Is hate speech worse than abortion?

Is hate speech worse than abortion?

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there's nothing wrong with either. Abortion keeps the nigger population down

if it wasn't for abortion white people in the US would be the minority already

Niggers who get abortions end up having kids anyway though a week later.

my sides

There is no such thing as hate speech. There is either free speech or not free speech. Abortion is fucking awful.




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Life is suffering and torment. People who reproduce are psychopathic sadists; they're far more evil than any pedophile or murderer. Abortion isn't an ideal solution, but it's not evil either. Death isn't the enemy, pain is.

So this means that once a fetus is born, you have to be ok with funding healthcare, education and food services. Basically you have to be supporting of welfare if you are pro life. So you better be ok with that.

unfortunately true

yes because those are not babies, they are fetuses.

nah there is hate speech and abortion isn't anything. it's a cluster of cells, fuck off

nah abortions are an unmitigated good

abortion is only an issue with bible thumpers,nobody else cares about it.

You hear that a lot, but there's no actual logic to it. The prolife movement is about parents being responsible for their children. You can advocate for murder to remain illegal without supporting a yang gang style payout to people just for breathing and you can be against abortion without thinking it's the state's responsibility to care for everyone's children.

A lot of people actually enjoy life. Not people that espouse your views, but a lot of other people.

Still, the ammount of net niggers is lower than if abortions didn't exist.

>abortion is fucking awful
>scrolls past god knows how many cp threads on here

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Its not illegal to drive unbuckled either but there a lot of people getting charged with it

nah cuz it isn't murder because it's a fetus not a person.

Fuck me

"birthday" is hate speech
a fetus becomes a baby on conceptionday!

no it doesn't. a fetus isn't a baby.

that's fucking wrong, it's not even a fetus on conceptionday! It's an embryo!

If corporations can be people then a fetus can be too

not how the law works sorry

Both is bad but one is a necessary evil. The other just hold us back as a species. Guess which one.

abortion isn't bad

Abortion, how can I get a new one if they keep getting destroyed

a new what

youre a cluster of cells!

no, I'm much more than a cluster.

Only jesusfags and incel conservacucks give a fuck if a woman wants to have an abortion

where do they throw away those aborted kids? do they just throw them into the trash or something?

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they aren't kids, they are fetuses.

okay whatever. i dont really give a fuck what they are and whether its right or wrong. i just wanna know if they are thrown in the trahs or they make food out of them.

they definitely dont make food out of them idiot

sounds to me like you need to go fuck off with your right and left sjw snowflake bullshit you both are worthless anti freedom fuckers.
you right and left radical fucks need to find an island where you all can bitch and moan about other peoples cocks and vaginas all day like a bunch of worthless shit stains that you are.
White men are dying to big pharma in droves bringing down the national fucking life expectancy.
and you are worried about other peoples dicks and vaginas. and the left is worried about being offensive.
you both are two sides to a coin made of shit.

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What about non-viable pregnancies? Are those good for abortion then?

Eh, the hate speech. Knowing that your group has treated their group in the most horrific ways imaginable, and you still think it's okay to take the piss out of them. The other, sad, but I support a woman's right to bodily autonomy, no matter how developed the little parasite is.

Hate speech does not exist.

I wish you were aborted.

The irony of this is that Margaret Sanger was actually anti-abortion. She just favoured other ways of practising eugenics.

anti freedom fuck worried about stupid shit while white brothers and sisters die to boomers and left and right sjw policies about "im worried about dicks and vaginas!!!

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Both are equally good

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No they aren't, the national life expectacy has been going up for fucking decades. Life expectancy for white males is going down due to symptoms of despair: substance abuse, taking risks, and not making good long term choices.

It's got nothing to do with "big pharma" and everything to do with "shit is fucked".

yes it does

no, it does, but only fucking spazs like right and left pussies worry about shit like that. they worry about shit that doesnt matter.
"but but my christian stuff vagina gay cock wahahahhhhh"

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If they can pass a law that abortions cause cancer, or that a buttstock is a gun, or that pot is more addictive than crack, or a tattoo is rape or that that porn is more dangerous than cigarettes they can easily pass a law saying fetuses are babies
Laws help the rich profit from the poor. They have nothing to do with reality or truth or guilt or innocence.

There are so many laws that the average American now accidentally commits 3 felonies per day young thug.
America has become a nation of criminals
And we already know thug lives don't matter

People have been debating this for years. Prolife people call it an unborn child and count it as a life. Prochoice people call it a fetus and don't count it as a life. Both sides believe it has the potential to become a life at some point. The difference is at what point between conception and birth does it become a life. It's not a binary choice, but a spectrum. Not all prolife people would mourn a stillbirth after two months like they'd mourn the death of a toddler just as most prochoice people wouldn't accept a medically unnecessary abortion at eight and a half months. People have projected this false dichotomy onto this issue for political messaging reasons. It's a lot easier to say you're either pro life or pro choice than to express nuance regarding this issue of morality.

they can't pass those laws though. Those are factual statements. A law has nothing to do with facts.

Ooh, harsh. That really hurt. Seriously though, it really got to me and I'm feeling sad after you said that.

nah there is no debate. There's science and medicine and then religion.

And religion is wrong.

It's like seatbelt laws it only exists if you're already breaking another law

Wrong fuck head, tucker carlson and other reported it, posted the facts, Yang brought it up too and tucker was screaming happy that he did to address it.
you ignorant dumb fuck, go worry about some other dudes cocks and your anti freedom ways. we in the middle will worry about actual problems, you worthless fuck.
go mutilate more dicks fuck head.

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All those laws have already passed you ignorant thug

nah see I just posted evidence against you and you are screaming "NO MY APPEAL TO AUTHORITY IS STRONGER"

sorry, using more angry language doesn't make you more right.

no they haven't

Washington has become the first state to legalize the composting of human remains, offering people a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional burial or cremation.
From embalming chemicals that leach into groundwater to transportation emissions. Many cremation facilities lack modern filtration systems and spew carbon dioxide and mercury into the atmosphere, prompting Indiana to become the first state to require these embalmings or cremations for every cluster of cells produced by miscarriage

>prolife missionary

cool, that doesn't make a fetus a baby


Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.


"To be clear, food and beverages do not contain any aborted fetal material"

btw here is more shit, just google it you fucking traitor, white men are dying and your country is dying and you are worried about vaginas and dicks.
Trump is giving jobs to all immigrants with children and he is also giving them healthcare!
but ohh trump so good lets worry about dicks while the country burns down!

