Whatever happened to the influence of masculinity? And why has it died down in our society?
Whatever happened to the influence of masculinity? And why has it died down in our society?
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nothing paranormal
Age of aquarius is upon is
The men overplayed their hand
source: a man
Because robots
Isn't Aquarius androgynous?
>source: a man
it's too toxic
wrong board.
What do you mean? I shovel stuff and run cattle everyday.
Asian "sexy" boys.
now that's what i call larping
"The Piscean values of money, power and control are being replaced. They do not resonate with the values of the new great cycle, the Age of Aquarius. Those values are love, brotherhood, unity and integrity."
Sounds like aquarius is has stronger feminine qualities than pisces at least
>love, brotherhood, unity and integrity
sounds more like you don't know any women
If I tell you, you'll tell me to go back to /pol/.
Yeah, the answer is pretty obvious. Not sure what the objective of this post was.
"our" society? where the fuck do you live?
Go shove yourself with a can Axe body spray while you watch the Superbowl/Brazzers, while you read GQ/Men's Health.
please tell us user
FTM freemartins aren't trying so hard anymore.
more feminine than money, power and control at least
lol this
yes because women aren't known for being materialistic and or manipulative
Masculinity, as you understand it, is a recent construct devised by marketing companies to sell shit. There was no golden age when men were men, only a time when most men engaged in manual labor.
Nowadays, men don’t engage in manual labor, so they act like every other decadent man throughout history.
Ironically, the men most concerned with affecting masculinity end up looking like or being closet faggots.
In short, there is no attack on masculinity. Marketing companies just want you to feel bad about yourself so you buy more shit you don’t need. The more you buy into it, the more of a slave you become.
If youd paid attention to the Iceburg/Truth chart threads that have been circulating on this board lately, youd have read about why there is a massive effort to eliminate cigarettes and boost onions.
Traditional ideas of gender are becoming irrelevant. It's just as simple as that. They aren't entirely irrelevant just yet, that's why there's been so much pushback against the evolution towards social androgyny, but eventually the preservation of the traditional idea of the masculine/feminine won't just be unnecessary, but horribly inefficient to human evolution. The biological differences between men and women have become increasingly irrelevant to the roles either can play in society, and this isn't due to some grand conspiracy of emasculation, but due to technology bridging the gaps of ability and genetics that had once confined us within the bounds of biologically deterministic societal roles. And honestly, we probably aren't that far off from genetic manipulation and body modification that will make all these thing null anyway, I really don't understand why everyone freaks the fuck out about trannies and women doing things men used to do and having opinions and shit. None of it will matter when anyone can be scaled fork-tongued cyborg with two cocks, a vagina and super-strength.
who said anything about manupulativeness? yes men are more materialistic
>dude physical labor
>dude shoveling shit all day
>dude chest hair
>dude beer steak and cigarettes
hahahah I love it, I'm a MAN™
holy shit. what a trash comment
Cigarettes are poison
Do you think Spartans, vikings or knights smoked?
no, but only because tobacco only grows in the new world
who need to smoke when you've got fires indoors
>so they act like every other decadent man throughout history.
>Ironically, the men most concerned with affecting masculinity end up l
nicotine is a testosterone booster
dont need factory workers and soldiers now.
need consumers
that's probably why women who smoke are disgusting
Not onions
yeah better than sucking cock
Additives are poison not tobacco. Just buy additive free cigarettes or roll your own tobacco and dont be a faggot and whine about flavor, menthol is for niggars.
Tobacco boosts testosterone and suppresses estrogen. Nicotine boosts memory, creativity and alertness among other benefits
because big round muscles were for the times we were cave dwellers, now we have technology, guns, and weapons and strenght wont matter in a battle, but speed. athlete masterrace, cope or get run over
>there is no attack on masculinity
There is no "need" for masculinity. The most anyone is hunting and gathering these days is a new Nintendo Switch. On top of this, the value of femininity has skyrocketed, and can only flourish in a time of relevant comfort. It's really no surprise how quickly the GNC and trans movement picked up steam. I wager in two decades or so, perfect androgyny will be the most desirable physique for men, if they are not outright femboys or proto-tranners.
