Fuck the porn, let's just have a general metal thread. Post what ever metal you want, thrash, death, power, black, even "poser" genres like metal/deathcore or aggro metal are accepted. We're all friends here.
Fuck the porn, let's just have a general metal thread. Post what ever metal you want, thrash, death, power, black...
Other urls found in this thread:
Stoner doom reporting in
RIP MegaCancer
not metal rooo
Yes, I love metal.
which album is this
Fuckin’ called it. Every god-damn time. Fucking metal heads I swear to god.
I see only good albums here, except for Slipknot (it's pretty lame)
I love you
My brethren
good old times of Harlem Shake will be back!
Slayer are the true kings of thrash
Maybe someday Thrash will be as cool as it was back in the 80s. This day i'll be doing speed between two kickass songs in the pit
old normie taste
But Slayer aren't Exodus
Thread needs some major Trials love
contrarian snowflake detected
The only real "Normie" thing there is like Lamb of God though
Slayer didn’t lose steam after 3 albums. Slayer won.
I've listened to Slayer for years, so i know what you're talkin about.
Check out Eternal Nightmare, you'll change your mind, trust me
Maynard James Keenan
u mad?
Fuck yeah never heard of these guys. This is awesome
I’ve listened to eternal nightmare. it’s much much stupider
yeah im actually FUCKING furious thanks
Metal is such low-IQ music, man.
come on dood, slipknots 1996 demo album has pantera vibes
bruh op literally allowed any type
bring back good old Harlem Shake times!
So why not listen to Pantera instead ?
that is suck a low IQ thing to say :\
Fucking manchild metalheads are the worst. Tell us more about how badass and hardcore you are because you listen to a badass type of music. Anyone who defines themselves by other people’s work/songs is a faggot
best darkthrone
Best album so far
That's quite literally what they did though
some of us just listen to it, and listen to other things
good point but what i am trying to say is that their 1996 album has a style they should've stuck to instead of "death metal lite elements with softer screaming and sometimes wigger elements"
This rips. Pretty good modern thrash
who hurt you :c
Learn the band names before acting tough
Finally some ones where makes sense
fuck yes skeletonwitch
One of the best albums ive ever heard
"Low-IQ" is hyphenated as an adjective :-)
Go listen to your guitar noise.
Speakin about modern thrash
They sucked ass. What are you up at retarded 30 year old?
not even close
Psh this is the closest even. They sucked
i like dig
dont bully me
Are you alright?
I like it too but it's time to evolve
late exodus is jolly garbage
Guys, post music, stop fucking dicking around with "this SUCKS"
thats such a low IQ thing to say:/
meshuggah are gods
That is so boring
Lazo jesi to ti
Come on you guy's post some links. Let's test it out
All this elitism is boring guys
This is lthe most thrash show ever
christ illusion is a powerful gem
you’re a fag
Sounds too much like slipknot. I want someone melody
kek nigger cyptopsy doesn’t sound like slipknot
That's the only really good thing they put out since Seasons in the Abyss
Music is OK but the players look gay as fuck
Then quit being a nigger you fuck
literally 1 post in and already /thread
good on ya, my nigga
world painted blood is also quite polished and not homosexual
Who the fuck doesn't like Dissection?
thats such a low IQ thing to say :o
Where's cannibal corps?
More music
bro i love this album but so many people i talk to about it say it just sounds like a lo fi godsmack. i don't get it
>world painted blood
I liked the album fine enough but polished is the last word I'd use to describe it
That's a gay picture not a link you little faggot
I thought it brought the sound of slayer to the new masses. it was sharp and clean
Imagine being homophobic
links are for newfags
Fucking fags amirite?
You don't have it configured to automatically put a link below album art?
Too badly you can't post them then you dumb cunt
No dude is need a direct link. What the fucks wrong would you?
Slayer fans are retards
Love vhole. This whole album is killer. Space-y and weird but hard hitting
Never heard this, Sounds like folk-black? pretty good
I don't let Google control me
that chart is completely backwards
You deserve a metal just like every kid height tries.
Here's a link to a better album
It was muddy as hell. But fairly accessible. It was good enough though I think. I think Anthrax had the better comeback album
Who tries *
And you deserve an English lesson so you can learn the difference between "Metal" and "Medal"
torture is way better than skeletal domain which was for normies
oh my god !! stfu!!
thats such a low IQ thing to say
>torture is way better than skeletal domain which was for normies
Finally some one with good taste in music
No dude it's like a two-second Python script. Every smart person should at least know Python.
Manchester you're brainwashed. That shit has been well known regardless of the ages. What are you 15? Have you studied philosophy, and the retardation of the human spices?
Damn I hate phone posting. Just kill me please
Fuck yes
favorite off this great album
This is really the best musical ever
Fuck off retard
finally some culture here
Probably doesn't count as metal but fuck me do I love this album and song
Imagine that i have both The Raunchous Brothers and Judas Priest in my folder, fag
Dick in Her Eye. It's pretty obscure.
Eternal what?
Check out these guys.
Also Violent Force - MAOT and Deathrow - Riders of Doom
Severely underrated band.