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You don’t follow instructions we’ll do you?

the fact you don't understand the difference between a fact and a law is pretty hilarious

>still doesn't provide any sources
>still thinks being angrier makes him righter

Try again.

No it makes earth into mars

You want to qualify that in any way? Is it because of your mass? Is it because of the complexity of your body vis-a-vi a second trimester fetus? Is it your ability to survive outside of a womb? Does changing technology allowing premature babies to survive earlier impact the definition of human life?

I support abortion but I think it’s the worse of the two. Stick and stones will break my bones by names will never hurt me...nigger

The fact that you think a law doesn't exist if you don't like it is what's hilarious

just linked it to you, you ignorant fuck, its huge news about the expectancy.
good lord you are so fucking stupid.

any more needed fat sac of traitor shit? want to shill more fat sac of traitor shit?
I am going to get some vodka and fuck off.
go kiss my ass more for being wrong. FACTS!

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No, it's because I'm not a fetus.

again, it doesn't exist


“We are seeing an alarming increase in deaths from substance abuse and despair,” said Steven Woolf, an associate professor of emergency medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University and co-author of the report.

In your own fucking article, it's saying it's due to substance abuse and despair you fucking moron

At what point does "science' declare an unborn child to be a living human?

You are so fucking stupid


so again, you are blaming BIG PHARMA for people being in so much despair that they get into substance abuse, which is mostly alcohol?

Alright. Seems dumb. But okay.

I win you lose, deal with it, I am gonna go eat you ignorant fucks, google it for yourselves for even conservatives bitching about it.
google it, theirs over 50 links even to fox news you dumb sac of shit.
im done with you, you cant even read or google shit, what ar eyou a boomer? cant close all your black cuck porn you wierdo fuck?

try to read more every news source reported it, I gave ya the top 2.

you literally gave a source that confirmed what I said and not what you said lmao

You lose buddy! Nice self own!

You're saying that anything defined as a fetus isn't a human life?

A fetus is a defined as a developing human from between 2 months past conception to birth?

Do you think it's acceptable for a pregnant woman in labor to choose to have an abortion for no medical purpose simply because she doesn't want to go through with the birth? Keep in mind a developing human nine months after conception that can survive outside of the womb is a fetus.

Same question, Is medically unnecessary abortion during labor acceptable?

That's not an abortion, that's a delivery. You need help with terms buddy.

and white women who are denied abortions have unloved children that become criminals. stop thinking you're crushing someone's chance at life, that is in fact not how the dimension of time works

That's NOT an abortion, by definition. It's a delivery.

Here's my pro choice stance regarding the life issue:
Morals are based on outcomes, not principles. In principle it's wrong to kill someone, but a cop who kills a criminal violent criminal and prevents further death isn't immoral for doing so. Whether the fetus is a life or not doesn't affect whether it's moral or not to abort it. In early months the fetus can't feel pain, and in some situations not aborting it exposes the potential child to neagative outcomes, like an abusive or unstable home or economic hardship, or unfit parents. In some contexts, there are more positive outcomes than neagitive ones therefore it isn't immoral to have an abortion, and in fact can even be moral considering the situations the child could be exposed to.

you don't know what you are talking about, educate yourself. there is no such thing as an abortion for a woman in labor.

Here are a few definitions of Fetus

Dr. Barbara Levy: The phrase "late-term abortion" is medically inaccurate and has no clinical meaning. In science and medicine, it's essential to use language precisely. In pregnancy, to be "late term" means to be past 41 weeks gestation, or past a patient's due date. Abortions do not occur in this time period, so the phrase is contradictory.

Dr. Jennifer Conti: In obstetrics, we don't divide pregnancies into terms. "Late term" is an invention of anti-abortion extremists to confuse, mislead and increase stigma. The appropriate language is "abortions later in pregnancy."

you might want to read up on how this actually works hun

You fail to understand the question. I am aware that an abortion during labor is illegal. What I'm asking is if you believe that such an abortion would be immoral. People are saying that anything that is a fetus isn't a human life and therefore may be aborted. An unborn child inside a mother that is about to give birth is a fetus. I'm asking if you think it is acceptable for the mother to have such a fetus destroyed when there is no medical need.

it's not illegal, it's just not how MEDICINE WORKS

no one brought legality into it, that is what it medically is. a delivery, not an abortion.

and I quote
"It's important to note, if a woman's health or life is at risk and the fetus is viable, delivery is pursued, not abortion.
In the case of either lethal fetal anomalies or complications that endanger a woman's life, it's essential that women and their physicians are able to consider the full range of appropriate treatments, whether that's abortion care, induction of labor or cesarean birth. Every pregnant woman's situation and medical condition are different, and there is no way to make a one-size-fits-all determination about the appropriate care."

I don't think it's acceptable because it isn't how it medically works. There is no option to abort at that term; the medically advised choice, and the ones doctors pursue, is a delivery.

Your invented situation simply isn't how it works.

I wasn't a self-ware human being until I was 4 or 5 years old. I actually still have a few memories of having been 5 years old. I could've died sooner than that and I wouldn't have been able to comprehend what was going on.

and that makes it okay to abort in the 54th trimester, I agree

I'm aware how the procedure is performed. They anesthetize the pregnant woman, dilate her to make room for the instruments, then they manually separate the fetus into smaller pieces and remove it piece by piece. The law is the only thing that prevents this from being done at nine months. I'm asking if you think the destruction of such a fetus would be morally acceptable.

No, that's not how it works after the point of viability, mostly because that has A HUGELY INCREASED RISK OF HARM TO THE MOTHER.

which is why a delivery is preferred. Get your facts straight buddy

no that causes enormous complications for the mother. its just not how it works

absolutely, because, as Doctor Levy says here:

"Levy: Abortion later in pregnancy is a very complex decision and, often, a very emotional one. We know that women who make the decision to have an abortion do so in a considered, deliberate fashion. This is especially true for women who have abortions later in pregnancy who are often facing devastating fetal diagnoses or life-threatening conditions that may introduce a multitude of clinical considerations into their decision-making."

I mean, unless you think that a woman is not entitled to her right to life, even in the late stages of pregnancy?

Women are the equivalent to soil. Just find a new patch of land to spread your seed.

any living being unborn or born should be terminated if they can't support themselves if unwanted, sorry just how it works.

disagree but alright incel

Lol what? Is this the new kike angle?
>> not only nigger bad mr murican u r nigger!

That procedure is illegal in all of The United States of America and in the vast majority of the world, but it is medically possible. It can be done. It has been done.