We live in a society (unironically) that has benefited from its own technological prowess for quite some time. The advancements made through our technology have undermined the vital role (protection, providing) men have evolve to fill in the past. So on one hand men need to be less manly and aren’t as a natural result of the circumstances and stimuli that they are born into.
On the other hand this has led to a under appreciation of the male in society and the false sense that they are not needed.
Jewish shill
Because it was monkey stuff made for monkey iq creatures.
>people are only hunting and gathering nintendo, guise
Im sorry to hear about your sad life, however I prefer to hunt and gather young women.
Even machines are lowering the bar apparently
bro you just posted cringe
You realize that half the time those picture captcha is testing you for compliance and the other using your answers computer image recognition.
Sorry little babies. Did I hurt your narrative’s cute little feelings?
You want to man up? Go get a manual labor job. Sweat. Carry shit. Laugh with men about man shit. Don’t cry and blame wymenz or Jews or whatever nonsense boogeyman you need to forget you’re to blame for your own pathetic lives.
Whoa, is this an official sign that summer has arrived?
This guy gets it
>manual labor job, sweat and carry
This can actually be done by a complete restoration of landscaping on your own property coupled with consistent sex with a wife.
Feminine =/= female
This guy gets that the other guy gets it.
Ill wager you probably believe that penis=/=male either
>I really don't understand why everyone freaks the fuck out about trannies and women
I wouldn't say freak out but I think humans playing god can only end badly. By playing god I mean thinking we know better than hundreds of millions of years of evolution. We should be striving to be the best we can naturally be so our species can still evolve as leaving more and more to technology and less to occupy and and strengthen our minds and bodies will only lead to a very dark path of evolution makeing out being redundant.
>None of it will matter when anyone can be scaled fork-tongued cyborg with two cocks, a vagina and super-strength.
Why the fuck would anyone want to be that. That sounds like an utter abomination. I'll keepy hard earned super strength while you weak cunts rely on some dodgy half baked body augmentation that will likely leave you crippled in your old age.
Plastic waterbottles and 4th wave feminism unironically.
I don't know.
K bud. Just got done feeding them.
Fine. HERE!
I bet the jews did this.
Machines, replace, physical labour. They produce flappy little dweebs too scared to hammer a nail.
>Machines, replace, physical labour. They produce flappy little dweebs too scared to hammer a nail.
You will find these half-men working in IT and CERN. Now go worship your little dumbphone and adore the sound of your own typing via messenger.
/pol/ is where all the least of men are... and look who we have here … is that Moot or Fuckerberg??
All the pseudo intellectual guys who like to sit around getting off on their 'powers of analysis' talking down their stuck up noses to women like ME.
Try here
>All the pseudo intellectual guys who like to sit around getting off on their 'powers of analysis' talking down their stuck up noses to women like ME.
Tristan Barker, cant keep muscle tone for too long because his ego is so FAT.
Ya I wonder (((why))). Such a mystery.
This is what it comes down to, but it's not the full extent. There are much larger spiritual implications behind both the Jewish involvement and the importance of masculinity and femininity.
Alot of people have it too easy, this morning I biked 15 km to work in a thunderstorm. I got fucking soaked. Plus I was riding into the wind. My clothes must have weighed 30 pounds more soaking wet. Plus mud and cold fucking shit. Fuck.
Why didn't I call a cab? Why didn't I take the bus? Why didn't I just stay home?
> Because fuck that I'm a fucking man
Get out of my thread.
So Christianity then?
back in my day we had to walk to school 15 miles uphill in the snow both ways
>this morning I biked 15 km to work in a thunderstorm
>Why didn't I take the bus?
why didn't you ride a fuckin horse.
Bunch of pussies on here. Probably pass out after a little bit of manual labor. Bitches.
his cock is bigger than mine
Enjoy your pneumonia you manly man
hypochondriac sissy
lol. and there it is. and look how many out of context replies there are.
this one is bang on though:
>Machines, replace, physical labour. They produce flappy little dweebs too scared to hammer a nail.
