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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you guys remember that fag from yesterday who wanted to approach his local coffee place femboy? He used to post in those degenerate threads, so did he have any news or was he too much of a fag to do it?

Hope he gets some :3

That's a trap? I'd fuck it.

Attached: 1512322755207.jpg (752x564, 134K)

Someone post some kik traps

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me x

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fucking hot. pull those panties on and show us the bulge

get out f the closet

Attached: 22555205_2015764091969414_4981922824550111942_n.jpg (960x749, 61K)

Gay guys don't like traps, or if they do they're bi

Attached: 1536128337131 Chenbernie.jpg (1080x1349, 67K)

Bump! I wanna know what happened as well

Go on kikboys and find them for yourself

spank meee

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thanx user :3

Attached: 4aad99ab-1bae-4630-99eb-7f0e84ad8e14as.jpg (1600x1200, 246K)

that is not true you fucking autist

These are my pics x x

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looks just like a naked dude

Nah it definitely is
Liking traps is a hetero thing

Attached: 1549266894674 grace.jpg (2861x2448, 779K)

Now this is that Big Gay shit

you are retardus

More butt for spanking

I second this
No way it's gay


your unironic fragile masculinity is showing

look at the link, it is literally not gay, science proves it. I know that's a scary thought for you, but suck it up little guy

Attached: patriotic taftaj.webm (956x1080, 1.97M)

The fuck is this glans ?

if you insist

Attached: IMG_20181127_011231.jpg (2447x1308, 731K)

Tight foreskin about to become paraphimotic

Activate windows/10

that's because it is

Attached: 1546037115942.jpg (640x480, 59K)

I would suck the cum right out of that dick and keep sucking.

youre stretching to interpret sociological bullshit as science confirming that jerking it to femboys doesnt make you gay, and i'm the one with fragile masculinity?

i'm well aware that what im doing here is gay as fuck. you should too.

same, my fellow straight user

Attached: 1545248792445 taftaj.jpg (2320x3088, 417K)

>violently spanking
Pull them panties aside to see that bussy bby


no, that shit's gay as fuck
fully feminized trans women

Attached: 1545545446653 sue.jpg (960x1440, 208K)

you mean this old thing?

Attached: IMG_20181127_013525-mins.jpg (3264x2448, 1.27M)

denial is more than just a river in egypt buddy, have fun being retarded

That looks like it needs a good dicking

I get it, you like the dudely femboy ones. Yeah that's for sure gay, you're a gay dude. That doesn't apply to everyone

Attached: 1559280911276 ginger.jpg (1066x1841, 866K)

Attached: 1560998510337 Ginger.jpg (1076x673, 434K)

Is there any sites like craigs list about still?
I'm a dude in the UK and I just want to suck a dude's cock. Preferably a trap or feminine looking dude. Would probably go further as well.
I really don't give a shit if it means I'm gay, obviously.

Attached: 1547163978268 Daisy Taylor.jpg (960x720, 84K)

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Yeah go to missed connections on craigslist or grindr

Thanks user, I hope I summon the courage to arrange something for I'm a somewhat socially inept fuck, but perhaps I can at least courageously go forth and sate my primitive hedonistic urges.

i want to smell her balls

Attached: Download36IMAG0031.jpg (904x1600, 186K)

What do you think they smell like?

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Can you guys at least shave and take your man hands our of the picture jesus or just not post
Go to discord or something

Imagine not giving a frickity frack about being masculine cuz youre so cute you just get whatevs (me btw)

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2316, 1.87M)

Whatup fags (i say fag in like a buddy-buddy cute way because in aware some of you are struggling with your sexuality and i want you to know i use this word lightheartedly and that i give you all of my love and support user

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2316, 1.9M)


Uploaded same pic twice due to lag. Can i get an F for my connection

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2316, 1.88M)

Thats not very cashmoney of you

and u aint cute nigga

Photoshop 100

you come across as a major autist but your butt is cute
So I'd fuck, but def wouldn't hang around to cuddle

kys faggot

>not knowing buck angel
how new are you

i want to rape a cute trap

Attached: 1550988967389.jpg (578x770, 51K)