What I'm asking is if it is immoral. A question which you refuse to answer. Stating that it isn't medically possible is a lie. An out you seem to be selecting because you don't have a clear understanding of when a unborn child becomes a human life.

The only reason it is an option is because of ethics. It is medically feasible. I'm asking if it is immoral. It seems you're suggesting it is immoral because doctors have collectively decided that it is.

You're right. Soil wouldn't reject the seed, unless of course it was shitty soil. Neither would an animal smack it's belly with a hammer to kill its kid. A human female is far less than even a microscopic bug, but even they wouldn't kill their own.

So you're saying that it would be immoral because it's too dangerous for the pregnant woman. Not because of the destruction of the fetus.

There certainly are people this far to the end of the pro choice spectrum.

Life=\= personhood. Legalized abortion is good.

Hate speech exists but it's still free speech. There's nothing wrong with abortion. The photo op used is most likely a third trimester abortion, which makes up less than 1% of them.

Probably incinerated like other medical waste. Fetal stem cells used to be donated to labs for life saving research, but the current presidential administration is trying to stop that because it makes Jesus sad.

First trimester = undeveloped fetus for the most part
Third trimester = human being child (should be completely illegal to tamper with this)

Second trimester is where the conversation should be had. It's the period when the fetus develops into a child and theres a bit of grey area when this occurs exactly

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Its humanity is not dependent on its lack of personhood. You are a sociopath.

>There is nothing wrong with killing defenceless children


Based on that logic, you must think doctors who pull brain dead patients off the ventilator are sociopaths too.

>Believing a fetus is a person

there isn't, if the unborn fetus can't think for survive on it's own then it should be thrown away if the mother chooses.

A early term fetus is just as aware and capable of feeling pain as a brain dead patient. Is there anything wrong with pulling the plug on that patient? Espeacilly considering most of the time not commiting an abortion means exposing a child to abuse and poverty, neglect etc..

It's not going to come out an alligator or a fish. It only has one destination.

Bad example. But since you brought that up, doctors do all kind of fucked up practices routinely.

Netherlands and Switzerland both kill people with shit that could be recovered from some day like depression. They've even killed people with alcoholism which makes me sick. Idk you chose that poor example

During the majority of the first trimester, it's classified as an embryo, not a fetus.

And abortion should be legal without question until the third trimester. The fetus cannot feel pain nor manifest any conscious behavior until then.

>Believing human life and personhood are the same.

I guess we should round up and imprison all those doctors for pulling braindead patients off their ventilators.

Most six year old children would be dead within a week if no adult cared for them. In fact, most people would die if society didn't provide them the means to continue their existence. Should anyone that'd starve if if the grocery stores closed be considered fair game?

It's not a bad example. It establishes the difference between human life and personhood.
And there's guidelines in place regarding VAE and PAS so what you said is garbage and irrelevant

You yanks seem to do this all the time anyway!
You'll winge about abortion but god forbid gun control

its human from the point of conception though, this is irrefutable. what it is not is a person.

Not him but there's a difference between needing adult supervision and needing a direct biological connection for leeching nutrients

But that's the important question regarding rights, including the right to life.

Wouldn't matter, they kill themselves off with criminal activity and gangs.

you're a legit dumb shit.
its a human from the point of conception into a zygote. it doesnt go from being nothing to human just because it grows into likeness. that is personhood, not its human nature. retard.

>conflating personhood with humanity for the sake of your murderous desire

>literally stating its better to kill someone than to expose them to poverty
hahahaha the state of sociopaths hhahahaa

you're a retard.

>there is any cp on Yea Forums

right to life does not rely on personhood but humanity.

Bullshit unenlightened position. A child in the mid-late second trimester has a beating heart, developed limbs, begins recognizing its mother's muffled voice through the womb, has a sleep cycle, identifiable gender, and most importantly a developed nervous system and brain tissue.

You're either trolling or have an extremely underdeveloped amygdala

Time to vomit

don't see how those compare at all, again this is about the woman's rights and if something is infringing on it be a fetus or some unconscious bag of meat that can't feed it self and survive then let her decide what's best. We don't get all uppity when you take antibiotics or anti-parasitic medications so why would it be the same if for a cry bag of flesh does the same?

Braindead patients ALSO have beating hearts because you don't need brain function for a beating heart, considering we all have a natural pacemaker in the right atrium. They don't show signs of recognizing their mother's voice until the third trimester, which I after I said abortions should be allowed without question.

Do your homework next time spouting trash.

A womans rights end when at the point of another humans life. Which is what a zygote irrefutably is. You're suggesting that a womans feelings are more important than a new humans life. Which makes you a sociopath addicted to irresponsibility. You have no allies here other than other harpee feminists.

Stop passing around useless terms like "personhood" you slippery slimey fuck. It's a stupid subjective term which can be used to your own leisure.
>they have guidelines!
More lies from you. Assisting the suicide of a mentally unwell, but physically well human is deeply unethical. If you attempt to defend executing someone with alcoholism, you're really fucking lost. Again, shit example


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Way more retarded that your schools are shot up every other week, yet some of the same people are more upset by the slightest suggestion of gun reform than abortions. Retard.

Then it's murder to pull someone who's braindead off a ventilator. They have a heartbeat, unique DNA, etc, so why is it ok to disconnect them from their life source?

Its a human from the point of conception into a zygote. Why does its ability to respond or perceive matter when its a growing human that will be able to given its not murdered? Oh wait it doesnt and people like you try to use personhood to excuse murder.

>talking about guns in an abortion debate
hahaha loser

Personhood isn't useless at all lol. It's and important term regarding rights and laws. And you still haven't explained why my example is bad. You're just triggered because you don't like it.

Yes, it certainly is. Its also murder to condemn a man to death but that also happens too. Doesnt change the fact that a zygote is human.

I like how you zoomed in on the heartbeat and ignored literally every other point I made you absolute moron.

A developing new lifeform is not in any way relatable to a perishing human on a deathbed you absolute braindead fuck

ITT: feminists and spinsters complaining about children they will never have and abortions they will never have

got to have sex and a partner first

it is illegal to drive unbuckled moron.

Heres a question for abortionists: if you could instead prematurely deliver the child and have it live in incubation, would that be preferable to abortion? Or do you just love the ability to kill?