This is what I need to do everyday to survive. Some people don't have to do anything. But survival and challenges and conflict and hard work is something people avoid. But it's what people need to develop into something more. Some people never develop.
>You will find these half-men working in IT and CERN. Now go worship your little dumbphone and adore the sound of your own typing via messenger.
>All the pseudo intellectual guys who like to sit around getting off on their 'powers of analysis' talking down their stuck up noses to women like ME.
wishing they were women, too scared to be men, relying on their mental faculties to exact toxicity on the whole fuckin world..
No thanks (((you))) shill.
we wore rabbit skins over our privates and we liked it
Nah, I got sick once. I didn't like it. So I'm not getting sick again.
It isn't like red dead haha
The past 200 years or so we have been living under the earth element which is female in nature. Its alchemical symbol being a triangle that resembles a vagina.
The earth age is about the end in 2020 as we shift permanently into the air element, Which is male but intellectual and not warrior like. Its alchemical symbol resembling a benis
The fire element is warrior like
>part 200 years
There's been a lot of wars during that time.
Man, I wish I was smart and I didnt have to do this. 30km of bikeriding. 8 hours in a furniture crossdock. I come home and cook and clean and eat, go on Yea Forums. Go shopping. Etc. All in a day, everyday. And everyday is exactly the same.
Wah wah. Babby want a bottle?
No this is wrong, nonsense from a nonsense mind.
> Is this what it means to be a man?
"I wanna be near my dadddeeeeeeeee he's such a big man so strong cant even pay his rent after all these years because responsibility is not his thing."
fuck sake. you want me to take you serious? get fuckin serious.
I just want a car fuck
Save your money or get a loan and buy one. There are millions of them.
you deserve every annakin vs luke skywalker half-joking comment because that is the fuckin level you are playing on : FANTASY LAND.
"I'M TOO SCARED TO DRIVE A CAR but i'm a strong person."
don't waste any more of my time with your fucking bullshit.
See the thing is I mean, I have a car. It's just parked and I haven't driven for three years. I lost my insurance record. And the last company I was with I didn't pay them and they cancelled. So now I need to pay for a whole year upfront. And it's alot. Fml.
i'll take one too if she's handing em out
doesn't even have to be in a car honestly
even if those aren't hiking legs
> needing insurance to run a combustion engine.
Ok fag.
Have sex bud lul
>don't waste any more of my time with your fucking bullshit.
BO PEEP. gtfo.
There's no escaping the long cock of the law.
When we first shifted into the earth element the first signs of feminism appeared in america. The first feminist convention was held in 1840.
The earth element is materialistic and female.
As we enter the age of air know that it is male and intellectual and the last time we entered the age of air the enlightenment and the renaissance happened.
Yes. the last age of earth was the dark ages
Sure there is. Join their gang.
Why you so mad it is only game
>And why has it died down in our society?
The religious authorities, the ones who kill people, are mostly gay and they have been supporting Helene. She has an anti-masculine cuck fetish, and the religious authories don't mind because her cuck fetish is strictly anti-heterosexual.
Whatever, fatboy. Don't make me roll your portly ass down a hill, fatty.
Put it back!
What the fuck does this have to do with /x/?
You realize air we breath is mainly nitrogen?
There is increasing evidence that toxicity harms masculinity.
No it's not faggot it's like 75% oxygen, read a book
I think /fit/ would die for forearms like OP pic but the only one's who resemble those bodies of the past are gymrats, chadgenes, and roiders. Maybe average height for certain countries has gone down too, idk
>it's like 75% oxygen, read a book
I don't know what planet you live on but your clearly high as fuck from all that oxygen. Here on earth we have less than 30% oxygen in our atmosphere and over 70% nitrogen and trace amounts of other elements.