Who the fuck is that

that's a bit rude

Attached: 1550901525393.jpg (1152x864, 137K)

bro is your google broke?

he's a trans man

Attached: thin qt tranner in dress showing bobs and boner.webm (360x640, 1.27M)

Attached: JeanShorts2.jpg (1003x1758, 974K)

i actually only like femboys

my ass x

Attached: image0.jpg (415x676, 24K)

congrats u r gey

why would you post that in a trap thread

i don't like manly men, but i prefer femboys and traps to regular women so idk

post an example of what your idea of a femboy is

Don't forget to wear yellow!

Attached: 453245.png (374x853, 418K)

whao, you have my complete attention

I have a rape kink *blush blush blush*


that's an old ass set, don't know who

Attached: 1509246295691.jpg (1280x719, 508K)

then I'd call you bi, leaning gynephilic
Unless your definition of trap includes 'not trans', then gay leaning gynephilic

Attached: 001.jpg (1128x1632, 1.1M)

put a ring on that and settle down

some trans are cute, they're just annoyin and i love the parts they hate so i mostly fap to non-hormonal traps


sauce this!

literally on file name

Yes sir :)

Attached: 4352345.png (319x911, 473K)

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a narcissistic ass

Attached: 52815374_302900460368871_7614115211813622448_n.jpg (1080x1350, 121K)

Source also more

I wants

Attached: 52422529_604710223287888_2560774279461031300_n.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

Enjoy my caged boy parts.

Attached: cf4c93c.jpg (3456x4608, 735K)

very cute feets, moar

meant this

Why are traps/trans so sexualually active? I don't think there is one that exist that isn't 100% about getting fucked in the ass all the time.


Show bussy

What’s your kik;)

Also butt.

Attached: 7f099d7-1.jpg (2304x1728, 191K)

Good girl.

I've also been caged for two weeks. How long have you been?

Lul I was just going to ask for butt

Almost a month... I leak woooo much, just all the time.

Pfft I know what guys want

longshot but any down to earth traps on here want to talk/ play some vidya/ get reamed

Fine though, have some more

Attached: 6cbec16.jpg (1771x1989, 226K)

Impressive. Who holds your key?

I'm not a sissy, I wish I was gay so I could go more of this, but I love chastity a lot.

Just passing on the love my faggots

Does that ass swallow cum or let it drip out?

oh lord, more?

Wanna cum on that sissy ass

Your just throwing this in any old sissy/trap thread aren't you? Want some attention lol?

MTF here.

Because E literally makes sense 10x more enjoyable. Orgasms are completely difference and everything is softer and more sensitive. I’m a solid top/dom too.

do you have the vids?

You know me/us so well bby

Sadly no. Sorry user

she's got mine

This is why I think traps are much better than woman
Traps are sexier AND can't get pregnant it's a 10/10 situation tbh

My bf though I have emergency spares of course.
Eh, think it may be too late for just wishing..

Yep, I'm an attention whore.

Attached: 20aea25.jpg (2280x2299, 210K)


Who wants this in this boipussy

Attached: 1750300F-0DE3-4A33-8B49-6455FFC30DDF.png (640x1136, 977K)

Emergency keys for what? I hope that are locked behind a key code that you have to request.

I'm not gay, so my hope is to find a girlfriend into these fetishes in a small way.

I'd tease you all night

moar feet moar ass

I could care less if it's gay or not. I'm here for bubbly asses and cute feminine penises and with the possible deities of this planet as my witness I'm gonna fap the life out of me to them.

Attached: 0e375f18b591b835736c7daf8cbf6c0340eaf062b0444644ccdb4a92796f04ef.jpg (922x1080, 145K)

I dunno just in case something goes wrong, medically speaking or if I ehm... Make a mess peeing so I always have access to clean up.

Eh here is moar of something anyway.

