I've recently found a new hobby which involves finding IP Cameras online and viewing them. It's pretty fun. Post IPs with ports
I've recently found a new hobby which involves finding IP Cameras online and viewing them. It's pretty fun...
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Get a fucking life. Go outside.
Jesus christ thats sad.
Newfriend detected. Did anyone ever make a webm of the guy working in some lab/factory who's day we made by communicating with music and text to speech?
at least post an interesting one. you need to take your hobby to a higher level
You know you can hack into them and make false photoshoped movies right?
I have found some better ones, but they all went offline
The dude is a pleb
No one likes me, truth be told. I wanna fucking kill myself and find joys in things like this
Make sure to wipe your ass correctly kid. Use a circular motion
Do it then. Pretty sure you hate yourself able all.
Nobody gives a shit of you hate yourself. Fucking cunt
He's a cool dude. Are you talking about that bored brit taking responses, and turning them into vocaroo?
>vocaroo fag
Attention where is the non retard
I'm not 100% sure, it's very possible. He was some guy in the middle of his shift when the user who was streaming ip cams found him. Wound up playing a bunch of shit through the camera's speaker and he'd respond.
Last in checked something big breasted woman was next in line
I used to do this about 8 or 10 years ago. It was pretty interesting and fun when I was a teenager.
Pic related was the last legitimate
Wish that 5 was a 4, but she was just as good.
I wanted to make her my wife.
There’s the video of someone getting ahold of an IP camera, raising volume and screaming through it. Some hamplanet landbehemoth wakes up and looks around the room.
I was also part of the high school raid a few years back. Someone got ahold of a high school IP camera system and said they’d play whatever got dubs. I started spamming the duck tails nigger song. It got played. It was amazing. Still on jewtube too
Do you have any links or information on this claims? Sounds like everyday retarded action imo
>screaming through it. Some hamplanet landbehemoth wakes up and looks around the room.
Oh that sounds so fun. I like to do the voice things sometimes if I can
What's stopping you?
Quite being the retard, and makes your owners content
Make your own content
And you’re the one calling me retarded...
Threads like these were what made Yea Forums great in years past
Go fap yourself to death in one of your porn threads you worthless shit
Hey man I'm drunk and I accept my misspellings
Use the links I placed.
I don't come here to fap. You should know that based on the attention I give
Fuck you degenerate, you do not belong.
>not using a star pattern
>i hate niggers
she starts dancing