>yes men are more materialistic
Wew lad, most of us wouldn't budge an inch to get material stuff if it weren't for the heightened sex drive though testosterone, most things wouldn't exist or have a need to get. Most of us are mature enough to know that most things men strive for is mainly to attract a mate or keep a partner (which was created from the desire to attract a mate).
wew old fag, at least 7 years right?
evolution is a fucking mess, our appendixes sometimes get little particles of shit in them and they get infected and explode.
Earth are the WORST.
With earth you get faggot retarded Taurus, virgin cuckboi Virgo, and daddy issues sociopath Capricorn. Great fucking canon, absolutely top notch...
>money, power, control
this doesnt sound like pieces to me but I'm a brainlet I guess
Not paranormal.
back to /pol/
If you believe in eternal balance and yada yada
Why the fuck are you afraid that this time it's irreversible?
Oh right, politics and meme warfare
have a you
>evolution is a fucking mess,
And who do we have to blame for that? Only ourselves. We are the only creatures that walk this planet with the ability to choose our own evolution. Where as all others are bound by environmental factors and the changing there of. Humans have more or less spent ten's of thousands of years escaping nature allowing enough time for certain organs to no longer be required and veco.e redundant, it take a very significant amount of time to evolve new organs or completely loose old ones. The more we distance ourselves from nature, hardship and physical challenges the less and less capable our bodies are going to become. If you started lifting and made it a family tradition your bloodline would begin to be naturally ripped. Just as if you make living unhealthy part of family tradition your bloodline will suffer from poor health regardless of how healthy they live.
who is that??
pls post w/ sound
Yeah guys, didn't you notice how we spontaneously combust every day
>why has it died down in our society?
women's suffrage and the fags
Nobody will agree with me but the cause of the decline is Luciferians.
wew lad
>tfw I'm actually too scared to drive a car
damn that hit home
>source: a faggot
If you are an /x/tard the best would be the age of water, which is female and magical. Water is very associated with magic
If you are a meat head would be the age of fire which is associated with aggression and creativity and is the time of warriors and bravery. But we wont be there again for a very long time
endocrine disruptors from plastic to pesticides, soap disrupts our testosterone and estrogen levels amongst other things. also most people have pansy jobs like sitting at a desk all day or selling shit or something generally useless whereas things that keep you strong everyday and increases your testosterone thru exercise i.e manual labor have been taken from us by machines and we now waste our time with pointless jobs and then pay to go the gym and shit LoL
based easy rider poster
This is by design from the Elite. The Elite are phasing out men for the transgender future.
Masculinity is directly connected to loyalty to one's family, country, and yourself. On the flipside it's connected to self sufficiance and stubborness.
I.e. masculinity is bad for a "One World Government", Globalism, or whatever you call it this week.
Pc shit
>finally, an answer that is not retarded. thought I was going to quit /x/ forever.
I blame the Yellow pages.
Marketing companies villify men on a fairly regular basis. Look at what Gillete did.
Also, it goes the other way too. Women are pushed to be less feminin. They are pushed to do things that are seen as traditionally masculine.
What about Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Helium, Argon, Methane and Hydrogen? What about the Chlorine from your pool? Your lungs can only take O2 right user? Why do you ruin them with all those filthy gases? You should sniff on pure O2 only.
You people don't deserve manly men.
You deserve the cheating fags you get.
Affects angry natives like you, John Methhawk
You sound agitated, probably due for your nicotine fix.
River Phoenix
Do you drink soda, user?
Not him, but I drink soda, why? Domt scare me
Masculine and feminine have existed as universal concepts for thousands of years, even pre-dating ancient China's yin and yang
Sorry, but you are a brainwashed programmed fool to believe they are not real and were developed recently
Masculinity is the provider, the warrior, the projector and protector
Femininity is the receiver, the nurturer, the user and carer
Masculine builds, feminine sustains
You are the slave to your own false paradigm by ignoring universal, timeless qualities
That's disgusting and the lack of defined roles is why society is collapsing and the family is disintegrating, no one ACCEPTS WHO THEY ARE
No, it won't, not while I and other men dominate your pansy asses and show women what they really want, not some woman in a mansuit
All one and the same, and the best and subversive answers
The problem is a problem which isn't even being acknowledged
Because I was all day yesterday lumbering for the winter (it's winter here) and felt many af.