Thanks user

Attached: 4996e1b.jpg (2078x1527, 113K)

so cute, i want to tease you and fuck you so bad

Attached: 1559779145772.jpg (1200x1600, 221K)

How deep does that go?

I know I'm not the best but i felt cute in this

Attached: WIN_20190603_04_20_25_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

You’re hot I wanna fuck you

Keep posting I'm like diamonds over your pics

Lemme see, this deep? Just.

Attached: 6c05d95.jpg (1728x2304, 193K)

the dick ruins it

Moar qt

Glad you approve!!

Attached: d81ab61.jpg (1953x1523, 158K)

Am the big hard

Would fuck your sissy ass raw

aw thanks guys

Attached: WIN_20190603_04_20_30_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Keep the pics coming

Cute dick, perfect asshole waiting to be used... this IS it, chief

You’re amazing please show more !

Attached: 2CEF62AA-0589-4C47-A6C7-BBEB988580B5.png (640x1136, 1.34M)


You’re so adorable



i wanna choke on your dick no homo

Nigger lmao

very nice
thank you!!

Attached: WIN_20190603_04_24_55_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

Wow this thread got gay as hell real fast
Less of that gay shit, more traps

Attached: 1550708235001 sherry.jpg (1080x810, 44K)

Attached: lex-luthor-wrong.jpg (639x266, 23K)

Definitely not gay

But whose dick will I choke on, don't do this to me fam.

Attached: IMG_20190615_173637-01.jpg (2880x3840, 948K)

Do you have snap?

Sit. On. My. FACE

we can 69, win win solution


I only like girls with penises like pic related

actually no

thank you would you fuck and suck it?

Attached: 522AE8F6-7C95-4387-9D4E-A6BB49F8A1F8.png (640x1136, 875K)

Aw, you're leaking... don't worry, I'll give you a nice throatfucking :)

Yes sir!
Nice trips, have a bonus pic

Attached: IMG_20190615_141524-01.jpg (2304x1728, 564K)

I got a better connection for you

I'm actually less horny and way more selective about who I hook up with now then before HRT. My standards were so low before. I just wanted to feel attractive and lusted after. I still feel that way, but I rarely hook up unless I like and trust the guy. Also much less of a ethot. Ironically, being an online sex worker has made me value myself more.
T. 22 y/o mtf started at 20

Attached: 04C5F4D0-1214-4179-B745-B1FBFD36B136.jpg (2316x2628, 981K)

That fucking gorgeous

Damn youre hot. I would definitely spread those cheeks.

Cute cute cute

I've got some that I'd be happy to share, but I've got really quite hairy legs and I know some people don't take kindly to that on these threads
Nope, got kik
Absolutely I would

Attached: 20190603_042608.jpg (3264x2448, 1.11M)

how can I enjoy them caged? Set it free!


Attached: D1F27658-0102-49DB-807A-9DF00E0FA27E.jpg (3088x2320, 1024K)

Whore 2.

Wow what a gorgeous cock you have! Love how red the tip is

That’s a good slut You’re more then welcome to have it

Attached: 14B8F870-180F-4A5D-ADB4-FADEB7DA15BD.jpg (679x592, 86K)

Freedom, that means a bigger cage right? Better?

Attached: IMG_20190614_200241.jpg (2304x1728, 832K)

Post more

Good boy.

what a hot body but i agree, free the clit

Lets see em

nope soz
mmmmm thank you

Attached: WIN_20190603_03_29_37_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

Your ass is so amazing how would you use my cock

is the trap discord worth joining or is it retarded

id love to unlock you for your shower cleaning-but you've been cheating and playing and cumming in the shower...

surprise you by not relocking you and having sex, but you can't cum because you just did : )

then pretty much put an indefinite chastity sentence on your little sissy clitpenis

Attached: 1549406596058.jpg (746x936, 134K)

Hope it's good enough for you
I'd offer my ass up to you and let you use my hole however you want

Attached: 20190604_101733.jpg (3264x2448, 1.38M)


So hot I’d fuck your throat to lube it up and then gape your ass hole and cover your big clit in cum

>wanted to feel attractive and lusted after
>being an online sex worker has made me value myself more

Okay.. you're a model citizen who's not addicted to sex at all or flaunt it at all. Definatly not sexually active at all.

