What if there was a new law where misbehaving college girls are forced to become public cumdumpsters as community service?
STDs dont exist in this world
What if there was a new law where misbehaving college girls are forced to become public cumdumpsters as community service?
STDs dont exist in this world
no girls would misbehave.
Then you might finally get laid.
cept the sluts
>so like 70%
some innocent girls might get falsely accused
Isn't that what misbehaving college girls already do
then we wouldn't be any better than muds, is that what you want user?
Doesn't matter, OP would still find a way to stay an incel
Girls would purposely misbehave
I smell incel all over this post.
Kys Porncel
oh no, that would be terrible
a world whre 70% of girls are used like that and 30% of them are scared of ending up like this is really hot
is it hotter if she's unwilling?
still violates human rights. how about we take little twinks like you and gangrape them in a black neighborhood for saying nigger. this won't be a law it will just happen out of social standards
Not another incel thread...
that's a hot scenario too