A human's life doesn't begin until it develops some level consciousness, until then it's the same thing as any other living organism on the planet. Why should we force a living CONSCIOUS being to support a (lets be real, a parasite) if they don't? Isn't it more sociopathic to force that woman who now has to give up her dreams and ambitions to take care of clump of cells that's now outside of her? Wouldn't be sociopathic to murder any living thing outside of the womb if what you're saying is true?

Because, again,
A) human life and personhood are entirely different
B) responding to stimuli is a requirement for life, and a capability of consciousness is arguably the moment when personhood is established.
C) abortion isn't murder and it's not even a consensus in the medical community that conception=human life. The American Physicians Association has made public statements about how they don't support the idea that human life begins at conception.

>It's murder to pull someone who's braindead of a ventilator

And it's at this point we see you're too retarded to argue against. Without the brain, you cannot survive without extensive medical intervention and will never recover.

source: your ass
its a human from the point of conception into a zygote. You're mistaking personhood for humanity because then it excuses your murderous desires. >lets be real, a parasite
t. harpee feminist that doesnt know the definition of parasite
it cant be a parasite since its a human dumbass. personhood has no relevance here. keep crying though, I am sure there are enough stupids for you to be able to conflate personhood with humanity.

>it's not even a consensus in the medical community that conception=human life.
You're full of shit, enjoy the wave of medical and scientific quotes to follow that call you out on your bullshit.

Nice response retard.
You've proven my point that there are actually people more upset by the gun reform topic than actual abortions...
>just like you! :)

"Personhood" at least the post-modern utility of it, is complete trash. Using rhetoric, you can argue a huge percentage of the human population isn't a "person"
>average IQ in Africa is between 60-80
Clearly these arent people and should be hunted freely
>all those teenage girls that get a hormone burst and get depressed
Wow we should be helping these 13 year olds with suicide

Also you never confronted my example of alcoholics undergoing AS. Do you find executing an alcoholic to be deeply immoral?

Ever heard of a cycle of violence? Those exposed to violence at a young age become normalized to it and go on to be violent abusers themselves.
When you have a kid and you're poor, you basically gaurentee that you will never not be poor. You go from having 2 people working to having just one ( poor =no babysitter) and if you're a single mother you're even more fucked. Have a kid when you are economically stable and avoid that problem.
Again no pain in the fetus, no sled awareness. There are no negative outcomes=it's no morally wrong

>The following references illustrate the fact that a new human embryo, the starting point for a human life, comes into existence with the formation of the one-celled zygote:
>"Development of the embryo begins at Stage 1 when a sperm fertilizes an oocyte and together they form a zygote."
[England, Marjorie A. Life Before Birth. 2nd ed. England: Mosby-Wolfe, 1996, p.31]

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]

"Embryo: the developing organism from the time of fertilization until significant differentiation has occurred, when the organism becomes known as a fetus."
[Cloning Human Beings. Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Rockville, MD: GPO, 1997, Appendix-2.]

"Embryo: An organism in the earliest stage of development; in a man, from the time of conception to the end of the second month in the uterus."
[Dox, Ida G. et al. The Harper Collins Illustrated Medical Dictionary. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993, p. 146]

"Embryo: The early developing fertilized egg that is growing into another individual of the species. In man the term 'embryo' is usually restricted to the period of development from fertilization until the end of the eighth week of pregnancy."
[Walters, William and Singer, Peter (eds.). Test-Tube Babies. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1982, p. 160]

"The development of a human being begins with fertilization, a process by which two highly specialized cells, the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female, unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."
[Langman, Jan. Medical Embryology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1975, p. 3]

"Embryo: The developing individual between the union of the germ cells and the completion of the organs which characterize its body when it becomes a separate organism.... At the moment the sperm cell of the human male meets the ovum of the female and the union results in a fertilized ovum (zygote), a new life has begun.... The term embryo covers the several stages of early development from conception to the ninth or tenth week of life."
[Considine, Douglas (ed.). Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia. 5th edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1976, p. 943]

A) sleep cycles and development are necessary components for life either. If so, and full developed adult or someone with a damaged sleep cycle wouldnt be considered alive.
B) they both have functioning organs, unique DNA, a heartbeat, and so on. The reason we find it acceptable to pull someone off the ventilator is because they lost brain function. The brain is what makes us, not DNA or a heartbeat.

"The development of a human begins with fertilization, a process by which the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."
[Sadler, T.W. Langman's Medical Embryology. 7th edition. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins 1995, p. 3]

has been the stage at which these two nuclei [from sperm and egg] come together and the membranes between the two break down."
[Jonathan Van Blerkom of University of Colorado, expert witness on human embryology before the NIH Human Embryo Research Panel -- Panel Transcript, February 2, 1994, p. 63]

"Zygote. This cell, formed by the union of an ovum and a sperm (Gr. zyg tos, yoked together), represents the beginning of a human being. The common expression 'fertilized ovum' refers to the zygote."
[Moore, Keith L. and Persaud, T.V.N. Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects. 4th edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1993, p. 1]

"The chromosomes of the oocyte and sperm are...respectively enclosed within female and male pronuclei. These pronuclei fuse with each other to produce the single, diploid, 2N nucleus of the fertilized zygote. This moment of zygote formation may be taken as the beginning or zero time point of embryonic development."
[Larsen, William J. Human Embryology. 2nd edition. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1997, p. 17]

"Although life is a continuous process, fertilization is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new, genetically distinct human organism is thereby formed.... The combination of 23 chromosomes present in each pronucleus results in 46 chromosomes in the zygote. Thus the diploid number is restored and the embryonic genome is formed. The embryo now exists as a genetic unity."
[O'Rahilly, Ronan and M�ller, Fabiola. Human Embryology & Teratology. 2nd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1996, pp. 8, 29. This textbook lists "pre-embryo" among "discarded and replaced terms" in modern embryology, describing it as "ill-defined and inaccurate" (p. 12}]

"Almost all higher animals start their lives from a single cell, the fertilized ovum (zygote)... The time of fertilization represents the starting point in the life history, or ontogeny, of the individual."
[Carlson, Bruce M. Patten's Foundations of Embryology. 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 3]

Thanks for the (you)s. None of you seem to know what "consensus" means. It doesn't mean that nobody agrees with you: it means that there isn't a universal agreement in the medical community as to when human life nor personhood begins.

Cute try though

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Yeah nice strawman retard, doesnt change the fact human development starts from the point of conception into a zygote, it being a new human. Personhood has no relevance here. Deal with it you harpee legbeard


t. doesnt understand their bullshit is meaningless and you cant deny that human development starts from the point of conception into a zygote

Ever heard of you're grasping at straws because you want to be able to kill developing humans with impunity, legbeard?