I see potential
Love it

tfw cd and not trap

Gape it like this?
Why thank you
Ikr it's disgusting

Attached: 20190604_022746.jpg (3264x2448, 1.25M)

We talking bout cock cages?

Attached: D9966E9B-A648-4723-97C8-0866FA1E948F.jpg (3024x1852, 1.27M)

Anyone like T H I G H S? (me btw)

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2316, 1.7M)



Squishy boi

collared and caged

Attached: 1558472103337.jpg (1440x1920, 668K)

talking about me being one haha

I posted yesterday and usually like to wait a lil longer before doing so again

What kind of sane man don't like thighs??


yes, you need to get thighfucked

Attached: 49661b7e4c0e9805a4aab158c801c0df.jpg (1008x1100, 115K)

Don’t post oc unless it’s presentable pigs

I believe so... You need to get the cbs... Your only option now.

Attached: 78d4275.jpg (1728x2304, 147K)

Mmm yeah would you let me cum in your ass

Attached: e6d924b6086a9965dea229c19c2196ab.jpg (1000x666, 63K)

PLEASE KIK ME snackersman

I'm desperately horny, I'm 8 inches and really thick

Attached: 671652AE-D2F4-47B5-84DD-F746400F25D3.jpg (750x1334, 184K)

Last pic, sleepy time.


Attached: 7800884A-65F2-425C-B841-811A41B3BDED.jpg (4032x3024, 1.64M)

i want to take your cage in my mouth and just tease that pathetic little thing with my tongue through the slit for hours

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Do i pass?
I love ALL my fans!!

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2316, 1.5M)

Attached: 56852981_1145524028987989_4004472489464642898_n.jpg (1059x1324, 113K)

Yeah it’s my first cage, I’m definitely gonna get another smaller one soon

Attached: BA66C422-774F-42F0-BFE5-FA0030771F9B.jpg (2316x3013, 1.37M)

no webms

Nice, you're super cute in the pink!!

Oh lol fair, I feel ya
You can cum in my ass and I'll wait for it to drop out so I can eat it

Attached: 20190604_020845.jpg (3264x2448, 1.32M)

I wana to see you in a tiny holytrainer with that sexy collar so much !

Attached: 1559280675480.jpg (1535x2048, 450K)


I finally found her Yea Forums
I found a highly passable trap working at a Thai restaurant in California. Shes lady boy gold tier. Her butt jiggles when she walks around and she's so fuckin precious. Wondering how I go at getting her on a date??? Do I approach like if it was a chick??? I NEED HELP user

Show more

I love you too bby
Fucking yes

you approach her like a normal person. jfc dude, fucking chaser

more gingersnaps!

Attached: 2e28ddb70c1914ea7072e13f5e0981a6.webm (320x640, 1.91M)

That’s so hot I’d fill you with multiple loads

I'm still amazed someone who's top-of-the-line pro tier posts OC here
Honestly she could be making bank shooting pro TS videos

We don't deserve her, lads

Attached: Ginger showing bhole.webm (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Yes pleaseee
Gotta sleep now, thanks for being so nice to me

Attached: 20190117_212847.jpg (1424x1923, 999K)

Take the Crocodile Dundee route.

Attached: KnifeySpoony.jpg (655x491, 38K)

Adorable where can I find more!!!

tfw no trap in tx

Attached: slide1-home618a.jpg (1920x920, 266K)

Attached: 2_3 (7).jpg (932x1920, 283K)

HereI only see her shit here.

Attached: 25e44e45a23cce4adde9f8c176173353.webm (612x1080, 1.96M)

me, but i have a gf

ok so first off, treat her like a human. She's not a piece of meat. What's most important about a person is what's on the inside. Behind the layers of makeup and clothing. Don't be fucking thirsty. Talk about what she likes to talk about. Maybe ask about her hobbies and what she does in her free time. Find common ground and hobbies that you two share. Talk about those.