Partly true. More accurately, the inevitable moment when the devouring aspect of the feminine became too hungry and was left unchecked by modern men because of their good intentions has come, and so she is devouring man himself. Feminine power is covert by nature, hidden even from women themselves. They have a very hard time recognizing their own power, so they try to consume it from others. Devouring mothers make weak boys who become weak men. Men who allow women to consume more than they should because they’re terrified to stand up to mommy and risk being outcast.
Thus we have a world of fat, angry, victim identified, arrogant women who have more power than the men in our culture yet still complain that they’re disempowered; and we have a culture of weak s o y b o y men who think that comfort is the pinnacle of existence, that chasing childhood forever will bring happiness, and that it’s fine for women to be empowered while men become softer and weaker by the year.
The Masculine has failed to maintain healthy boundaries with the feminine, which is fundamentally the issue. It’s the feminine’s role to drive progress with their dissatisfaction. It’s the Masculine’s role to arthitect that progress and maintain it by giving the endless feminine hunger boundaries. Borders. Definitions. Clarity. And the strength to know that these boundaries will be enforced. This is what creates peace and satisfaction for the feminine. There’s is no amount of giving the feminine what it wants that will ever satisfy.
Men failed but not by being over domineering. Men failed by not adjusting and maintonaing healthy boundaries in this world. Men failed by abandoning their sons, creating lost boys with no sense of manhood. And men failed by being foolish enough to try to give women everything they want, which is never enough.
Throws a bunch of Tumblr philosophy at us, ignores “Masculinity as you understand it.” Meaning OP didn’t dismiss masculinity, but the current commercialized concept of it.
Please read a little more closely and save us some time, idiot.
Soda is just as bad for you. It hurts your lungs because it increases your body's CO2 levels because of carbonation. And most sodas have an ingredient that leeches calcium out of your bones. Calcium Carbonate I believe. But don't quote me on that. Just look it up.
If things don't change we don't grow.
I feel like your paragraph started well and ended up being really stupid
Parasites undermining host culture and host cultures ideals, resulting in listless, weak, effeminate men. The 1960's was when things really started to nosedive.
If it was 75% we'd have insects the size of buses crawling around.
Youre crazy, raising CO2 levels is extremely good for health. When your breathing technique is improper (such as in hyperventilation) your CO2 levels decrease and it causes most of the negative effects. A calm breathing technique leads to higher CO2 levels.
But yeah, soda is unhealthy for other reasons.
I find that men who are obsessed with the lack of masculinity in others are usually weaklings themselves. Projecting of course.
Every true occultist knows that balance means everyone has a male and female side
Oh and the ingredient youre looking for is citric acid (which is also high in lemons, it is not really a concern for bones except in very high quantities in my opinion). Calcium Carbonate is just a supplementary form of Calcium, it adds to your reserves not leech it.
Yet the masculine is being oppressed and repressed by it's very nature, by people like you and the images you post
Fructose mainly, which is metabolically processed like ethanol (hence fructose-induced liver damage). Plus sugar is a drug itself, proven to trigger opioid receptors.
Then theres the microplastics (xenoestrogens, kill testosterone) youre ingesting from the bottle since soda is acid enough to leech it. Or the cans which are sealed with BPA (same plastic xenoestrogen), and possibly heavy metals leeching.
We are losing masculinity because people like the ones shilling in this thread are anti science
They claim masculinity in itself isn't real or is invalid.
They truly are lost, they attack it directly as a concept.
We will continue to have fewer good men, it's a shame.
Look at those fucking shoulders, that was natty and normal 100 years ago in well-fed men. Now we have xenoestrogen shoulders that have to be exercised in order to even fucking exist. Sad!
You do realize that the man in OP DID exercise his shoulders for them to appear like that. And manual labor was much more prevalent. Youre comparing extremely unactive manchilds to men who worked their asses off all their lives. How about comparing with modern men who grew up doing manual labor.