A newborn can't feed itself. It's likely to die if you leave it alone for two days. It literally requires breast milk from it's mother or formula, which is essentially synthesized breast milk. I'm not sure why you say you can't see the connection when you seem to be deliberately choosing language that applies to both.

No strawman. Personhood is where all the relevance is. And I find it interesting how these braindead neckbeards love to riot at abortion clinics yet are silent when it comes to fertility clinics, where they throw away thousands of zygotes.

>A bunch of feminists think abortion is ok. This means basic scientific fact is now a matter of opinion

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha dumb fuck hahahahahahahahaha

go ahead and get some dissenting opinions that come from a point of actual academic reputation then retard, because I could keep going but Ive made my point already

>personhood is where all the relevance is
for you, a pro abortion feminist because then you can try to evade the nagging fact that you're stopping a human life from developing and living, which is to say, murdering it

Actually you sign the fine print when you decide to push your viewpoint onto others. People that advocate for abortion will probably bring up the fact that said people can't afford to raise the child of the first place; to which some of you would say well shouldn't have enjoyed sexual intercourse then. But you were well aware that on top of not wanting it, many of these people can't afford to raise their burden, so you're by default helping bring the child into the welfare system. To which some of you might say well just put it up for adoption, to which I say again, more welfare inducing; and to top it off you know damn well some of these ugly minority babies won't be getting adopted, so there's a high chance you contribute to crime rate by forcing their existance as well but that one is an opinion.

ITT: triggered abortionist feminist harpees

now I wonder why they completely ignored this:
> if you could instead prematurely deliver the child and have it live in incubation, would that be preferable to abortion? Or do you just love the ability to kill?

>The American Physicians Association is a feminist organization without scientific fact
>Implying the APA has no scientific merit


I'm sorry that I burst your bubble and hurt your feelings, but the fact remains that there isn't a consensus as to when human life nor personhood begins. Stay mad.

Well, that proves YOU'RE a fucking idiot, OP.

The point flew over your head so let me place it in terms better suited for your IQ level
A)one example is a terminally Ill patient, which execution can be argued for/against to ease suffering
B)the other example is a life form, if given time and left to a healthy mother's volition, will almost certainly develop into a healthy child, barring rare omplications

The legality of terminating life support is based on the premise that the person dying either chose that or that someone with a legal right to make that decision for them did. It's not murder because the individual consents and the law has carved out an exception for this case. This isn't the only case of the law permitting one to take another's life.

Honestly I'm pretty split on abortion. If you do it, you have just killed a baby. If you don't do it, (and don't want the baby) the numbers of children in foster care increase, a number of them getting mistreated.

>one organisation
>no quote
>multiple sourced quotes from biologists, geneticists, scientists

haahahahahahahaha you fucking loser hahahahahahaha

you kill humans when you abort, lack of personhood has no bearing, DEAL WITH IT YOU FEMINIST COMMIE HARPEE

But what if they are nigger babies?

I don't care, it's about the woman and her RIGHTS. we should NOT force ANYONE with CONSCIOUSNESS to take care of a humanLIKE creature if they choose not too.

It's very simple, a living CONSCIOUS being > just an other clump of unaware cells.

I'm pro-choice, not pro-abortion. I don't care if you get one or not, but the choice should remain. And abortion isn't murder.

Murder: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

-it's not unlawful
-it's arguably not a person (see the relevance now)
-there is no malice. Nobody is getting an abortion to punish the fetus or because they hate it.

So how is it murder again?

abortionists: if you could instead prematurely deliver the child and have it live in incubation, would that be preferable to abortion? Or do you just love the ability to kill?

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hahaha cant bring that retardation out here and expect to get anywhere because its not /pol/
you're fucked, legbeard

>the same community that thinks pumping a healthy 13 year old boy with estrogen to permanently alter his puberty cycle so he can "transition" is good, thinks abortion is cool too!

Nice argument bro

THIS user I like!!

>I'm pro-choice, not pro-abortion
hahaha actually thinking there is a difference hahahahahahahahahahaha

I cant deny human development starts there, you're right. I simply dont see any harm in early abortions because it's essentially a parasite at that point. I think people need to look after themselves properly before looking after anything else I wouldnt want to force someone who isn't ready to look after a dog, to have a dog... nevermind an actual child!



Hope that answers your questions

abortionists: if you could instead prematurely deliver the child and have it live in incubation, would that be preferable to abortion? Or do you just love the ability to kill ?

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So your argument boils down to "but if left alone it WILL be a person"? If I leave an accorn in the ground, it will grow to be a tree. Does that mean if I dig it up before it grows to a tree, I killed a tree? No, because potential to be x doesn't mean it should be treated as x. It shouldn't be considered a person because it will one-day become one if left alone.

>a human is a parasite
hahaha thanks for making it easy for the mainstream to completely disregard your opinion you genuine brainlet
you might want to check the definition of parasite and the definition of a zygote, tard

Abortion ought to only be illegal for white babies.

abortionists: if you could instead prematurely deliver the child and have it live in incubation, would that be preferable to abortion? Or do you just love the ability to kill


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Most abortions are done before that's an option. Bur if it is an option then I would advocate for it over abortion. In situations where the fetus feels pain I don't support abortion, I support adoption. It's about the consequences of the actions, not the principle of the act.

If the individual didn't give any choice beforehand, it goes to the family or the hospital ethics board though.

I mean if people need them, better to let them do it safely. I'd rather not have one, but it isn't my right to impose that on other people...

Why cant people just mind their own fucking business?

Do you know the medical circumstances surrounding those abortions?

Often there are pressing medical concerns that require late term abortion. A simple blanket “abortion = bad” is pretty fucking retarded, and if that’s your stance, then you aren’t qualified to have an opinion and it is therefore worthless.

Get a medical degree and come back to us

The consequence of stopping a zygote from further developing is the person that human would be is preemptively destroyed, its feelings are irrelevant. it is human from the point of conception into a zygote.

The largest organization of doctors in the US vs people with no medical background. And again, the keyword here is CONSENSUS. Yes there are people who think as you do, but they aren't the majority.

Stay mad smelly incel

>people need them
heres a nice fact for you: even aborting "to save the mother" is bullshit because they can just deliver it instead, there are no complications en mass or even on the fringe that requires a killing rather than premature birth.

>Implying the medical community is a hivemind

Please go back to /pol/ if you're going to jerk yourself off with inaccuracies


Puritanical religious zealot retards think giving an industry over to black market operators is better than having trained/taxed/regulated professionals do it.
Same for drugs.
They tried it with alcohol.
They are trying it now with abortions.