Maybe after interacting a few times, if she's not standoffish about you then ask if she is seeing anyone. Or maybe try dropping that you were recently with someone but broke up. A more subtle approach. If she starts talking about how she's single, then that's when you ask if she wants to get some food or go out for drinks sometime.

Don't go up to her and ask if she wants to fuck. How many times do you think she hears that everyday? Take the slower and more appealing approach.

tfw CD in louisiana

Finally someone that can keep it real, the absolute mental gymnastics some of these closet homos will employ

Lots of folks offended I would even ask
Anyone saying that it's the same is wrong. Transgirls have lots of insecurities when it comes to dating because the other guys have ruined it by acting fucking clownish or fetishizing it.

I'd love to choke on that.

I'm sure there's plenty, my last two jobs there were trannies. They were awful though.

Attached: 6c42569613353d0884e0e07538fdc888.jpg (768x1024, 65K)

MUFW will always be the sexiest, plus she loves being caged

never got to see her and lola both locked up rubbing their bodies together trying to have sex : /

Attached: 1552437184971.jpg (832x1440, 137K)

Cute af

lots of chasers in tx but they act likeso i ended up dating another tranny

reality sucks

Attached: face shoop.jpg (575x766, 48K)

You cannot find a hotter trap than Blondie Rox

Attached: blondie rox.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

What annoys me is when someone approaches me whom is obsessed with a sissy fetish. They love to project their fantasies of cum-drunk boys obsessed with sex and that is it. Thinking everyone is the same. A trap has the same asshole that you do. They eat shit and breathe the same as you do. There's no reason to treat them differently unless they request it. Presume normality when you deal with them, but always have a sense of professional skepticism.


I used to do this thing where i wrote whatever someone who got dubs wanted on my skin. It was a pretty... ‘popular’ thread idea. Should i do that again? One last time for old times sake?

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 1.65M)

Whats the problem with chasers ? who top/bottom between the two of you ?

I continue jacking to the other one, just fap material.

Attached: 26dc9567160d799651b8369de2f1f1b4.jpg (640x853, 61K)

Mostly because I'm too awkward for video =3

Shame though - Lola cums so much at once that I was genuinely shocked the first time it happened oO

Attached: 17 (63).jpg (1280x588, 180K)

The problem with chasers is their attraction is purely for fetish fulfillment. Being used in that way is kinda disresptful and demeaning

most of them treat you like a futa or like a crossdresser you're just a kink to them, they don't care about your feelings, obviously not all chasers are like that but most of them are, she tops



Same, I have a friend who is trans but idk what she likes these days. I'll find out next week

ohhh, you you two did hookup at least : ) im so happy for you. you're just amazing, so sexy and feminine. 12/10 sense of style and i love that you have several didn't color holytrainers to match your outfits(im really into chastity play on the teasing and being denied side)

>i love this hookup of yours we did get to see though : P

Attached: 1546895888699.jpg (860x1280, 118K)

I think I would marry this woman.

Aren't all straight dudes that go for the trap/cd/don't know the pc term sorry..way chasers ?


just treat us like women, if you like the dick okay i don't mind, but don't act like we're only a dick and a kinky desire to fullfil

It’s possible to be attracted to them without fetishizing them

>treat us like women
ur just a series of holes shut the fuck up and get the fuck in the kitchen you dumb whore

thanks =D

i really need to start dressing up again, all these cute outfits!

Attached: 8_4 (9).jpg (838x1440, 160K)

ay lmaooo

Don't you need to not be fully straight or you ever been with 100% straight as justice dudes?



I'm definitely a chaser. Cute traps/femboys are my kink. The only relationship I could have with one of a trap/femboy would be a fuckbuddy one. I'd still invite to do some random activity and if one is having an off day I'd try to alleviate the stress. I care about all my friends.