Be nuanced man, youre serving no side by using such shortcuts. Yes xenoestrogens play a role, but never go full retard and completely disregard other important factors.
That is completely untrue. OPs picture is of a male model, posing for a shoot. Real working men 100-150 years ago were thin and sickly (tough as fuck, but thin) due to overwork and poor nutrition. Look up pictures of lumberjacks from the late 1800s. The average weight was about 150 pounds.
Secondary source: my own great-grandparents, who I knew in childhood and have pictures of, who were hard laborers and thin and sickly but tough as fuck.
There are no sides in warre
I clearly fucking said well-fed men. Look at pictures of German workers after the Wiemar shit show, as conditions improved. This goddamn planet is toxic and this point, starting to believe you bros work for the Rothschilds or something at this point.
Which would make you not bros at all desu.
Also note that it was before steroids, having androgen receptors like that. That's the reason his shoulders "pop" like that. Compare those healthy looking shoulders to bodybuilders on gear even. It's impressive.
There were no well fed men, except for the wealthy elite. The average person was not well fed. Your grandparents were probably not well fed. Do you dispute that the man in the picture is a male model? Do you think male models of the time were representative of the general population?
You're a fucking retard
Oh damn, what a well-reasoned and factually supportive retort. You convinced me and everyone reading this, I assure you.
I'm glad.
I have no reason to argue such nonsense.
Fasting increases testosterone, and the excess of certain fats (mainly unsaturated) reduce Testosterone. Part of the hardships of previous men was exactly that : finding a way to eat, and its probably ONE of the reasons those men had higher test so its not all about being "well-fed".
Fasting increases testosterone because its an evolutionnary mechanism, when an hunter couldnt eat having an increase in testosterone helped him to hunt.
They faced many kind of hardships, and it hardens you in many ways including being a manlier man. Nowadays, comfort and lack of discipline makes manchilds.
Yeah you do. I’m a third party observer and I think you’re a retard
This is true in a way. Companies will always use your identity for marketing.
Also lack of discipline ties into the xenoestrogen issue. If you have the discipline to stick to whole foods, you will have much much lower levels than those who eat processed food, fast food, sodas etc because its easy and pleasurable.
Yes, I said they were tough as fuck, which they were. But they didn't look like the model in OP's picture, they were thin. If you saw an old lumberjack who swung an axe 12 hours a day, 7 days a week walking down the street you would call him a s-oyboy based on his build and mustache.
>If you saw an old lumberjack who swung an axe 12 hours a day, 7 days a week walking down the street you would call him a s-oyboy based on his build and mustache
You’re oppressed by a picture? Then you were never very masculine in the first place.
There is literally nothing less masculine than whining about a decline of masculinity. Bitching is never masculine, action is.
Exactly. Everybody bitching about Gillette and SJWs and muh masculinity need to read up on Bernays and how identity politics and corporate advertising have always been intertwined. Only an idiot thinks these companies are interested in anything but money and selling you some idea of yourself.
Do those guys look ripped af? Do their shoulders 'pop'? If they took off their shirts, do you think they would have hella cut abs?
Do any of those guys look like the dude in OP's pic?
So all of that was just projection at this point, because you're actually fucking stupid desu.
Nooooo what’s wrong with onions you gotta tell me
>Your grandparents were probably not well fed
My grandpa is 90 years old and has been fat since 1964. I don't know what shithole you're from but Americans and Canadians were extremely well nourished at the turn of the century, like the man in OP.
>Do you dispute that the man in the picture is a male model?
He's actually an athlete and a very famous one at that. Of course men of a certain prowess are always regarded as idealic but it doesn't change the fact that our health in the post-industrial world is even worse than it was in the industrial era, and it's declining by almost every metric. Testosterone, sexual health, mental health, even lifespan and height are decreasing. In many "developed" countries there is a reverse in the Flynn Effect, meaning that intelligence is also declining. You have no ground to stand on here ZOGlet.