They are too stupid to learn from their mistakes. Preferring to let their emotions guide their decision making rather than evidence/facts

It was a figure of speech.
Anyway, clearly you let your feelings get in the way of actually putting together decent response...

You’re wrong.

>Translation: I've never heard of an ectopic pregnancy

Pro-birthers are retarded

hahahaha you have nothing but your own opinions masquerading as scientific fact and you are rejecting masses of actual geneticists, scientists and biologists quotes from sourced university grade scientific texts because it means you cant escape the IRREFUTABLE SCIENTIFIC FACT that zygotes are the start of human development and life regardless of personhood hahahahaha

Abortionists are foot soldiers of the baphomet.
The baphomet requires human sacrifice.

Primordial evil must ever be satiated with executed human children

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>just a figure of speech bro
hahahahaha yeah now you say that because the reality is far different and so all you have is opinion framed as fact

hahaha dumb fuck

You guys really like nitpicking huh?
Who are you to say if someone needs it or not?

>actually thinking that zygote will survive into a child to begin with
hahahahaha dumb fuck hahahahahaha

They literally haven’t

>medical community is a hivemind
That's what you were implying with your original point

Do some Google time...number of women who die from being denied abortion vs. number died from abortion.

Yeah, it's like that.

need = it will literally kill you if not
the rest is WANT
which means feelings are more important than the new individuals life
which means you're a harpee feminist legbeard
dumb cunt


Now I’m all for it.


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>Actually you sign the fine print when you decide to push your viewpoint onto others.

You want that to be true, but it isn't. The only think you've stated linking the prolife movement to the welfare movement is your desire for it to exist. Believing that parents are responsible for their children does not necessitate a belief in the necessity of a welfare state that takes on that responsibility.

One could go so far as to argue that the welfare movement is about the state taking on the responsibility of others and that it's only natural for the prolife movement to reject it as part of an ethos of self reliance and responsibility while the prochoice movement is focused on the state reducing individual responsibility as part of an ethos of collectivism.

So cool

Now I want an abortion

Fact: the vast majority or pro-lifers are either:

A) religious nuts who think God makes a magic soul as soon as conception takes place (despite the fact that the Bible says life begins when the baby breathes on their own), or
B) incels who are pissed that women are having sex with men who aren't them, so they push the pro-life (read: pro-forced birth) agenda to punish women.

Change my mind.

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worse for what? comparing two different moral dilemmas makes you look like a tool and fucking tard, i bet you have an ugly incomplete mustache

Why to put words in my mouth. I didnt argue that at all you fuck, I was pointing out how moronic it was of you to compare a fetus to a terminally Ill patient when in reality these two examples are direct contrasts of each other.

>implying you would ever be in a position to be inseminated to begin with

I notice a lot of pro abortion cunts seem to be old spinsters that have no eggs left to begin with. Strange...

Funny how the second they are born you lose all interest in their welfare.

A) what part of "no consensus" are you having trouble understanding
B) in terms of legality and right, person hood does matter

Stay salty

triple dubs

have sex

Built on the notion of development, so I wasn't putting words in your mouth

Someone else must take responsibility for acting as the individual's proxy as the choice must be made. The law has many means of determining who is best fit to make this choice and this is common knowledge. Failing to make an affirmative choice by setting up a living will is consent.

>implying you have to want to kill developing humans if you disagree with welfare
bottom of the barrel huh dumb fuck
bet you wish you could appeal to racism now huh
maybe you should go back to /pol/

>implying I would ever be in a position to be impregnated
Considering I don’t have a womb or ovaries, that’s a given but I want to be down with Satan.

A guy can dream

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I haven't made any factual statement.
I just put my opinion forward. Retards like yourself clearly cant seem to handle a talk with who dont see things their way...

>no consensus
according to you, a random shitposting pro abortionist vs literally a consensus of opinions from actual geneticists, biologists, scientists sourced from higher learning grade science textbooks
hahahaha you have nothing you absolute braindead cunt, nothing but OPINION

That's not true. If there's no expressed wishes, the family has the choice to withdraw treatment. If no family or friends can be found, the doctors choose what they think is best.

Your logical leap took you off a cliff there.

Might I suggest you reign it in there you hysterical flailing faggot

So you're some dumb fuck tranny fighting for feminist spinster roastie rights
yeah you're a regular rosa parks, dumbass

I just want true gender equal rights. If a woman can terminate a child without the Father's consent, then a father should be able to terminate his responsibilities up to the moment if birth. Pro-choice men

It being a life doesnt matter. Its bad to kill people because they feel pain, others will mourn then, they feel fear at their mortality etc. None of those things apply to a early term fetus. And the consequences of letting it live is exposing it to an enviorment where it will become a bad person ( not in every circumstances, but in the ones that I'm referring to where an abortion is moral.)

nice so you agree all you have is opinion, and that opinion is "killing humans in the womb is ok man"

thanks bro

hahaha you have nothing cunt, nothing

LMAO he thinks satan is real

100% straight white hetro dude.

Your argument simply convinced me that I should have more abortions

>no one will mourn them
but parents do mourn them
people that respect human life mourn them
there goes that arbitrary set of criteria

The APA doesn't count to you? Oof. Not to mention biologists and geneticists have no medical background so their opinion is worth less

>implying you're in a position to knock anyone up to begin with
hahahahah keep larping bitchboy

hahaha you have nothing cunt, nothing

Now you're just coming off as a roastie, Do you have meat flaps between your legs perchance?

I've noticed sluts get extremely insecure about abortion because it implies their actions have consequences

>whiteknighting over abortions
the absolute state of Yea Forums

hahahahah keep larping bitchboy

Luckily for everyone, you dont get to decide whether people need it or not, and neither do I :)
God damn I really upset you didn't I?

>Either you pay for my child or I kill it.

It doesn't work that way sweetie.

Amen brother

Wrong. Actual Luciferian here. Abortion is haram, but so is murder unless it justified. Keyword, justified.

why are you posting her number on every board thread?
what did this whore do to you, user?

>Still no quotes whatsoever
>assuming one quote from a politically biased organisation negates the masses of scientific literature that and accumulated scientific knowledge that states the zygote is the start of human development
hahahaha you absolute dumb cunt hahahahahahaha

what pray tell is a zygote if it is not human? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

White knighting ??

You clearly don’t know what a white knight is. There is no femanon here who’s honor I am defending.

