If you say so...
Not if I get Yui first! Hah
yes, i find it very impressive. i feel it can be very urban but also very classy.
why don't you try swinging your arms up and down like Seagal?
eh, not like i needed it or cared.
no, but leaving them may as well marked that i did.
for you
kept you a demon, huh?
i might not always prefer that but okay
well, ricing a Windows machine!
oh, that's okay. sorry to bother you
You get the molests now! *Plops on!*
Psh, don't act like you don't like our chats on Discord.
Annnd... maybe a little lewd but if I didn't get you first t hey would have.
i'll just be me! hehe
food is good! i also like food! i like food a little too much...
well tbf i have done a lot of intentionally dumb dance moves but rarely put in a sincere effort to dance well
but yui coulda been sorta-semi-notreally-famous!
ah i see... maybe you should return sometime then!
my snake is already a demon
just do this youtube.com
ehhh it's fine.
maybe later, when i get a better setup
demons? in Skyrim? so the rumors are true
that reminds me about my epic Skyrim dream
> she saw the K-on futa hentai
Post prostate massager
oh great, a split