Another rhetorical triumph. I am twice convinced. We are all deeply impressed by your ability to present factual and logical support for your arguments.
They aren't ripped, but they don't look like s-yboys. They're still very masculine looking.
sit in your basement all day. im sure thats your definition of masculinity. anything to make you happy
Well, my grandpa is 91 and has been thin his whole life due to all the hard work he had to do, like his father before him. I live in America, in the Pacific Northwest. Did your grandfather look like the man in the picture? Not since 1964 a time least.
I don't dispute that there are negative trends in overall societal health. My point is there was no idealized period in history, represented by a famous athlete posing with an axe, that we are falling from. That's just tobacco-company shilling which you are falling for hook line and sinker.
Man.... this feels so true.
I didn't make that first post responding to you, first of all. Not that I disagree with it. But I think that even if my view of history and what's been done to the earth is not correct, you are far more off base with your profoundly pseud tier bugman gimmick, claiming that only elites were well fed. The pic in OP is meant to convey as sense of rural robustness, likely due to Hull's lifestyle. And that really ties into what I originally said. Modernfags are detached from earth, from healthy natural diets, activity and sunlight. It has a negative impact on people, their health and their psychology. Look at the way you think for instance.
What does a s-o you boy look like to you? I picture a thin guy, tattooed, with a man-bun and a beard. He wears sandals, is probably vegan, and is either a barista, a microbrewer, or a line cook at a vegan restaurant. He is probably gender fluid and even if straight, the idea of having kids is fantastically foreign to him. He has a mac book.
To be fair, he has co-opted some of the "fashion" of earlier hard-labor jobs to take the edge off, so my image comparison is not overly useful. My point was that old lumberjacks don't look like the Marlboro man or famous athletes.
Because this isn't civilization anymore.
My grandpa is too lazy to ever achieve such a thing. I am legitimately amazed that he has made it this long, he of course was no athlete and had a comfy sales job for almost all of his adult life with little physical activity. I think that if he would have trained, he would have looked like my uncle did (he had a physique not too different from Hull's in the pic desu, strong and lean).
>My point is there was no idealized period in history
You misunderstand, I am not of the thinking that we need to go back to some older mode of being or anything or buy some product. I'm saying this goddamn planet has been polluted to a horrid extent by almost innumerable toxic substances (it's in the food, the drinking water, the air, all of nature at this point) and that we are becoming bug-like creatures more than men. A healthy, strong and lean physique at least could be the standard or average one day soon I hope, but it would take a massive psychological shift to bring people in our country to even a point of sanity before such a thing could be achieved. This post-industrial shift has not been good for modern man. Industrialization was bad enough but this is objectively worse for everyone.
tl;dr: it's a pretty shit time to rest on laurels of human progress or some other bullshit concept and things are really morbid and disgusting
Well, you are correct that not only the elites could be well fed, and that separation from the earth and hard work is harmful.
My point is that it is very dangerous to look at outliers like professional athletes as representative of the norm for physical development because it is simply wrong and undercuts our ability to evaluate conditions today. By posting that image as support for his argument, OP was basically saying that men used to look like that when they did manual labor. It's just not true. He was an athlete working as a model for a photo shoot.
I'm not saying that they are the norm though, I'm saying that they should be the norm.
First, they will never be the norm. The only way to be a professional athlete is to be in the far top percentage of physicality. They are literally abnormal. Certainly everyone can be healthy, but not everyone, especially with jobs, families, and lives, can have model-level pecks.
Second, even if that was what you meant, that was not what you effectively presented. Were anons in this thread saying yes, we should all strive for this? Or were they saying it was the corporations who made them already not look like that?
Even if you did not mean it, the use of unrepresentative examples in an area of insecurity or frustration is the exact same tactic used by the very corporations that are destroying our earth and societies.