You said Satan likes abortion.
Satan is my master.
Therefore, I should have abortions.

Curse this Male form!

looool thanks for the total concession, you're officially triggered

It doesn't work that way sweetie

>tfw you own a brainlet so hard all they can do is literally repeat everything you're saying
hahahahahaha this is an 18+ website user hahahahahaha

Actually I was wrong it's the American Medical Association, not physicians. My bad, but here you go. Read and weep.

hahahaha actually thinking I am upset over owning you cunts hahahahahahah

guess what legbeard
alabama is just the beginning ;)

looool thanks for the total concession, you're officially triggered

hahahahahaha this is an 18+ website user hahahahahaha

You're whiteknighting suggesting roastie rights are more important than developing humans rights to life, because you're a little bitchlet that thinks it will get you laid

I don't need to want anything to be anything, fact is most people that get abortions are minorities that can't afford their shitspawn and would give it a shitty upbringing in the first place. YOUR WANTS of being responsible for them does not matter, because they won't be just because you feel they should. YOU WANTING them to be self reliant won't make them any less dependent on the system. Lastly, your delusions aid to perpetuate the problem. I gave some visual aid but in case it hasn't clicked, you wanting shitty people to raise their children in a proper manner without being reliant on the welfare system is wishful thinking at best.

hahahaha actually thinking I am upset over owning you cunts hahahahahahah

guess what legbeard
alabama is just the beginning ;)

I also want to add that, again,
A) personhood and life are entirely different and
B) when it comes to medical practice and ethics, the opinions of doctors matter more than academics.

You're whiteknighting suggesting roastie rights are more important than developing humans rights to life, because you're a little bitchlet that thinks it will get you laid

And that's your opinion. I think it's okay, provided it's done early.
Although, If you were my son I'd have aborted you late :)

>we oppose this bill. this means that all scientific literature and consensus that opposes our decision is wrong.
Really telling that you both wont quote the relevant quote, and that you think a politically influenced association actually trumps scientific consensus. Actually suggesting a zygote isnt human. HAHAHAHAHAH

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What you fail to understand is that there is a system in place to make these choices in the event that one doesn't go out of the way to express their own wishes. Failing to make the choice for yourself is choosing to follow the guidelines in place, which means having someone else make the choice for you. That's consent.

According to you, an anonymous shitposter that is pro abortion and thus is trying to discredit and dismiss any reputable opinion or fact that gets in the way of you being able to pretend you're the moral person for arguing to kill developing humans due to lack of personhood.

keep trying, legbeard

>implying you have sex to begin with
hahahahaha sure

>a zygote isnt human.
It’s not.

>They disagree with me therefore they are politically biased


Read their statement. They have issue with the idea that collection of stem cells should be considered a human being rather than what they essentially are: a colony of cells with similar yet distinct DNA.

Return to /pol/ of this bubble-burst is too much to handle :)

>Actually thinking you win an argument by doing nothing but repeating every response until it fades out
hahahahha dumb children these days

Can you tell me exactly which part you owned us? To be clear, your opinion doesnt matter to me. Like how mine probably doesnt matter to you.
Although all I'm seeing is some tard getting emotional because they cant have everyone agree with them..

According to you, an anonymous shitposter that is pro abortion and thus is trying to discredit and dismiss any reputable opinion or fact that gets in the way of you being able to pretend you're the moral person for arguing to kill developing humans due to lack of personhood.

keep trying, legbeard

>Actually thinking you win an argument by doing nothing but repeating every response until it fades out
hahahahha dumb children these days

nice opinion which btw is 100% ANTI SCIENCE and fuelled by nothing but feminist delusion
hahahahah what exactly is a zygote then if it is not human, genius? You're saying that human reproduction results in somthing that isnt human? hahahahahahahahaha

Haha, that's priceless
Run along retard :)

quote their statement. oh wait you dont want to because all it amounts to is an opinion that vaguely supports your sociopathy. meanwhile there is complete scientific consensus that a zygote is human since HUURRR ITS THE RESULT OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION AND IS 100% HUMAN DNA IN AN EMBRYO WHICH CONSTITUTES NEW LIFE.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha dumb fuck hahahahahahahaha

Why is it so difficult for you to see the difference between human life and personhood, and the importance of that distinction? Do I need to get out my crayons for you to better comprehend?

I love how you dig out a few definitions and quotes from literally who academics and ignore the largest organization of doctors in the US, yet claim in the biased one.

Stay salty bitchboi

Good luck with that one. They'll argue that choosing to destroy a fetus isn't a form of ceding responsibility for a child.

FADEs out
FADes out
FAdes out
Fades out
fades out
fades ou
fades o

read it and weep you dumb cunt

nice opinion which btw is 100% ANTI SCIENCE and fuelled by nothing but feminist delusion
hahahahah what exactly is a zygote then if it is not human, genius? You're saying that human reproduction results in somthing that isnt human? hahahahahahahahaha

thanks for repeating my arguments user they are seen twice as much that way

t. spinster

quote their statement. oh wait you dont want to because all it amounts to is an opinion that vaguely supports your sociopathy. meanwhile there is complete scientific consensus that a zygote is human since HUURRR ITS THE RESULT OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION AND IS 100% HUMAN DNA IN AN EMBRYO WHICH CONSTITUTES NEW LIFE.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha dumb fuck hahahahahahahaha

thanks for repeating my arguments user they are seen twice as much that way

A few quotes and definitions isn't a consensus lol. But please ignore the largest organization of doctors in the US.

And again. Life=/=personhood.

Stay mad bitchboi

>still hasnt quoted anything
>still thinks you can state a zygote isnt human and not be laughed out of the room in any scientific institution
>still thinks political groups have a relevant opinion in a scientific debate
>thinks a consensus of scientific opinion is irrelevant unless it agrees with them

one institution vs consensus of scientific fact

>literal whos
hahahahah you just proved you have no clue whatsoever hahahahaha

Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy! :)
Please try not to cry too much when you go to bed

>still hasnt quoted anything

Impartial observer here.
You are shouting at a mirror and claiming you have won the argument.