Have you got kik?

that's sad tbh why wouldn't you date a tranny?

so sexy, i might not have this pic and i literally have hundreds saved of you : ) where are you posting these days besides here since tumblr pulled that bullshit. i still try and keep up with lola, but im just still pissed about losing how great i had my tumblr setup

Attached: 1552167726102.jpg (800x560, 136K)

oh wait are you MUFW for real, nice, you're so hawt

Because trannies aren't my thing. I like males and females as they originally were born. I like the ones who are comfortable in their bodies because that makes me feel comfortable. I enjoy those who can enjoy themselves without surgically altering themselves.

KIK sam.sylvie

Attached: 20190410_014339.jpg (1367x1298, 981K)

Oh a definition bi, haven't met one in a while, most people that say they're bi are actually pan

right? I had a good feed going! And thank you both, it's nice to hear again. i sorta dropped off the face of the earth for a few there =O

Attached: 10_4 (11).jpg (630x1440, 142K)

What's the real difference between pan and bi ?

pans like trannies and nobinaries

Attached: 2019-06-05-13-26-02.jpg (1080x1920, 1.38M)

have you done any new sets since tumblr died? if so which one are you using, i'd love to see you on a regular basis again even if you dont dress up as much as you used to : )

Attached: 1552438774527.jpg (1280x982, 210K)

seriously! id love those legs n feet back in my life

sadly not, took a little break, for a bunch of reasons - i have a twitter (shouldn't be hard to find!), if i take new pics they're bound to turn up there =)

Attached: 3_1 (4).jpg (778x1440, 139K)

K thanks. Other serious question here.
Why every "alternative" sexualities/gender always turn toward feminity. Why gay guys/non binary guys/pan guys always (a lot of them at least, the more visible especially) try to copy girls and their femininity and always reject masculinity ?

If this really is Seph, I hope things are going better for you and you can start posting content again.

Attached: bnzjnyps9w321.jpg (1080x1920, 169K)


If that's what a Def. Bi is then i guess I am one. This... Binary and transgender stuff annoys me. I'm not trying to be rude or callous or offensive, but is it really hard for a gender dysphoria person to be comfy in their physical body? I understand where they come from, it was hard accepting myself as small in height and in "love length." But in the end I just delt with it, nothing I could do. Can they not do the same? Is it truly that difficult for them?

not mufw, just responding to her, but yes! me too! damn tumblr!

i love that lola was more of a barefoot slut and mufw was a heel slut : ) and both locked up tight and unable to touch those horny clittydicks while they knew thousands of us were fapping to them : P

i'll look you up for sure, i think lola is there too, and also some kinksite. i just hate twitter compared to what tumblr used to be

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that's kinda random, i think that's probably your perception since you like most of the people in this thread are attracted to feminity, so you're probably oblivious to trans males, there are a lot of FtMs out there and a lot of nbies that have male features, maybe some people that are into identity politics make a statement trying to run away from masculity but that's about it, those are trenders


i know you arent her, i totally agree about twitter tho, shit compared to tumblr

thank you! they are, it was nothing too serious, just somehow loads of things all at once

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lmao you blind buddy

really cute feet, i miss tumblr

You can get an f for your boipuss after i breed it

>but is it really hard for a gender dysphoria person to be comfy in their physical body?
it's literally a disease, we can't help it, i'd love to be comfortable in my asigned body i just can't physically and mentally

other than here where do traps/ cd post/ talk?

hnnnnnnnnnng those sexy heels and of course a sexy pedi(grey/silver toenails...your feet never fail to make me strain in my cage, im so glad i got the nano and not the nub lol)...seph, you're never gonna not be sexy. i hope everything in your life stays well and youre happy above all else.

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holy shit this is hot, love those ytoes!

a bunch of sheep is called a herd, a bunch of wolves is called a pack, a bunch of trannies is called a discord server

seph and lola used to literally milk so much cum out of me with their feet in the prime days of tumblr i would be sore for days(i hate being circumcised) but eventually i got locked in chastity just like them but i kept looking at their tumblrs and id just be crazy horny and super frustrated as my littlebiqueer dick strained so hard but with no relief against its Birdlocked Mini cage