I certainly agree that things are looking morbid and your other points, especially regarding it not being time to rest on our laurels. My concern is that a lot of people think the way to fix things is to go back to how it used to be, when in reality (1) how it used to be got us into this mess in the first place; and (2) it never was how people think it 'used to be.' So I am extremely concerned about inaccurate representations of history, even on a vague, generalized level.
it hasn't died down at all. trump is going around man handling dignitaries and calling people pencil neck. everyone is impressed by a body builder or athlete, but nerds make money now and that's usually more important.
>They are literally abnormal
poor word selection desu. Exceptional perhaps, abnormal implies morbidity, like the hordes of morbidly obese people in our country.
>Were anons in this thread saying yes, we should all strive for this?
It seems to me that a healthy psychology would dictate that anons, especially on /x/ are striving for a higher state of being, including a better physique. From my first post and on I have implied and re-iterated that I believe a toxic world is contributing to the weakness and obesity. I also did not blame corporations necessarily, I think it is a problem in human psychology that would have arisen regardless of political systems or anything we can control.
>Even if you did not mean it, the use of unrepresentative examples in an area of insecurity or frustration is the exact same tactic used by the very corporations that are destroying our earth and societies.
Granted but they have no interest in selling us anything that can legitimately correct it at this point imo. They just suck exclusively and aren't worth regarding. Unironically I hope that at least some people in the financial sector, banking and various polluters are guillotined desu.
Ok, and I understand that. You're not baseless, that makes sense. I just think aesthetics will play a massive role in correcting this mess. Striving for something higher is based and the only path out of this shit show labyrinth. At least on an individual level, an ideal can provide an end to strive towards. I'd like to think it can extend well beyond certain individuals but again, your view is understandable.
I fucking hate you retards, this isn't even a paranormal question unless you make it one and it has over 200 replies. Meanwhile very focused threads get no responses.
>there is a massive effort to eliminate cigarettes and boost onions
I only browse this board occasionally, what's up with that?
It stopped including beating people to death who questioned it. Probably post Brutus v. Caesar desu. Nobody wanted to be a "Brute" anymore after the most famous populist of all time was murdered.
Brutus was a low-T effeminate compared to Caesar. The entire assassination was basically a beta-revolt.
Augmentation will be the utter downfall of civilization. It will eventually become required to be augmented in some way, perhaps 'super strength' for physical laborers or 'head computers' for the intellectual types. But there will always be a new model, and before too long last years cutting edge will be obsolete and unemployable and I doubt they'll be cheap or uninvasive enough to just upgrade every year like a phone.
I never asked for this...
Never said he wasn't user. His mum got fucked by Caesar. But, that is why people didin't want to be a Brute anymore. That is where it started. After that Chivalry, honor, servitude, loyalty all became things.
Factors ranging from societial changes to birth control effecting their hormones are indeed affecting what women in the first world find attractive.
Sad to say though my little shemale friend it's making them more comfortable with the fact they want to fuck other women, not making them demand men be prettier.
user this is silly. They had an honor system that predated Caesar, almost all ancient cultures had one that spanned back well before this. And Brutus was apparently already a figure of speech at the time, given tot he first Brutus as a nickname. It meant to be coarse originally, that's what his name became synonymous with because he played ignorant at the trial. They had slaves and servitude before the assassination as well. The slaves taking all the jobs was one of the main reason Caesar rose to power.
>at the trial
at a trial, a separate trial, learning more about this right now
I know because you are a bisexual millennial living in a major urban center who thinks manual labor was the time they had to move boxes at McDonalds, you assume everyone else you talk to on the internet is much the same. But alas, it is not so.
My job for example, involves walking long distances on rocks carrying and swinging a 20 pound sledge hammer all day. I consider it easy as hell. You, I suspect, would kill yourself your first night to avoid going back out again. But such is life.
Fuck masculinity. The most masculine guys I know are smash players who play on the nintendo switch and enjoy anime. Testosterone is pseudoscience.
Plz share more knowledge or your source of femininity and masculinity user
Thats good news for me.
>photoshoot of professional athlete
fuck off fag. go jerk off to bodybuilding vids on youtube
Liberalism, it’s pretty much trying to destroy the natural order set in motion millions of years ago by evolution between men and women