Impartial observer here.
You are shouting at a mirror and claiming you have won the argument.

hahahaha enjoy the 404 you absolute retards :)

>still hasnt quoted anything

That's not me, but you're welcome :)

That guy is fucking cool btw and would totally beat you in a fight

Thank God abortion is legal

hahahaha enjoy the 404 you absolute retards :)

It’s clearly triggering you

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>impartial observer
sure tard, you couldnt handle the debate so you started just repeating everything and think that makes me the idiot for continuing to own you. whoops

not everywhere
and not forever ;)

>impartial observer
sure tard, you couldnt handle the debate so you started just repeating everything and think that makes me the idiot for continuing to own you. whoops

>has to rely on delusions of beating me up because you lost so hard
hahahahahah a little bitchlet like you would be getting your teeth kicked in 30 seconds into it haha

sure bro

Not seeing much owning from your side mate, you seem a bit upset?

Is it really that easy to win a debate on Yea Forums?

Just copy paste the post until they give up?

Cheat code activated

They literally quoted in my link that they don't support the notion that life begins at conception. And again, a few quotes doesn't mean consensus. Show me a source that there is a scientific and medical consensus that life begins at conception.

And, as I've said over and over again, life isn't person hood.

Stay mad bitchboiiii

sure bro

>actually thinks they are winning by doing nothing but repeating arguments and samefagging on page 6 past bump limit after getting totally and completely owned
thanks retards that was fun but I am done pooping now ;)

>has to rely on delusions of beating me up because you lost so hard
hahahahahah a little bitchlet like you would be getting your teeth kicked in 30 seconds into it haha

>repeating words until 404 means you win

>actually thinks they are winning by doing nothing but repeating arguments and samefagging on page 6 past bump limit after getting totally and completely owned
thanks retards that was fun but I am done pooping now ;)

Spoken like a true collectivist. People aren't responsible for their actions. That state is responsible for them. Your assertion is based in the notion that everyone will succeed regardless even if they only make mistakes. Become a drug addict? The state is responsible. Squander every opportunity presented to you and end up in financial ruin? The state is responsible. Have children you cannot support? The state is responsible. No one will fail because the state will pick up the slack. The state will force the productive to clean up your mess over and over again because you cannot be allowed to fail because you aren't responsible. The state is responsible.

Not everyone subscribes to that philosophy.

Abortion isn't going anywhere. Even if SCOTUS manages to overturn roe v wade Congress will never have the numbers to pass a federal ban. Blue states will keep abortion legal while the red states will be filled to the brim with welfare babies

Rage quit


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>comes back with exactly what he just tried slating me for...
You never cease to surprise me user :)

What reasoning

What reason could you POSSIBLY give for aborting a baby THAT late into development? A few months or so I get, but that "fetus" looks really close to birth.

>this consensus of medical, biological, geneticist and scientific opinion that is sourced from many college grade scientific text books is actually nothing because this association that gets funding via political bias says they have a different opinion
hahahahahaha dumb cunt hahahahahaha

Spoken like a true collectivist. People aren't responsible for their actions. That state is responsible for them. Your assertion is based in the notion that everyone will succeed regardless even if they only make mistakes. Become a drug addict? The state is responsible. Squander every opportunity presented to you and end up in financial ruin? The state is responsible. Have children you cannot support? The state is responsible. No one will fail because the state will pick up the slack. The state will force the productive to clean up your mess over and over again because you cannot be allowed to fail because you aren't responsible. The state is responsible.

Not everyone subscribes to that philosophy.

so blue states will abort themselves into irrelevance, big whoop

if you hadnt noticed I am still talking to people that are actually bringing debate, all you've done is copy paste every response and then called yourself winner
you're a legitimate retard lmao

>this consensus of medical, biological, geneticist and scientific opinion that is sourced from many college grade scientific text books is actually nothing because this association that gets funding via political bias says they have a different opinion
hahahahahaha dumb cunt hahahahahaha

if you hadnt noticed I am still talking to people that are actually bringing debate, all you've done is copy paste every response and then called yourself winner
you're a legitimate retard lmao

It's crazy how hurt you are by this...
Sleep tight!

>A handful of quotes I found on Google is a consensus of thousands of scientists


Back to /pol/ now. You failed to prove abortion is bad.

I think responding to them or acknowledging their posts in any way is them beating you.

Absolutely fucking brilliant, I love you user

hahaha keep larping faggot you idiots couldnt win the debate so you have nothing but ridicule and literal grade school level "arguments" and insults, which makes sense considering you have no real scientific education to display

Populations are still relatively stable in blue states, save for the retarded retired boomers leaving in droves to red states.


You’re welcome

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hahaha keep larping faggot you idiots couldnt win the debate so you have nothing but ridicule and literal grade school level "arguments" and insults, which makes sense considering you have no real scientific education to display

>a mass of scientific, biologist, geneticist and medical quotes are meaningless because my non existent quote in this referenced article says they have a different opinion
t. bitchlet brainlet

btw how did white people vote in the last election?

Says the guy screaming retard and cunt...
I thought you were going to bed?

ITT: triggered spinsters revert back to their true mental age and use grade school insults to cope


I never said I was going to bed I just said I finished pooping. Do you invent things often to "win" arguments?

Wasn’t he pooping?

He can’t help himself

Getting beaten by a 4th grader

Implying abortion should be legal because poor people will be poor if they have to take responsibility for their children. Let me guess, the evil conservatives are the bad guys because they won't pay for kid. Imagine being so greedy you'd kill your own kid because you don't want to stay poor. Imagine staying poor after killing your kid for money because you've done nothing to improve yourself. What an absolute state.

I never said I was going to bed I just said I finished pooping. Do you invent things often to "win" arguments?

>Still doesn't know what a consensus is
>Smelly braindead incel confirmed


Not sure, but I do know whites will be a minority by 2050.

ITT: triggered spinsters revert back to their true mental age and use grade school insults to cope



> a mass of scientific opinion that accepts a universally known fact to the point its used in education material is not a consensus but one quote from a politically funded association is

Abortion should be legal until the age of majority, give me one (1) good reason this should not be the case.

I’m a faggot!

You said it

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they voted overwhelmingly for trump.
because leftists abort their kids and so abort their own political lineage. instead opting to replace them with immigrants, the browner the better. because they are losers that hate themselves and their people. self destructive and doomed to failure. the sooner they are walled off into their own states to abort themselves to nothing, the better. :)

Not nearly as much as you need to feel this is a win for you...
It's okay, nearly all of your points have been invalidated by getting emotional rather than putting back a good argument :)

>Still doesn't understand that the opinions of the medical community matter more when it comes to medical procedures

thanks for letting me know, no wonder you want dead humans and abortion, you resent women for taking all the men


Your master plan has failed.

I’m genuinely embarrassed for you

hahahahahahaha if emotion mattered at all then personhood would be more important than humanity. but it isnt ;)