Also an excellent band to see live.
Lamb of God
opeth, nails, gojira
This band is top 5 for me, what you think of their new album
Deceased is a pretty good band.
porn has been here for longer than you newfag
Fuck yeah
Gloryhammer is awesome. Their new album is definitely one of my favorites
Under appreciated
Soooooo ready for the 4th album. Only, what, 3 years?
Also, they are so much fun in person!
I always love the first song on that one
Do you even Bell Curve, retard?
Great Stoner Metal
It's a fun but pricey hobby.
OG Dan Swano is a beast
While I'm not that poster, do you even two-tailed outlier, ya gimp?
Excellent extreme music
Opinions on folk metal?
Metal is literal trash. Shit tier "music" for people who think they're interesting because they enjoy screaming and noise
zoomers are faggots and wernt even alive when rust in peace was popular
zoomers cant be metal cause good metal stopped in 2005 when trivium made ascendancy
soilwork made stabbing the drama and emo garbage metal was on the way in. not a terrible album but definitely the beginning of the end
Trivium is fucking gay bubba. You need some Fistula in your life. Real man's metal.
whoops i meant i know i was just using them as an example
Oh shit, I see now. Got an inch thick line across my screen so it makes it hard for a poorfag to read all the posts sometimes. Forgive my ignorance.
Top tier grind
cant forget ATG i saw them live in 2001 and 2018 have to say they used to be a lot better sadly
fuck i meant to start it at nausea my fav of the album borked that right up
also youtu.be
What are your thoughts on Soulfly? Saw them a couple years back during the Nailbomb revival shows. They're getting on, but Max fucking slayed it.
bleh max was better in sepultura soulfly kinda jumped on that nu metal bandwagon with roots not terrible but not my fav
they were only good when chalky was on vox that new guy is a huge fuckin homo
I hear you dude. They played with Nile and Nile was bad ass. Saw Church of Misery recently too. Ol dude lets his bass hang down to his shins.
i gotta show zoomers why we love metal so much
this whole album
Sorry, i grew out of metal when i was 13.
im 35 faggot and make more money than you
and now you listen to Drake and play Fortnite
cool man
yeah pantera was a hair band back before phil joined i dont care dimebag was legend
you guys like prog?
abbot should quit finding a new emo chick to sing for his band every 10 years and just make more carcass albums lol
Soulfly kinda shifted from Nu Metal i think, from the dark ages and forward.
i do
i don't like when people call it "prog" like a faggot tho
saw them live in april i hope they come back one more time
bump i want zoomers to listen to metal please
yass voivod \m/
can any finnbros translate the chorus ive always wondered what hes saying
me neither but didnt feel like typing it all out :p what other progressive band do you like?
So my buddy and I worked on an EP for a little while, it's more modern styles of music, and we shared vocals. The best one I personally think is congradulations, which I wrote and recorded myself, one of the only tracks to feature my vocals, rate m8s?
little warning the name is saint nothing now bc we recently changed the name, Artifice rising was a pretty shit band name.
saintnothingofficial . bandcamp . com/track/congratulations
do you guys know about Quebec metal? i seen Voivod posted, any more?
the fuck lol
>human spices
That's pretty fucking metal, bro
Fuck yeah bro. My favorite is Dysprosium.
Check out Rotting Christ "Transform all Sufferings into Plagues" and Cryptic Slaughter. Also, Antigama.
I saw their first reunion show in Berkeley a month or two ago the crowd was insane, there were 2 guys in wheelchairs battling each other while crowdsurfing
great stoner metal record
Fear Factory
Type O Negative
R.I.P. Pete
Bring me the horizon era metal is best era. Dont bother trying to tell me otherwise
I think it kicks a moderate amount of ass.
I hope these fuckers go on forever. I discovered them on Spotify 6 months ago and havent listened to much else since.
the story is supposed to span over 21 albums
no idea if that was joke on their side or not, but I seriously hope they will live up to that promise
ITT: 12yos
Folk metal is the bomb, bro
Bloody Tyrant
Black Kirin
Orphaned Land
Alestorm (pre-memelord status)
Rotting Christ (mid-career)
Tengger Cavalry
Nine Treasures
In Extremo
Saltatio Mortis
Yeah, man... I have no life
With Bowes jumping back and forth with Alestorm I really hope he doesn't burn himself out.
they wont.
you will
true, but seeing how much time they take between releasing new albums, I believe they don't overdo it
at least not with creating new stuff
Fuck yeah. Korpiklaani and Turisas regularly play when I'm listening.
My favorite fucking metal track dude
Music forma losers
get out
If you haven't found them, check Al Namrood
dave mustane is a douchebag. just sayin'...
Looking for similar any suggestions?
who the fuck cares?
you either like the music or you don't who gives a shit about the person
also you don't know him
go listen to Drake faggot
Got this on 12inch vinyl
more like 6 inch
hes talking about how frequency is mixed up with iq
I always thought the part at 1:18 was pretty sweet
not a big Mastodon fan otherwise tho
3:42 gotta be my favorite solo of all time
Any ArchiBLEGHs fans here?